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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1909)
Supplement to THE EVENING NEWS BY B. W. BATES 18SUKD DAILY EXCKPT SUNDAY Entered as second-class matter Nov. 5, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore., unH dor act ot jarob. 3, IS 7 a. Subscription Jtates Daily Per year, by mail J3.00 Per month, delivered ..... ".60 , SenU-Wt'ckly Per year......... : 12.00 Six months .'. 1.00 SATUHPAY, MKTKMWKR 18, 1KI. . '7 THE OPEN DOOR i "Every one should have a hobby", aild.tho fat rjian,,"Ncw mine's sui cide." The thin man nearly swallowed his cigarette. '. "Sulcider You Well, ot all the freaks I over heard of." "Certainly," continued the fat man placidly, as hemunched bis chicken croquette. "That's what makes me so happy and take such a cheerful view of life. You have no Idea what a comfort It is to me. I used to be thin, you know, like you. 1 could never eat chicken croquettes or saurekraut and franfurters they (gave tae a fearful indigestion. That was because 1 was always worrying about some thing. Then, all of sudden, this idea occurred to me about suicide. 1 de cided to try it. I forgot now whether It was business or a girl I think it was a girl. 1 asked a medical student friend of mine what was the surest and neatest way to cronk and he said 'cyanide of potassium,' 1 asked him would be give me a little hunk and he promised to steal It out of the lab oratory the first chance he got. "Now you may not believe it, but just ss coon as I bad that piece of white crystal in my pocket, I began to be a different man. Instead of tak ing it mat nignt, as l naa inienuen io, I just wrapped it up In a little piece of -tissue paper and put it in my poc ket to use the next day. I wrote a parting letter to the girl yes, I'm sure now It was a girl and decided to have one good night's rest anyway. Well, the next mornnlg everything looked kind of different. My mood had changed and ! decided to wait a tittle while and sse 4f anything came of the letter. Nqthing at all happened, rind then I found I had forgotten to mail it, so I lot it go. Things kind of straightened out, and I was real giau I hadn't wasted the cyanide. "I hadn't carried the thing around with me more thnn two weeks before I began to got fat. You see, nothing bothered me. ' Whenever I felt real down ond out, all I had to do was to. make up my mind to swallow It nnd I'd take It out of my pockft and have a look at It and put it back nenln until tomorrow. It was the open door to freedom. The escape. It made me indenendent of everything ana rvervbodv. It's really a marvel for chlrklner a tellow up." i The thin man laid down his knife and fork. "Well, I'll be Say! have you got It with you?" "Sure! I may tonight If this deal with Skrubbs doesn't go through. Here it is." And he held out In his hand a nice little piece of washing soda. "My friend the medical student he added hastily rcplacing the crystal In his pocket, told me to be awfully careful and not show It to any one." "I don't wonder." said the thin man, without a smile. "It might cost him his reputation as a shetnist." THINGS WE TI1IXK Believing the best of a' man will In most Instances Inolte him to 40 hlB best. The man best qualified to Judge of the value of a dollar Is, peculiarly enough, the man who hasn t one. Emma Goldman claims she Is being roblied of her fair name. Well, she shouldn't have a name like that. It Is reported that a government civil service mnn, whle negotiating a supposed black hand outrage, found a nigger in the wood pile. . When hubby tells wlfey about what pretty hair some other woman has, it is decidedly improper and unlady like for her to exclaim, "Rats," Mrs. Anna Besant says the coming man will be seven feet tall. Here Is one woman, at least, who places man In his proper station, above woman. GENERAL OKAYING Goods, of every description moved to any part of the city. Prices easonable. . H. S. FRENCH THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Sheridan Street Near The Depot. We don't sell for cost or below cost but we will sell right at cost. If you don't believe it, try us and see. With each dollar's worth of goods purchased you are entitled to a chancaon a nice set of silverware, knives, forks, table and teaspoons. See them In the window. Come and see for yourself, don't be misled by any one for ycu will miss it D. J. JARVIS PROPRIETOR. LODGE DIRECTORY AF. A. A. M. Laurel Lodge, No. 13. holda regular meetlnin " on the second and fourth Wednesdays of nach month. So -fournere invited to attend. DEXTKft RICE, W. If. J n. T.jKHm, oecretary. IO. R. M. Improved Order ot Red Men meets in Muccabce Temple first and third Mondays. Visiting member welcome. , W.C. GADDia, Sacuuiu. i F. H V1N01L.C. of R UNITED ARTISANS Ompqiia Assembly No 105, meeti second and fourth Fridays ol each month, in Mace a hue hall. Vlstlug members will recelvaaooDdlal welcome. BELLE Bl'EVKNFON, M.A. HOSINA PATTRIC Bunt. M K.S.EM MA FA0LKNKK, 8CCJ WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Oak Camp No 12a, meeta at the Odd Fellows Hall in Roseburg, every ftret and third, Monday evenings. Y tailing neiebhors alwavs welcome. J. EARL PlCKENB, C C. E.N. EW ART, Clerk. LILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of Wood era f meets on flrst and third Monday even inn of each month In the I. O. O. F. hail Visiting meiuberi In good standing are Invited to attend. MARY O'NEAL. Q. N. CLARA BOREN. Clerk. BP. O. B. Rose burg Lodge. No. 826, hold regular communication at their Temple onaecondnd fourth Thursdays of eaub month. All member requested to attend reg u.arly and all visiting brothers are cordially Qvltod to attend. W.W CAKDEWLL, E. R. G W. STALE Y, Secretary. LO.T.M., RoBeburg Hive Nell-Holds reg ular revitwson every Tuesday afternoons at '2 o'clock In the Mnecabiiu if nil. Blstera ofother Hives visiting in the city are cordtaly Invited to attend our reviews. J -HETHINK Sl()NAI,NEK8,Com. M US. JKSHIR It AIM', R. K. O B. B Rosebunr Chapter No. , holds their Regular mwttng on (he first and third TbDrsdayslnuach month. Visiting mem bers In good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. MARY E. HOUUK, W. M. FREK JOHNSON, Secretary. FO. E. hose burs Aerie No 1497, meeti 2nd and 4th Mondays Id I n. O F hall At 8 p. m. F. (J. MICEI.U, W. P. F.P.CLARTt.gpcy. IO. O F RHtng Star Lodge, No. 174, meet In Odd Pellows'Tempie every Friday evening IBiting orctnrcn always welcome. F. 11. VINi'IL. N.O. W. S. I'uWRl.I,, K. 8. M. Ml K I.E. F. S A Sweet Remembrance for Christmas Is a nice box of candy. Style aud quality to suit every taste; Get it at THE ROSE Full line of Holiday postals. Come early. mnntttmtnmnmnnt LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY 8 v Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Luniler -Doors and Windows of all Kinds. Y.rdfoo Lower Omk Street. 'Phone 1411 ROSEBURG,. OREGON imiiitinniimnmitmntnmtttnuii pM!MWmWWl tt tf a n ft tUWA idlHBHddBlBdlBHiaaflBHfl ill Your House with light no houae 1a modern without electric lights. Though we can wire "any old" building, the beet work ia when the home la being coDitrncted. - We are always ready to give an acenrate estimate and to guarantee the best work. G. L. PRIOR 315 N. Jackson St RoBeburg, Or D. H MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North Jachson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 2511. " WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. X WHITE AS SNOW This is the claim made by all who send their washing to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. To get this result no chemicals are used. Your laundry is not treated in a severe manner very much to the contrary it is handled in the most approved manner all the latest and most modern macbin ery is at our command to do your work in a mos trorough manner. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER, Prop. Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE. Wl&tt!frWa& B a tt ft B JHMMH