The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 17, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Entered aH Kocond-elasH mutter
Nov. 5, 11)09, at Kuttebiiris, Ore., uu
der act of inarch 3, 1 S 71.
NulTJption It it tea -Daily
Per year, by mail $3.00
Per muntli, delivered 60
Per year $2.00
Six months 1.00
The holiday rtiuli Ih on.
If you want to be a society man,
be the prcHldiriK officer of your home
etrelo and don't inina a meeting.
Some people wanto eiioiiKh time
and euerny deploring hard Jtirk to
make a hu cceas of mowt any business.
The latest goods to be carried in a first-class
jewelry store to be found in Roseburg. Call and see
them. The time is short. Prices always right.
Tho reason wo Hpoak of our rich
men leaving o many "cool" mflliotiH
Jh been i i Kb they uned the free'dux out
proeedH In acquiring tbem.
A HiiHHiun editor hag died, after
forty yeara sjient la the newspaper
biisincK In that country. JH- must
have been prepared for death.
Santa Clans In now headed for
Hose-burg. Wonderful change here
Mnen his hiHt visit. Paved streets,
for litKiance, and many new modern
Bountiful h:irvetf. and generally
good prices for farm and orchard
product are the agencies that have
brought proniK'rlty to the people
throughout . Oregon. It 'a good to
live in a land where Nature Ih lavish
and the population appreciative.
The city Is full of Christmas snoo
pers theno days, and the very at
mosphere is charged with the holiday
spirit. Itoseburg merchants are busy
with the buying public. There bus
been, per hups, a more prosperous
Christmas lime in this part of Oregon.
"For you particular customers who demand the
best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate
It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we pai.l
$1 a pound for it.
Everything about Folgcr's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and
we scJl it with the positive guarantee that it will please you.
Alton S. Frey
Eminent Danish authorities are nt
present outraged In studying Dr.
Cook's clahrs for the honor of first
dlscoverlntr the North Pole. It Is
slated that a decision In tho mutter
will bo reached In a fortnight. Then
the trouble will really begin and
which over way the decision falls
things are likely In he made so hot
(Portland Oreiyin'an)
The primary law, without guidance
of assembly or convent Ion for sug-
K-'sMon of nominations, affords no
basis for unity or concert of party
action. Wilhont the convention or as
sembly, the direct plurality primary
Is a dlssolver of parlies, especially
of ihe majority parly, in a state This,
reared from the start by not a few.
U ban now been completely demon
strated In tho experience of the Re
publican party of Oickoii.
Moreover, the convention will he
strictly lu accoid wiih law. It Is no
where forbidden In the primary net.
for, though this act declared that all
nominations must, be made ns thlK
law directs at:d not. ot li-trwise. the
They then may attain to something
like unity of action. Without use of
this method, never.
Jeweler aud
niamiL'enient tolling the story of tho
Hut. StirinKH In a most Interesting
manner and giving complete infor
mation. Send for it, either to Win.
.Mc.Miirray, General Pasenger Agent
of the O. R. & X., Portland, Oregon,
or Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso
Hohles, California. tf.
IIK w ix; ktki:xoth
fil Cases of Ij sx isla, Hliciiiiiiillsin
Gout mill XervoiiH llii'akdownt
Is Marvelous
Soft snaps In youth make hard
beds for old age.
Those people who claim we ought
to work only two hours a day will
never realize their dreams, because
such n condition as that among the
class commonly called the working
people would necessitate the work
ing of the criminal court machinery
night and day. ,
Unit even tho Pole will thaw out. Our convention or i,hpi..m will not nmk,.
ri.viiipni nil's are wiin me long.suuer
Ing public.
tho nouilmitloi.s. but will bo f-lmiilv
an attempt lo guide anil to nulla the
party In making nominations; nnd
the nominations then will be made
In tho direct primary by the general
It is now Mavor Hunt: Council- '. strictly ,11 acini with the pro
men .1. II. (iiubbe, Phil Hecklcy. w. '! - "r lilw
O. Hrldges, 0. W. Hli-pln-nr; treiisiir-l 1 1,(1 I'rliniiry law llself, In a long
er, C. II. Medley; recorder, K. M. ' Preamble, declares that political par
IlrooUs. H. V. U'i'illi-.i-i- has taken the! esentlal In our iiirm of gnv-
i oath of utile" and will be Installed i ernnient, ami must bo nialnlalned ;
lis clly maishal at Ihe next regular I ""' lliroimliiiiit recognizes
meeting of Ihe cllv fathers, lu re-!11"' necessity or party combination
tiring as tiding mavor. Dr. Page verv i '"' l,M, lv "i-tlnn. II cannot intend
Krncefully siht-hiIi-iimI the -hair i) I 'o foi bid the use of tlx proper moans
IiIb successor. In a few vomnrlis. he i ncri'ssary lo mnli combination ami
nulled Ihe citizens of Oakland lo aid ' Such, lml.vl. Is not Its In
itio new board In everv wnv possible. ! 111,1 ""' contrary yet if such
He staled Ihe retiring board had i
haps maile sonie tnlslakes, bill all hud
done their duty the best Ihey knew
how. That there had been a greal
deal o c-lliclsm ol Ihe old board and
Hide praise, lie liop.'d this course
will be reversed and that every, t.ix
linyor will work in harmony with Tie
, new mayor and city council. Owl.
Scares Hi-i-i-s Willi Auto, mill
Jlircil W'oniaii 4'ollect Ijiritio
lie, Icinker,
was lined $
lowing his oiiloniobllr
horse of .Mrs. t'rauces Hruwu. W'liile
driving on Paeilic jivenne last March
tho Tlioi ue machine, driven by l he
bunker himself, came down the lleir
oilglirnro with a honk that caused
llio exeltabb' horse to attempt to
stand oa Its head and I hen scut him
down the iiv.-iiik- on a mild run. Mis.
Brown asked for $ In. nun for the In
juries she sustained when sin: wis
thrown out nt the bugay, but the Jury
thought $ U."i (111 siiflli-li-nt.
lo wl'io Head Tho N
Itoselmr;:. Or
were Its Intent Ihe purpose would be
ah mrh. IncnVHIvo Mid void. There
was not, Inil I. grealest dlplay of
wisdom in drawing up liils law; but
I'vi'ii those who drew II up knew per
fecllv well that men must act lu
groups and throiign organization lo
acciMiipllh au Ibiii.
H the naires offered by the as
sembly or convention are not satis
factory to the mentbi rs of the party,
they will be rejected In the primary
election and Ihe party notiiin itions
j wih go lo others. Tho convention
'further, will lend t,i prevent the In-
truslnii of one partv in the affairs of
: in. - Chester Thor- cneiher. sine, it is not iikelv that
ipltallsl aud th,. m. n recommendi d bv e. conven
MH) yesterday for III-. I Inn will be .uinnorleil for iimnim,-
scare the: Hons bv the oinio.dic-' oartv at llw,
prl:nary. i
'I'ho only possibility ot any ap-.
Iiroach to hai inonimis parlv ro'tbin
Is throar.h iir:utilzaiIo!i, for iim'oiii
mendalloa of , u l I ci.-i t . The light I
ol a miiltllinb of candidates among J
themselves for a u luiinatlou for any
important olliro will result in tliej
nomination of one by a sm.-iil nialori-!
ty of the party's vote; and a period;
in i a is vigorous warlare will r si,t
further In e.uraimenient from ne
(ilecessfiil eauillilale of a large por
liorlloii or thus,, who opposed him
for the in and sunported one
of auolher of his oppom-uts. It Is
not short of party desl met Ion. I'ntlcr
the si'trni no il'Minbllcan Senator
can e.-r be bet, d in Ore!.-on; ne
anv liepiihitcan for any hh;h oll'ie.
nftei a hot seiainlii,' anioiu: several
cindlilates foi' the nntiilniition.
Ir. Ihererore, K'epul'Ueiins of Ore
gull desire am success In tut lire thev
will come lee th. r for counsel nlmu!
raiiiiiu-itcs iieleie the prlmarv is held
C. I ). M A YN AKD
. At Vour Hen h e
i ; :i
Upon recent investigation by emln
etn physicians, chemists and scien
tists It lias been demonstrated that
natural, earth (lowing mineral waters
aro tho most beneficial means for the
cm ft of organic maladies.
Paso Itoblcs Hot Springs are at
this tlnio tho point of lull-rent to most
investigators, aa reel no occuiyneeH
have attracted the attention ot tho
thinking world to Ihse springs
Ono ot their chief points of Intnr
tst to medical men Is said to be that
which proves that a pro-eminent no
tion rests In the waters which flow
from tho earth at Paso Itohles, Cal
ifornia. Paso Itoblcs Hot Springs aro mak
ing cures daily of rheumatism, gout,
stomach trouble, neurotic diseases.
Kinney trouble, and general break
down, which proves almost, beyond
question to medical men that there
is some quality in these waters su
nerlor to any in ihls country and
probably in tho world.
It is also claimed for Paso Robles
Hint the air conditions are perfect. It
lies in a small valley protected by
mountain ranges; Is 7t!'.i root above
sea level and Is not assailed by too
much sea moisture or an abnormal
temperature from the hot laud winds.
l his air condition Is thought liv
some to have almost as much to do
with Its cures as tho waters them- It
selves. I
Tho town like all health results.;
Is filled with boarding houses of all j
kinds, so that every parse will be '
pleased. There are hotels for the !
rich, whore nay liixnr y b,. hail.!
Private baths for exclusive iat rous 1
who wish to be lo I hems,. Ives. I
Thesn springs have boon known
lor c-'iiiuries. lor lltey were used bv '
Ihe Indian to cure his sick anil late'i
the l-'ranrlHcau fathers performed,
wonderful cures here, but It Is onh ;
recently that, tho really marvelous :
powers of these waler.-i were made j J
known to the world at I-n',e. l
Nearly everv form or organic tro-t-- "i
bio Is treat-d at these hot springs J
for tin- aiilhorliles wehfuue all ex-;
cept. thorn who have tuberculosis or JJ
unclean diseases, for the man who
suiters from overeallag or from a!
holic exi esses there Is nothing in ii-e ,
world to equal a week spent at Paso
Rubles. U straightens, hlni out Willi :
a rapidity that Is wonderful, and Ibeitt
best reeoiiinieadallon Is that thev no
away with the nerve-craving for stim
ulants because of their peculiar
soothing effects upon the nervous
j syeoein.
T'lily speaking tho study of Paso
:'i l .es Hot Springs is one w hich is
i giving Ihe medical fraternity abroad
ano. at. Home much interest, and is
probably directing mom attention
to California Ihan any other of her
natural gifts in man.
A sill, ill book, neallv Illustrated
i has been reci ally published by tlie
Sheridan Street Near The Depot.
Wo don't sell for cost or below
lost but we will sell right at cost.
If you don't bollove It, try us and
see. With each dollar's worth of
goods purchased you aro entitled to
a chance on a nice set ot silverware,
knives, forks, table nnd teaspoons.
ice them In the window. Come and
ee for yourself, don't he misled by ;
any one for you will miss It i
,t,,4i f
KodaRs and KodaK Supplies
are Suitable for Christmas
A kodak will cause your memory to remain green
witli the recipient, as it will be a source of delight and
pleasure for years.
F. fi. Churchill
I nn... ii
- ' - I
Ncw'sthe time to
Buy Your Xmas
Girts. Shop Early
and get first choice
In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass Silver
ware, Novelties, andSouvenir Spoons.
In fact reliable poods that stand ihe test
at the lowest price. New poods coming
every day.
Ik'tttr, liigRer than ever
is our uit.)ay of useful'fiifts
odd pieces furniture, book
cu.-ies, deckel, dressers, buf-f'-'lts,
side boards, china
closets, combination cases
lounges, couches, davenports,
settees, parlor sets, chairs
and rockers.
"Coming Through
the Rye." That's
the tuneyou'l! step
to if you should
fail to shop early.
kewmg machines,
A pleas mt thought, a who suggestion, a timeiv hint.
ranges, kitchen
cabinets. Everything to make
merry the home. Cuttlery
all kir.ds, 1A7 linger Eros
silvenvear at prices below
them all. Carvers, roasters
and coffie peculators.
11 ni - i. ...
I'avenpurts, Kuiteits, China Closets, Diners and extJn.iuu tables W ' H,t..r 'T" Tf' -hes and
latest Colfee 1'erculatnr, ize I-J! ' HK" lllos' Silverware. The
i-e Never Forget
the Litile Ones
Little red chairs, dollie go
carta "') cent-i up, toy dishes,
tiiy tables, toy stoves, knives
a:id' forks and childs sets
ruc'Kers, high chiirs, bUck
biiards, toy banks, air guns
for b iys. toy lunksand game
There will be something doing if you
selected marked and laid away for you
wait too long. Mail orders promptly attended
to. Goods -