Tim kveni.no nkxvs tiiihsimv, dkckmrkii. ki.iimh) TURKEY RAISERS TAKE NOTICE T am In tho mnrknt to buy vour tnrkoyH for tho ChrlHtmas truilo iit tlio IMGJiKST MAIl- KKT PivlCK. Do sure and seo me Uufoiu you Hell. ALTON H. KltKY, OKOCKR. Prank Clark, of Ciirtln, Ih In the city today. I ,M. (icrvnlH, of Oakland, wan in Htwhurti today, A.. Hinltli. of O.'ikland, relunwd iu nil Iimimj tills afternoon lifter a brief vilf In the city. K. H. Howeii. of IIimIIm, Wisconsin, was in l ho city last Tuesday, the guest of H. J. Jones. "Tho Oldlti'ldH," a comedy sketch learn, are the chief ailracllon at the Star theatre this week. Mi'd. Tony ThnmpHon relumed from Ash land thin a I ternooii after visit Iiik 1"'" daughter, j1 I'M, A. T. (Jimmr. (loenly Clerk Lenox Ins received notice to the ::ffret that Hound J'ra Jrle rKui diHUir.t has levied a Hpecial 1 mill tax lor road purposes. J'he new stone vault now'Iii course of coriHtrurllnn at Ihe court house Ik nearini; eontplelh n. Cont ractor Pattersou sc.ys he will have It ready for use in about ten di'VH. Tho new sleet duir.p wagon, re cently purchased by Ihe city, appear ed on the streets i h Ih morning for the Urst lime. To say the least, It Is a fjreal Improvement over the one for merly In use. Indian baskets, birch Mirk, swnet grass and porcupine quill work made by Bt. Heiiis, Moliawks, Iroquois and other tribes, for sale at Hosoburg Hook Store. These are pretty goodfi at pleasing prices. tf. For Men. There Is no betor shoe made than tho celebrated ".1. K. LOCAL NEWS. f Headquarters for Holiday goods JJ Is at tho Koueburg Hook Store. tf. ; W Dolls, toys, hooks, Christinas tree O ornaments, Christmas and .New Year E" tostals, taH, stickers rind all kinds CQ of Holiday goods at The Fair. tf. , Xmas will soon be on hand, good t M cheer for all. Have some nice P3 THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE pieces laid away for Father. Mother, wife, Sister or Sweetheart. A good ; pltfce of furniture Is a loy forever. I lenty of (hern at Rice & Rice, the! house furnishers. A .eproynlatlve of the Sparrow-. Kroll Lumber Co., of Michigan, rived here this iiK.inini; to spend two: weeks looking alter the interests of the firm In this vicinity He say ills people have praftif ally -abandoned their lumber business in Michi gan ami are now lookluiftoward Ore gon. I hey Intend to purchase con siderable timber on Smith river 1p Coos county as welt as in oilier sec tions of the stale. Wluie at Coquille City a few days! wince Horace Minsters of the Farmers Ileal Kstate Company, succeeded in forming a corporation known as the, Conn i lie-Cons Coal Company. The In- coi poj-ate-i-u are A. C. Masters, Hor-I acj Marsteib, K. M. Furmaii and J. ; W. Tool ma u. Tho com pa ny has so- j cured about SOU acres of coal pro ducing land In the vicinity of Co quille City and expect to work the1 property ut an early date. I hey es timate the output of 4,000,000 tons : of the product from the property i without serious dfmcultv With Christmas Ion st ban a fort night off. the wise shoppers of Hose- Imrfi; and vicinity are already In the midst of the annual turmoil of pres-: eat buying. Tho several stores j x1 throughout the city have taken on . . the mostalluring I'ultlde aspects and , PH the throngs are already appearing pi o w ifc w W !h is ;m : o w M lH w o School Tablets 4c THE STORE THAT SERVx S YOU BEST. . New YorK Store SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACH Bisque Dolls 25c Unusual Friday and Saturday Unusual values that are for these, two days of special shopping. has cleaned up many Xmas goods. The lines are getting broken. Do not delay longer, but shop now. . . - specials Xrnas shopping CHRISTMAS SALE OF SUITS $13.50 $13.50 Suits that you carmot buy for less thau $22.50 elsewhere, and, some places you pay $25.00 and .30.00, you can buy here at thievery low pi ice. Look these values over. , We want comparison of the values we offer and the price that we ask. What makes a more acceptable gift. Special.. n w o w w w H O w w H H H a o w w m H o w $1.50 Flanelette Kimonas 98c Women's fancy figured Welton flanelt-tte HQ kimonas at the epscial low price early iind rmalnliiK late. It is said t hiit the tnult' thiH4year Ih much heavier than at a corresponding date liiHt year, tending to show that pros perity reigns 1" Hi is vk'inity. Never have the merchants dlsplaed n wider variety of gifts than this year, their establishments presenting an appear ance most attractive to Ihe person In H'-areh oT Kilts. Hiiefly, the Clirlstmas trade is up to the usual slandard. Vivid recollections ot the wild and o H 39c fancySilR Lisle Hose 25c pink, 25c Fancy ladjet' Bilk lile hope in all colors, pink, bliiH, white and blnck, extra good values Tilt," which fs to be found at tho.wooly wjst were bought forcibly to . W Millikin Sho Store. And for hoavyjihe mliifls of part leu who chanced tn'p$ wear there Is nothltm c(ml to 1Jio.be in the vicinity of tho Rose Cute ''United Workman Shoe." dt-f. shortly after 10 o'clock last evening Uev. V. H. Kilt on hi-s Konn to It appears that two of RoHuhiin;'" hook i 111; tlliiss where ho will deliver j well known mer. entered, occupied an address liefnre a meeting of tho Eents at tho rear of tho emporium. Odd KellowB at that place this evn- and soon alter commenced to utter Iiik. Krauk Cavender accompanied vile and unbecoming remarks, much the reverend gentleman on his trip, .to the displeasure of other jruests. M. It. Parks, father of Mrs. Thos. They had not continued their course Cobb of this city, arrived here yes- nt anv reat leiiKlli, however, until 4.,...lx, r..,., l.lu lw.ixo til tliii r.wnlti o nnlulhc ..ill tir.tu i ,1 ii I n tclnrml inrtl or Canyon Creek. Mo reports I hat of tho fellows picking up a beer bot-j while aliHeiit from his cabin a lew, tie and throwing tho same at his days ago some miscreant entered his companion. Kortunalely It missed homo and appropriated tho contents, the intended mark end lodged in the with the exception of a nmttroKu. In wall with several dollars damage as fact, nothing of value was left. Mr. a result. Up to noon today no war 75c Men's Ties 50c Men'a fam-v Xmas neck wear in nil the newest styles 50c PnrkH will reinitlu In Jtosi'lilllK until ranlH had lieli Issued for the nrrust 1 o o $1.50 Umbrellas 98c Ebony and Walnut $5.00 SHK Petticoats $3.98 Excellent for Xmas present, good qnalitv talk, well made, a rare value at low AO price P).yO 35c & 50c Handkerchiefs 25c Great eale latliee iaiicy liaiulkercliiefn, values that are excellent, neat and attractive de- OC eigue, heavy work e-iiiee. Special Values to $7.00 Silk Waists $3.50 Fancy decirated handle, nood cloth, paragon eteel frme... 98c $1.50 Medea Kid Gloves $1.00 Extra Hood ki.l gloves in all colorH, tana, browns, reds, greens blues, white and black tfl An Special m.UU 50c Ribbons 25c nfter the holidays. of the principals. CLOTHES OF QUALITY AWAIT YOU HERE. M The straightest and sur est road to good Clothes the best Clothes brings you here. If you frequent any of the "by niithi you'll bo apt to lose your self in the tuntilo of misleading "liaruains." Whatever we do is well done whatever we buy is well chosen quality is tho object and perfect Clothes satisfaction and elfoct. There tire many other places to buy i'lothes, to bo sure hut you'll Iind that the best is always here. These cluthes are mado for us by the Stein I'.lock Co. and David Adler, two of the greatest Tailor organizations in the world. Kvery Suit we sell is sold with an nb soluto guarantee of Satisfaction or your M iney refunded or a new ruit in return. ABRAHAM Kemember quality is the true test of cheapness. JSy our good Clothes you shall know us. I? M o w w H H Fancy Xmas Ribbons iu a great assort ment. Special holiday sale 25c 75c Go-Carts 45c Doll Go-Carts, steel wheels, wood fiamea juBt the thing for Kirla 45c 95c Toys 50c Yon can get dolls, pames, automobiles, eteam enuines, magic lanterns, traint, trunks and everythiiiK that nlHtldnnfl the heart of the younger Beautiful silk waiPts in messaliue, taffetas and nets. Great values at low prices $3.50 50c Japanese Fancy Pillow w Tops 25c 25c Fancy pillow tops, unique desinB in pil low covers, Outof the ordinary, special $5-50and $6-50 Childrens Furs $3.50 $3.50 Children's fura in excellent sets, furs and muffa- They are great values at the special sale price o w W ai H O w w W $5 and $6 Children's Coats k $1.00 Black Taffeta SilR 50c Black taffeta eilk. A good heavy eilk 19 CA in. wide, Bpecial value at the low price t?Ul $1.50 High Grade Petticoats 98c Percaliue anil glass cloth nmlerrkirta, extra well made. A great value at the very low price 98c 50c Special Xmas Sale Dress Capes $9.50 Values to $18.50 in women' fancy dress capes, capes that are ail the rage in the cities, they make a most excellent gilt, special $9.50 $3:00 Children's fancy coats in bear skin, flannel, broadcloth, special clean-up... $3.00 Great Hand Bag Sale 98c Ladie'i pursos and hand baps, values up to $2.00 in parent leathers, seals and immitation, alligators, (treat values at the very low llftf prfce. Lee these Xmas Sale High Pricec Table Sets $5.00 Cloth and napkinn to match in sets, that are the very best linens to be had, regular values up to i(I2 60. special at the low price $5.00 o w w V2 H Q W M H M SS W K o w w xi H O w I.WOS A HIO .MOVING At Iturr's .Music House unci Why Xot? Hi th Krndo pianos like the Bush and L.iiio und Victor Koini; at prices that cither dealers charo for .-heap-er or niL'iliuin grades. There arn still LM phiuoh to he sold hoforo January 1st. A small payment down und a small payment, each month takes your choieo and a Christmas present for the whole family. Iteineniher any reasonable offer will he accepted, as wo quit business January 1st. and all must bo sold. nmus Mrsic norsK. A GIVING Clims'IMAS A Sweet Remembrance for Christmas Is i uiee liox of candy. Shle and quality to suit every taste; Get it tit THE ROSE Full line of Holiday postals. Come early. This Is n sugiri'Hl Ive nnd approp rlatti tillo for a unique mul pnu-llcul I en at the Mi'thodist lCplscoital cliurch, ; cornpr ot' Mali nnd l.unr stroots, on : 1- rUay ovonint;. lloi'i'lnhcr 2 t. There will he beautiful decorations with Christinas ;ree and trout of Candv nnd mils for tho children, hut In i stead of liavirj; well to do parents comeliiK laden with Kifts for their 1 fiends and relatives to lie exchanixed everybody wiil be expect d to i;ive I souieininir tor the poor, to make other llearls li.ippy. The cuts and of- ferinus will be distributed by the Merey and Help department on t'hrisliuas niornli.ir. An excellent pro irrannue free to all will bo uiven hy tho Sunday school on Christmas eve. Emll Akerson is proviiiR up on his honistond today. Tho land lays in tho Dillard country. .1. H. Austin, superintendent of the Wilbur school, accompanied hy his wife, spent yetterduy in the city. Hiss Whipplo returned to her home at Wilbur this nftcnicon after a brief visit with friends in the city. iiow.um w.vmins WAMOXI) (joons The Fair Will Have Special I tales on Holiday Goods f EVERY DAY Watch the windows for particulars. We will have Doll Day, Toy Day, Tieture day, etc., etc. 25 Per Cent Reduction on These Sale Days. Chauce on the big doll with every 50c purchase. I I. ate this afternoon a jury In Jus litee hope's court decided the case of Watson vs. Ciiistarason. an action to recover a horse. In favor of the de fendant. One ballot was taken In ar livliic at the decision. Attorney lieu hen Marsters appeared on hehalf of tho defendant. Attorney Lluchanan represetilinK tile plaintiff. Mrs. li. A. Marsters has offices at her homo on Pino street where she will attend to the real estate busi ness formerly conducted near the de pot She has mixiy choice locations to ofTer to prospective buyers and you will do well to consult her be fore making purchases. For bar gains In real estate of nny kind, phono 1434. or call at the Pine street residence. Information bureau In connection. t I.VoVHK NOW. Insure your property In the Ore on Kire Relief Association. (Mo Mlnnvllle.) Old and tried, cheapest and best. See Bonnie Bucbanan, Id Abraham building. -SANTA CLAUS ' 1, a fw s ElH llas fiUel1 "p our stock ln grpat style jf 4fc y a,ld chrl8tmns B"ts that will be ap- W v . I' V .. VjjWJjj predated can be selected from our M 9 H r ' WBaK- g'eat n8sortnle,lt ot watches, chains H 9 ' 4&LjK- Yj2j silverware, cut glass and all styles of H H Ir",; ;! !tZ$Qjfral Jewelry. We have a big assortment B rKjjL(Ty5nSgvy of these goods from the best makers 3 M 'vi"! ' at 1r'ce8 that 50U can a,ford- g A s. huey The Cass St. Jeweler HAND .EXUKAVIXG RAIX-l'ItOOP IMltltKIUAS