The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 16, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    T1IK EVEXIXO NEWS THl HSIl.v, IIM ivMlir.n,
I ........ iiirn.vk'ws. Many attractive Mnas girts at me
Holiday Goods
soit-iiski,ij:u WAi.xns, ctkhaxts, crrno.v, okaxgk i'kkl,
T CiveUsaCall Phone 238
C. D. Bcale went to Sulherlln this
E. Williams, of Camas Valley, is a
visitor In-the tty today.
Joseph Mlcelll went to Drain this
,Hmr tn attend business matters.
J. Clements, of Ulendale. trans
acted business matters In the city to-1
m n niiipkimm went to Port
land this morning to spend about ten
days with friends.
.Sheriff Fenton went couth this
morning on business connected with
his official duties.
Winnie Gudills. tno piumner, cms
and threads pipe of any size up to
and lncludluK eight Inches. tf.
; Try one ot uiueo neu iiueiu m
fit nnv faucet. See Winnie Gaddis,
the plumber. tf.
Winnie Gaddis, tne pinmuer nan
been awarded the contract for laying
4,000 feet of pipe in Edenbower.
Just received Another shipment
tf the innuiuB uubi rorevti m.
lerv A written Ktiaiiuiteo with every
pair. Sold only by The Fair. tf.
A. Lineback, manager of the Itose
burg Piano House, has sold a beau
tiful . "I-udwIg" piano to L. B. Cox
of North Hoseburg.
I am prepared to ouild your ce
ment walks and cement foundations,
pier stone, etc., etc., at once. Yours
(or a quick and neat job. Pat. tf
W. E. Pickens, of this city, has
purchased the Frank Turner farm of
200 acres on somn neer
-t tub immernaie nosscssiuu
Doll Smith, ot Oakland, was lu
town today
This morning's Oregonlan suys: T.
It. Sheridan, president of tho First
National Bank, of Hoseburg. was in
Portland Saturday of last week, andj
through the W. C. Harding Land Co.
closed a sale of part of the famous
Sheridan & Agoe holdings at Win
ston, to Dr. Uyron K. Mllltr, a prom
inent Burgeon of Portland, and Henry
Foil, a retired capitalist from Duluth,
.Minn. The purchasers expect to plant
about 250 aorta of this tract to com
mercial apples this year. This Is fur
ther evidence of the way Douglas
county soil and cllmato are being ap
preciated by Investors from tho dif
ferent sections of the: country.
Manv attractive Xmns gifts at the
Rosoburg Book Store. tf
If you are looking for good Bervlce
In the barber lino call at the Muddlx
barber aliotf Cass street, Hoseburg
National Hank Bldg. Three chair
shop. Bath rooms in connection, tf.
The latest fad is hammered brass,
used In connection with Pyrograpby;
makes an elegant present. We luive
the material for working, and also
the raady mado ploccs. It Is nut ex
pensive at Graves Art Emporium, tf.
University of Oregon
.With the
The Roseburg Pharmacy
WE take a delight in serving our patrons with
the best there is in the line of drugs. Purity
is our motto. Promptness both day and
uigh is wuat counts at our pharmacy.
Full line of Sundries always on hand
L. E. KR0HN, Manager
Winnie Gaddis
Skylight Cornices
Heating Ventilating
Phone 2101
Tills is the Very Excellent Advice
uiven to Farmers
A correspondent of the Spokane
Spokesman-Review makes many
good suggestions to the farmers.
What he says is deserving of closest
consideration by every rancher In
the country. He says:
Mr. Farmer, your Interests are not
properly looked after in congress at
Washington, D. C, and will not be
until more men are sent to congress
who are practical farmers; who have
learned of their own needs from
their own experiences and whose
sympathies He with the farmer; men,
nevertheless, who are broad guaged
and fair to other interests
As a rule you have picked out rep
resentatives from the cities and
largely from the legal profession to
such an extent that the actual agri-
cultural interests of the nation, rep
resenting, as they do nrst and last,
more than half of the business of the
country, have no practical represen
tation in congress.
The lack of sufficient representa
tion, I believe, is largely responsiole
for the unsatisfactory economic and
social conditions presented in our
rural districts. This has become suf
" flciently noticeable to attract the at
tention of public-spirited men,
among them Theodore Roosevelt,
who appointed the country life com
mission. Its report was not published
because congress refused -to pass an
1 appropriation for the same. It has
been stated that President' Roose
velt's request for-the appropriation
was refused because the appointment
of the commission had not been ord
ered by congress, hence was illegal.
I refer to the above solely to show
the drift of public matters in :he
hands of the majority of our repre
I desire to call your attention
tion to the fact that nearly every
branch of business except the far
mers is well represented In congress
Every large corporate interest has
its champions, the manufacturing
and banking interests are represent
ed by an army ot talent. There is al
so a powerful minority on deck,
whose business it seems to be to have
laws passed permitting the plunder
ing of our inheritance, such as tim
ber, coal, tide and mineral lands as
well as water powers, all under the
guise of public benefaction. Our laws
regulating immigration are, with the
exception ot the Asiatics, a farce and
a disgrace to our nation. Our child
ren will suffer immeasurably by its
crime breeding and degenerating ef
fects on society. They ure as unsatis
factory as the Interestate commerce
commission is to our interests, doubt
less a well-meaning body whose la
bors largely seem in vain (as Judged
by results), due perhaps to the re
sourceful tactics of opposing coun
sel. They are so slow in passing
Jgdument that many of us will hnve
forgotten the cause when they finally
act. -
Send one of your kind, one who
has knowledge from actual exper
ience of your wants; not one who
claims to have been bred and reared
on the farm but left it before he be
came a part of Us working ma
chinery. We all know tho usual reference
made by the astute politician that he
was born or raised on the farm. This
chesnut is getting old but Is yet
working with success to catch the
farmers' vote
Farmers, look to your interests in
person, don't depend on tho one who
claims to know your wants, and often
does to a fair degree, but others' in
terests have him. What do you know
about the life and wants or the city?
Very little, you will admit. Just so
with the city-bred man or me who
parted company with your business
long ago. He will never d. you his
best nor will that United States rep
resentative whom you. repeatedly j
honor with reelection !
Iem and your full phare In all pub
lic matters and see that you get It.
You need not be an orator In order
to present a Just measure. Don't for
get that in all ages ami under all
conditions yon have been the bul
wark ot civilization a'ltl stood for
that which was best.
So, now then, take your place
where you Lelong to the. full propor
ton of your numbers. I have abiding
raun in your ability to check the
present extravagant waste of the
public treasury and Instead i?lvc us
more satisfactory results, "a fair and
just deal to all." DIscour:tunnnce, the
un-American unfair and dishonorable
ring rules
When you have received a good
share of the foregoing it Is my be
lief that farm life will appeal as more
cnnirmal to both or all concerned.
Look about whom you would send to
Washington, D. C, to present yur
views aud wants and champion your
cause. Do it now.
Tit Cases of Dyspepsia Rheumatism,
Gout and Aervous Breakdown,
Is Marvelous
Upon recent Investigation by emiiv
etn physicians, chemists and scien
tists It has been demonstrated that
natural, earth flowincr mineral watern
are the most beneficial means for the
cuie of organic maladies. -
Paso RnfcWs Hot Springs are at
this time point of interest to most
investigators, as rectne occurences
have attracted the attention of the
thinking world to these springs
una or tneir cnier points of inter
est to medical men is said to be that
which nrattos that a pre-eminent ac
tion resthTm the waters which flow
?om the earth at Paso Roblea, Cal
'ornla. Paso Robles Hot Springs are mak
ing cures dally of rheumatism, gout,
stomach trouble, neurotic diseases,
kidney trouble, and general break
down, which proves almost beyond
question to medical men that there
Is some quality in these waters su
uerior to any In this country and
probably in tho world.
It Is also claimed for Paso Robles
that the air conditions are perfect. It
He3 in a small valley protected by
mountain ranges; Is 720 feet above
sea level and Is not assailed by too
much sea moisture or an abnormal
temperature from the hot land winds.
This air condition Is thought by
some to have almost as much to do
with Its cures as the waters them
The town like all health resorts,
is filled with boarding houses of all
kinds, so that every purse will be
pleased. There are hotels for tho
rich, where any luxury may be had.
Private baths for exclusive patrons
who wish to be to themselves.
These springs have been' known
for centuries, for they wore used by
the Indian to cure his sick and luter
the Franciscan fathers -performed
wonderful cures here, but It is only
recently that the really marvelous
powerB of these waters were made
known to the world at large.
Nearly every form or organic trou
ble Is treated at these hot springs,
for the authorities welcome all ex
cept those who have tuberculosis or
unclean diseases. For the man who
suffers from overeating or from alco
holic excesses there Is nothing In (he
world to equal a week spent at Paso
Robles. It straightens him out with
a rapidity that is wonderful, and the
best recommendation is that they do
away with the nerve-craving for stim
ulants because of their peculiar
soothing effects upon the nervous
Truly speaking tho study of Paso j
Robles Hot Springs is one which Is
giving the medical fraternity abroad I
and at home much interest, and is 1
probably directing more attention
to California than any other ot her
natural gifts to man.
A small book, neatly illustrated,
has been recently published by the
management telling the story of the
Hot Springs in a most Interesting
manner and giving complete infor
mation. Send for it, either to Wni.
McMurray, General Pasenger Agent
of the O. R. & N., Portland, Oregon,
or Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso
Robles, California. tf.
All kind of hides tanned an taxi
dermist work done on short notice.
Your work along this line Is solicited.
Address Fred Langenberg, Box 207,
Roseburg, Oregon. tf,
The biggest and best line of Post
Cnrd Albums in Douglas county at
Roseburg Book Store. tf
Goods, of every description
moved to any part of the
city. Prices easona ble.
Office: Warehouse No.
Near the Depot. Telephone
Mam a3i or ill.
Wholesale and Retail Desrs in
Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement BlocRs, Cement
Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia
Give us a call. We will save you money.
Has on display for tlio Holidays a
Choice selection of dishes, including
hand painted china, Jnpanscso and
China dishes in beautiful designs. Al.
so a line lino of silk handkerchiefs,
toys for tnc children and sonic
fine Ilrnss wnre. Cnll and make your
selection early. Prices way down nnd
the goods nro the best to be had.
Rose burg
South Side Cass St., Near
This is the claim made by all who send thoir
washing to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. To get
this result no chemicals are used. Your laundry
is not treated in a severe manner very much to
the contrary it is handled in the most approved
manuer all tho latest and uiost'modern niachin
ery is at our command to do your work in a mos
trorough manner.
0. C. BAKER, Prop.
Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumt er
H Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
Leading and best restaurant in the
city. None but white people employed
Nothing but the bent in the market
erved. Give us a trial and be con
t Varde on Lower Oak Street,
ft t "Phone 1411
ling on the Bill of Fare
You Going to Trade?
Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings
y they sell the BEST GOODS
hem In Your Order For
ir Specialty, and they wilj
please you.
em For Dry Goods
ie's Cooperative Store
. assortment!
ising Gifts !
ties, some very unique and t
;ry appropriate presents.
ie in Southern Oregon
We liuvu DiiutmmlH In I- Inner Jtlng, j
. . Stick Pins IE root-lies and W'utrli
Silverware Wo have tf io Hurst Lino
In Southern Ori'Kmi, In both Plate
nnd Sterling.
Comb, Itrusli nnd Mirror Srtu, Cut
Glass ImI;s Solid OaU mid j'oM J
l ill d and Silver ThirnMrs
R Y A Nj