The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 14, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Bntfired aa second-clans matter
Nov. 5, 1909, at Koaetjurg, Ore., uu
der act of March 3, 1879.
HuliNt-rlptlon KmU'm J fully
Per year by nmtl $3.00
Per month, (lellvernd 60
Semi Weekly
Per year 2.00
Six months 1,00
The postnflloe department has join
ed those who are advocating the poli
cy of early Christina shopping, I'er
aoiia coniteniiihitliiK the nntfllritf of
ChrlstmaH paekUKes, for delivery in
rural coiiiitiuiiilleH, have been advised
from Washington to post tlnr pres-
entH as early it possible. It has he-n
HiiKKested that they mark them: "Not
to bo opened until ChrlstmaH day,"
and Bend them neve nil days In advance.
T,M I mid, KIiik of the Belgians. la
paualnt?. He Ii:ih ruiiH"d untold mis
ery to thousands of hlH subjects In
the colonies and thoHe people will
certainly not mourn very long on ac-
roiint of his death. No cruelly or
burden has been withheld by Leo
pold, If such treatment would brliiK
tribute ?n 'he way of gold to his
troamiiv. Jt Is to bo hoped that his
successor may dfil more humanely
with tho people In the provinces and
create for himself a better name
(ban Leopold is leaving.
Persona who are (IfHpnHeri to com
plain nlioilt the lllull cost of IIvIiik
in the United Stilton nuty take Homo
romfort In fact Hint, tlmy could
not improve tlicir condition by truim
rerrlui: their ritlouKlil to Homo 01 li
ed nation. A report Iiiih JiiHt. been re
ceived from tho Ameiinmt consul at.
Nanking tliat r lie Incroaao In the
coot of llvlni; In China Ih n matter of
prnvo concern to nilHHlnnarloti. He
nays thai every Item of hoiiHeholil ox
Iionao la Included In tho rapid nil
vim In prices. Tho Increased cost
of living In China compels foreigner!,
to pay twice as much rent' for their
houses and 150 per cent nioio for
rlco than they paid ten years hko. If
this IncreiiHo continues It Is possible
that tho American Clilneso may be
content to remain in the Itnltod
Stilton Instead ol ret urnlni; to the
land of their forefathers when the
laundrv has yielded a competence for
old UKO.
Hud: Say, Annie, give me another cup of Coffee."
Annie: "No liud, your mother doesn't want .you to drink
more than one cup." , ,
Bud: "Hut, Annie, mother is now using Folder's Golden Gate,
and it's so good I am sure another cup wouldnlt do any harm."
I'"olger's Golden Gate is the purest and best Coffee we know of.
We sell it absolutely on merit.
Alton S. Frey
Are You1 Ready for Christmas?
And let us assist you in your selection of a
beautiful and lasting present. We carry a full
line of
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware
Cut Glass, Umbrellas, Hand Painted
China and Novelties of all Kinds.
The time is short. Do not delay;
Jeweler and
rnKo, If It could bo i.pheld by the
courts, would establish a precedent
tiiat would make It possible for ene
mies of any publication to have a
censor appointed because, of alleged
libel, this In our'beloved laud of a
free prefB. Thcro is a law covernlni;
those conditions, nnd to the law the
.Spokane people should have appealed
rather than to have committed an act
so in variance to tho American spirit
and In such direct violation of tho
-brills Kiiarnnlccd by .tho constltu
tlon. ...
Tho innltor of a "rest cottnuo" has
Mil taken up by ! ho Ladles Anvil
lary to (be ( oinnioielnl 'lull, and a
report ol their efforts alonu this Hue
Is i;lvi n In yesterday's KvenliiR N'eivs.
It roys without sayliiu that Itoseburc
fcndly needs Just such a cottage, ami
1 110 News lias advocated the Improve
ment on more than one occasion. At
tills particular time we aualn hearll'y
urrio the citizens and business men to
Hive tile Ladles Auxiliary the desired
support. A "rest collate" would pro
vide the necessary place for I lie ladles
ciimbm In from the country to n and
brush up from their ride Into town
or to spread their lunch and enjoy a
social chat, with neighbors, thus en
nhliiiK them them to do Huh shop
ping in a much more teitiKraelory
manner than they now enjoy. Tills
city Is largely dependent on the far
mer trade liir lis prosperity, the more
comforlabh. and nureeul.le we ecu
make thlims Tor ides. st
people, the mere tin v will .1
city. Let us have that "lost
provided at an early date.
for ilp'
A pntiti.-;. I htii known an Ihe Inln-.
trial Win ker. ml. lisle .1 in Skai.
lias h iil I'unie I In re: t.1(,n ft hv 1 h
city aiitlmrltlc. ili;.i ih
olllclalu of that ,ltv. wll!i. ,111 iluc
process of law. i;.'l7e.l the entire Is
of Ih'. Ii.ipei' nil Sntllnluv. IV.Mehei
II, ami 1I1 -.tun, , 1 11,,. i h,
I'lilil'K" was III 11 (In piil, hi alien r..n
tallied a lili"l'Mis 1 it. k 1, ,.in the p.-n
of U Voune w nnia h 1 1 1 1 . 1, ' - j 1 1: .
who win- r.viaith ciii'vii'led In Ihe
Spokane emu is of , -nnspl i I ii lc a-ainsl
tile cil ol ipliaiue lil'nliiMMlli: Sitrcl
I P'alillli,'. libs I- 1 x 11 Ti is senile.: hei
sentence n Jail, and Mi,, aliened li
belous article ci ,., us rim, lit inns at
'bo prison. Fiinhei than this, the
cltv aillniui.siralien Is nMihu; tin
conn, to a pp. 11 11 1 a ecus. n
the copy tor tuliire e.lil
Ihe smile be p e ini:i. .1 in e.,i in press.
And II, Is in In e in..ii a w here fr
'loin r the ptv,s I ; ;.iT, lv
blo for (lie iipbuildltm ,, nm mai ni
llcent cKilb-atliiii. We are not ado
I'Ltinu lit. cause ..( ihe tmln-.trlal
Workers, bin ihe hUh baml. ,1 p,...
' "I II"' Sp"I,.iii, autliorilles is
wllhout pi,, , . ii ls i,ii,tu
more tliau anal. !i lis. II. I'lp. atlair
iilvors of ilaikesl Uiis.b,. s uniust
nulan ml an. I up A i, an. '1'his ,,til
i ill rnnowint; letters renmln ttn-
cilled ror at Koseliiliij postoflice
Anderson. II. p.
llnrtlett, II. II.
Marrlnner, Tray.'
Muck, A. M.
Crane, 10, P.
Carlson, T. ,M. '
t'nnipbell, Ilavld.
Cori'ii, llaruion.
l-'lsk, Fred.
rlolt, L. It.
I in ho, .1.
Kellev, M.
Kandnll, J.
Kopp. L. If.
McKollum. Will. L.
Maltsou, ,M.
Ml'ler. W. It.
Marvin, Miss Myrtle C.
Malone, .lack.
Orvnste, II.
McXeel, .Mert.
Olson, L.
Itoberts, .1. T.
Iteeil, .Mrs. Kllley.
Itlce, II. It.
.si'.min. .Mrs. .1. K.
Sllford, It. A. 12) .
I'amev, Thos. W.
'llllnes. Mrs. It. II.
Wendal. .Mrs.
Williams, Clark V. .
Wilson. Kdwnrds.
Whll nier, KdKar.
Adverllsed December IH, 1D0fl
In calllni; for I lie above letters
please state the date rilvertised.
Frank K. Alley la upending a fow
nays at Portland attending business
SiiHin Wilhoit nnd John Cnlander
wa;i marrli'd at Ash, Oregon, on No
vember 30. .Itistlco of the Peace J.
U. Howe, utllclatlng. .
A dnnco will be given at Ollde on
the evening of December 31. The us
ual god music will be on hand and a
line supper will bo served.
Dr. Suoly, of tho firm of Drs. Seelv
hetfier & Stewart, went to Oakland
tins ntornoou to visit Phillip Ueekly
" is seriously in at that place.
Amos W. Hiester, violinist at
Star theatre, will accept putdld
for violin. Kspecial attention to
juvonlls. Ingulre at Star theatre
4 or phono 885.
Although babiou seem perfectly In
different to the swarms of files which
light on them, their presence ls a
matter Hint Hhould not bo regarded
lightly by the mother.
For Hies, us has been provedv are
on 3 of the grentei-t sources of contag
ion, and too much care can not be
taken to prevent them from lighting
on anything on which baby Is like
ly to take In his mouth.
As a precaution against files, the
nalif should be kept scroupulously
clean. Particularly should his mouth
bo washed often, for the old milk
acts as a special lure to the fly.
Willie the child is sleeping a mos
quito netting should be hung over
bis bed, and should le pulled down sol
lar that It completely covers the side'
nnd mattress. I
Dining the playtime an excellent
Idea Is to suspend some mosnnlto :
bar from the center of room where I
the baby is placed, so as to create, a :
sort of little cage for him.
If by any chance a tly should light'
on tho rubber nipple of the bottle.
It should mfl. be placed in his mouth i
hefiu-.i thoroughly washing In a so-1
lut Ion of boracic. acid. j
Kodaks and Kodak Supplies
aire Suitable for Christmas
A kodak will cause your memory to remain green
with the recipient, as it will be a source of delight and
pleasure for years.
F. H. Churchill
Thaft the surest tttay to fin!
out tvhethcr advertising in
this paper pays.
Telephone 1351.
DMI.V l;ll lll:i KKPOKT
1'. S. Weather I III li'll II. local olilee.
Kns.-l.uri!, (Ii..;;, m, L' I liours ending
. a. ni . I '-. pi!... r I I. Il'iili
1 r. ipnatinn in Incbc
lanniiiii t " ti I pera I II re ..
VI iniiii inn I an pel . 1 1 n re
Cre, ipilaliou
r.'llll lif.ripilalinn sima
in. ei t h
-eaue pie. ipatinn I
fnr ve.irs .
I'olal IV
and hun-
I i
Hist of
this month
to il ate
Avg. Preclp
I'm. 1 1 .Aces.
Avg. Preclp
. from Sept.
from Sept
1, r.HIH,
1, 1S77.
. . 1.
I tl. 0-1
limn Sept. 1 . I i'O'.l ,-,.U
. for 31' wet soa-
' 33. no
Indian baskets, blnh nark, sweet
Class and pni. upine quill work made
b St. Iteilis. Mohawks. Innpinis anti
oilier iribes. tor sale at Itoscburg
Hook Store. These are prettv goods
a, pleasing iniia's. if
Clearance Sale
Tailor Made Clothes I
Cmnniem-ini; Iheenibor 18, dim
continuing tor t wo weeks, in older
in reduce in stcek oi b inh-i: ' ado
lin."lp, I Kill make anils at the
lollowang t'lHiiilv rc.llnc.l prievf :
$35 Suits $28.00
$33 Suits $25.00
$30 Suits $22.00
Fnr two week only. Cull eurly
wliilti thy wlnek is otnpk'lc.
The Reliable Tailor
In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass Sliver
ware, Novelties, andSouvcmr Spoons.
In fart reliable lioods that stand he test
at the lowest price. New goods coming
" k" s.
t it A--Zyr: .
l it X. ,Wx t&ZPk .
hit- 'iVhj-mCT);
X -
w h -r ( u
Buy Your Xmas
Gifts. Shop.iEarly
and get first choice
Hotter, liifj-gor than ever
is our ilbi!;iy of useful Rifts
liiei-es I'utnitiirp, book
cases, nV-l;s, rlnvsers, luf
fclts. s!i!c lioai-i's, chiiin
fb sets, coml.intttion cases
lom.-cs, coucites. iltivenpnrls,
Pfttces, pat lor .sets, chairs
ami rockers.
Ccmirig Through tt
lL. r It rwa -
me iye. mat s
the tune you'll step
to if you should
fail toyshop early.
t'wine machines, washinrr
machines, ranges, kitchen
cabinets. Everything to make
merry the .'home. Cuttlery
nil kir.ds, j.MT Ulcere Hrcs
silverwear at prices below
them all. Carvers, roaster3
and coll'ee perculatofs.
, a wise sutruestion. a timeK-hint Sn-oll pn .t WJ t t. .t......
Iltivennorts. llntfetts rhi,,:, fl,tn,;' j , -"u' ' 1 "uc" nd
' ' . ' w.. .s..., ,.,t,o ui.u t-.Mcn.siou i.ioies icli liOrrer t rns Si eo.... .,w,.
" 1 , s i . in e.
A pleasant thought,
inports, llulfetts, Chi
latest Lollee 1'erculator, Size 1-3
. 8-1
tt tt 7
, . V
V . , .
V!z Never Forget
the Little Ones
Little red chairs, ilollie'jjn
carts "0 cents up. toy dishes'
toy tallies, toy stoves, knives
and forks and child.' sets
rockers, hiijh ih.iirs, Mack
boards, toy banks, air suns
for linys, toy b:i'iksand c,nnie
There will h. semet'iitu; doing if you
selected marked and laid a nay fori nil
wait too lnnjr. Mail orders promptly attended
to. (Joods