The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 13, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Interesting News From the Vicinity
ol Myrtle iwck.
The local Masonic lodge reports
a steady growth. The membership
Is now over fifty. The Eastern Star,
the ladles auxiliary of the order will
be organized some time In the near
future, and It will not be a great
while until the combined member
ship will exceed a hundred.
The Norlh Jlyrtle telephone people
are preparing to put on an additional
wire and Install what Is Known in
telephone parlance as a metallic ays
tm. In th near future. Their ma
terial Is on hand and when the work
Is completed they will have the best
local telephone service In (his section
of the country.
By spring C. O. White proposes to
nave 10U acres planted to truit
mostly annles lu upper Missouri
Bottom. He has recently placed an
order wllh Clarence Gazeley for over
6000 Sultienberg and Yellow New
town apples trees, and will plant out
60 acres with this kind o trees, wun
40 acres already In fruit and nuts
planted last season he will have one
of the largest apple orchards in soutn
Douglas county.
The little daughter of Mr. T. N
Humphrey is gradually recovering
from an attack of that peculiar dis
ease which appeared in the country
last summer. It left her paralized In
her right leg and left arm, and all
efforts of the iocal doctors to relieve
her were futile. Fortunately, they
discovered that by constant massage,
relief could be obtained, and by this
method they are gradually leading
the little one back to liealth and
George E. Cole was down from his
Red Mountain farm Tuesday. He re
ports It Inches of snow and one of
the most severe snow Bqualls Monday
that he over witnessed in Oregon.
The wind blew from six different di
rections Btraight up and down and
from the four point of the compass,
taking the roof off his tent just as
he was shoving his feet under .the
table to partake of a hot dinner. As
a result he had to postpone eating
for three ohurs until ho could recon
struct the concarned tend. Mall.
The oitizens of Roseburg and vicin
ity are promised a .rare .treat an the
production of the Juvenile Cantata,
"Snow White" and "The Seven
Dwnrfs" which will be given by the
. Indies of the Christian church under
the direction of Prof. Lbtz. The can
tata abounds in choice musical gems
and catchy chorus work. Daily re
hearsals are now being held, and the
production will be given at the Arm
ory on January 14.
U. 8. Weather Bureau, local office,
Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending
6 a. m., December 13, 1909.
Precipitation in inches ,and hun
dredths: Maximum temperature 68
Minimum temperature 41
Precipitation 22
Total precipitation since first of
month 2.53
Average precipatlon for this month
for 32 years 6.14
Total Preclp. from Sept. 1, 1909,
to date 16.02
Avg. Preclp. from Sent 1, 1877,
10. -H-
Total excess from Sept. 1, 1909..5.57
Avg. Preclp. for 32 wet sea
sons, -....33.00
Insure your property In the Ore
gon Fire Relief Association, (Mo
Mlnnville.) Old and tried, cheapen
and best. See Bonnie Buchanan, ii
Abraham building. .
Washington Man Tolls of the Hcuvy
Kuins tillil HrlsK mils.
The following letter received by
Mr. Rhoades, one of tho proprietors
of the L. H. Rhoades store In this
city, from a brother at Bay Center,
Wash., is evidence that the storm
has reached the northern city lu good
shape and Is coupled with many "pe
culiar" Incidents:
-BAY CENTER, Wash., Doc. 6.
Your welcome letter has Just been
received. Well, the weather Is the
principle thing down this way this
fall. Evory day is a record Dresner.
Hard to tell what will come next.
In fnct, I am actually ashamed of the
weather. A few days ago I was the
onlv one of the crew that would ven
ture out to pick on the -bed across the
channel and to give you an idea of
the kind of weather stunts wo have
been having will rolnte: this at
ternoon there was a crane setting
on the flats a hundred yards or more
away, and I noticed him making
queer motions and then I observed
what he was up to. The wind was
blowing so hard that he could not
stand on the lop of tho ground, so he
worked one leg and then the other
up and down until his body was
within two or three Inches of the
ground. When he got well "sot"
I mude a sneak to windward and
went down on him dead before It.
Talk about a commotion! He flop
ped his wings, squaked did his best
to get his legs out of the sand, hut
no use, his legs were too deep. Now
Just as I was going to grab him by
the neck ono of those twisters hit
me from behind. I went flat on my
lace, and about tills time Mr. Crane
raised his wings and the twister
caught him and away we went be
fore it. But I noticed he seemed to
be minus his legs and 1 looked and
behold, the wind had pulled him
right off his legs and there they
were sticking In tho sand. I linve
them here now to prove the story.
Another, during the 70 hour gale of
last week one of the Oystervllle
launches went adrift and all there
was left waB the nam 'and the ex
haust hole In the side of the boat.
We have them tied up under tho hill.
Albany Puts Kurt to Sale by Refer
endum Vote
AIBANY, Ore. Dec. 13. Near
beer selling In Albany Is a thing of
the past. All of the near beer em
poriums in this city have pursuant to
the proclamation of Mayor Wallace,
declaring the result of tho vote in
the city election last Monday, when
the near beer ordinance passed by the
City Council last March was sustained
by a referendum vote.
One place which handled near beer
remains open as a pool room and
solt drink establishment, but those
places which handled the substitute
drink exclusively have closed their
The biggest and best line of Post
Card Albums In Douglas county at
Roseburg Book Store. tf
A Temperance Saloon
Properly Conducted
Opposite Passenger
Depot - Roseburg
What doe vour mother, sister,
brother or sweetheart want for
Xmas, a Photo made by Clark's
fltmlln. Rfianhiirtr MnHnnnl
The Star theatre still continues to
draw large ct'owds nightly. Tho pres
ent bill is exceptionally good and the
popular playhouse Is desorviug of
liberal putronage.
If you aro looking for good service
In tho bnrbor line call at the Maddlx
barber shop, Cass street, Roseburg
National Bank BUlg. Three chair
shop. Bnth rooms in connection, tt.
Ulflce: Warehouse No. 8
Near the Depot, Telephone
Main 3431 or 311.
Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in
Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement
Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia
Give us a call. We will save you money.
We're in a Position
to offer you the best the market af
fords In the way of Meats; and our
prices you know are always lowest.
We handle only prime stock. , Qual
ity and qu&ntlty guaranteed. Fine
roasting pieces of beef from So to
liSHe pound. First class mutton,
veal, pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. Phone us
your order. We deliver to any part
of tne city.
Cass Street MarKet
107 West Cass St. Phone If 1.
Free Delivery.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Fiuinli Lunir er'
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
Ysrdson Lower Oak Street.
Phone 14U
Flour has nearly doubled in price.
We sell
B R E A Di
at the same prices and it is the
best. CooKies, buns, cinnamon
rolls and doughnuts 10c Per
dozen. Pies 10c each. Our
caKes are the best.
building? tr,