1 TRK F.VKN1VO XEWS MO.VPAV, lKCKMIti:H 13, 1000 THE EVENING NEWS liV B. W. BATKS , ISKl ij DAILY EXCKVT SUNDAY Entered as necond-cla-8 mutter Nov. 5, 1009, at Kosehurg, Ore., un der act of march 3, 1879. HulHft-rlptlon It nUs Dully Per year, by mail $3.00 Per month, delivered 50 H( nil-Weekly Per year ... $2.00 Hli montliH 1.00 LOCAL NEWS. MONDAY, DIXK.MDKH Itf, 1001). Tlion who coddle goHHlp nttKht to bo licenced like any otliur puddler. It tii k oh a lot or clothes to court and marry a Kit). First your are to pay suit, then you have to suit her, and you havu to addrosH her pupa In languaKo alolhod wflh diplomatic verbiage. 1 hen you have to havu u woddliiK Rult, and If you find you are unaulted you Ret a law auit. The Kovorninent 1h now hiiKy with the problem of ttt'CurlnK a kuu that will prove effective aaiiiHt uny en emy s ulrmiip squadron may Home day hover over our fair land. From what we have learned in our brief sojourn hero In tlilf vale of teai-H and In these United StaleH, penliiH will flpeedlly produce a kuu that will make It necvumry for an IiohIIIo Meet to Ball oimtlde the "oxyKen" limit of this old ephere when they approach American borders. California has a new law renulrfnir dealers to mark all Imported egn "storage." Tho deulerH do not like tho law, but It Is a good thing for th California poultrymeij, as it en nbles them to net top prices for their fresh product, and it Is also a K"d thine for the pulilie, been line tho con- btimer knows Just what, lie Ih fiet tiiiK when he purchasoH eKn. Farm ers and poiiitrynipn In this, stale would do well to socuro such legis lation for their benellt. and tho ben eflt of the consumers. In 1915 California will celebrate the opening of the Panama Cnnal by a World's Fair nt Han Francisco. The other day BOO of San Francisco h loading financial, professional and business men met and instituted an organization which has this object In view. It is the intention or the pro motors that this exposition shall ex- cell either tho Ht. Louis or Pan World's Fairs. Tho Sun Francisco spirit, which has so many times dem onstrated Itself, and particularly In tho rebuilding of tho city since the rrent earttxiuuko and fire, knows no undertaking too K''ent, and we don ox not that In thlB matter California will excllpso all previous expositions and tvo to the world a nninntlkuiil enow. A school district down in the IMas Icet Valley, California, is having groat difllcully In securing teachers who will remnln In the school loimer than one term. The reason is not thai the bfK boys urn wilfully unrtilly, but that the teachers have for seven sur ceHslvo terms been so churiulnt; that some one of (he "bin boys" have promptly married the teacher at Hie end of the pchool lerin. Thoso howii "hlK boys" are alt the sons of Farmer Plasket, for whom tho valley van named, and now there are seven young and charmlnK Alts. Flaskets In that favored section. The directors nro still In tumble because there Ih tho eighth son of Farmer Flasket to deal with. The superintendent of thnt county H'ivs he n glad these yinim Indies have found such nice hoims. because marrhu'e is more honorable than school hvirhltm nnv time. Oeorgo Nenner, secretary of the Rosehui'K Commercial Club, has re ceived a communication from parties who wish to establish a wagon fac tory in this city. Tho persons back ing the enterprise ak that the citi zens of Hofebtirg furnish a suitable tlto as well as purchase a part of the stock In the concern. Mr, Nenner says he will bring the proposition up nt the cfuli tomorrow evening, at which time It can be discussed int ill Igentlv. , Tlllle Troxel and J. 1). Kingman have brought suit in the circuit court agalnat Kdward Henry and wife to collect tho sum of $125 alleged to be dueans commission. The plaintiffs allege that they were conducting a real estate buslnes Ip. Rosebiirg un der the Arm name of Troxel & King man, In December 190S, and at that time the defendants requested plain tiffs to purchase them a certain tract or land, situated in Sections in and 11. twp. 7, S. K. 7 W., and contain ing In the neighborhood ol 30 acres. Plaintiffs allege that tlu y consummat ed the deal, but to dale have been unable to collect only a portion of the commission. They ask for judg ment In the sum of $125 with Inter est at the rale of 6 per cent from December, 190S to date. Plaintiffs are represented by Attorneys H. L. Cannon nnd Reuben Mars tore. Tho members of the Ladles Aux-, Hilary to the Hoseburg Commercial Club met in session Friday evening. The most Important matter to" attract the attention of the assembly was that of considering the erection of "rest cottage", in the city. The lad ies were unanimous in the opinion that such departure would result In much good as It would provide place of recreation for strangers who chance to enter our gates. A com mittee was appointed to Investigate tuo proposition with a veiw to tak ing immediate action toward Its ma terialisation. Another matter dis cussed was that of holding a "Sweet Pea day during tho coming year. The ladles have been promised about 200 packages of sweet peaH from the government, the same to arrive here about .January 1. The ladles also took up tho matter-of endorsing the Red CrosB Christmas stamps. These stamps are now on sale nt tho Rose- burg Book Store and can be secured for the naklnc. The money derived from tin sale of these stamps goes into what Is known ns the consump tive fund, such to be expended In an effort to check the dreaded disease which Is becoming prevalent In all sections of the United States. The meeting was of a social nature, the foreiroing matters having been taken up at a brief business session. From appearances the ladles !ntond to carry on uviir worK with oven greater en ergy during the coming year than In the past, believing as thev do that It requires a united effort to attain sue HA LLOT TITLE. The attorney general has transmitted the following bal lot title for tho meusure sub mitted by the people of Cottage Grove as follows: . ' A bill for an act to cre ate the county of Nesmtth out of a portion of the northern part of Douglas comity and the southern part of Lane county; providing for Us organization, fixing salaries of o Ulcers there- of, and for adjusting finances between the three counties." Which title has this day been placed on fjlo with tho other pa- pern. Very respectfully, F. W. UI3XSOX, Secretary of State. t At St. Joseph's Pro-Church, this evening there will be a sermon by Rev. F. McDonald, followed by sol emn Benediction of the blessed sacre ment. The public is cordially invited. Tomorrow (Tuesday) morning masses will be from 7:00 to 10:30. At 10:30 Solemn High Mass will be followed by the blessing of the pro-church. Wednesday,, Friday, Saturday of this week are the Ember days of the win ter season. Are You Ready for Christmas? IF NOT, COME IN! And let us assist you in your selection of a beautiful and lasting present. We carry a full line of - 1 , Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Cut Glass, ! Umbrellas, Hand Painted China and Novelties of all Kinds. The time is short. Do not delay. Phone 2l43 W. E. CLINGENPEEL Jeweler and Optician Ian important ANNOUNCEMENT A Gift that Brings to the Home Real Christmas Cheer.' 1 ; $ KKW TODAY. ikon ltioiis roit r,r; ami 1,1111.1 Wo have just, received the swellest line or I run beds ever brought to Itnselmrii. Prices nro $1.H, $:t.r.ti, $4.r, jri.no, $.rn. $7. op, $s.ro, $10.50 and up (o Sfi.no. Say did ymi see those iron beds . nt $ 00. $.7r and $:?.r.? ltuy an up to date doll cab for that little r.lil; nmhiim rlso will please Iht half 'ib much. The fiiH'st lino of rockers ever shown in liosclnirg are on our Hour. Take a look at them u::; bo convinc ed of our statement It. V. STIiONfi. The Kiirniturn Man, Uoseburg, Orcein. "Miss Mareuoilto Paire. who he'Mt visit I ni at the home of mother nt. Drain during t h davs The used In connection with ryrom-aphy ; mnkes an "b gaui present. We havt Mio m.'itci'l;:! for wording, and nls Hie rT.dy made pieces. It l not ex pensive at (Jraves Art Kmporluin. tf. KlMtNITI'ltlC FOR SALK fomplete tor nvo , room hoiiRe. Parlv bnv hm can rent house. Apply at this omee. d-d-lS KOR RAl,IO--On aeconnt of" leavliiK KosebutK I am forced to sell my furniture. Including a new piano. at. a hihtIIU'o. Purchaser may have tho privlh'Ko of rentint; the house. Apply to Peter ItuMlnirlon, 527 Mill Street. tf. TI.MMKIt LAND K( It S A LrT l" fi 0 acres, scales 4,000,000 feet; 1 ;t mlb'S from Ito.seburs, 2 mfh's from railroad station; about .'10 acres of the tract Is level and. when loired off, will make fine fruit land. Price $-:,0o. I mi nil o at ly Flint St., ItosehurK, Oreuon. . sw-tf. This Is Your BUSY TIHE WE ARE TALKING to tin I,A1)IKS NOW Tho Iluliiiay V.'urk is bofuro yon anil there is the Xmas dinner to plan for. Wo can relieve you of much woiry and work, which is economy, too, you know. You'll find all our Pastry, Cahes and Bread to lie unexcelled. Orde delivered. i Iuk-ki f.il Is h.in.ui.M-n i,,.,,, .Ihice your . mas orders now. UJVIPQUA BAKERY Music the medicine for ach- Iiik heartB and tired brains. i There Is no gift so accept- :; ablo, ho much to he desired, or ;;; of so permanent value as one O of the standard makes of pianos C as you always find at the Rose- C Piano House, Cats street. This Btock consists of Stein- way, A. B. Chase, Ludwlg, Kverett, Packard, Kstey Kurtz- ft main), Kingsbury, Wellington, ft X Ciihle, and many other makes, C Inrludiut' Inner Piano Players. Yt These pianos are old stand- : Y? nrd makes, which are used all t't over tho world In most music i'? conservatories and by profos- i'? Y? Blonal players. i No teacher can afford to & i'? recommend a cheap grad piano i'f such as usually sold by many , dealers for higher pries than, il- ttto standard makes will cost i'. i'f you. O A cheap make of piano Is Ys dear at any price. i's Ih, Christian church, after. X i'? thoroughly tsting and investl- '. gating various makes of pianos, purchased tho old standnrd A; H. Chase, which cariew a world wide reputation. and which gives them perfect satisfaction. . Also tho Sjorth M. tMiurch afler testing and Investigating f? various other makes of pianos purchased a tweet-toned Lud wlg, which make has stood the test of timV nearly a century and glvs them tat islactlon, anil with which they are well ple.ised. R. H. Mathews selected an A. H. Chase, with which they are well pleased. Attoriuy Aloert Abraham se lected a renowned Stein way, with which he Is well pleased. Frank fJorrel banker at Oakland) purchased a sweet toned Imdwig; well pleasi-d. D. M. Smith. Uoseburg. Lud wlg; well picked. L. Illd'nds. RoHclmrg; Lud wlg: well pleased, Rev. A. St -inner. Itosbimr. Ludwlg; well pleas.-d. K. C. Itosif. ko.seliurg, Lud wlg: well pi ";: These are but a few of tho recent sales, of which there are too many to men) ion. iiefore making your selection or purchasing at any price, don't forget to call at my store, :iL'T Cas street, in the Alaccabce TemiIe. one- block from S. I depot, and ge my special low Indlday prices and terms to suit purchasers. Pianos and organs taken on exchange. Now and second hand orpins nt a bar g.iln. Thanking all lor their pa : ronage. KLK TIUC IAS K AT M AltKHKlLLD By virtue of the recent election In Marshtield, franchises are granted to I. AI. Blake to build an electric line in that eity. The Sun says: Within Ihelrty days Mr. Blake must apply to the council asking for a resolution transferring the franchise to the com pany that Is to build the road. It 13 understaood that about live miles will be built at a cost of $100,001). The idea, ft is understood, is to build an electric line to connect the Bay cities and the operation of which wdl pay its own expenses. 'I he line is to be extended as far as it is practical. Actual work according to the fran chise must bo started within sWtv days. The franchise give Mr. Blake the right to build on Front street North and South Broadway North and South, and Kruse avenue, the thor oughfare In the South end of the city which extends to the Smith mill. i l District mat ager S. E. Krohn, of the Brotherhood ot American Yeo man, of Des Moines. Iowa, informs i The News a local lodge will be In stituted in this city Thursday even ing December 10, at the Maccabee hall. All members and those to he initiated are requested to be pres BUILDER GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Service Roseburss, Oregon Phone 193 Sift o .2?fa KWudr 'fl& J 1 1 1 fi r" Kodaks and Kodak Supplies are Suitable for Christmas A kodak will cause your meiiiory to remain green ! with the recipient, as it will be a source of delight and ; pleasure for years. F. H. Churchill IRONMONGER t i ! , I tfttftttttftffttf I , . . . , i. i ... ,. RICE p RICE, THE HOUSE FURNISHERS Now's"the time to Buy Your Xmas Gifts. Shop Early and get first choice Roseburg Piano House J. LINEBACK, - Manager Thfii store is open fvciihms. c lYlcphono 1021 Main. ::; " 1 J AC K S O N STREET THE SEASON'S LATEST If PATTERNS In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass Silver ware, Novelties, andSouvenir Spoons. In fact reliable Roods that stand the test at the lowest price. New goods coming every day. A. SALZMAN III wA&MmWn Hotter, liigRer than over is our display of useful gifts odd pieces furniture, book cases, desks, dressers, buf fetts, side boards, china closets, combination cases lounges, couches, davenports, settees, pallor' sets, chairs ami rockers. "Coming Through the Rye." "That's the tune you'll step to if you should fail toyshop early. Sewing machines, washing machines, ranges, kitchen cabinets. Even-thing to make merry the home. Cuttlery all kinds, If-4T lic gers Ilros silverwear at prices below . thenr all. Carvers, roasters and coffee peculators. A pleasant thought, a wise suggestion, a timely hint. Swell Rogers, Morris chairs, Couches md Davenports, Hulfetts, China Closets, Diners and extension tables 1S-17 Roger Hros Silverware " Th latest Colfee I'erculator, Size 1-y ' ' We Never Forget the Little Ones Little red chairs, dollie'go carts f0 cents up, toy dishes' toy tables, toy stoves, knives and forks and childs seta rockers, high chairs, black boards, toy banks, air guns for boys, toy banks and game boards. ' There will jo something doing if yoa wait too long, selected marked and laid awav for vou . t!oods Mail orders promptly attended to. :: tf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.... w , k i