1 ft THE WEATHER ADVERTISERS "WIN find Tlio Kvunlnir Nowi tliubiat imMllum to notch tho liH))lo(r ltoarburir. A wlile-n-wttku publication iirlntiuir II thu mm thnt' fit to print LOCAL FORECAST RAIN TO-NIGHT AND SUNDAY VOL. I ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER il, 1009. NO. 35. February; remarried at LaGrando in August, and are now the principals in amithr divorc suit, tti same being filed today by Mrs. Scoff le who alleges cruel and Inhuman treatment. Marseilles Resident Thirsts For OFFICER IS KILLED BY A LIVE WIRE Human Blood ENDS HIS OWN LIFE Arose This Morning Rational lie ionics Insane Kills Mother Three, Daughter mul a Son. (Special to The Fvenlng News) MARSEILLES, France, Dec. 11. Suddenly possessed of an insane de sire to murder, Pierre Bouvlr, a wealthy wine merchant, today shot and killed his mother, butchered two small daughters and eon with a ra zor, shot and killed his oldest daugh ter, who acted as chief clerk in his counting house, and then ended tho bloody carnival by sending a death dealing bullet into his own brain. liouvlr was one of the' most prom inent and inlluentiftl residents in the city and was well known throughout the surrounding vineyard country. He arose as usual this morning, but upon preparing to go to his place of business was suddenly seized with tho strange mania. ECHO COUPLE HOLD A STATE RECORD (Special to The Evening News.) I'B.VDLETOX, Dec. 11. To be di vorced, remarried and asain divorc ed all within a year is the astonish ing record o Hattle M. and J. N. Soofflc; of Kcho, Oregon. The couple were divorced In this county last (Special to The Evening News) SAX FRANCISCO, Cal. Dec. 11. In attempting to remove a live wire from the street where It had fallen this mornliis. Special Officer Theo dore T. Canhnm wes electrocuted. Death was instantaneous. , FIND NoIrACF" OF ALMA KELLNER (Special to The Evening News.) LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Dec. 11. Al though little Alma Kelluer myster iously disappeared on Wednesday while enrouto from her home to a nearby church, the police have utter ly failed to find any trace of the kid nappers. A detai of thirty officers have been scouring the country within thirty mileB of the scene of the crime but to no avail. While the police are searching every nook and corner where the child might bo se creted, the supeilor authorities are sending out thousands of circulars offring a reward of $5,000 for infor mation that will lead to her discovery. Third Reading of "Expert" Ordinance is Delayed REQUEST OF MAYOR City Purchases Approximately $1500 .Worth of How, Hum Curls Hyd rants and Kuril; Also Steel Dump migou If somebody told you it is not a secret. On Christmas morning fill all your pockets full or nuts, candy, etc., and call at all the neighbors for a few moments, treating tho children. And send a basket of dainties and the lat est magazine to the invalids; or a load of wood to that poor old woman or crippled man; and let the house wives set out the cake for the callers, anr spread sunshine but not wine or whisky. Entertaining tho belief that the city of ltoseburg is in dire need ot improved fire protection as well as ad ditional street cleaning apparatus, the members of the city council met in session last'evenlng and after brief consideration decided to expend the approximate sum of $1500 in the pur chase of hose, hose carts, hydrants and extras., Tho committee to whom the mat ter was referred at a previous meet ing of the council submitted n report in writing, recommending the pur chase of the several items at the fol lowing rate: 500 ft. 2k in. hose, SOc per ft.. $400 1500 ft. 1 in. bote, 35e per ft... $525 3 hose carts, $44 each $132 6 hydrants, $37.50 each $225 Extras $ 16 ME3 CHRISTMAS GIFTS COME IN AND WE WILL ASSIST YOU' IN SELECTING YOUR PRESENTS Our stock is large and Better than ever Australian and German Decorated China. Suit Cases. Graphaphones. Rug's and Draperies. Children's Carts and RocKers. Chiffioners and Dressers. Center and Library Tables. v Morris Chairs and RocKers. ' Couches and Lounges. Space is too limited to nanio the 'many beautiful articles that will please you. Come in and see. ROSEBURG FURNITURE CO. Headquarters for Celebrated Columhh Graphaphones; Double Discs and Indestructible Records. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries,' we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a belter coffee not if we pai l SI a pound for it. Evrrythint; about Fo!g?r's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and vie sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Alton S. Frey Total $1,293 Upon motion of Councilman Mi celll the report was ordered accepted and the city attorney was Instructed to draft an ordinance appropriating the sum of $1500 or any part thereof, necessary in obtaining the ubovo art icles. PqrehuM Dump AVtigon Another matter considered at some length was that of purchasing a steel dump wagon. Councilman Strong, a member of the committee recently appointed to ascertain the price of such an Implement, informed the council that Mr Patterson, repre sentative of IJeale & Company, of Portland, dealers In wagons of this variety, was present at the meeting and could speak for himself. Mr. Patterson spoke briefly, simply stating that he could furnish the city a steel dump wagon, slntlllar to those used nt Portland. Tacnma and Sent tie, for the sunt of $210. He guaran teed the wagon to answer the pur pose for which ft is intended In this cily for years, being const ructed wholly of steel and Iron. Upon receiving Mr. Patterson's proposition Councilman Strong In formed the council that he had been unable to obtain competitive bids, hut would do so should the body so desire i .Councilman Sykes said that there . was very little difference In the cost of wagons of this variety, therefore ; he thought It would he well to enter into a contract Immediately that the street cleaning .department might have use of it In carting away its , garbage. Wluiont further ceremony Coun cilman Micelli advanced a motion to the effect that 'the wagon be pur chased at once through T. J) Patter son, reureseiiting Beule & Company, ; of Portland. j Mayor Mavnes interrupted f'oun j oilman MIcellf at that time and sug gested that some provision be made i for the' drafting of an ordinance to j cover the expenditure necessary in I securing the waiion. MIcelH respond-1 ed by stating that It had been the; custom in tho past to order Mich ; necesslt ies without ordinance. Inti mating that the drawing of an ordin ance was unnecessary. Havnes, how over persisted that tho ordinance be drafted, however, and Micelli con ceded, after informing the Mayor that should he wish to establish such precedent It would cost the city con siderable money In compiling ordin ances. "Why," aald Micelli, "if we start In to draft ordl nances every time we wish to effect a purchase a mere shovel will cost us $2.50. (he' price of the ordinance, besides the original price of the implement." t Realizing, however, that the May or favored tho ordinance Micelli i said nothing more, simply advancing a motion authorizing the city allor-. ney to draw tho necessary ordinance ; appropriating the sum of $210, the price of the wagon. Without further discussion Heale, & Company, of Portland, was award- ed the con tract, Micelli renin rk'ng ' that the ordinance would be In n-ad-. Iness by tho time the wagon arrived. : Ordinance In Retarded ( An ordinance was then placed on ; its first and second rending author-; izing the expenditure of $Tii)0 in ex pertlng the city hooks. Councilman ; McClallen requested that tho rules be suspended and the ordinance be placed on Its third leading, hut such procedure wag blocked by tho mayor Haynes, who said that he thought : more, time should he taken as con siderable diftfatfpfactfnn was preval ent relative to tho move. Council men Mullen and Btrong coincided with the mayor and McClallen was compelled to withdraw his motion In the apparent face of defeat. Tho ord inance will probably come up for Its third reading at the next regular nicotinic of the council. Councilman Mulb-n then askd If anything had been done relative to the decorative lighting projM-if itlon. He was Informed by the mayor that no report, was at hand, an assertion which caused him to shudder and say: "Well, I thought Josephson wa-i going" to have this thing settled by tonight its the same old story of monkeying around without accomp lishing anything." I liKl US1CI) 1UPKHK. (Jovoriior Iteiison Itefuscs to Issue. KxtuulUion j'ttpfi's. SALEM., Or., Dec. 1 1. Extradi tion papers rectved by Coventor Ben son a few days ago, from the govern or .North Dakota for tmn W. V. Todd, will not be honored by the chief exe cutive of Oregon. The papers of North Dakota charged Todd with the alleged crime of forgery in the first degree. Governor Henson, after thoroughly looking Into the case no tified the officer ser.t here with the papers of his refusal to honor them Todd, on advises from the oIHcIals of North Dakota, was -arrested at Portland, but will not be held longer. And WOMAXLV WI.S..OM A stitch In tlmo saves a lost hut ton. A job for Burbank training n Christmas tree to sprout Its own presents. Tho truest test of love between husband and wife Is whether they Just like to have each around. Ere3h pork is fine filling, hut be careful that tho little folks do not eat too much of it at a time; and maybe you better take this advice yourself. To prevent eggs cracking when a number are put in boiling water, let warm water from the faucet run over them before placing them in the dish. A good way to protect a bed of ten der rose h u elies Is to b'ind them care fully down to tho ground, hold them in position with stakes, then coer with leaves, straw or earth. On my own rose bed I follow this plan using a hoavy layer of leaves held in place by a wide strip of wire chickeu net ting laid fiat on the bed and. securely staked at the edges. There Is something nbout Christ mas giving the thinking nbout oth ers, and what they will like that warms the henrt nnd makes one feel cheerful and happy and busy. That is, if the giving is done in the right way; not only by bestowing useless triiles that soon degenerate into "clutter", just for the sake of giving something, norglfts so expensive that you begrudgo them, because hand somy ones have been or may be given to you. Glvo something you believe Is needed or desired by rncepint. If too much for your single purae the spirit of the day is combination. How, for Instance, would the mother appre ciate an easy chair, or a new cloake or dress, given by all her children? Or one family might unite In giving to another a good picture, or a sub scription to a magazine. Pretty china and porcelain dishes, or a charting dish, aro always acceptable, and will bring many a pleasant thought of the donor if marked, "For daily use." Hut the main thing is for each to be bent on making every other member of the family happy and comfortable, even down to tho old horse nnd dog and cat and the birds that winter with you; and it will thus be sure to be n happy time, full of the true spir it of Christmas. Farm Journal. Almost Succeeds Getting Another in BODIES CUT TO PIECES Triple Crime Supposed to lie Work of .Negroes Xo IMMniU' rim, to Murderers Blood Hounds Set on Track Cartage Co. today, hius revealed a crime horrible In the extreme nnd the citizens In that particular section of the city are in high pitch of ex citement. From marks on the neck of the dead girl It Is believed she was strangled to death nnd then, placed where the trucks would run over her. There is no clue to tho identity of (he person responsible for thu brutul murder. The body showed Blgna of horrible nbuse. WRIGHT AEROPLANE CAPSIZES IN AIR (Special (o Tho Evening Nowr.) SAVANNAH, Ga.. Hoc. 1 1. Pol lowing a hurlhle triple crlmo In which two wmniMi were Khiiii und one pmb libly family Injured. liloodliouiulB nave been set on tho track of the nettroes suspected o ft he bloody deed. There Is wave danger of violence If the perpetrators of tho dastardly crimes are run down and excite ment Is hlnh In the Immediate vicin ity of the homes of the, dead and Injured. Among ihoso dead nro Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Orlbblo and iluim'hter .Mrs. Carrie Chandler, and .Mrs. Man gle Hunter Is lyliis at the point of death. It is hoped tho latter will re gain consciousness long enough to give an accurate description or those responsible for her condition nnd i bus nld the officers in bringing them to speedy justice. Tho three women were nlono nt tho tlmo the murder was committed, which look place nt homo or Mrs. Orlbblo, and nllhmigh there Is no definite clno to the per sons making attack several negroes are susplcloned. When lonnd the bod ies were discovered to hare been Ut terly hacked to pieces with all uxe and otherwise brutally attacked. ZELAYA'S ARMY EN- ROUTE TO INTERIOR (Special to The Evening News) XI3W ORKKAXS, Dec. 11. Zel ayu's army which Is said to be strengthened by several hundred In terior recruits is proceeding on Mine field, according to dispatches sent out from army headquarters. Kstrada Iras stationed out posts to meet the j attacking party, but from rumors u in itiiifti i inn iiit' i f v i j 1 11 1 niiiiir.v forces are inferior in numbers to those of the Attacking army. Kst radii sympathizers apparently entertain fear that the city is doom ed and will fall into tho possession of Zelayn. Thflr only hope to save city, so they claim. Is the landing of marines and American warships. (Special to Tho K veiling Nep-3, HKKMX, Dec. 11. Cnptuln En gelhart, a pupil of the Wright Bros., aeroplane opera toi s, wins seriously Injured today while driving an aer-' oplauo at .lohauulstnl. Thu ma chine collapsed in the air and struck . the ground with such force as to completely shatter It. The captain was caught under the wreckage and received injuries which will Incapaci tate hint for some time. KERMIT ROOSEVELT BAGS BIG BONGO NAIKORA, Dec. 11. Colonel, Roosevelt has been clearly outwitted by his sum, Kermlt, during the past few days In the wilds of the forolgn clime. Although tho ex-President haa exerted every effort In hope of bog ging u Bongo, he has failed, while his son succeeded in killing three beautiful specimens of their herd. The Roosevelt party is in xcelfent ' health. - . STEAMER ASHORE OFF SLIP POINT (Rpeclnl to The Evening Nows.) SlOA 1'TLE, Dec. The , steamer Erna, of. the Joseph Ostrander line, which conducts a transit between -Seattle to Mexican points Is trnld to have gone nshore In the straits. Tho Colonel Drake, a Standard Oil steam er, reported by wireless this morn ing that members of the crew observ ed a big steamship ashore of! Slip Point, on the British side. Bo wlso Rend The Nows. BRUTAL MURDER OF 13 YEAR OLD GIRL j AT THE STAR I "A Happy Pair" ' Cometly sketch by Mr. and Mrs. )i, ' Wallace. - I PICTURES fe Old l.uve l.ctli-r (f'omwly) X A VMt Htavy nim-Uy) J). A Hlt'diiltty A ITiil r (Comedy) tt-pieco orchestra continuous music furnishes (Special to The Evening Nev s DETROIT, .Mich.. Dec. 11. The ft discovery of the body of Helen j jf Hrown. a girl of 1 :l years, under the IS trucks in the yards of the Whitman I CWWWWrft Ali.MISMdN lO mul Kic. r TIMELY SUGGESTIONS You Will Find Shopping Easy and Pleasant The Assortment Here Is Complete With NEW SEASONABLE SHOWINGS u.vrii noisKS iiorsK co.vrs ii.t r ofiiii k ;i,ovi: OKDKH COI.I.Alt, TIK AMI H.WDKICU CH I KV KlvT l.li.VI'll Kit HATI.V M.NKK. OXI'OHI) IIAGS SLIT CASKS K i:i S K 1 1 X IX liWK A II FA XC V iio.vi;i). ha i.i'' iiozkv assoiitki) coi.oh.s ixtkuwovkx socks fancy iio.i:ii. iiaxilkkhciiiff, tik, susi'kxii khs, a km 1iaxds axi husk M'I'I'OK'I KltK I.N FAXCV COM IJIXATION" HOX. ItKF.FKIt SII.K ML'I'FI.KItS I WAYS SCAItF MLFFI.F.It.S lMlllti:i,l,.AH A I.AItfilC ASSOUT MF.X'I I A( Y AMI l;IOW IIKTACIIAIII.K 1IAXIII.KS. FOI.IIIXG SLIT CASIO L'MIIHKI.LAH PAJAMAS FANCY DHF.SS SlllltTS CL'FK liUTTOXS AVI) STICK I'INS SKI'S I.N I'l.USlI MXKI) CASIO. MOOSK 1IIDK MOCCASINS FOIt EVKNINd FOOT COMFOItT. MF.N'S SKTS, I IIONY FINISH, COM It, IIKUHII, TOOTH ItKCSII, SOAP IIOX, FTC, FTC. HTI.I, FIT AN Y OXFORD HAG. BTll.FY I'.HANH, I'ltU-HIMtlNK. I XIM ItWK All. I.NTI PWOVF.N CASIIMFVF. HO-t- IF.ItY HARTH'S TOGGERY Home of Regal Shoes and Hand Tailored Clothing