The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 10, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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LOCAL news.
... ' . Jl
Tt.e straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequont any of the "by
paths" you'll be apt to lose your
self in the tangle of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
whatever we buy is well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
find that the best is always here.
These cluthes are made for us
by the Stein lilock Co. and liavid
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the wo-ld. Kvery
Suit we sell is sold with an ab
solute guarantee of Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
r uit in return.
Remember fjuality ia 'the true
test of cheapness. ISy o ir good
Clothes you shall know us.
local m;vs.
Dr. Lowe, tho optician, leaves Sat
nniay noon.
W. W. I'linly, llio railroad promot
or, spent yesterday at. Oakland look
nftor business (uteresis.
Sain Millar and wife returned to
Dlllard last evening allcr a brief vis
it wlili friends in t ho city.
Countable Wright lias gono to
polntH above Peel where he will serve
u n ii in tier of civil panel's. He wilt
prabaoly rutin n homo toinorruw even
ing. O. H. Hayes, who spent the past
ion days at Portland returned homo
litHt evening. He reports the weather
4it the metropolis aa anything hut
What docs vour mother, sister,
Itrother or sweetheart wnnt for
Xmns, a Photo made by Clark's
Studio, Kusebiiri? National Dank
VuiiditiK? tr.
John nail, or Myrtle Creek, re
turned to his home this morning after
rpending a few days in the city. His
vllo who Is conllned at Mercy hospi
tal Is said In bo improving.
Special meeting ol tho Ladles Aux
iliary of t he Itosehurg Conunerclal
:iuli at. seven thirty Friday evening.
December I (I. A full attendauco is
OeHlred. Anna Mran. Secretary.
The funeral of the late Kay Tenter,
who recently passed away at Salem,
wan held at the Maptist. church this
ariernoon, Itev. V. II. Katon olllcial
ing. Interment occurred at the Mason
. Jh cemetery.
Tho clllzens were compelled to re
port to candles and other means of
Illuminations on account of the pour
llghts last evening;. The trouble Is
Haiti lo be tlue from Ibe hlh water at
Airs. S. W. Slarmer. or this city,
mid Mis. .IoIiiikou. or North Yakima.
Washhu;lon. went, to Myrtle Creek
(Ills morning where they will upend
u Tew days vlsilhig t the home of
I lu f.irm.'r's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. Hermann,
Xmas will soon be on hand, pood
cheer for all. Have some nice
pieces laid away for Father, Molher.
"Wife, Staler or Sweetheart. A good
piece of furniture Is a toy forever. I
Mealy of them lit ltlcu & Rico, the
bouse furnishers. j
Steven Short., of Wilbur, Is In the
city today.
Many attractive Xmus gifts at the
RosehuiK Rook Store. tf
.1. A. Sbuber, of Sutberlln, was a
visitor in town yesterday.
Miss Coshow has accepted a posi
lion at the Rosoburg Book Store.
Pocket knives, a bin stock of high
grade goods at the Hoseburg book
Store. tf.
William Marsters, of Looking
Class, was a visitor in tho city yes
terday. ,
.1. W. Shatnbrook and wife re
turned to their home at I'nipquu this
morning after a briet visit in the
Nothing Is too pood for the lirlsh,
for the county. Use the best, as it
Is the cheapest In the long run. See
I'nt. t.
The Camas Valley school closed for
the term lat-t Friday, and according
ly the teacher. Miss Hell Teniae has
returned to. her home at Drain.
Th school at Ten Mile has closed
lor tho term. Very successful work
was done during the year, much to
the credit or tile able instructor.
If you are looking for good service
In the barber line call at the Maddlx
barber shop, Cass street, Hoseburg
National Hank Hldg. Three chair
shop. Hath rooms in connection, tf.
Fred A. Jackson, accompanied by
son and step-yon, arrived here this
morning from Cedar Rapids. Iowa,
to spend sonic t him visiting at the
homo of P. II. Clark. If suited with
Itoseburg's climatic, conditions they
will purchase property and remain
here indefinitely.
The biggest and best crockery store
In Southern Oregon. IOverythlng that
Is made In crockery, glassware, ami
China, wo have it. From tho plainest
to best hand-painted. Many beautiful
pieces of Llbhy cut glass suitable for
presents'. Hire & Hice, tho house
furnishers. j
Tho members of the city council i
will meet In an adjourned session,
this evening. The only matter sched
uled tor consideration Is that of en
tering Into a contract with the local
water ami lluiit. company to furnish
the necessary eletriclty for operating
tho decorative light post system.
Headquarters for Holiday goods
Is nt the Hoseburg Hook Store. tf.
W. H. Northcraft, of Olalla, was a
visitor In Lie city yesterday.
Ojd field's musical comedy at the
Star commencing Monday night.
St. Regis Indian baskets, 5 cents
and up, at the Rosebmg Hook Store. tf
Chan. Hatfield, of Melrose attended :
to business manors In the city today.
A. A. Smith, of Oakland, transacted
busines matters In the city this morn
ing. Next week at the Star, commencing-,
Sunday night, Ojdfleld'a musical com-,
i W. P. Oervais, of Wilbur, spent
yesterday in tho city vlsittng with ;
friends. j
Carl Becker, of the Curry farm,
was In the city today on business and
please re.
H. W. Potrcquln and A. J. Ander
ton, of Melrose, woie visitors In the
city today.
Just received -Another phlpmont
tf the famous "Last Forever" lion-1
lery, A written guarantee with every i
pair. Sold only by The Fair. tf. ,
Mrs. Mulvey, who has been confin
ed at Mercy hospital for several weeks
! was discharged from that institution
today. The lady is mucn Improved in
heallh for which her friends feel
made than the celebrated "J. K.
Tilt," which Is to be found at the
I Mlllikln Shoe Store. And for heavy
wear there Is nothing equal to the
'United Workman Shoe." dt-f.
The ladies of St. Cieorge'H Guild
will holt) a bazaar on Wednesday, De
cember 1 5, at. tho parish houso on
Cass street. Fancy and domestic art
icles, Jellies, fruits etc., will be on
pal1. Also some choice home made
candl-ts. tf.
The juvenile cantata. "Snow
Whit1," will be the attraction at the
Armory January 14. It will be given
under the auspices of the Ladles Aid
of the Christian church and Prof.
Lotz is busily engaged In preparing
tho youngsters who are going to take
a part In the event.
J. M. Lawrtnce, who recently re
signed his position as Receiver of the
local I uited States land oftice, will
leave for Bend, Oi egon, his former
home ns soon as the appointment of
(i. V. Riddle is confirmed by the Sen
ate anil the necessary bond furnished.
Ill family will leave prior to Christ
mas, however, expecting to visit with
friends enroute. Mr. Lawrence owns
considerable land near Bend and will
exert bis efforts In hope of boosting
that section
In accordance with a decision
handed down In the- local United
States land office this morning, Mrs.
Leah Barrett has won her contest
at-'almt Henry M. Barrett, her for
mer husband. Tho land embraced In
i he derision Is described as follows
lot 1; the SKV4 of N 10 V K of
SK4. Sec. HO, Tp. 29, S. R. . W.,
niu! is situated In the vicinity of Rice
Creek. It appears from the evidence
adduced at the hearing that Mrs.
Leah Barrett and Henry Barrett filed
application for the land in question
Jointly about twenty years ago, but
at that time both applications were
denied. Not withstanding this fact.
however, tho couple held tho bind
for 1 0 yars, at t he end oi which
time Merry Barrett left, his wife. Mrs.
Leah Barrett (hen held the land ten
yours more, nt which time the sur
vey was accepted and the plat filed.
At (hat time lUnry Barrett filed ap
plication for the land, being followed
by Mrs. Barrett who entered a simi
lar application for the land. The hear
ing cune up befoie the United States
land office hi July, Attorney Reuben
Ma'sters appearing for the contestant
and Atlorney Albert. Abraham for
llio contistee. Tho decision Is to Ibe
off 'ft that Mrs. Barrett Is entitled to
the land. The applications of both
Mr and Mrs. Barrett were made un
der the homestead act.
Are You Ready for Christmas?
And let us assist you in your selection of a
beautiful and lasting present. Vq carry' a full
line of
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware
Cut Glass, Umbrellas, Hand Painted
China and Novelties of all Kinds. '
The time is short. Do pot delay.
Jeweler and
Vp to iind Ineludtnff Sunday. De-
cumber 1'Jth, and have th;m (in-
U-lK'd for XnnlH. Cloudy weather
Is all sunshine nt my Studio. Let
mo do your framing and save
vou money.
( I. VltK S STl ltlO
.liiisi-lmi'K .National llank HldR. .
The best oox confectiontry,
"Lowney's" fresh at the Roseuurg
Book Store. . tf.
The biggest and best Uqe of Post
Card Albums In Douglas county at
Roseburg Hook Store. tf
Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none better
can be made for the pate,
Next to Postoilice.
Or. Lowe leaves tomorrow noon.
William Van Buin has returned
from a brief visit with his aunt at
John Alexander and wife, of Glide,
are in the city today, the former to
attend lodtfe and tho latter to pur
chase Christnum gifts.
Dolls, toy. books. Christmas tree
ornaments, Christmas and New Vear j
iwiultilu tuou ullcknro m,l nil TT
of Holiday goods at The Fair. tf.
P. H. Harth left for his home at
Portland this mcrnliiK after a brief
visit at the home of his son, Henry
Harth, proprietor of Harth's Toggery.
Tho Douglas County Abstract Co.
Is giving away a number of calandors
today. They are largo and attractive,
the figures being unusually distinc
tive. .Mrs. Ralph Terrell will entertain
a number of her lady friends at a
thimble party nt her home in this
city next Wednesday afternoon. In
vitations are out forthe occasion.
Five pctitlor.s.urging tho city coun
cil to call a special election to ascer
tain the opinion of the voters relative
to bonding the city in tho sum of
$10,0(10 for paving purposes are in
T. J. Patterson, representing Boalo
& Company, of Portland, is in the
city attending business matters. He
will endeavor to sell the city a steel
dump cart at the adjourned meeting
of the council to bo held this even
ing. The regular meeting of the Rose
burg Commercial Club which was to
occur Monday evening has boon post
poned until Tuesday evening owing
to tho fact that the Schubert Concert
Company appear hero on the former
The time for filing notices of elec
tion In the several districts to raise
money for road improvements expired
yesterday. Forty-live oui of the fifty
eight districts In llio county have
signified their intention of calling
Filch an election, and accordingly
have their notices 111 tho hands of the
Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small
monthly payments and low rate of interest? '
Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time,
easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in?
Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract
near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo
cality? Do you want to sell your property?
Do you want your building in one of the best
and cheapest companies in the U. S.?
KSoSee WALKER S PERRINE, Roseburg Ore.
Room 1, Bell Sisters Building. -:- -:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public
Plumbing', Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining'-Peoples Marble ;
WorKs. Telephone 2511.
WorK Done on Short Notice
T .
GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR I county luilm-. In each instance (hi
by luw.
At Your Service I
ltosoliiri5, OrcBon Phone 193 I
Books flake the Host Acceptable
Christmas Gifts
There is a book for you to give any relative or frieud tliiit will convey
exactly your message of love, aftVetion, good will or friendship of whatever
nature. There is nothing so much appreciated as a book nothing that gives
books at and lasting a pleasure.
e are ready to supply i;ift-seekcrs with Hooks that will make tho most
valuahlo t'ifts, at prices considerably below those usually asked. We have
books of history, the works of famous authors, spirited novels of today, rich gift
books in elaborate, beautiful bindings, liibles and Testaments, Children's Story
and Picture Hooks, the only complete, and the best selection to choose from iu
Hoseburg. And all at the firf st and most tempting' prices.
lut you must come and see; and come early, for then
from a complete, new, blight and inviting stock, and you'll
ceaseless, perpetual Christinas ruth.
you can chooseP
also avoid the
Roseburg Book 5tor
Noi tli Jitrkpnn Stirct.
Successors to Anee's Book Store
Roseburg, OreRon
! Closing Out Sale of
4 .All mijliaory at cost and below until
J closed out. We need the room and don't
4 want to carry anything over to next
I season. Our aim is to give you new and
I up-to-date goods. We do not want to
t have any old material on hand to work
Z over. We mean business Come in and
T let us supply your needs
Commandant W. W. Kldor says
l hut ho is in receipt of word to the
erTi'ct that Harry Campbell, a for
mer inmate of the Soldiers' Home,
died ;ome time a so in Rhode Island,
i to which place he went about a year
; since. Harry, ns he was familiarly
j known by his many Mends in this
! city, was n genial fellow, and his
, death 1b regretted by all who chanced
to make hio acquaintance,
i ' Tom Lough's lunch wagon which
: has occupied a conspicuous position
on Sheridan treet In the vicinity of
the Southern Pacific depot, la a thing
of the past. Mr. Lough was refused
a license by City Recorder Ormtt this
morning, then-fore he was compelled
1 to suspend business. Orc.utt.'B action
was taken at I he instance of the city
council,, such having deemed tho wa
gon a nuisance at a recent meeting
Mrs. Standley L. Kidder, nee Miss
Miss Maud Rast. will arrive in the
city this evening from Manila where
she has resided for the past year. She
left. Manila on October lio and arrived
at Portland about ton davs ago. Since
at that city. She was accompanied on
tho trip by Mis. Sehantz. who is en-1
route from Manila to her former
home in Florida. Mr. Kidder expects
to return to Roseburg In the spring
to remain in this section indefinitely.
In all probability he will retain a po
sition in the postal service upon arriv
ing here, having requested a transfer.
Tho change is made necessarv bv the
ill healih of Mrs. Kidder.
A small conflagration which might
have result m! disastrously had It not
been for the prompt action of the
household occurred at the home of
Attorney I)extr Hlc shortly after w
7 o'clock this morntr.K. It appears ' g
that Mr. Rico kindled the tire in the &
kitchen stove ps usual shortly alter ft
A o'clock aad then retired from the a
room. His wife entered the kitchen
nn hour later and to her astonishment
delected a small blaze which nt the!v
time was conllned to the ceiling In
the Immediate vicinity of the flue. An
alarm was Immediately given. Mr.
Rice responding promptly. After a
few minutes hard work he succeeded
in extinguishing the flames. The dam
age was plight.
I Fair I
The Roseburg Pharmacy i
WE take a delight in serving our patrons with
the best there is in the line of drugs. Purity
is our motto. , Promptness both day and
nigh is wnat counts at our pharmacy.
Full line of Sundries always on hand
X. t. HK0HN, Manager
. - :: -, -: 4 :
Winnie Gaddis
Skylight Cornices
Heating Ventilating
Agent for Snell
Water Filters.
Removes all im
parities. :: i ww is
Phone 2101
Roseburg . Oregon t