TUB RVKNIXO NEWS FltlDAV, Ili: i:1l!hH 10, 11MIK. THE EVENING NEWS ' HV B. W. UATBS lHHllOI) DAILY KXCKIT SUNDAY fCnlered uh Bucond-cluas matter Nov. 6, J809, at KoseliurK, Ore., un der act of. Karch 3, 1879. Hulucription ltnU'n Daily Per yrair. by mnil $3.00 Per mouth, delivered 50 8inl-Vii'kly Per year... 12.00 Blx months 1.00 tiil'Iikimy, ii: i:.iiii:h , i' If some people Bpent hh much time In biiHtliiiK for what liny need as they do In wishing for what they ran do wllhout, they would ho well Biip " jlled with the necemllieg of life. A youni! couple wore married In Idaho a few dii.m nuo on a train truvellni! (HI mill' an hour hut they havo already atruck u more BenBlhle Bait for their Journey tlirmiKh lire. A local editor's hIicuib of "Knocker! Knocker!" remind one of the Btory or the thief who mlnuled with IiIb purBliei-B and fihouted "Stop Ihlef!' at tint top of hlB voice to divert sus picion. Wonder If tho editor of the alleged cvcnlnn nheet down the Btreet would pmplov an expert at. 1Ti per day to no ver ills affairs without some Idea as to filial cost? A patron comes into this office for a piece of work Hint may rost 25 cents or r00, he Bets exncl figures: Ihu architect draws plaliB for a residence to cost $5,72:1.41). ami tho compensation Ib stated at the Ktart; tho contractor eniiimeH iu u sti iiuturo worth $4,a.f i to, .ii. he not suv to the owner, for "two weeks or two months' then wo can llx tho eosi and wait ' and because It m.v tiiko humor: the niercnani imd u lilll of noods from the wholesaler nt a slated price, and though the mar ket fliiclualions niako tho Bluff worth mora money thu next day, the llmire Klvon and accepted si amis. A man has lirnlns to Hull which our "friend" down tho Blreet, Juilglng from some of his lain effusions evi dently has not and then no eslimato of Him! cost is alteinpted. There is n feeliiw? niuong very many good mid Killistanllal business men of tho city that $500 lo $1.0(10 Is a trill" high for the work proposed, and under the conditions Is could cost most. Who knows? DAIIIVMUN IX tOXVUMION tored stallions In Washington county, representing an investment of about $50,000. lie figured out how much this money, put into registered bulls or registered cows, would mean to tho county and to the stale, showing that (ho r-'turns for improving breed of dairy herds would be vastly grealer. "There are 200 dalles that havo been lnspecled In our county," con llnued the darymau. "In the herds of these dairies there are 1914 animals. Out of this total there are but 2S re---Istered bulls, and pure bred but 5 graded cows, 475, and common cows. 1437." .. O. Lively, of tho Portland I'nlon Stock Yards, gave some Interesting slatemeuls. Ill a few words he told the dairymen of the profit to be earn ed In fattening hogs, selling veal and marketing and surplus slock they have. Kxp.'itlatlng on the splendid market conulllons developing at Port land, as a result of the great enter prises Swift and Company, and ailed interests were starling. Mr. Mvelv (old his hearers I hat besides the yards here, there were, but six oilier large stock yards In Hie Hulled Hlates, these being localed at fhlcsgo. St. Louis. Kansas City, Kurt Worih, Denver and St. Paul. lie urged Oregon and Washington dairymen to visit the yards, sell their stock throlign tho new Institution, and aid In building up the best mark ed the Pacific Coast had ever known for livestock of all kinds. Di:i)icATK cir'hcii su.vday litOM YO.NCAI.I.A Will lie More Than Kvcr. (Glorious Tlie Cow and the Small luirm an- the Weallli Producers Moniiiois of tho Oregon Dairy As- n..l..tl,m -ire having a spleudu) meet ing nt Portland. The small farm and the cow come In I'm- a great deal or llltentlon, lllld mnllled, too. Among tho tiomendiuiB farm class es producing wealth, the dairy was placed next to coi n. Wheat and cot ton, which have hold such enviable poBltloiiB. looked like thirty cenls in tho ngrlcullural class. Hairy producls f the entire cciinlry exceed wheat by !I3 1-3 per cunt for thu last census yoar. and are within 4 0 per cent of corn's total. , , ... The story of tho Bmall fnrm. with !tB dnlrv, the foundation of henlih, tho fortress of independence, Hie time tee of lllelllV ill life llllli II good surplus for tho family, was told ol liy J. 1). Mlrkh), of Korcst Orovo, nnd hounded tho hopeful tone of Ihu con vention. Mako Ibis dairy and small farm moro prolllablu. moro scientific und more csenllal for the wage work er, was the general thought. Mr. Micklu r, Btory ol his own ex perience, was the best thing heard In tho convention. He was a salaried man In Hie employ of a railway olllce In Portland, had worked for li years, lmd reached the munificent sum of $80 a month, hud lost his health by long hours nnd hard work, and was confronting early depart urn from life, leaving his family penniless, lie went, to Washington County, got hold of n small fin in. which he agreed to pay for at $10 an acre, secured a small dairy herd, and began life anew. Ills land Is lodav worth $100 per acre, he rollt out ot farm pronucis Once again our tuition Is preparing to celebrate another anniversary of tho Saviour's birth. Already the the different stores lire brilliant with their radiant display of toys and tho greater Cominodil les for. gift making in gr.itlficiiHoii, of that feeling which prevails at Christinas time, Hie .toy which comes fro inking others nap py. The little ones are looking long iiiulv and Joyously lo the dawning of another grand anil glorious Christmas day when there joys win ne crowneu with such gll'lH iiHIIhclr Hearts de sire and they'll feel the cords of love and obedience draw and lighten into pleasant reminiscence of the heart. Once again Hint much treasured brotherly love and aelt'dwuJal is be ing felt throughout Hie land, for while the little ones with radient faces are looking and longing for the meiry festivities or Xe:as. the grown folks cannot hut betruy thcli delight nt making the youngsters to para- j moiin ly Joyous and happy ana aie trulv thankful for being accorded the prhiledge nnd pleasure of liv lt. In Hits m-and republic of the U. S. where our homes are sacredly pro tected under lite best government on earth, whero the law presumes a man lo be Innocent until proven guilty am: where Justice-is tempered with mercy. Animosities aro for a time forgot ten, petty iullueiieces are indiscrimin ately laid ai'ldo and all barriers to ponilriy irainplcd down nnd a galit good feeling and good cheer are lu ll ugerated. What a plly that such feeling can t always exist ai d that animosities nnd dlscenslons aro not bitterly contested to the Inst ditch and there buried to ho remembered no more. liy so doing, the year 1910 will bloom to behold a laud cleansed ol Intimity with Hie motto, "Police on Mn i-i h flood Will Toward Men iiiimned lii onililiinint y across the ihieuhbold of lime nnd the nation will wax stronger nnd stronger under that liidestruclablo cement ot contenlness and love which knows no dofoat but Is tho hub around which the universe revolves and Is the golden thread Intersecting the penrl chain of all virtues. lOmplres nnd Kingdoms Inoom and rise to power by Intemperance or in ternaliomil dissentions crumblo nnd go to pieces, but the kingdom which liod has ofiipluiltod in the lienrtB of men. yields not to the ravages of time nor is It shaken or linpared by tho vicissitudes of worldly dominat ion. MKS. MrOINTY The new Presbyterian church, situated ut the corner or Lane and Jaeksoi,' ztrcetB, will be for me"iy dedicated on Sundav, De cember 12. Three rousing. ser vices will bo held, at 11 a. m.; 3 p. m., and 7 '30 p. m. llev. J. K. Burkhart, the reg ular pastor or the church, will be nutod by R?v. Henry Mar sott. or Portland.: llev. Dr. Townsend. or Kstacada, and Kev. W. A. Smick, or this city. Special music has been arang ed tor the occasion, the assist ance ot tho Schubert Ladles Quartet hnving been secured tor Hie evening service. Kverv one Is Invited to at- tend theSo services. HA MO OF SCHOOL IIO.Ni.M Notice is hereby given that at a legally called schoo, meeting, held May 1S, 1 909, School District No. 1 of DnuifhiH coiintv. Oreirfin. author ized a bond Issuo of $20,000.00. for I iho purposn of erecting a suitable JJ school building for Public and High School purposes. Therefore tho undersigned will re- tf celve bids ror the purpose or the said bond Issuo up to and Including the j 31st day or December. 1909. and thelj said bond Issue will be sold to the! a parly or parties bidding tlie lowest rate or interest. This bond issue to run ror a ported or twenty yars, and payaliln ten yearB after date at option or said school dletrict: suid bonds to bear seml-nnniuil interest coupons trom the 1st day or .lanunry. 1910. I)at?d nt Itoseburg. Oregon. HiIb 9th day or December. 1909. .1. B. SAWYERS. Treasurer or Douglas, Countv, Oregon. D 30 THE CIIAPKI, ('AH The Chapel Car will nrrlve In Itose burg lotiKMTOw evening in churge of Kev. '. McDonald, of tho Kedcnip Uonlst Order, Tho cur will bo In Itoseburg a few days, undergoing some needed re pairs. llev. F. McDonald will assist In the solemn devotions of tlie forty hours, on Sunday. A solemn high mass will be celebrated for the first time In the history of Itoseburg. The public is cordially Invited to attend all the ceremonies of the forty hours. W. F. McCKE, Rector. Indian baskets, birch bark, sweet grass and porcupine quill work mnde liy St. Regis, Mohawks, Iroquois and other tribes, for sale at Roseburg Hook Store. These are pretty goods at pleasing prices. tr. ftj.JMMtAuijijM-.Mi)frliill II. K. BTICKL, Altoney-nt-Lnw . Legal advice free. Collections it Solicited Room 1, MarsterB Bldg. '? Itoseburg, Ore. : li J I pit -pM : W' W$x$ CopyH8nt 1909 i J. I I J i I IIC I IUUK Ul You Arc Going to Euy a New Suit... It: m OKCIIAItl) tmikes it lit and Is gelling all average of about Tn(, W11V to Bl, f,.t a ntraight $13(1 a month from his herd of nine 0 lu nmn wh(, wanll) , lf ym, 0nn cows. Ilo is only learning the diili y not ,i t ts Ih. then a reliable mldille lmr.lnesB. al that. The smile he wears nmu s ,,x ,s( when tilling of the new life with Ihej winter has not much work for the farm and dairy Is the best medicine im.,ard, but orchnrdlsts call plan for Hint has been administered lo dls- ln ,.1VB pI)lm. ntid the plauiiiug plrited nnd despuudent men of Ore- is jusi (ls essential ns iinyllilug they Kor. for years. . ,. ,,,. "I havo seen tho farmer go to Ills if ,VP rcntltl see all the hugs and DRAYINQ AND HAULING TELKPHO-VE 001 Prompt at tout Ion given to all orders NAT BISHOP Kuppenhet Chicago You want value re ceived, a suit of clothes that will retain its shape, have the snap and style the other we I dressed man has. Did you ever stop to think the well dressed man was not a hap pen, so, but the art of using that nice little discretion, that some thing that you proba bly pay for and don't get, while he pays no more than you and he receives the full bene fit. Come in and let us show you how it is done. Harth'sTog-' gery Good Clothes System will solve the mystery for you. Prices $15 to $30. Clothes kept nicely pressed free. i Harth's Toggery Home of the Regal Shoe . v . . , . xx Mrs. Lucy Keins returned to her home at Cottage Grove this morning ater a brief visit at the homo of her daughter. Mrs. Robert ODe. Mr. and Mrs. liowwiklo, 01 Kden bower, went to Portland this morning where they will spend about two weks visiting friends and relntlves. 1 am prepared to uulid your ce ment walks nnd cement foundations, pier Rtone, etc., etc., at once. Yours fn- n oulck nnd neat job. Pat. tf the imperial! ! A Temperance Saloon I Imrn und pikt.i1 an hour currying a j $50 plug of n hnrw," wild Mr. Mh'klo. j "whllo. ii row that wiw worth $Ht0i wau over at t lie nthor cud of llio tarn I In a ii'ek'i t(l ciiiMlttlon. That whatj Kiipposc you would rail borne ' 8tnw." Jlo fltatod th.it. thvro wcro li2 ri;ia-i r worniH that Iho frost puts out of th way evory wlhttM. It would help it. lo hoar cold woat her with hotter man, lf we plow Into, we give .lack Frost u good lift, iu his work. That makes ft easier for 111 m to reach down and get hold oT the pests thai make us so much trouMe. Farm Journal. Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger Depot - Roseburg ORDWAY & BOGART PROPRIETORS jnjjjjjjj g FICE - RICE, THE HOUSE FURNISHERS Now's the time to 8 tl li it LATEST THE SEASON'S PATTERNS In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass Silver ware, Novelties, andSouvenir Spoons. In fact reliable goods that stand the test at the lowest price. New goods coming every day. A. SALZMAN 8 8 V fa".- ' , 1 , X '." Buy Your' Xmas Gifts. Shop Early and get first choice Better, bigger than ever is our display of useful gifts, odd pieces furniture, book cases, desks, dressers, buf fetts, side boards, china closets, combination cases lounges, couches, davenports, settees, parlor sets, chairs and rockers. , . - "Coming Through H the Rye." .That's i the tune you'll step H to if you should Hi fail to shop early. Hi Sewing machines, washing machines, ranges, kitchen cabinets. Everything to make merry the home. Cuttlery all'kinds, 1S47 Rogers Bros silverwear at prices below them all. Carvers, roasters and coffee perculators. A pleasant thought, a wise suggestion, a timely hint. Swell Rojkers. Morris chairs. Pnnr-W a.j Davenports, Uulfetts, China Closets, Diners and extension tables 1847 Roger Bros. Silverware The latest Colfee l'erculator, Size 1-3 IT IT I it If H;H tt it' We Never Forget the Little Ones Little red chairs, dollie go carts 50 cents up, toy dishes' toy tables, toy stoves, knives and forks and childs sets rockers, high chairs, black boards, toy banks, air guns for boys, toy banks and game boards. There will be something doing if you wait too long, selected marked and laid away for you . . Goods . JIail orders promptly attended to. 44UiAA UiUA.liAl.iA..lA. AAA AAA AAA aaaa aaaaa a a ......kaa.a.aaaaaa.... ........ . . w 1 mm AAAX.XllZllZIXIIIIlIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT'r'r'r'r'rTTTTTTTTTTTTT'rTT w mm I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAf .AAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAA&a.. . . . . . .