The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 09, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Rain or Snow Tonight and
M ill rimlThit KvpntiirNewa
the boat uhhIIuiu to roach the
IHMtploof Uoaohurir. A wide-n-wnlto
publication prlntliir
all the mwa that's ttt to print
NO. 33
Steamer Clarion Goes
Rocks Off Peeler
Winding Show Prevemed Che Peeler
Life Saving Station From See
ing the Ship's Signuls of
(Special to The Evening Ne3.)
CLEVELAND, Dec. 9. Two sea
men are dead and twelve 'missing
from the crew of the Anchor Line
freighter Clarion, which burned at
midnight off Point Peeler. Six mem
bers of the crow of the Hl-fated ship
were taken off by the steamer Hanna,
which brought the news of tne dis
aster to Cleveland at daylight. The
-Clarion was a wooden steamer 240
feet keel with 2fi foot beam. The fire
Marled in the hold soon after the ves
sel passed Amertsbnrg. The wind was
blowing a gale, and the snow was
blinding while immense-waves swept
the deck of the doomed shlpOn ac
count of tho terrific storm It wns im
possible for the Pelee life saving
station to see her signals of distress.
(Special to The Evening News)
BUFFALO, Dec. 9. The steamer
W. C. Richardson went on the rocks
t h ree m 1 1 os out. Five men are re
i ported lost. Rescuers from the life
saving station saved fourteen men
from the wreck. Samuel Mayberry, of
Cleveland, and four members of the
engine crew were drowned, and the
bodies were not recovered.
gating the charges of peonage filed
against the Northwestern Railroad
by B. D. Carr. of Toledo, Ohio. Of
ficials of the Sitchmen'a Union allege
that the railroads are keeping Import
ed strike breakers, who took places
of the switchmen, under an armed
guard lo prevent them frtyn going
over to the strikers, s
$500,000 FIRE
(Special to The Evening New?.)
KALAMAZOO, Mich., Dec. 9
Damage aggregating ut least $5G0,-
000 was done by fire which started
at midnight. For a time the ll antes
threatened the entire business sec
tion of the city, but by heroic efforts
the fire department succeeded In get
ting control of the conflagration. 20
stores were destroyed and also the
Burdlck House, while 20 'other busi
ness houses were badly damaged. Re
ports that there had been loss of life
In the fire are unconfirmed.
Who Was Royal
Friends is Hazed
(Special to Tha Evening News)
COPENHAGEN. Dec. 9. If Dr.
Frederick A. Cook's data In support
of claim that lie discovered the North
Pole was faked, as claimed by Cnpt.
A. V. Loose, retired engineer, and
Geo. H. Dunkle". New York Insurance
agont, Danish authorities would havd
easily discovered the fraud. This Is
the only satement obtainable at the
University today. Dr. Cook, at Brons-
ville, N. v., refused to discuss tne
Loose-Dunkle statement.
Attorney George Neuner is working
on the school census, and hopes to
have the same complete by the latter
part of tho week.
(SpecinI to The Evening Nets ;
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 9. State I.r.
bor Commissioner McEwen la Invrati-'
Up to and including Sunday, De-
cember 19tli, and have them fin-
Ished for Xmas. Cloudy weather
is ull sunshine at my Studio. Let
mo do your framing and save
you money.
. Itiisi'lllll'U Nation. ll lluuk Hull!. .
Young Lady Student Sutler Indigni
ties nt Hands of Enraged -Normal
School Students. in West
(peclal to The Evening News)
FAIRMONT, W. V., Dec. 9. Fol
lowing the hazing of Miss Hattle Tay
lor, of Eikins, who Is a student nt the
State Normal School,, the Board of
Regents have Instituted a vigorous in
vestigation to learn tho Indentity of
tho frollckers who are acused of hav
ing given the young lady a bath In
ice water and afterward to have strip
ed her body zebra fashion with
bright red . paint. Tho trouble be
tween Miss Taylor and her tormen
tors seems to have had origin over
a football game between the Normal
eleven and a team from Elklns, dur
ing wnich the girl cheered tho lads
from her home town. -
firm of
i con-
Our stock is large and Better than ever
Australian and German Decorated China.
Rugs and Draperies.
. Children's Carts and RocKers.
Chiffioners and Dressers.
Center and Library Tables. ,
Morris Chairs and RocKers.
Couches and Lounges. '
Space is too limited to name the many beautiful
articles that will pleased-oil. Come in and see.
Headquarters for Celebrated Columbia Graphaphones, Double Discs and
Indestructible Records.
mm gmmmz
We believe Folder's Golden Gate Coffee gives more comfort
and proper stimulant to old folks than ?ny other drink.
People who have a knowledge of good Coffee won't drin
any other.
We drink it ourselves and are always glad to recommend it to
our customers.
Alton S. Frey
Dr. Selher, of the medical fir
Drs. Seely, Sether & Stewart, Is
lined at his home with illness.
Douglas county purchased an L.
C. Smith typewritter today, the same
to bo used In the county clerk's oftice.
Last night's rain brought the Um
nua rivef up considerable at Winches
ter, nnd accordingly, Kendall Bros,
are suffering no end of trouble.
Sam Smith and William Tipton
took the horses that were brought
here yesterday from "Hiir'Bradley's
former hoive In the Capps Illahee
district, to his farm a short distance
east of tho city. The animals will be
pastured until such time as their dis
posal can be effected.
Georgo Bolter, wife and daughter,
returned from Portland last evening
after n two month's stav at that city.
While in the northern city Mr. Bolter
was employed by the Southern Paci
fic on a west ntde run. He expects to
remain In Rostburg hereatter, having
resumed his run out of this city.
Everet L. Jones, of Multnomah
county, and Miss Philura Gilliam, of
Glenaalo, were mawled nt the home
! of the latter's parents at Clendale. on
Tuesday, Rev. J. K Howard officiat
ing. Tho bride is well and favorably
known In nnd about Glendule where
she has a host of friends who wish
her a long and prosperous future.
On the e'en I n g of December 18
the Roseburg high school basket
ball team will meet the Albany ag
gregation at the latter city. The
Roseburg team is considered one of
the host in the entire state, and a
spirited game may he expected. It Is
said that a rumber of Roburg's
young people will accompany the
,team on the trip.
At the regular meeting of Lilac
Circle Xo. 49, Women of Woodcraft,
tho following officers were elected to
srve druine the ensuing year: G. N ,
Ella Patterson; advisor, 'Tillle John
son; hanker, Lucinda Moore; clerk
Clara lloren; magician, Allle Fickle;
A. T., Mary Lewellen; I. S., Ada Pat
ten; O. S.. Hattle Pickens; C. of G.,
Belle Jones: manager, M. Klfkle.
County Supt. of Schools Thurman
Chaney reports that Douglas county
is the only county in tho state that
recefved a gold medal for Us educa
tional exhibit at the A. Y. P. Kxpn
! sition at Seattle. Several districts in
! other counties reeoived honors but
! not as an entire county. Such speaks
i well for the schools of Douglas
I county, and especially the able in
structors under whose supervision
i the exhibits were arrannod.
! "A Box of Perfectos" is the titlo
i of the amusing vaudeville stunt at
I The Star theatre which will be pre-
fented by Mr. and Mrs. Wallncn, tins
evening. The moving pictures in
clude, "Laddies," "The Apprentice
Boyic1 and A Comrad."
Advices received In the city from
down tho line are to tho effect that
Fred Paquette, formerly a saloon
keeper In this city, has been Indicted
for Beijing Intoxicating liquor con
trary to the local option law". He
posted the necessary bond and his
trlrl will come off in January.
Night Officer Palm reports hun
dreds of side door tourists passing
through the city of late. Most of
these fellows ore going south whre
they expect to find the climate a little
milder than In the north. The of
ficer simply Instructs the individuals
to get out of town as soon as possible,
such beiitg the only manner of hand
ling men of this type.
E. Bayloss. of Myrtle Creek, was
arrested late last evening by Officer
Palm while causing a disturbance.
He wan remanded to the city Jail
where he remained until this morn
ing when he was arraigned before
City Recorder Orcutt. Upon entering
a plea of guilty a fine In the sum of
5 was Impbsed. He paid the amount
of the fine and departed.
An aged man whose name could
not be ascertained came to the city
from his ranch short distance east of
the city this morning and reported
the 1os of a small sum of money. He
faid that he had the coin hidden In
his cabin, and that while absent from
home, some unprincipled miscreant
stole within and appropriated the en
tire amount. Fearing notoriety the
fellow rorused to divulge his identity.
Joe Snyder, of Days Creek, was a
visitor in the city yesterday.
Horace Hagen, of Wilbur, was a
visitor in the city yesterday.
Mrs. L. G. Pettit, who recently suf
fered an uttaek of paralysis. Is sal 1
to be improving nicely, and her ulti
mate recovery is anticipated. She Is
under the care of Dr. Hoover.
Men Already Perish
From Exposure
LOUISVILLE GIRL blizzard is raging
Mine Workers to tho effect that re
lief work among the widows and or
phans of tho Cliery mine disaster Is
being delayed by too much adherence,
to redNape methods. The mine work
ers claim that many survivors are
suffering from the lack of food and
St. Joseph's lro-l'luireli
(Special to The Fining News)
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec.9. The
police are making every effort to find
Miss Alma Kellner, daughter of a
wealthy brewer, who It Is believed Is
being held by kidnappers for ransom.
Miss Kellner disappeared yesterday
morning while enroute to mass at St.
John'B ct'urch, and nothing has been
seen or heard of her since.
Two Men Kail mi the Streets of Den
ver and Will Die From Freezing
Stage Driver and Passen
ger are Dead.
(Special to The Evening News.)
NEW YORK. Dec. 9. Patrick
Keegan, team man In the Frank Gal
vln society six day bicycle ,race at
Madison Square Garden, collapsed to
day, nnd was removed from the track
by order of physicians. This is the
first team retired from the race thus
far. This morning the leaders were
Mill l miles nnd 8 laps ahead of
last year's record, having covered
1575 miles. Later In the day Hull
Stole was forced to retire, his legs
having given out.
(Special to The Evening News.)
DENVER. Dec. 9: Two men are
dead and two others are dying as a
result of the severe storm sweeping
over Colorado. The stage driver be
tween Hanna and Lee. Wyoming, was
found dead. Tho stage carried only
one imsucnucr. who was also fmxen.
The team did not perish. Early in school at 10 a,
the day two men were found on the
street unconscious from the cold, and
it is' thought that they will die, as
they woro badly frozen.
Sunday Is tho third Sunday In ad
vent. At 10:30 there will be high
mass, and the solemn devotion of the
forty hours will begin. Sunday even
ing, for the first time In tho pro
church, there will be evening devo
tion at 7:30. On Tuesday the winter
conference of tho Southern Oregon
J Deanery will be hold at the parish
house. Archbishop 'Christie will be
present and will bless the new pro
church. Several eloquent priests, In
cluding Rev. Father Lane, will be
present. The public Is cordially In
vited to attend all these services. ,
MetlmrtiM. Church South
Tho ladies of tho '95 Mental Cul-i
tnre Club met at the home of Mrs.
Willis on Tuesday afternoon. Decern-'
bor 7. The occasion was the monthly
social at which Longfellow's birthday
was celebrated both in poetry nnd
song, and the affair war, bo:h Interest
ing and Instructive. The programme
Is as follows: i
Vocal Duct "Tho Rainy pav"
Mrs. Geo. Riter and Mrs. John Town-'
Biography of Longfellow Mrs. F.
L. Russell.
Instrumental Select lon-y-MIss Veda
Vocal Solo "The Bridge" Mrs.
George Riter.
Reading "Robert of S!clly" Mrs
Ruby Feckenscher.
Vocal Solo "The Arrow and the
Soi'gJ' Mrs. John Town send.
vocal boio miss Harris.
.. After which the following hostests
served delicious refreshments: Mrs.
Ellznbeth Parrott, Mrs,
(Special to The Evening Nows.)
CHICAGO. Dec. 9. Mayor Busse
has begun investigation into the
charges made by official of the United
Mrs. I. W. Groves. Mrs. E. V.
Mrs. M. Josephson.
The new Presbyterian church
situated at the corner of Lane
and .Inckson streets, will be for
merly dedicated on Sundav, De
cember 12. Three rousing. ser
vices will bo held, at 1 1 a. m.;
3 p. m and 7 '30 p. in.
Rev. J. E. Hurkhart, the reg
ular pastor of the church, will
be assisted by Rev. Henry Mar
sot t. of Poi-tl:uiri.; Rev. Dr.
Tow n n d , e f Est a cad a , a n d
Rev. W. A.'Smlck, of this city.
Special music has been a rang
ed for the occasion, tho assist
ance of the Schubert Ladies
Quartet having been secured
for the evening service.'
Every one is Invited to nt-
Slmon Lane, tend these services.
Rev, K. M. Meat's, pastor. Rov. E.
B. Jones, presiding elder, will preach
at both services Sunday. Sunday
W. L. Cobb. Supt.
Epworth League at 6:30, Sunday
evening. The public Is cordially in
vited to all services.
AH kind of -hides tanned an taxi
dermist Work done on short notice.
Your work along this line is solicited.
AddreftB Fred Langenberg, Box 207,
Roseburg, Oregon. tf.
It Ib a noteworthy fact that fowls
prefer green food in the morning.
You may have some old hens that
look as it they might go through the
winter all right; so they may; but
will they bo profitable? That Is the
question, and it is safe to say, "No,
they will not."
A Box of Perfectoes
Comedy SKetch by
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
i 3-Piece Orchestra
You Are Going to g
Buy a New Suit...
You want value re- It
ceived, a suit of clothes
that will retain its
shape, have the snap
and style the other
well dressed man has.
Did you ever stop to
think the well dressed
man was not a hap
pen so, but the art of
using that nice little
discretion, that some
thing that you proba
bly pay for and don't
get, while he pays no
more than you and he
receives the full bene
fit. Come in and let
us show you how it
is done. Harth's Tog
gery Good Clothes
System will solve the
mystery for you.
Prices $15 to $30.
Clothes kept nicely
pressed free.
xx Quel?
J Harth's Toggery
Home of the Reeal Shoe