The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 08, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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114 Shopping' Days
r f3 v '-
The straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequent any of the !'ty
paths" you'll be apt to lose your
self in the tanjjle of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
whatever we buy is well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
iind that the best is always here.
These clothes are mado for us
by the Stein Mock Co. and David
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the wo-ld. Every
Suit we sell is sold 'with an ab
solute guarantee of .Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
fuit in return.
Kemenibcr quality is the true
test of cheapness. Hy our good
Clothes you shall know us.
Then Comes Christmas
City News Briefly. Recorded
Mnnv nttrnctlvo Xmas gifiB at the
Roseburtc Bonk Store, tf
Willlirn Ialf, of Peel, was n visitor
In tho city for u few hours jc. ter
Uay. .T. h. Watson, of OH do, trnrsaetod
hiiHlncss matters in tlio city yest'sr
day. Pocket knives, a hlg slock nf high
grade goods at tho Koseburg Hook
Btoro. tr.
Uuf Dixon wont to Oakland (his
morning to look after Ihihniohh niUt
turH. Marguerite I'age wont ta Drain
Ihln mnrnlng to spend a few days u
guest of friendH.
George Qutno returned tn Iil(M!e
this morning after a brief vIhII with
friends In tho city.
The higgost and best lino of Poat
Card Albums In Douglas county at
KoHohurg Hook Btoro. tf
Consult Dr. Lowo about your ovhs
nnd glnst e an early as pussihle an he
Is iiHiiiilly v?ry husy li Ih last day here.
Ho leaves Saturday loon.
Just received Another shipment
t f tho famous "hast Kurcver" hos
lery. A written guarantee with every
pair. Hold only hy The .''air. tf.
O. N. Howard, Peter IMam, Will
Nichols, Geo. Qui line, of Kiddle, and
JaH. Snyder, of Days Creek, spent yos
t onlay In the city attending to busi
ness inatterH.
J. C, Krye, tho OnnuiH Valley mer
chant, loft this morning Tor his, old
homo In Iowa upon receipt of a tele
gram announcing tho Morions Illness
of his mother, lie expects to remain
In the until :ucli time us his
mother linpfovoH. i
Tho biggest and best crockery store
In Southern Oregon. Everything that
Ih made In crockery, glassware, and
China, wo have It. Krom tho plainest
to hoHt hand-painlod. Many lieautiful
pieces of Libby cut glass suitable for
presents. Hlco & It Ice, tho house
TJ. T. Garnart, of Hldillo,, was a
visitor In the city yesterday.
It. U'aito wont Im SuiherUn I his
mori lug after a hii ;f v'sit
In this city.
Dr. Lowe, tho optician, arrives to
night and will bo at iho iMeClnl'en
hotel unll! Saturday noon.
(i. 11. Hayes who has u-fr. spending
tho past wetk at Portland will return
mono this evening.
Nothing Is too good for tho Ilrlsh,
for the county. Uso tho best, as It
Is tho cheapoat In the long run. See
I'at. t.
Grant Taylor returned to his home
at Winchester this morning after Hie
spending of a couple of davs In this
Dolls, toy, books. Christmas tree
ornaments, Christmas pud Now Year
postals, tags, stickers and all kinds
of Holiday goods at Tho Fair. tf.
Ilavo you seen that special couch
we have on eato. You'll miss it tf
you don't; a natural rest will do you
good stretch out. Rice & Hlce. tf
A few specialties; all colors nnd
Umpijiia Lodi;e No. HI 4, lirother
hood of Hallway Trainmen held
their annunl election at tho Mneouhee
hall on Friday evening, resulting as
follows: C. C. Noilson, P. Pres.; YV.
A. Coffin. Prs.; S. V. SI armor, Vice
Pros.; W. O. Cordon, Secy.; W. K.
Hates, Treas.; M. A. Williams, Jour
nal Agt.; V. II. Tiiibets. Conductor;
Quille, Chaplin; F. F. I. rand, Ward
en; W. T. FImIi, In nor Guard; A. A.
uuielot. Outer Guai d.
(VI). MA''N A i n
'. At Your Ht-rvlco
Rospluirg, OroRon Phone 193
The New York Store Can Serve You Best
Only 14 shopping days before Xmas. Do you realize how rapidly the time
is flying? Buying can now be done with a degree of comfort and satisfaction
not possible the last few days. Purchasing now means choosing' from complete
stocKs, and let us maKe it a pleasure to serve you in an up-to-date manner with
all the conveniences of modern merchandise.
Come View the Many Wonders of Toy Land.
Tomorrow, Thursday, is the opening of our Toy Store, the supply center
of the toys that will delight all g'ood boys and girls on Christmas. Old 'and
young' are cordially invited to attend and wander through the department and
absorb the Xmas spirit that prevades the very atmosphere of this great depart- '
ment. Watch and looK for the Xmas siens. they show you the manv hapo'aini
throughout the store, they show and offer Holiday suggestions to you. Remember to do your
early and derive the benefit thereof.
ppraS xx
' XX
ij XX
i ;
J. A. Snyder, of Days Creek, was a
visitor In tho city yesterday.
H. L. Couglar. ol Canyonvllle, Is
a visitor In tho city today.
Frank Sull'van, of Canvonville,
was a visitor In the citv yesterday.
St. Ri'gjB Indian baskets, 5 cents
and up, at the Uoseburg Hook
C. J. Sutherlin, transacted business
matters In tho city for a few hcurs
S. S. .lo&ophson left this morning
for Kugene. Ho was accompanied b
J. 1. Zurcher.
What docs vour mother, sister,
brother or sweetheart want for
Xmas, a Photo made by Clark's
Studio, Koseburg National Bank
building? tf.
In order to accomodate our custo
mers who are unable to do their
Xmas shoppink In day time, we will
keep our store open ovenings until
Xmas. Graves Art Emporium. tf.
finishes, In the famous New Cote
Stains. Ocoboco Linoleum Varnish;
there's nothing else as good. 3 In
one oils, the best glues and the only
silver polish that's first class. Rice
& lilce. tf
Mrs A. C. Kidd Son have
brought suit against M. A. Pankey
and wife In tho circuit court. They
ask judgment, in the sum of $2 f, al
leged to bo duo for goods and mer
chandise furnished tho defendant.
Geo me W. Kiddle will return to
his homo at Riddle this evening altor
attending business matters In tho city
Mr. Riddl? says that ho will move his
family to Rosehurg as soon as his ap
pointment ns Receiver of the local
land ottlce Is continued.
George Pr.lmei, a recent arrival
from Michigan, who is living in North
Roschiim, h:is iorehas"d fortv acres
of orchard land near Cleveland, and
will sot tho major portion of tho place
to applos in the nenr future;. Mr Pal
mer Is an experienced orchardlst, and
In litis climalo winru fruit does so
well Is bourd to make a splendid suc
cess of his investment.
George Nfutier recrlved a letter
from Vnited States Senator George K.
Chamberlain, substance if which is
to th effect that he will do whatever
1 possible toward peon ring a FMltr:il
nimdlr'g for Rost burg. Senator (.honi
hei'luiu says he will also urge tho im
provement of (he Unipunu river from
tide water at Scottsbmg to Roschum.
through Mr. I hamoerlair. the mem
In Planning: A Delightful Christmas
Do not spend your money in something cheap
and trashy, but get something good and then you
have a lasting remembrance. Call and see our
stock of
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware
Novelties, Cut Glass, Umbrellas, Hand
Painted China.
Come in and make your selections early while
the lines are complete. We do Engraving.
2 14-5
Jeweler and
Xew York Salesman Niict'ods in Tak
ing Life
on the
NKW YORK. Doc. 7. Charles
Schan'er. a salesman out of employ
ment, tried three methods of suicide
today before he succeeded In killing
First, he lay on his cot at his
homo and attempted to garrote him
self with a towel. Uui-uccessful, he
slit his throat and wrists with a
Si ill death did not come, and he
staggered to the baihroom and turn
ed on the water in tho tub. When the
tub wus half filled he climbed In and
lay face downward until he drowned.
(trials will b' prvMii(d to Conun
Books flake the flost Acceptable
Christmas Gifts
There is a book for you to give liny relative or friend that will convey
exactly your message of love, iiffeetion, good will or frieiulship of whatever
nature. There is nothing so much appreciated as a book nothing that gives
so jjieat nnd lasting a pleasure.
We are ready to supply gift-seekers with Hooks th;t will make the most
valuable-gifts, :U prices considerably below those usually asked. We have
bonks of history, the works of famous authoi s, spirited" novels of today, rich gift
books in claboiate, beautiful bindings, l'ibles and Testaments, Childnn's Story
and Picture liooks, the only complete, and the best selection to choose from 'in
Koseburg. And all at the fairest and most tempting prices.
Ibil you must come and see; and come early, lor then you can choose
fiom a complete, new, bright and inviting slock, and you'll aljo avoid the
ceaseless, perpetual Christmas rush.
Roseburg Book Store
U;U North jAckson Slrcet,
HuciTseorB to :tVs Hook StoreQ
KoehuriE, ( recoil
Headciuartors for Holiday gootls
Is at tlie RoEoburg Hook Store. tf.
.Miss Kffle Weaver, of Myrtle Creek,
wf.s a visitor iu tne city yesterdav.
.Mrs. Sarah Unit, of Ptndleton. is
visiting friends In the city for a few
Postal Inspector F. H. Morse re
turned from an extended business
trip this morning.
Fred W right expects to leave for
tho "Mad Lands" above Perdue, to
morrow whore he will serve a num
ber o? civil pa pel s.
Mr. Fred Moiuj,or, of Yonealla, was
;n the city today arraimintr business
matters preparatory to going to Cal
ifornia to s ; en d she w into r. M rs.
Meir.zcr will accompany him.
j t'nnt raetoV (Ira Hon Wort hlngton
; 0x1 ects to resume his .-duVwalK (tpera-
i lions wttuin a conplt? of tix alter a
I layoff of nearly a week on iccount of
I the recent heavy rains.
! Indian baskets, birch bark, sweet
j grass and porcupine quill work made
bv St. Regis. Mohawks, Tronuois and
I other tribes, for sale at Rosebm g
Monk Storo. These are pretty goods
at pleasing prices. tf.
The noMnbeis of 1he local order of
Rebr):ahs un-l in n cular session last
, evening. -t the conclusion oi the bus
, iness s ss-ioe a box supper wa? ser
i veil. Neetllets to say the evening was
i en.'oyed by all present.
Services will be held at tho new
j rr.'sbyteriun church for the first time
! Sunday. An interest fug programme
has been d for the jicas.ion
.iml it Is expetMed that a larg" cm
mvuation will be present.
Tlie latest is hammered brass,
used in connection with ryroi:raphy;
nake.s an "U-nant pre.ent. We have
the material for wt.rUing. and also
(he r iady made pb-ees. It Is not ex
pensive nt (leaves Art I'mi'oriuin. tf.
Aimum 1 ho road ili. ti ii l-" in the
cent. iv lliat have i-Uinl'-ed tle ir tl
loniien of hohihu; an elecMon t . ley
, speeinl rad t.i are disr ric s '.' ti.
J'., L'l. k. 42, 4.(. f7. s. 7. Jti,
4 I, 1.".. ti, "A. 'J '' . 1 t. 20. e2
17. IT. 1 I. M. It'-.' 12, 5. H.
M) ft:, $2. 49. 4t', 19. V , IM, 45, I,
4. 31.
On November 1st a straight pas
senger train was established on the
CorvaMls and Eastern between Albany
and Ynqulna, leaving Albany at 12:
35 p! 111. and arriving In Yaqulna at
3:15 p. m. Returning leave Ya
qulna at 7:15 a. m. arriving In Al
bany at 11:15 a. ni., making direct
connections at Corvallis and Albany
will) Southern Pacific train to. and
from Portland and other S. P. points
north and south.
Xcwport in Winter
Newport is an ideal winter resort,
and tho low rates now In effect from
all S. P. mid C. & K. points, with the
Improved train service now establish
ed, places it within a few hours ride
from the Valley, arriving there at
S:0o p m in time for dinner. Kxcel
lont hotel accommodations at reason
able rates.
For further particulars call on anv
C. & E. or S. P. Agent, or write to
William McMiirrny,
General Passenger Agent,
Portland. Oregon-
Miss Maud Cornellson vas a pass
enger on the northbound local this
F. F. Patterson has levied a Hen
on tho house recently erected by C.
Cloake, in North Koseburg." Ho
alleges that tho contractor who erect
ed the residence failed to como
through with the linal payment of
Goods of every description
moved to any part of the
city. Trices reasonable.
AF. A. A. M. liftiirol Lodge, No.
la, hold, rcvutar meetlnK
on the secouil and fourth
WeilnenrlayB of oach month. Bo.
louruer. invfterl to attend.
N. T. JEWKTT. secretary.
IO. K. M Improved Urder nt ,Med Men
meet" tn Miu' Temple flrnt and third
Mondays. VIMUiib nientiert- wek-oino
V. ti. (iAllDlH, S.ciiem.
F. H VINUJI.. :. of R
LN'ITKD AHI'IKANa-limpqua Awmliiy Nr.
iOo, meet) neeund hii4 fourth Friday, ol
eaeh mouth, lu MHeralteetiHtl. VlatlUK
member, will n-elvo a rordlal weleome.
V mceta at tho Odd Fellows Hall tn
Rosoburit. every tlm and third, MoinW
ovenings. Visiting nelehhors ahvav. welrome
J. EAilf. 1-ICKKNS.C c
E;N. EWAItT, Clerk. '
LILACCIKULK. No. , Women ol Wulcrr
tneela on first and tlilr.l .Monday oven,
ItiKS ol each month In the I. O. O F hiil
Vlsltlmr members In good standing are Invited
to attend. MAKV O'NEIL u N
CLAJiA BOKEN. Cle-k. U U- &'
B1-. O. K. Koselurg IxHIgo, No. is,, holts
regular communications at. tnelr Temi e
'uvred"!o,a,l)ndV!,,," -dUlfr
0 W.STAI.KY, Secretary.
LO.T. M.. Ilosebum Hive No 11-llnlds m.
ularrevl.wsoii every Tuesday afternoon
, t -'1';,'1"lk in Hall. sY.terJ
ofo her Hive, visiting i ,ilt. t.Uv arc cordiaiv
lnviled to attend our reviews turuiaiy
OK. S -Koseburg Chapter No. s, holds their
. ;"';r"iT?,""! ."" I" tl"t and third
niueaen month. Vt.ltlng mer.i.
bet. in good standing are resncetlully invuSl
FO. F.. hosebure Acne No 1197 meet, ynrt
. and 411. Monday, In 1 o. .ir Z"'"i
I , M fellos"lemle everv Friday 'ovlnm
lilting brethren alwavs welcome "lu
Y II. VlNI'll.. N.G.
W . S. 1MH gl.l u g
M. FICKLE, r. 8
. o
S(t5,-Iights, CoMices and Dryer Pipe
Lrst Stock ol Plumbing
Goods In th City