THE EVENING XKWS WFOVKSDAV, PKCKMRER H. 1DOB Holiday Goods OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE NEW 1909 CROP AKKIKI HAMIXS, SMYRNA FKiS. 11I.HACHIU) SULTANA RAISINS, SOl'T-HSIOLLEI) WALN UTS, t i ll HAN TS, CITRON', OHA.(iE l'KI'L, I.IIMOX I'KKL, IIKINZ MINTK MEAT, HIJINZ Al'l'lE liUTTEII, I'UHH JIAl'LE SVItUI', Al'l'LE ClllHlt. m Give Us a Call Phone 2381 COMING! COMING Benjamin Young, D. D., the Giant Preacher of the Northwest, now pas tor of tho Taylor street Methodist church of Portland, has been se cured by the local Methodist church to give his address on "The man of Nazareth" at the Methodist church next Thursday evening at 8 p. in. There will be no charm. ;t the door but a free will offering will be taken at the close of the lecture to defray expenses in securing this able orator. The address to be Riven is this ureat preachers master piece, und is such as appeals to the logical nnnU. yet so simple that a child niav under stand. There notum? better come to Rosebv.iF thif. season. I am prepared to Duild your ce ment walks and cement foundations pier stone, etc., etc., at once. Yours tor a quick and neat job. Pat. Be wise Read The News. j rill Tour House with light no bouse is moderu without eleclrio lights. Though we can wire Vany old" buildinii, the beet work is when the house is being constructed. We are always ready io give an accurate estimate and to guarantee the beBt work, G. L. PRIOR ; 315 X- Jackaon St. Roseburg, Or LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE - Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low rate of interest? Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want ti buy a home in Uoseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo cality? Do you want to sell your property? JJo you want to insure your building in one of the best and cheapest companies in the U. S.? If So See" WALKER S PEKK1NE, Koseburg Room 1, Bell Sisters Building. -:- -:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Ore Public I WHITE AS SNOW j t. This is the claim made by all who send their washing to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. To get 5s this result no chemicals are used. Your laundry is hot treated in a severe manner very much to i the contrary it is handled in the most approved manner all the latest, aud most modern machin ery ia at our command to do your work in a mos I trorough manner. , ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY J 0. C. BAKER, Prop. . I , Jackson Street - -, ROSEBURG, ORE..1 We believe Folgcr's Golden Gate Coffee gives more comfort and proper stimulant to old folks than pny other drink. l'cople who have a knowledge of good Coffee won't drirnc any other. Wc drink it ourselves and are always glad to recommend it to our customers. Alton S. Frey YO.NCAI.LA NEWS Olef Olsson, of Roseburg, was here on business one day lau vppk. Chaa. Lovelace, Of Portland, la vIb itlng his brother, A. E. Lovelace at Ulkhead. Clarence Leonard and - wife, of Wilbur, visited with relatives at this place the first of the week. J. P. Bishop Is making an extended visit with relatives In Nebraska. Jno. WesUnjrhelser, of Br'.iish Col umbia, is visiting at the home of his mother here for a while. ' Dr. C, K. Hui't, of Oakland, was attending to professional duties at this place the first of the week. ' Barton Helllwell visited with friends at Ho.cehurs a fev; days the first of ilie week. Attcrney Claud OeVore, of Drain, wns looking after business here last Monday. lion. It. A Booth, ol Eugene, de livered a religious discourse ; murine M. E. pulpit in this cltv last Smuiay evenirg. Itoy Andrews Killed n Hrge coy ote In llayhearst the first of the week. Elmer Uenolds. of Cardlntr, is vis iting friends at this place. ."Dad" Feylc-s was in town the first of the. week, having sutllelenily re covered from a slight 'set back" to be able to p?g p.roimd. J. T. Spaugh and son. Will -ir. of Looking Glass, visited with relatives at this place a few das thl week. H. Lefleuer has secured charge of the Tl'.lel hotel and has taken charge of the same. L. L. Cox and daughter, Bertha. ard visiting with relatives In the VI!- Inmetle Valley, after which they will return to their home at tills place and make final arrangement for their trip to Arkansas. Miss .Mildred Chenowcth.N oT Spo kane, and her brother Geo. of Oak land, visited with Mr. and Mrs. I lurry Stearns, at this place the first of the week. Mrs. M. D. Ferguson and family accompanied by J. G. Paine, Mrs Ferguson's brother.left last Thursday for their old homo at Himtlrgton,' West Virginia. Tho above named people made many friends- during (heir stay at this place and were highly respected by all who knew them. A. F. Stearns, of Oakland, visited relatives at tills place the first of the week. A 10-lb. boy arrived at tho home of .Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Baker, Decem ber C. 1909. Gus Peret received notice last Tuesday from the Union Metallc Cart ridge Comapny, of X. Y., that he bad been recommended to them as being an expert shot with any and all lire- arms, and that his name bad been placed on file and that he would be given a position as demonstrator as foon as circumstances would permit. Mr. Peret- is an excellent marksmr.n and doubtless will make good with the above named company, if given an opportunity to demonstrate his ability as a marksman. Aho,lt 2 '4 inches of snow fell here December 5. bet the tmperaturo mod erated and rain came In unbroken doses driving tho snow from the low lards, but it is still in evidence on tho higher grounds. MRS. McGINTY. 'ALLS OI'K Tlt.U.V llolll jii'ins 1-Yncturcd by Accldenl N'cal' Drain. While climbing out to fix the head light or a Southern Pacific freight train crossing a gulch near Drain, Oregon, Monday evening, Charles Wood, living at 249 Grant street, Portland, fell to the trestle and slip ped through to the gulch below. He was dashed against the rocks and trees and Tell more thnn 411 feet, fracturing both arms und sustaining other Injuries. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR WENT Store room on Jackson street. Inquire Mrs. H. Euston. tf TO RENT Two housekeeping rooms Inquire at 603 Mill street, tf. LOST Sunday afternoon, a Rebocka pin. Finder please leave at this office. LOST Umbrella at the Armory, on Wednesday night. Cano handle. One rib shorter than the others. Leave at News ofllce. FOR RENT. House, 7 rooms, noar town. Cily water. Rent very rea sonable. Call 124 W. Douglat street. . d-2:. "MY LADY OF THE SOUTH" "THE SILVER HOARD" "MARTEN EDEN" "THE DANGER MARK" . "THE SCARLET FEATHER" "THE GOOSE GIRL" "JOHN MARVEL ASSISTANT" "KATERINE" are a few titles of new books on Bale at Roseburg Book Store. tf. , VIOLIN LESSONS ! Amos W. Hioster, violinist at Star theatre, will accept pupils' for violin. Especiu! attention tul juvenlls. Ingulre at Star theatre or phone 885. ! ! FOR SALE 10 acres fine land, V, mile from town; 2 acres orchard; all under cultivation; small house; barn 20x30; poultry, team and a wagon included. Only $2500. Ad dress N., this ofllce. d31-sw-d THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Sheridan Street Near The Depot. ' We don't sell for cost or below cost but we will sell right at cost.' If you don't believe It, try us aud see. With each dollar's worth of. goods purchased you are entitled to a chance on a nice set of silverware, knivea, forks, table and toaspoons, See them In the window. Come and see for yourself, don't be misled by uny one for you will miss It D. J. JARVIS ritorniEToit. ! This Is Your BUSY TiriE WE ARE TALKING to the LADIES NOW The Holiday Work is before you and there is the Xmas dinner to plan for. We can relieve you of much worry and work, which is economy, too, you know. You'll find all our Pastry, CaKes and Bread to be unexcelled. Orders delivered. Special orders given prompt attention. Place your Xmas orders now. UJV1PQUA BAKERY JACKSON STREET D.VILV WEATHER HEI'OItT U. S. Weather Bureau, local ofllce, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 a. in. December 6, 190!). Precipitation in Inches and hun dredths: Maximum temperature 47 .Minimum temperature 4 0 Precipitation 10m month 1.1 Average preclpatlon for this mouth G.14 Total Preclp. from Sept. 1, 1908, to date 14.30 Avg. Preclp. from Sept 1, 1877. j to date 14.61 Total excess from Sept 1, 160S..5.0P 9.00, Avg. Precip. for 32 wet sea sons, 33.00 WILLIAM HELL, i Ohsetver.1 CHINA SAM Has on display for the Holidays a Choice selection of dishes, Including hand painted china, Japunscso and China dishes in beautiful designs. Al so a lino line of silk handkerchiefs, toj'H for tho children and some line 1 trass ware. Call and make your selection early. Prices way down aud he goods are the best to m had. J A C IvKO.V . ST It K KT Gentlemen:-- We invite your ntteution to this delightful new style Shaving Soap It Is Something New -It Is Something Better It Is "Colg'ates" You Will Enjoy It In handsome, sanitary sealed metal cans i always clean aud ready for use, Price 25c. FULLERTON & RICHARDSON, J The Drug" Store of Quality Druggists, Roseburg, Ore. Near S. P. Depot. The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare Where are You Going to Trade? AT THE ROSEBURG ROCHDALE For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONEY. Try Them In Your Order For GENTS FURNISHINGS AND SHOES Groceries is their Specialty, and they will please you. Try Them For Dry Goods The People's Cooperative Store "ROSEBURG ROCHDALE CO. Xmas will soon be on hand, good cheer for all. Have some nlca pieces laid away for Father, Mother,' Wife, Sister or Sweetheart. A good plflee of furniture is a 1oy forever Flenty of them at Rice & Rice, the, house furnishers. i IXX-AL MARKET l Centals. j WHRT 1.00 I OATS 50c bushel. j HAY Vetch, $12 to $14 ton;! grain. $12 to $14; alfalfa. $17. i ROLLED BARLEY J30.UU ton. ' Llvestrok. , STEERS Alive, 3c lb. i COWS Alive 2fce. 1 VEAL Dressed, 6c. lb. ! HOGS Pressed, 8c; Alive 6c. i HHKBP 31 e. ' POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive,'; 10c to 12c: dressed, 12c; ducltsj alive, 9 (i 10c: dressed. 14 & 15c. Turkeys, alive 17c and 18c; dressed 20c Hnd 21c. ' BUTTER Creamery, 42V4o lb. country, 37 He lb. i POOS 40c doi. POTATOES New, 1c lb. WOOL Spring, 24c; fall, 20c year clip, 24c. HONEY 12 He CABBAGE 1M.C. lb. ONIONS 20 lb. A 'BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT: OnPleasing' Gifts We have many novelties, some very unique and f beautiful, arid all v very appropriate presents. SILVERWARE 'We Have Finest' Line in Southern Oregon mo'- Gold Watches (.old Filled U'nthes Xickel und Gum Metal Watches Scurf Plus and llrooches Shirt Wulut SeU licit Tins and I tuck leu A ronipleti wt of Optical Good, Col lar nun, Combs, Hut PJtiHf, etc. Tho Fluent nnd Bent Line of L'mhrel lofl In tho city. m Wo have IHiiiiioihIh In Finger ItlngH, . .Stick Pin, It root lies and Wutcli Cuci Hllvorware We have tho Finest Lino In Southern Oregon, In both Plate and Sterling. Comb, ItrtiNh and Mirror Bet, Cut (tlnn. Clocks, Solid Oold and Gold Filled and Silver Thimbles I T, B R Y A N THE WATCHMAKER ROSEBURG, OREGON !