The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 08, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Rain Tonight and Thursday
Warmer HighSouthcast winds
Near Coast.
Will rinUThu Kvfuliur Vtw
tlio bit iiitHlUim to ivm-li tltu
ptHtltMf Hoauburir. A wlilo
it-wnku publication prlntlnir
all the mwUuit'ft fit to print
NO. 32
Appointed Register and Re
ceiver of the
For Hie HnselMii'B District ll(itli
(ttMith'iiiPil lire WVll nml Fnvor
ably Known Throughout- the
i Dill approiii luting $15,000,000 for a
I postollice billldlns al. Koacburq. He-
will work lor mvoniuie action, aunnK
the coinins! session on a bill cnii'vlnu
$2.&00,000 for a new fcderil imllillim
In Portland. The treasury department
favors the election of a separate
potott!ee building near the railway
depot, so that mulls can be handled
expeditiously, and the retention of
the present federal building for co'irt
at Ills home in this city last nlfilit
after an Illness of six months. De
ceased is survived by his widow and
tlvo sons. The funeral will occur
Teriffic Gale Sweeping the
Coast at Marshfield
(Special to The Evening News.)
XAUOBI, Doc. 8. Kermlt Roose
velt arrived here tcduy after a very
successful two weeks hunt, durlnM,
which time he secured two bull b'Jti-
gos, considered extremely rare speci
mens, an African antelope, two cows
and other trophies of the wilds fell
to the rifle of the you us sportsman.
Yount; Roosevelt is an excellent shot,
and after a few hours rest set out for
Mombasa, where he will hunt sable.
WASHINGTON, Dsc. 7. Nomina
tions for officials in the Federal Ser
vice In Oregon were today sent to
the Senate by President Taft as fol
lows: Benjamin A. Jones, Heulster,
and Judge Geoige V. Riddle, Receiv
er of the Roseburfi land office; Ohas.
B. Merrick, Receiver of the Portland
land office; Fred 1). Fisher, of Port
Inad, recess appointee as Consul at
Mukden, reappointed.
Mr. Merrick is a resident of Port
land and is secretary of the retail
Grocer's Association and of the
Beaver Stato Insurance Company, lie
has been instrumental In the organi
zation of the grocers of the state and
succeeded In bringing to Portland the
National Rulail Grocers' convention,
which was held here last summer.
He served In Cuba during the Span
ish-American War and has been ad
mitted to tho bar. Senator Bourne
took a strong liking to Mr. Merrick
and made Lne recommendation with
out his knowledge. Mr. Merrick Is a
strong advocate of the direct primary
nd is among tho progressives of the
Republicans In Oregon.
B. F. Jones selected for Register
Lit Roseburg, served several terms In
'the Legislature as Representative for
Polk county and Lincoln county. Hi;
was active In advocating the present
Railroad Commission plan and the
Oregon City lor-ks. Jones was elected
as a statement No. 1 Republican,
Jtuige George W. .Riddle, while
well known throughout the State, is
more particularly acquainted In
Douglas county and Southern Ore
gon, where he has lived for half a
century. When a nure lint his father
crossed the plains with the old prairie
Fchooner and ox team and settled on
Cow Creek, In the southern part of
this county, where the town of: Kiddle
-now stands. Mr. Riddle has always
taken an active part in the develop
ment of the rcsuorces of his county
and state, is a man of sterling worth i
and character, thoroughly familiar! 4m4aa44A4aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(Special to The Kvenlng News)
WASHINGTON, Dec. S. Fearing
an attempt on the part of former
President, Manuel Hcnflla, to regain
His power In Honduras, the govern
ment has proclaimed "martial law
throughout the country, according to
advices receivtd. Donllla was dis
placed by President Davilla, with the
aid of President Zelaya, of Nicaragua.
(Special to The Evening News)
PARIS; Dec. S. Scores of Moroc
can soldiers were killed early today
during a military review by the Sul
tan. The trouble was between two
regiments that had been recruited
frcm warring desert tribes, and while
reviewing savagely attacked each
other directly in front of the stand
where the Sultan was seated.
The ladies aid society of the Bap
tist church will meet nt the home of
Mrs. Oliver Johnson tomonow afternoon.
Much Dnmauo is It omul to Occur to
the Ilig Tim Ik r Along the Coast
Slope Straw KlcctPu as
(Special to The Evening News.)
MARSH FIELD, Oregon, Dec. S.
One of the worst gales that has
been experienced along the coast for
many mouths Is raging over this
section of the country, and has reach
ed a velocity of ninety miles an hour.
So far no damage Is reported to the
shipping in tho harbor, but consid
erable uneasiness is lelt for coast
vessels making to or from this port
that are at sea. "On shore about
everything that is not fastened down
tight is being blown away, and a
great amount of damage will result
to thy timber along the coast slope.
of the mountains because of the fact
that the ground Is very soft from the
recent downpour of rain and the big
trees will uproot very easily In such
a storm.
M:iyor Straw ltc-electi'd.
MARSIIF1FLD, Dec. 8. The elec
tion yesterday was a !):-; ht to a finish
between opposing factious for con
trol of the city government, and re
sulted In the r'-electio:i of In. 1. K
Straw for mayor by a majority of 42.
(Special to The Evening News)
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 8. Pis
patches today from Coriute confirm
yesterday's cabled reports of decisive
insurgent victory over Zelaya's troops
under ueneral vasouo. near Rama
The Insurgents are now pushing for
waru under the advantages earned
and fierce lighting is reported In pro
gress along the outposts of Zelayu's
(Special to The Evening News.)
MOW ORLEANS, Dec. 8. Dr.
fardena, former president of Nicar
agua, whose administration was over
thrown ly Zelaya in 1393, has taken
tho field agalrst the Dictator, and is
heading an expedition from Cosa
Rica into Nicaragua.
with the country and Its people, and
the President could hardly have se
lected a man for the Important posi
tion or Receiver who is as well qual
ified for the work as Is Judge Gecge
. Riddle. Like Messrs. . Merrick and
Jones, Mr. Kiddle is also a strong
advocate of direct legislation.
Dispatches from Washington state
that Senator Bourne will introduce a
Up to and Including Sunday, De
cemher 19th, and have them fin
ished for Xmas. Cloudy weather
is all sunshine at my Studio. Let
me do your framing and save
you monev.
.lloschurg .National Ituuk lllilfj.
(Special to The Evening Newc.)
YOFNGSTON, Ohio. Dec. 8. Wil
liam ilriney, lather of n strike break
er, was badly injured and several
other people seriously hurt when the
house In which I hey were living at
Struthers, Ohio, was shattered by the
explosion or an infernal machine
which had been placed under the
building. The outrage Is the result
of a strike at the American Tin Plate
Company's plant. Two houses ad
joining the Briney'liome were badly
damaged by the explosion.
(Special to The Evening News)
CINCINNATI, Dec. 8. Samuel T.
Atwood, the financial head of the
Sclpps-McRae newspaper league, died
AH Ladies' Tailored Suits
All Ladies' Cloaks and Capes
All Misses and Children's Cloaks
All Ladies' Hats
(Special to The Evening News)
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 8. Uncon
firmed dispatches from Mngi-na. Nic
aragua, alUrni that Ueneral Vasques
was tried by court maitiai this after
noon and condemned to death he
cause of his defeat by the Insurgents
yesterday at the battle of Hun 1:7
i.ovi:h 'J'a.vks
May Itosult Kroin Meeting of J'av
Since 1877 We've Been Treating People Square.
SALEAI, Dec. 7. Oregon's State
Board of Equalization, consisting of
Governor Henson, State Treasurer
Steel nnd .1. G. Katon and C. V. Gal
loway, State Tax Commissioners, met
today nnd and immediately adjourn
ed until tomorrow, when another
meeting will bo held In the Senate
The assessors from the 34 counties
of the state have been summoned to
appear before the hoard nnd give
testimony as to the methods In vogue
for doiei mining the valuntlon of
property and other matters or vital
ImiKutance to the state at large. Fol
lowing the sessions of tho Statu
Hoard there will be a conference or
convention of the uescssois, which is
expected to bring more Interesting
and Important points relating to
property matters.
Tho tax commission raa received
summniles of the asni-ssi'd valuations
of property in all but Coos, Klamath,
Linn and Hood River cotintk'B, and a
conservative estimate of the counties
not heard from glvou the slate a to
tal afPPRjnd valuation of ff'.Oit.Oun,
Onrt na against $5S!,1 :t.'!,9(i3.70 last
year, a gain of over $!-0,ono.()00.
i Tho toal amount appropriated by
j tho Legislature at lis recent session
for the biennial period of 190H-H)
was la.GM.OOO. Of this huge sum it
! will be necessar.v to raise approxima
tely Sl.r.XO.OOO by the 1910 tax levy
the balance being taken care of by
unexpended balances of approprla
i lions for previous years, est I mat ed
j miscellaneous receipt 8 for 1 It I 0 and
j the $l,fiS0.000 included In the ev
'made in February, 1909, to apply
j on the 19U9-I0 biennial period.
To raise $l,5S0.UO0 by taxation
on an assessed valuation of $)ilu,
1 000,000 will mean a tax rate of.
' about 2 VI mills. The rate last yeari
I was 2.1.'i an o valuation of $598,-1
S m,9(j;.70. Tho 1910 levy is oi ,
course subject to change to the ex-:
! tent that the State Hoard of K(jual Na
tion may raise or lower the valuation
of property m the .various counties
as fixed by assessors, but If tho total
valuation remains without substantial
change, about a 2 Vi rate will be re
quired to raise the umount necessary.
Responsible For Much of the
Craft and Fraud
Corporal luu Tax Ijiw Will tiring
Iji 1.1,000,000 Into National Treas
ury the Present Kiscal
(Special to The Evonlng News)
WASHINGTON, DeiS. In vigor
ous laugiiage, Fran Id In Mac Vengh
Secretary of tho Treasury, discusses
in his annual report Bent to Congress
today the recently exposed frauds of
Iho Suirar Trusv and other custom
houso scandals.
Speaking of the "alarming" rev
elations of the condition of tho cus
toms service in New Vork. ho says
tho frauds of the American Sugar
Kenning Company showed a long con
tinuing corruption. While thoy are
lierhnps the most Important Instances
Ihoyiaro symptoms of a diseased con
lition, not universal by any means,
hut almost general.
In pointing out tho condition of
tho Treasury, which, ho says, has not
at present, olther in Iho banks or
In its vaults, materially more than a
working balance, tho Secretarv de
clares that It will become necessary
In order to meet delicits, to sell elth
or bonds or certificates of indebtedness.
Tho ordinary receipts for the cur
rent fiscal year of 1!M0 he estimates
at J648, 0(10, 000 and the disburse
ments at $1182,075.(120 which leaves
a deficit In ordinary receipts of $34,
075, 6J0. Add tc this the Panama
Canal and public d( lit disbursements
d tho deficit Is 7:t, 075.020.
Th-3 amount alieady exnended unon
(he canal $'.l7,0t!),649 lias been taken
out of the general fund of the treas
ury and there la n continual drain up-1
on the general revenues 'or this
work. "It is deslruble." st'ys the sec
retary, "that tho settlement of this
account should be at least begun; aud
that tho expressed policy of the gov
ernment to pay the cost of tho cannl
from tho proceeds of bonds in order
that the next generation or two shall
share with this in the cost of the
great enterprise, should bo Bicured
and established."
The time Is nearly ripe he says for
wise, judicious saving in federal ex
penditure und ho points out that
ihoro are two classes of reductions
In the present estimates. One of these
results from Improved handling of
government work nnd tho cutting olf
of available expenditure without In
jury to the servlco or peo le; nnd
other from postponements of expen
ditures which can lio delayci. nud sub
jected to nioro thorough economic
A brlvf reference to the corpora
tion tax law says that the term "net
Incomo" haB been construed to mean
not only net enrnlims from the onern-
llons of tho business but also net
revenues from Investments and all
other sources, lie estimates the rev.
enucs to l.e derived from this tnx at
000, 000 for the vear 1-)U)
and $25,000,000 for the next year.
(Special to The Evening News)
I.OS ANGELES. Dec. 8. Early re
turns this morning Indicate thnt
Mayor Geo. Alexander has been re
elected mayor of the city over the Re
publican candidate, George Smith.
(Speclnl to Tho Evei.lng News.
niiUSSELS, Dec. s. Despite tho
olllclal bulletin Issued enrly this
morning, announcing thnt King Leo
pold's condition was Improved, It Is
believed thnt the aged monarch Is
dying, lie Is suffering from a paraly
tic attack.
1 Proclamation
l NO. V.
This is simply to notify the
lovers of Pyrography work that I
shall be pleased to have them call
aud look over my stock.
. 'i
Boxes aud boxes, Plaques and
picture frames, Caltndera . and
Dutch shoes. Articles useful and
articles ornamental. Prices lower
than they used to tie.
im;i;v i(i;si(;s
Qtiils I'nst iH San -rau'-ico ns Spe
cial I'roscciilor.
cis .1. Hem-y today imb-red his i-cs-lnation
jim Assistant District Attor
ney to District Attorney I.aiiudon,
by whom he wa a )Kint-d Hpecial
uoslcMtir in Ihi! cases rjirowiiiix mil
of the no-called bribery aud graft in
vesifuutfon. The reslnaium was ac
ciited and Itobert D. Duke, at pren
erit a prosecutor in the l'oIif. Courts,
was appointed in Meuey's steud. j
Insure your property In the Ore
pon Fire Kelfef AsHociation, (Mo
Minnvtllc.) Old and trl'-d, cheapest
and best. Se FInnnio Buchanan, Id
Abraham building.
Mrs. L. A. Manners has offices at
her home on Pine street where she
will attend to the real estate bu?l
ncps formerly conducted near the de
pot. Bhe has many choice locations
to offer to prospective buyers and 1
you will do well to consult her bo-1
fore making purchases. For bar i
gains Jn real estate of any kind,
phone 1434, or call at the Pine itreet
residence. Information bureau In
connection. tf. 1
Our stocK is large and Better than ever
Australian and German Decorated China.
Suit Cases.
Rugs and Draperies.
Children's Carts and RocHers.
Chiffioners and Dressers.
Center and Library Tables.
Morris Chairs and Rockers.
Couches and Lounges.
Space is too limited to name the many beautiful
articles that will please you. Come in aud see.
Headquarters fur Celebrated Columbia Graphaphones, Double Discs and
Indestructible I!ecordn.