f THE EVENING NEWS SATURDAY, DECEMBER f, 19011. CLOTHES OF QUALITY AWAIT YOU HERE. a YAK rwimMwJnrnmvl 111 : 8 &KAiUZJ& Iff I '13 The straightest-and sur est road to g'ood Clothes the best Clothes brings you here. If you frequent any of the "by paths" you'll be apt to lose your Belf in the tangle of misleading "liargains." Whatever we do is well done whatever we buy is well chosen quality is the object and perfect Clothes satisfaction and effect. There are many other places to buy ClotheB, to be sure but you'll find that the best is always here. These clothes are made for us by the Stein lilock Co. and David Adler, two of the greatest Tailor organizations in the world, livery Suit we soli iB sold with an ab solute guarantee of Satisfaction or your Money refunded or a new ruit in return. I. ABRAHAM Remember quality is the true test of cheapness. By our good Clothes you Bhall know us. LOCAL NEWS. Is a WW t City News Brief ly Recorded S. S. Johns, of Myrtlo Crook, was In the city Friday. David Dymirt went to-All'iuiy this morning whoro he will realdo in the f in tiro. The biggest find bent line of Post Card Albums in Douglas county lit Itoseburg Hook Store. tf A. M. Armstrong roturimd to Oak land this morning after u brief visit with fik'iulH In the city. Nothing Is too Rood for the Uriah, for the county. Use the best, as it Is the cheapest In the long run. Hoe Vat. - t. Clark'B Studio will bo open tomor row (Sunday) from 1 p. m. to 5 p. to. to tir.eoni module those who cannot cull during tho week. Mian Myrtlo Klnciild wont to . Cornut this morning whoro nho will visit some tlmo at the homo of bor aunt, Mrs. Hoot, W. C. Harding and wife, T. II. Booth and wlfo, and V. K. Alloy ro turnod from Portland this morning whoro thoy Hpont a fnw days. Mrs. .1. Kllen Porkins returned to hor homo at Portland this morning ufl.or a brier visit at tho homo of hor Hon, J. W, Perkins, in thin cltv. "MY LAI1Y OF TUB SOUTH" "THIS HILVIOIl HOARD" "MAHTION KDION" "TIIK DANniOlt MARK" "THM SCARI-IOT K40ATIII3R" "TWO (iOOSM OIRL" "JOHN MAItVlCI ASSISTANT" "KATIOHINIO" aro a fow titles of now books on 'hhIo at Rosoiiurg Hook Storo. tf. Tho Jury empaneled to Union to tho ovidonco in the case of the state vsi J, I. Sprlngrittmd retired shortly after B o'clock hut evening, remaining closeted until nearly II o'clock when 1hoy ret u mod and reported that they woro utiuhlu In agree, From one ot 1ho Jurymen wo learn that the body Hlood 4 for tMUivlctlon and 2 lor nc iiulttul on the btHt tiultot. I- ' Many attractive XrnitH gifts at the Rose burg Rook Storo. tf Archie Pierce, of Ton Mile, trans acted business matters In the city yesterday, t Packet knives, a big stock of high grade goods at tho ltosouurg Book Store. tf. John Spftugh, the Looking Glass farmer, was a business visitor in the city today. Alva Mfiupln, of Oakland, was a buslnosH visitor in tho city for a fow hours yesterday. Dr. 1-owo, tho woll known optician, and optometrist will bo In RoBoburg December !t, 1 (I, and 1 I. Clark's Studio will bo open tomor row (Sunday) from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. to accommodate thoso who cannot call during I ho week. ' , (pouuty Clerk Lenox roportH that November was a very busy month, tho receipts of his ofllco exceeding any month for several yeai'B. Howard & malum urn constructing a skylight for Rice & Hire. It Is the InrgoHt piece of work of its kind ever handled in thla city. Moth hotels report business some what lighter during tho past week than previously. The lull 1h attributed to tho fact (hat Christmas Is near at. band, many traveling men taking their annual vacation In December. Indian baskets, birch bark, sweet grass and porcupine t nil work made by St. Regis, Mohawks, Iroquois and other tribes, for sale nt RoHOburg Rook Storo. These aro pretty goods nt pleasing prices. tf. Don't fall to attend tni eutp.-tain ment to bo given at '.he Maccabee hull Monday evening, Decnitn'r (. under the niiHpieett of the S':uien's .Mlssioii ai.v Society of the Hrst Presh ler'nu Church, for Die benefit, of tho new jrgan fund. An interesting viusical nnd literary program is beinj: pre pared for tho occasion, and n y.ood lime is assured. d W. C. Winston, of Wlnstons, visitor In the city today. John Bates, of Happy Valley. Is a visitor In the city todt,y. Headquarters for Holiday goods Is at the Roue burg Book Store. tf. I A. E. and A. R. Davison, both resl- , dentB of Oakland, were viuitors in : tho city yesteruay. The best box confectlontry, i "Lowney's" fresh at the Roseburg I Book Store, tf. I The two llttlo daughters of Reuben ' Marstors are confined at their home in West Roseburg with a flight at ' tack of chicken pox. i Just received Another shipment tf the famous "Last Forever" hos ! lory. A written guarantee with every : pair. Sold only by The Fair. tf. What does vour mother, sister, brother or -sweetheart want for Xmas, a Photo made by Clark's Studio, RoBeburg National Bank ; building? tf. Miss Maud Wilson, for the past lew months stenographer at the Roseburg Commercial Club, has resi gned hor position to tnko effect Im mediately. In tho supplementary list of the awards of the A. Y. P. exposition, just published, It Is stated that Mr. Thompson, of Camas Valley, this county, received honorable mention for bis display of gold ore. The latest fad is hammered brass. used in connection with Pyrography? makes an elegant present. We have the material for working, nnd also tho r?ndy- mndo pieces. It Is not ex pensive at Graves Art Emporium, tf. Harry Lin sir, who has been em ployed as (tewnrt at the Roseburg Commercial Club during the past year, nas resigned. His successor will probobly be appointed by tho board of trustees at a meeting to be held In the near future Secretary George Neuner, of the Roseburg Commercial Club, says ho has received a list of ovor 2,000 name of Eastern people, nil of whom aro nnxlous to receive literature per taining to -Douglas county, and the Umpu.ua Valley. Responses will be sent as soon as possible that thoy may learn of the opportunities which await them, in thlB locality. Tomorrow aiternoon tne local ordor of Elks will hold their annual moinoriat services at their Temple in this city. Aside from the memorial address which will be delivered by Archdeacon Chambers, a lengthy musical programme has been ar ranged. The public as well as tho members of the Elks order are In vited to attend these services. C. M. Caully arrived here from Portland this morning to spend a few days with relatives. Mr. Caully says he is delighted with Roseburg, having 'visited here In the past. Should he be able to purchase a small tract of fruit land at. a nominal figure it may be possible that he will locate In this locality. Mr. Caulloy says that it Is almost Impossible to live In Portland at normal wages In asmuch as produce of nil kinds has Increased with bounds during the past lew months. J. W. .larvis, of Portland, was In the elly last evening. He is enroute to his home from the Cinnabar mines, which aro located in tho vicinity of Drew. Ho says the mine contains rich plat i il m depot-Its, nnd samples have been sent to Washington, D. C, and tho Government says that there are only two other mines in the world containing platium ore. One is locat ed in the Ural Mountains, in Sibrln and tho other in the southern part of Wyoming. Tho deposits in the Cinna bar mine woro found in the latter part of September. L, I). Carl has Just completed a neat 5-room bungalow cottage, near the corner of Flint and Lane streets, that Is one of neatest small residences !n tho oily, it 1s modern in tts paint ing, furnishings and accommoda tions. Its Moors aro fitted together in diamond mutchiugs, and Its front otcluM. It Is surrounded by concrete sidewalks and a wall of the saine ma terial that lakes the place of the customary wooden railing. This is the eight h residence owned by Mr. Carle, besides bis own residence. The by Ernest Applewhite, of the Mars tors Drug Company's store, nnd wife, as a residence. BRUTAL MURDER OF WOMAN AND BABIES (Special to The Evening News) CLEVELAND, Ohio, Dec. 4. With their head beaten and their bodies mauled with a heavy Iron bar, Mrs. Antonio Lubica and her two snial children were found murdered today in their city home. The third child supposedly fatally wounded, was tak en to the hospital. SXOW FALL AT YOXCALLA. Tlicmoiieter Stands at 81 Degrees Orcguuiuns Shiver (Special to The Evening News) YOXCALLA, Ore., Dee. 4. Day light witnessed the themometor standing at .'U degrees and snow- flakes descending thick and fast and bidding fair to continue Indefinitely Snow has been hanging to the timber on the high ground for two days and the thermometer has varied but few degreeB. Everything Indicates rather severe winter so old timers say. LOCAL NEWS. Do your Chrlbtmas shopping at The Fair. Every 60c purchase entitles you tc a chance on the Bill Doll In tho window. tf. B. W. Bass arrived In the city this afternoon from hip homestead near DiJlard. He reports tho weather vory bad in tnat vicinity. Dolls, toy, books. Christmas tree ornaments, Christmas and New Year postals, tags, stickers and all kinds of Holiday goous at The Fair. tf. Somo unprincipled miscreant en tered the Roseburg hotel last even ing and made away with two over coats, the property of guests. As yet tho guilty party has not been appre hended. W. C. Harding, of the W. C. Hard ing ' Land Company, returned from Portland this, morning. When Inter viewed by a ' News representative, the gentleman saia that Roseburg would obtain the advantages of a railroad within a short time Just what road he would not say. As far as tho Coos Bay and Inland Electric Railway is concerned. He appears to entertain little fa,lth, seemingly of the opinion that Ktiettner & Haas failed to make -good. He Bays the new depot will be built during the coming year, presumably in July. PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. 4 See the Cook's beaming face as she eazes on a can of Folgfer's Golden Gate Coffee. hhe knows her boss will like her Conee. She will grind Fo!gers Golden Gate herself, so that it will be at its best and give that finishing touch so necessary to a good dinner. Folger's Golden Gate Coftee is the best we sell and gives our customers more satisfaction than any other coffee we know of N Alton S. Frey In order to accomodate our custo mers who are unable to do their Xnms shopping in day time, we will keep our store open evenings until Xmas. Graves Art Emporium. tf. ATTORNEYS. CRAWFORD & WATSON A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson AUorncys-At-Law. Rooms 1 and 2. Douelaa Co. Bank Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon. A. S. 11UEV, Optomctlst , Cass Street : IMrst Door East Telephone olllce DENTIST F. W. HAYNHS Dentist Rosoburg National Bank Bldg. Hours 10 to 12. 2 to 4. I'houo 1283. Roseburg ... Oregon. Hours 9 a. m. to o p. m. Tel- ephone 1141. Abraham Bldg. Residence Phone 1406. J. R. CHAPMAN, lh D. B. Dentist Roseburg, Oregon. G. J. BACH EH, D. M. I)., Dentist Abraham Roseburg, Building. Oregon. What Shall Your Christmas Gift Be? TO HIM TO HER TO THEM Kmnotliini; that will outlivo tho day nnd tho soason; somolhing useful;- something beautiful. What o'Hiymiwd, but soim'thing from tho liombiir Hook Storo the storo that is ready for any test that yon may uive it tho storo that oilers you a variety of Holiday Gifts, the eciial of which cannot bo found anywhere in KoselmrR? A visit to this storo means a correct solving of the gift problem. Hundreds: of excellent presents are displayed in every' department hints for all people, at all prices, from a ti ille, upwards to tho highest figure you may care t oxpend. Kvery help wo can give'you, wo oiler heartily and cheerfully come early while tho stock is fresh and unbroken. A few suggestions: WHITlNCi I'Al'lllt specially boxed for gifts. Can you think of a moro acceptable Christmas gift than a box of really line writing paper? Writing paper is something one uses constantly and one is therefore constantly reminded of the giver. Tho prices range from 25 cents up. Toilet Sets, Military Brushes, Pocket Knives, Station ery, Mirrors, Story B.ioks, Picture Books, for children, Toys, Dolls, Games, Post Card Albums, Pictures, Xmas Cards, New Year Cards. H it il it 11 t: $:::::;::::j::::::::::::::::::::;;:::::::::::j:::::n:t:j::::::::::::tv::::::::j Roseburg BooK ! i o 81 : 8i i It. M. BKIMFIKI.D ,j Dentist ft i": Rooms 6 and 7 Bell Sisters Bldg. : Phone 13C1 noseburg, Or., PHYSICIANS. S SEI:l,Y, SKTHEIt & STEWART - Physicians nnd Surgeons Ollico Lower lloor Douglas Co. Bank bldg., corner Main and N Oak streets. Phone 771. Roseburg, Oregon. DR. CEO. E. 1IOVCK, Physicinil and Surgeon. Office, Review Bldg., Phone 31. if Roseburg, Oregon. a ELMER V. HOOVER, 3 Physit-inn- and Surgeon 4 Office, Main St., One Door South ( of City Hall. Phone 341. S : Roseburg, Oregon.' $ Store 1 if DR. LICETTA SMITH & Physician Women's and Children's O $ Diseases. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Phones Office. 1711, Res. v 1721.' Marstere Block, neit to O Douglas County Bank Bldg. 4 9 R aeburg, Oregon. litFiW 3. C. FUIiLERTON Attorncy.At.Law. s Will practice In all State and Federal Courts. Office In Marks Building. Roseburg, Oregon. BUILDER C. D. MAYNARD GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Service Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193 if COSHOW RICE ft Attorneys-At-Law. Taylor & Wilson Building. Roseburg, Oregon. It. W. MARSTERS Attoruey-AtLaw. 1 ' if Notary Public. Rooms 6 and 7, Marsters Building. Roseburg, Oregon. tt JOHN T. LONG Attorney-At-Law. Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas Co. Bank Building. i'f Roseburg, Oregon. w $ J. II. AUSTIN Attorney-nt-Lnw iff and itt if Notary Public. Wilbur ... Oregon. 5 J. A. BUCHANAN Attorney-At-Law. Notary Public. Abraham Bldg. & Roseburg, Oregon. sj NIGHT ONLY DEC. 13 The Colcbrnted SCHUBERT .SYMPHONY CLUB J LADY QUARTETTE ' Assisted by the lamous entertainer ANNA PEARL WEATHERINCTON and l e celebrated young American viirli i and mandolin virtuoso THOMAS VALENTINE PURCELL In a delightful program entirely free from dullness and consisting of Lady Quartetts, Violin and Vocal Solos, Mandolin and Guitar Club, Comic and Serious Readings, Etc A musical euteitaliinient that Is en Joyab'e a! ke to the nnieietsn 'and the nmrses. Price "oc and 60c' Don't miaa thietreat. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tickets on sale at Lenox & Ott's CHINA SAM Has an (lfspliy for tho Holidays a Choice select ion of dishes, including hand nil In ted cliinn, Japnnscse and China dishcg in beautiful designs. Al so a fine lino of silk handkerchiefs,, toys for tho children nnd some fine Brass ware. Call and make your selection early. Prices way down and the goods nro the hest to be had. JACKSOX STUKHT Roseb u rg Restaurant South Side Cass St., Near Depot. STAPLETON & PATTERSON, PropB. OPEN AT ALL HOURS Leading and bPBt , reetaurant in the city. None but white people employed Nothing but the best in the market served. Give ns a trial and be convinced. THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Shcridnn Street Near The Ucpot. We don't sell for cost or below cost hut we will sell right at cost. If you don't believe it, try us and see. "With each dollar's worth ot goods purchased you are entitled to a chance on a nice set of silverware, knives, forks, table and teaspoons. See them In the window. Come and see for yourself, don't be misled by any one for you will miss it D. J. JARVIS proprietor. This Is Your BUSY TlflE . WE ARE TALKING to thej.LADIES NOW The Holiday Work is before you and there is the Xmas dinner to plan -fbr. We can relieve you of much worry and work, which is economy, too, you know. You'll find all our Pastry, CaKes and Bread to be unexcelled. Orders delivered. Special orders given prompt attention, l'iace your Xmas orders now. UMPQUA BAKERY JACKSON STREET