THR EVENING NEWS A iTI.DA Y, KECEMIII II 4, IflOW. AClUCULTimAii COLLEGE GOOD ENOUGH IS THE DEADLY ENEflY of BEST In oporating our Grocery Business we are' not satisfied with good enough. We strive for improvement. Our store is the right place to buy 3rocerie3. Everything fresh and clean. Phone 2381 llOOK WOHTH It K A DING! AVhat a Book Ixvt It an 'Across in Paris Every buyer of second hand books dreams of one day finding between the leaves of one of his acquisitions a banknote. Such things happen sometimes to other people. Accord ing to the Gaulols, a celebrated Lon don novelist has just had a stroke of luck of this kind. He was pouring over the boxes arranged along the walls by the, side of- the Seine, and decided to btiy for a couple of francs, a "Henrlado," In quaint typo, pub lished laet century, in which wore a number of engravings. He went off with his prize, and in the evening began reading it. He found two of the pages of sceno stuck together, and, on opening them with a knife, found three banknote of 1000 francs ($i00) each, and the following mes tage: "Friend, whoever trou art, thou .who hast read this botk to the end. be legatee, without remorse oftbls little fortune. It is all my pen has brought me in fifty years. May the muses be more favorable to thee, for thou art surely a man of letters. -H. ; , 10 Jan.. 1S18. Paris, 3, Rue Mazarine." A t!OOI) WKX The New York Sun knows of a man who, when buytiiR h necktie, laid one aside as unworthy of con sideration. The salesman picked it up and put it in a separate box. "Did you put it with these by mis take," asked the buyer. "Oh. no," was the answer, "ve have orders when five or ?ir men Uirn LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low rate of interest? Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo cality? Do you want to sell your property? Do you want to insure your building in one of the best tx x and cheapest companies in the U. If So 'See', WALKER S Room 1, Bell Sisters Building. -:- GENERAL JOBBING HOWARD The PLUMBERS Skylights, Cornices Largest Stock of Plumbing Goods in the City WHITE AS SNOW This is the claim made by all who send their washing to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. To get this result no chemicals are used. Your laundry is not treated in a severe manner very much to the contrary it is handled in the most approved manner all the latest and most modern machin ery is at our command to do your work in a mos trorough manner. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BASER, Prop. Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE. Commercial Club Bldg' down a tie to take it out and put it asMe " "What necomes of them? ' asked tne other. "We sell them to the women who come in here to buy ties for men." OHGAX FUND 11KXEKIT The following program will be given at the Maccabee hall, Monday evening, December 6, tinder the auspices of the missionary society of the Presbyterian church, for the benefit of the new organ fund: Solo Vocal Mrs: Geo. Rlter Reading... Prof. Ray Henderson Vocal Solo....:... Rev. J. E. Burkhart Piano Solo Miss Merta Hales Reading Master Woodson Maddox Vocal Solo... .Who'll Bury my Lav ender? Miss Harris Song Tableau Jescs Lover of My Snul Four Young Ladles Reading For the honor pr the woods :Miss May Page Vocal Solo Mrs. J. E. Burkhart Everybody stay and enjoy a social hour after the program. Delicious home made candy and ice cream will be on sale. Don't fail to be there. The place, Maccabee hall, Monday even ing, December 6, at 8 o'clock d-sw-d7 If you are looking for good service In the barber line call at the Maddfx barber shop, Cass street, Roseburg National Bank Bldg. Three chair shop. Bath rooms In connection, tf. DRAYING AND HAULING TELEPHONE flOl Prompt attention given to all orders NAT BISHOP tx S.? PERRINE, Roseburg Ore. -:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Publ'o REPAIR WORK & MAHAN and TINNERS and Dryer Pipe ROSEBURG, OREGON Winter Courses Jnnunry 4th to Feb ruary JHtli 1UOI). ' Practical work; lectures nad dem onstrations will be given in such vltnl subjects as General Farming, Fruit Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy ing Poultry Keeping, the Business side of Farming; Forestry, Capetttry, Blacksmithiug, Mechanical Drawing, Cooking, Sewing, Dressmaking, Home Management, etc All regular courses begin January 4th and end February 11th. Farmers' Week February 14th to 1Sth A cor.llnl Invitation extended tc all Interested. Good accommodations may be se cured at reasonable rates. No age limit above 16 years. No entrance re quirements. Prominent leetureres to be secured for special topics. The In structional force of the Colege num bers 100. Excellent equipment. A special feature is the Farmers' Week whirh come this year February 14th to 18th. Lectures, discussions, and a general reunion. , For fuither Information address Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Corvallis, Oregon. d-lS-p ! OSTKOI'ATHV OMeoputfiy vs. HiiKtv SiPrry In W'oir.un's Troubles In no field has osteopathy achieved more than It has In saving women f ro"ni the knife. Thousimds of women v;ho had been told that nothing ex cept an operation . would help them are, well ns a result of this scientific treatment which deals with causes and removes them. The "regular" school of medicine, realizing that drugs are of very Utile use in the treatment of these condi tions, turns the more readily to the field of surgery, which seems to olfer something more definite in place of the unsatisfactory use of drugs. The looking for Immediate effects, rather than tho parmanent welfare of the patient, tho surgeons have Inaugraied what might be termed "the era of burgery." Wo have only to of the cases which are known to everyone to real ize how many have submitted to the knife in the hope of regaining lost health. Tho results arc often lamen table. Almost everyone knows of some woman or young girl who has been tion. Almost all observers understand physically wrecked through an opera tion how one so often leads to another, and yet another, until the one organ after another Is sacrificed, the constitution Is undermined and the woman at length is r.nsexed and rendered wretched for life. When we realize, ns we must If we give the mateer thought, much of this surgical work Is unnecessary and worse than useless, and when we real ize that surgery cannot even prevent the real cause of many troubles;' but deals generally with disease effects. It becomt-8 obivlous that we aro fare to face with a situation that ought to bo remedied. This is an era of popular knowledg on all subjects. We find today in nil, fields men and women who are well informed about the merits and the demerits o the various systems of treatment. But wo find at the same time a groat many who know little or nothing of these things. They are in the habit of taking the assr.rance of their physicians for all that relates to their bodies. Now no matter how capable and conscientious the physi cian may be, that is not good policy. Intelligent people nowdavs want to knuw theories, reasons, conditions and he satisfied themselves The best physicians want their patients to know whys and wherefores of their treatment. No real physician has any thing to fear from the spread of such rfiiowie'lge. It used to be the plan of the profession to keep the people :n Ignorance so far as possible. Treat ment was exclusively written In La tin. But that day is past or passing. People want to know. Knowledge is spreading everywhere and with it an understanding of health and the health laws la being disseminated among the nibsses. Ono great physician who has now abandoned surgery, claims that at least ninety per cent of modern oper ations are unnecessary nnd useless. He was accounted very success! ul as a surgeon, but felt that he could do more for the ninety who did not need surgory than he could for the possi ble, ten who did need it. And ho seems to be right, for ills practice is ono of tho most extensive In iho I United States. The true physician trusts Nature 'more and. artifice less. He realizes i that the restoration of normal blood j and nerve supply to any part which ! may be diseased wlli do more than I any other thing to restore that part to health. That Is tho peculiar field of osteopathy and It explains why ' osteopathy Is so successful in reslor- Ing the health of many of the patients ! who would otherwise go under the surgeon s knife. Of couse osteopathy recognizes surgery fuliy as a last resort, and when milder measures prove unavail ing It appeals to tho knife whenever there Is real occa&lon for it; but fort unately for human kind It has proven that surgical operations are necessary In but a trivial percentage of the cases where they are fourd. This is particularly true as regards the 11' s of women. Osteopathis Health. IKON BEDS FOB MO AND LITTLE We have Just received the awellest line or iron beds ever brought to Roseburg. Prices are $3.00, $3.50, $4.26. $5.00, $6.50, $7.00, $8.60, $10.50 and up to $25.00. Hay did yon see those iron neaa at $2.00, $2.75 and $3.25? Buy an up to date doll cab for that little girl; nothing else will please her naif as much. The finest line of rockers ever shown In Roseburg are on our floor. Take a look at them and be convinc ed of our statement. B. W. STRONG, ' The Furniture Man, Roseburg, Oregon. For Men. There Is no beter shoe made than the celebrated "J. K Tilt." which Is to be found at the Milllkln Shoe Store. And for heavy wftar there Is nothing equal to the 'United Workman Bhos." dt-f. VIOLIX LKSSON8 Amos W. Hiestwr, violinist at Star theatre, will accept punlld for violin. Especial attention to juvenils. Ingulre at Star theatre or phone 885. A NEW KIND OF COHX Kou ml In China, and Quite Unlike Our Varieties United States Department of Ag riculture: A small lot of shell corn of a kind that Is new to this country wat sent to the United States Department of Agriculture from 9hanghl, China, in 1908, and tested the same season. It proved to have qualities that may make It valuable In bVoedlns a corn adapted to tho hot nnd dry condi tions of the Southwept. The plants raised In the test averaged less than six feet In heighth, with nn average of twe!ve green leaves at tho time of tassellng. The ears averaged five and one half Inches In length and four and a third inches In .greatest circumference, with sixteen to eight een rows of small grains. On the Up per part of the plant the leaves are all on one side of the stalk. Instead of being a ranged on opposite sides. Besides this, the upper leaves stand erect, instead of dropping and the tips are therefore above the tops of the tassel. The silks appear at the joint whore the leaf blade Is joined to the leaf sheath, and they appear before there is any sign of the ear except a slight swelling. The corn Is very different from any that Is now produced In America. Its peculiar value Is that the erect ar rangement of the leaves on ono side of the stalk and the appearance of the silks In the angle whore the loaf blade joins the sheath offer protected place In which pollen can settle and fertilize the silks before the latter are exposed to the air. This Is an ex cellent arrangement for preventing he drying out of tho s Iks before 'ollinatlon. While the ccn may be of little value Itself, It Is llkoly that, by cross-breeding, these du&lrable qualities can be Imparted to a Inrger corn, which will thus he better ad apted to the Southwest. "You," . ' said Judge Lindsey to the policeman, "want to save bicycles. I want to save ' boys." From "The Beast and the Jungle," in the ! DECEMBER EVERYBODY'S It's a big, human, well written story. Get it and read it. CLASSIFIED AltVKItTiSKM E.NTS FOIl RENT Store room on JuckBon street. Inquire Mrs. H. Enston. tf TO RENT To liuiiHukecimig rooms Inquire at 603 Mill street. . - tr. FOR RENT. House, 7 rooms, near tonn. Cltv water. Kent very rea sonable. Call 124 W. Douglas street. d-HU FOR SALE 10 acres fine land, hi mllo from town; 2 acres orchard; all under cultivation; small house; barn 20x30; poultry, team and a wngon Included. Only s.2ouu. Ao dress N., tills office. d31-sw-d n. E. STEEL, i Attoney-nt-Law 4 LoEal advice free. Collections Solicited i Room 1. MaraterB Bldg. ft Hosclmrir, Ore. GENERAL DRAYING Goods of every description moved to any part of, the city. Prices reasonable. H. S. FRENCH THE IMPERIAL A Temperance Saloon t Properly Conducted T nMHA.:f. Dntconn'ar Depot - Roseburg ORDWAY & BOCART PROPRIETOR S Gentlemen: ' We invite your new style Shaving Soap It Is Something New It Is Something Better It Is "Colgates" You Will Enjoy It In handsome, sanitary sealed hietal cans always clean and ready for use, Price 25c. FULLERTON & RICHARDSON, The Drug Store of Quality Druggists, Roseburg, Ore. Near S. P. Depot. WHEN YOU'RE CHILLED 'Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none belter can be made for the palate. THE Next to Postottice. LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY XX XX t8?Qg S Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lurni er XX Doors and Windows of all Kinds. H T,1S 8trMt ROSEBURG, OREGON The Roseburg Pharmacy WE take, a delight in serving our patrons with the best there is in the line of drugs. Purity is our motto. Promptness both day and nigh is wnat counts at our pharmacy. Full line of Sundries always on hand 1 ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. L. E. KR0HN, Manager GROUGH & ALDRIGH Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cemen Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. D. H MARSTERS' Plumbing, Sheet and North JacKson Street, adjoining peoples J Marble WorKs. Telephone 2511. Work Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. attention to this delightful 1 ROSE We're in a Position to offer you the best the market af fords In the way of Meats; and onr prices you know are always lowest. We handle only prime stock. Qual ity and quantity guaranteed. Fins roastlug pieces of beet from 80 to la Me pound. First class mutton, veal, pork and poultry equally, low; Can't do better anywhere. Phone us your order. We deliver to any part of the elty. Cass Street Market IOUI8 KOHLUAGEN, Prop. 107 West Cass BL Phone 111. Free Delivery. Office: Warehouse No. Near the Depot. Telephone Main H31 or 311. PLUMBING SHOP, f Metal WorK, Tinning Heating