i THE EVEMNO NEWS FIUDAY, DKCEMI1KK 8, 1I00. LOCAL NEWS. CLOTHES OF QUALITY AWAIT YOU HERE. The straightest and sur est road to good Clothes--the best Clothes brings you here. If yon frequent any of the "by paths" you'll be apt to lose your Helf in the tangle of misleading "liarirains." Whatever we do is well done whatever we buy is well chosen quality is the object and perfect Clothes satisfaction and effect. There are many other places to buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll find that the best is always here. These clothes are made for us by the Stein Mock Co. and David Adler, two of the greatest Tailor organizations in the wo'ld. Every Suit we sell is sold with an ab solute guarantee of Satisfaction or your Money refunded or a new ruit in return. ABRAHAM TT?. I?nmom),n nmilitv ill t.h trim . x tesL or cneannesH. v o-jr uuuu Clothes you shall know us. , A Cm J City News Briefly Recorded J. L. V uttton, of Glide, transacted buslnunH innttornJu the city yeHtorday. Attorney Dexter Rice has returned from Jacksonville whoro ho utteniiud legal matters. Mrs. C. V. Mai (yn returned to Portland thin morning after a. brief "Visit with friends In this locality. Nothing la too good for the Uriah, for the county. Use tho bent, as tt 1b tho cheapest in tho Ion 15 run. See Pat. t. Mm.' H. T. McClnllen left for Oak land, California, thlH morning where tho will visit with friends and rela tives. Mrs. Wiley Pllklngtoii went io Wil bur this morn I UK In roHpoiirie to a moflsao announcing thu serious Ill ness of her mother. Mr. Poriino. of tho firm of Walker A Perrlno, loan agents, went to Oak land thfa morning to look after busi ness Interests. The trustees of tho Rosehurg fU,w morclal . Club did not meet last even ing ns anticipated. Hot two nMMiihers of the body put In an appearance, thus avoiding tho transacting of of ficial business. "MY LAPY OF Tflfi SOUTH" "Till-; SII.VKU MOAltlV "MAItTION KHUN" "T1I10 DANG Kit MATtK" "THIS RC'AUI.KT I K ATI IKK" "TUN (iOOSK filltl' "JOHN M AliVKli ASSISTANT" "KATKItlM-i" am a few titles of new books on sab1 nt Koseburg Hook Store. tf. Pocket knives, n big stock of high grndo goods at tho Rosehurg IJook Storo. tf. Miss War lick, of Portland, Is spend ing a few days lu tho city vit'iting friends. Charles Drain, of Drain, is spend ing the day In tho city attending to IjiihIiipkh matters. W. T. Kerr and T. T. Land, both of Coquille City, nro In the city toda attending IiuhIuosh matters. Tho biggest mid best line of Post Card Albums In Douglas county at Ttoseburg nook Store. tf Grant Taylor, of Winchester, v spending the day In tiio city. T!e re ports thu roads in tho vicinity of hie home iu g.vul conditli-n cnntd,rtnk Hie heavy rains. Don't fnil to attend tfi onto.'tnln ment to bo given at hn Maecabeo hall Monday evening, December li, under tho auspices of the Women's Missiou aiy Society of the Mrnt l'reshytor'nn Church, for the benefit of t ho new rgan fund An Interesting 'Musical and literary prograinis belurj pre I mred for the occasion, and a i?,ond (lino Is assured. d ,F Henry Mooney, of Klk Head, was a visitor In this city today. Mr. Mooney wim nreoinpanied by S. H. Thorp, of Itanlc-, Oregon. Mr. Thorp savs he hi's traveled all ovt r Oregmi looking for a pbuc'Ihat JuM. suiis him, and that In trie fertile Shoestring Valley lu the county be has discovered his lde;il, and expects to buy a farm and locale there. HeadfjuarterB for Holiday 1 goods Js at the Koseburg Book Store. tf. C. VV. Edwards, of Fresno, Callfor-: nia. Is a visitor fn the city. MIhb Beryl Singleton went to Wil bur this morning to spend a few days with friends. 1 W. C Neul, of Oakland, spont yes-1 trday In the city attending business iiattei-3. j Reuben Conn and wife stopped 1 over here yesterday to visit a rela-j tlve, Krank Conn. They left this, nornlng for Los Angeles where they J intend to spend the winter. If you are looking for good service I In tho barber line call at the Maddix barber shop, Cass street, Ttoseburg I National Bank Bldg. Three chair). shop. Bath rooms in connection, tf. Butter and eggs are huh soaring in prico with no indication of a decrease. At present butter Is eclllng for 45 cents per pound, while eggs are bringing the excessive price of 40 cents per dozen. Tho biggest and best crockery Btore In Southern Oregon. Everything that Is made In crockery, glasswaro, and China, we have It. From the plainest to best hand-painted. Many beautiful pieces of Llbby cut glass suitable for presents. Rice & Rico, the house furnishers. E. Purvance and family, who have been living fn this city for some time past, expect to go to Cottage Grove, Saturday, for a few weeks. Mr. Pur vance says ho hopes to eventually re turn to Roseburg and make his perm anent homo hero. Prof. CaF'emon will entertain the public at the Star theatre this even ing In his famous mind reading nnd hypnotism BtuntB. He Is a clever ac hypnotlsm stunts. He is a clover en tortalner. very quiet wedding occurred at the residence of Judge G. W. Wona- cott last evening, when W. H. Preston and Wllltna Alexander, both residents of Myrtle Creek, were united In mar riage. The happy couple left for Myrtle Creek this morning where they Intend to make their future homo. Considerable excitement Is mnni fet, locally. In the coming prize fight in which Jeffries and Johnson are the urluelpalB. Several small wagors have been posted to date, and should the event be pulled off In California as anticipated, ft Is safe to assert that a number of Roseburgltes will be pres ent. Alpha Lodge, No. 47, K. of P., elec ted the following officers at their reg ular meeting held Wednesday: M. F. Wright, C. C: W. E. Clingenpell, V. C: C. L. Pearson, Prelate; G. V. Wlmberly, K. R. & S.; J. K. Perry, M. K.; W. T. Wright, M. E.; V. R. Buckingham, M. W.; Oren Staples, I. G.; Frank Brown. O. G.; J. C. Aiken, trustee. ,oren Harvey, a local tailor, nnd Mrs. Myrtlo Young were married at the pnrsonage of the M. E. church, south, Wednesday evening, Rev. Meat's oMlciating. Both of the con tracting parties are well nnd favor ably known In this vicinity where they havo a host of friends who wish them a long and prosperous future W. J. Kellllier has filed notice of appeal with the county clerk In the use of A. M. Gallagher vs. W. .1. Kel lllier. The controversy was aired be fore a jury In the circuit during the recent term, a decision having be-in rendered in favor of the plulntilT. The defendant, now Intends to carry the case fo the supreme court, no doubt iinticlpating a reversal in the decision of the lower court. TIMELY SUGGESTIONS You Will Find Shopping Easy and Pleasant The Assortment Here Is Complete, With NEW SEASONABLE SHOWINGS ' HATH KOIIKS IIOl'SK COATS HAT oitii:n ;iiOVK oiiii:r COI.I.AH, TIK AX1) HAXDKEH-' ('!(! V.V SIOT LKATHEK SATIV J.IXKI). ' OXI'Hlll) HAGS SI IT CASKS Iii:iSi:ii NUCKWEAK FAXCV IIOXEI). HALE DOZEV ASSOHTEI) COLORS IXTKItWOVE.V SOCKS EAXCV IIOXEI). JIAXniiEliCHIEE, TIE, SCSPEXI). EliS, A KM HAXDS AXI) HOSE KCPI'OKTEHS IX FAXCV COM ltlXATIOX HOX. HEEI'Elt SILK MUFFLERS WAYS SCAHE MUFFLEH9 I'MIIKELLAS A LAIKiK ASSOHT MEXT I'AXCV AXI UMQUJi DETACH AI1LE HAXHLES. FOLDIXfJ Sl'IT CASE UMItUELLAS PAJAMAS FAXCV IMtESS SHIRTS Cl'FK IIUTTOXS AXI) STICK PINS SETS IX PLISH LIXKD CASE. MOOSE HIDE MOCCASINS FOH EVEXINU FOOT COMFOHT. MEX'S SETS, EHOXV FINISH, COMli, IIIILSII, TOOTH HHUSII, SOAP HO.V, F.'I'C, ETC. MILL FIT AXV OXFORD HAG. STALKY liltAXD. I'llL-SHHUXK HXDEKWEAH. IXTFPWf)VEX CASHMEVE 110 IEUY i. HARTH'S- TOGGERY Home of Regal Shoes and Hand Tailored Clothing tOCAL NEWS. flu Books Tlake the Host Acceptable Christmas Gifts Thciv is ;i book for you to give :uiy relative or friotul that will couvey exactly ymir message of love, iit'fi'ctioii, gooit will or friendship of whatever nature. Theie is nothing so much appreciated as a book nothing that gives so grent and lasting a pleasure. We arc ready to supply ift-seekers with Hooks th?t will make the most valuable iifts, at jiricos considerably below thosy usually asked. We have hooks of history, the works of famous authors, spirited novels of today, rich gift books in elaborate, beautiful bindings, Bibles nnd Testaments, Children's Story nnd Picture Hooks, the only complete, aud the best selection to choose from in Hoscburg. And all at the fairest and most tempting prices. lint you must come and fee; and come early, lor then you can choose from a complete, new, bright and inviting slock, and you'll also avoid the ceaseless, perpetual Christmas rush. Roseburg: Book Store North Jfli'kfun Stn-tt. Successnrfl to Aee's Book More Row burg, Oregon Frank Waite, of Sutherlln, is a vis itor In tho city today. Tom Lough Is reported seriously and niny not recovor. .1. Dealing, of Canyonvlllo, is a business visitor in the city. Fred Tolfes, the painter, went to Sutherlln this morning for the pur pose of decorating the Interior of the new hotel. Have you seen that special couch we have on eale. You'll miss It If you don't; a natural rest will do you good stretch out. Rice & Rice, tf J. FI. Hooth. V. C. Hnrdlni; and R B. Alley aro expected home from Portland this evening or tomorrow morning. For Men. There Is no beter shoe made than the celebrated "J. E, Tilt," which is to be found at the Millikin Shoe Store. And for heavy wear there Is nothing equal to the 'United Workman Shoe." dt-f. Henry Mooney consummated a sale today in this city of 1400 acres In Shoestring Valley with V. H. Tharn and three others from the Sound. This land is to he converted Into one groat orchard, and is considered a great buy by the purchasers. On account of a sudden change in the wind which resulted in rendering the belts at the Winchester plant use less, the city was in darkness the greater pari of last night. The trouble 'was remedied Ibis morning, however, :uid the consumers will enjoy illumin ation as usual this evening. From th; present indications there j will be t-evei al carina Is of ttiiKeys : shipped t the outt-Hl maike's for ! the Christ mas trade this yea At last two outside buyers havo signi fied their Intention of dealing in tho local prrduct. and incident which tends to show that the farriers will realize a good price for their birds. Attorney Kullerton & Orcutt re ceived n.itlee from the lcc:tl Cnfted States land ofllce this morning lo the effect that Louis Kohlbagen has boon favored with a decision in the three handed contest case recently tried in this city. The land Involved comprise? the SKVi "f Sec 21. tp. "4. S. R. fi W H will be remembered that Kohl hagen (lied on the land In question about two years ago tinder the timber and stone act, alleging as he did that the tract was not (tf mincal or home ' stead value, but on tho contrnry was nothlrc more or lets than a timber claim. Shortly after his filing along came a Portland party l.y the name of Alvin It. Jones, who squatted upon the land, nnd later fiUd upon It un der the homestead act. A third entry was also made In tho meantime, the State of Oregon filing scrip. Realizing that he would be forced to relax his claim upon the land Jones caused Kohlhuiren to be Indicted on a charge of perjury, being acquitted when the rasi came up for trial. Not content Jones still went further in the matter contesting Kohthagnfs rights be fore the local land oftve. lu the de cision made public this morning the government holds that the State of Oregon's entry was unlawful, and that Jones was not coin n t cut to obtain posspssion of the land. Accordingly Kohlhagen was awarded tho tract. As yet It is not krown as to whether or not the case will be appealed. LOCAL NEWS. The best box confectiontry, "Lowney's" fresh at the Roseburg Book Store. tf, J. F. Kelly, pastor of the Baptist church at Riddle, !s in the city, a visitor at the home of Mrs. A. B. Senter. The sudden cold snap has played havoc with business in the city, few farmers having ventured to town of late. What docs your mother, sister, brother or sweetheart want for Xnias, a Photo made by Clark's Studio, Roseburg National Bank building? tf. Marshal Huffman reports many ho boes passing through the city of late. Most of these fellows are enroute south, presumably in search of a warmer climate. Indian baskets, birch bark, sweet grass and porcupine quill work made by St. Regis, Mohawks, Iroquois and other tribes, for sale at Roseburg Book Store. These are pretty goods at pleasing prices. tf. IltOX ItKDS FOR 1UG AXI) LITTLK We have just received the swellest Hue or Iron beds ever brought to Roseburg. Prices are $3.00, $3.50, $4.25, $5.00, $6.50, $7.00, $8.50, $10.50 and up to $25.00. Say did you see those iron beds at $2.00. $2.75 and $3.25? Buy an up to date doll cab for that little girl; nothing elso will pleaso her half as much. The finest lino of rockers ever shown in Roseburg are on our floor. Take a look at them and be convinc ed of our statement. B. W. STRONG, The Furniture Man, Roseburg, Oregon. r BUILDER I C. D. MAYNARD IGENER Rosebi GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Service Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193 CHINA SAM Has on display for the Holidays a Choice selection of dishes, Including hand painted china Japanscso anil China, dishes in beautiful designs. Al so a fine lino of silk Imml kerchiefs, toys for the chihlivii mid some fine Brass ware. Cull nnd inuke your selection early. Prices way down nnd the goods nro the best to be bad. JACKKOX STJIKET THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Slicridim Street Xenr The Depot. We don't sell for cost or below cost but we will sell right at cost. If you don't believe It, try us and see. With each dollar's worth of goods purchased you are entitled to a chance on a nice sot of silverware, knives, forks, table and teaspoons. See tliem in the window. Come and see for yourself, don't be misled by any one for you will miss It D. J. JARVIS I'liOl'WFTOIt. See the Cook's beaming1 face as she grazes on a can of Folgfer's Golden Gate Coffee. She knows her boss will like her Coffee. She will criiul Folder's Golden Gate herself, so th.it it will V, at its best and give that finishing touch so necessary to a good dinner. Folder's Golden Gate Coftee is the best we sell and fifives our customers more satisfaction than any other cofft we know of jfc. Alton S. Frey I