THE EVENING NEWS FRIDAY. DKCEMIU H .1, 11)01). LOCAL NEWS GOOD ENOUGH IS THE DEADLY ENEHY of BEST In oporating our Grocery Business we are not satisfied with good enough. We strive for improvement. Our store is the right place to buy Sroceries. Everything fresh and clean. , Phone'2381 Commercial Club BIdg'J UK SHOKX Long visits, long stories, long ex hortations and long prayers addon profit those who have to do with them. Life is short. Time is short. Moments are precious. Learn to non dense, abridge and intensity. We can endure many an ache and 111 It It is soon over, while even pleasure grows insipid and pain intolerable if they are practiced beyond theii limit of reason and convenience. Learn to be short. Lop off the branches, stick to the main facts In your case. It you speak, tell your raeseiige and hold your peace; boil down t ! wo. t? into one, and three Into two. 3e short. LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Xt Do you want to build you a home' and pay for it in small t monthly payments and low rate of interest .' .55 Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, nnvmontn and low rate of interest to nav back loan in? 22 Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a njee acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market amPin good lo- lr.o T- ni.w nrnnartvT TT cainy i iu you warn w juui piuoivj . . Do you want to insure your building in one of the best ; and cheapest companies in the U. S.? If So Seel WALKERS PERRINE, Roseburg Ore. Room 1, Bell Sisters Building. -:- -:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public It GENERAL JOBBING REPAIR WORK HOWARD & MAHAN The. PLUMBERS and TINNERS Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe ROSEBURG, OREGON Largest StocK of Plumbing Goods in the City The Roseburg Pharmacy WE take a delight in serving our patrons with the best there is in the line of drugs. Purity is our motto. Promptness both day and nigh is wnat counts at our pharmacy. Full line of Sundries always on hand ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. L. E. KROHN, Manager C. B. 'Elliott, of Sulcm, Is a visitor In the city. John Alexander, thu mediant of Gild , was in tho city toiluy un a bubiuess trip. In order to accomodate our custo mers who are unable to do their Xmas shopping In day time; we w ill keep our store open evenings until Xmp.B. Graves Art Emporium. tf. The young people of St. George's church entertained their frle:.ds last evening at "Five Hundred." Tho evening was an enjoyable one for all present. A delicious lunch was ser ved. The latest fad is hammered brass, used In connection with Pyrography; makes an elegant present. We have the material for working, and also Ihe r?ady made pieces. It Is not ex pensive at Graves Art Emporium, tf. H. A. and Robert Blukeiy, of Glide, wore In the city today m business. They report the cllmato a little chilly at Glide this morning. The former gentleman called at this office and ordered the Dally News stent lo his address regularly from this date on. Ernest Dougal, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, arrived this morning from that city to work as assistant phar macist at the Roseburg Pharmacy. Mr. Archie Hawkins, formerly as sistant, left for Portlnnd Tuesday. Mr. A. Blnghnm and family, of Williams County, North Dakota, ur rived In Roseburg about t-vo weeks ago, and at present are living In iliverslde addition. Mr. Bingham ex presses himself as more than delight ed with our fine climate and expects to secure a tract of land near this city and engage in poultry rnlslug and fruit growing. He Is sure of success. In nn Interview with a News repre sentative thai afternoon Mayor Hny nes said that he hoped that citizens who had grievances to present the city officials would prepare the same In writing that (hey might bo con sidered more thoroughly than other wise. The Mayor also contends that such proceeduro would save the of ficials much time as well as annoy ance. The case of the State of Oregon vs. J. I. Springstead Is being tried be fore a Jury In JiiBtlce Long's Court this afternoon. Attorney C. S. Jack Fon appears In behalf of the defen dant, while Deputy District Attorney Elbert Hermann is looking after the Interests of the state. Springstead Is accused of selling to J. K. .Falbe a can of milk containing less than three and two-tenths butterfat as required under the dairy and food laws of Ore gon. The case will go to the jury late this afternoon. C. V. Clarke, the photographer, In keeping with his modem methods of doing photographic work, has in stalled in his apartments In the Roseburg National Bank building, one of the latest electric lights which enables him to handle both the finish Ing and making of negatives either day or night. The work of install ing the lamp was completed today and its light strength equals that of five of the ordinary arch lumps. Mr. Clark Is now in a position to serve his patrons better than ever and his recent acquisition to his office equip ment makes his studio must modern VIOLIN' LESSONS AniOB W. Hiester, violinist at Stur theatre, will accept pupils for violin. Especial attention tu juvenlls. Inguiie at Star theatre or phono 885. . HEAL ESTATE TRAXSFEH9 C. B. Cannon und Mur.v Ella Can non to W. H. Fisher 747 acres of timber land, all situated In Douglas county, Oregon. Consideration $10. Alice S. Shook to A. N. Hir.kson, lots 9, 10, 11, and 12. section 22. tp. 24, S R. 7 V., containing 149.40 acres. Consideration $1. Z. L. Cox to O. B. Verliek the' en tire stock and fixtures of the general merchandise situated on the corner of block 4. nt the Intersection of sec ond and First Btroets in the city of Yoncalla.- Consideration $2,400.00. LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. Alice Hlgglns, of Salem, Is a visitor in the city today. A. B. Grubbe, of Oakland, transac ted business matters In the city this morning. O. W. Gage, of Dlllard, Is a busi ness visitor in the city this nftomoon. S. C, Bartrum Is out In the wilds this week looking after forest Inter ests. He will be home tomorrow night. Roseburg Chapter No. 8, Order of the Eastern Stur held its annual elec tion last evening and the following officers chosen for the ensuing year: Worthy matron, Mary E. Houck; Worthy Patron, A. . Wilder; Assoc. Matron, Edith Phelps Pearson; Cond. Ruby Wilder; Assoc. Cond. Jessie DavlB; Secy., Free Johnson; Treas., Nora Flint; Adah, Splvla S. Terrel; Ruth, Gertrude Rast; Esther, Nellie Ford; Martha, Florence Perry; Elec ta, Mollie Shambrook; Warder, Jos ephlno Parrott; Sentinel, S. M. Suf ron; Chaplin, Clara Rast; Marshal, Carrie Christie; Organist, Marie A. Rlter. Gentlemen: We invite your attention to thid delightful new style Shaving Soap It Is Something New It Is Something' Better It Is "Collates" You Will Enjoy It In handsome, sanitary sealed metal, cans always clean and ready for use, Price 25c'. FULLERTON & RICHARDSON, The Drug Store of Quality Druggists, Roseburg, Ore. Near S. P. Depot. lilt . wf' WHEN YOU'RE CHILLED Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none better can be made for the palate. THE ROSE Next to Postotlice. A(iEI FARMER DIES SKW TODAY. FOR RENT Store room on Jackson street. Inquire Mrs. H. Easton. tf Blowing; Our Own Horn SAI.RM. Doc. Z. John Slouch, tho used farmer who was found in the .road Tuesday In a precarious con dition as the result of exhaustion caused hy the long tramp of Ave miles and back from the Frultland to Salem In the severe storm of last Monday, died at the Salem hospital without recovering consciousness. Slouch was found on a bridge about half a mile from his home, where It appenred he had dragged himself painfully, finally fnlllng on n roller for a towel rack he carried. The fall battered his left cheek hone, causing' a serious wound. He had laid on the bridge all night before he was found We're in a Position to offer you the best the market af fords In the way of Meats; and our prices you know are always lowest. We handle only prime stock. Qual ity and quantity guaranteed. Fins roasting pieces of beef from 80 to 12)6o pound. First class mutton, veal, pork and poultry equally low. Can't do better anywhere. Phone us your order. We deliver to any part of the city. Cass Street Market LOOTS KOHLI1AGKN, Prop. 107 West Cass 8t Phone. 1(1. Free Delivery. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TO RENT Two housekeeping rooms Inquire at G03 Mill street. tf. FOR SALE. Tetacre tract, 5 room, two miles from city. Price $1700. Well Improved. Ad dress "Z" care of News office, d-23 FOR SALE lfacresfliieluiicl, mile from town; 2 acres orchard; all under cultivation; small house; barn 20x30; poultry, team and a wagon Included. Only J2B00. Ad dress N., this office. d31-sw-d B. E. STEED, : " Attxmey-nt-Lnw :: - O Legal advice free. Collections Solicited Room 1, Marstors Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. is not much In our line. Wo prefer to let our customers do It for us. It will be worth your while to come and see our Seasonable Jewelry display. Note how merit Is apparent In every arti cle. How successful we have been In maintaining quality In spite of rea sonable prices. Then you will realize how wise we are to let our custom ers do ail the talking. Ithe imperialI I A Temperance Saloon - i Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger X Depot - Roseburg i ORDWAY & BOCART fPROPRIETO R S Roseb u rg Restaurant The Cass St. Jeweler O South Side Cass St., Near Depot. STAPLETON & PATTERSON, Props. OPEN AT ALL HOURS I LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY XJt Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Luuil a XX Doors and Windows of all Kinds. XX Yards on Lower Oak Street. -Phone 1411 ROSEBURG,. OREGON IH.W. ALTHAUS & SONS! t Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies Agents Fairbanks & Morse Co. fIV1pn1trn taat Crr flaci! atirl RnaA .Qtc GROUCH & ALDRIGH Olflce: Warehouse No, Near the Depot. Telephone Main 2A31 or 311. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cemen Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. D. H MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. Plunging", Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning" and Heating Leading and best restaurant in the city, rtone but white people employed Nothing bnt the beat in the market terved. Give as a trial and be con vlaced. North JacKson Street, adjoining" ".Peoples' Marble t Worhs. Telephone 2511. Work Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. WW WW WW W W WWW FVf fVff "ff?f TTTTTff f f f Wfft