TTIK EVKNiyO NEW8 THVHSIMY, KKCKMI1FR 2, 7000 I JXCAIj news. CLOTHES Vfril UCtUJiXJ Iff I vl OF QUALITY AWAIT YOU HERE. The straightest and sur est road to good Clothes the best Clothes brings you here. If you frequent any of the "by paths" you'll lie apt to lone your nelf in the tangle of misleading "Bargains." Whatever we do is well done whatever we buy is well chosen quality is the object and perfect Clothes satisfaction and effect. There are many other places to buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll find that the best is always here. These elutheB are made for us by the Stein lilock Co. and David Adler, two of the greatest Tailor organizations in the wo-ld. Kvery Suit we sell is sold with an ab solute guarantee of Satisfaction or your Money refunded or a new ruit in return. I. I Mrs. D. C. PUier Is confned at her home wllh a severe cold. Headquarters for Holiday goodB Is at the KoEeburK Book Store. tf. n. A. Hu.sHlicr, of Dillairt. Is a visitor In the city this afternoon, j J. W. Perkins went to Mitherlln 'f JJ i hi" artcinr.on to look after business X? matters. I xx Ix 4 For a rood clean shave, hair cut or nalh, cnU at the Maddlx barber Hhop Cats street. tf. W. K. Catteren, deputy food com missioner, is in the city lod'.y at- tendirg business matters. j Mrs. J. H. Heardy arrived here this t morning after spending a few days I THE STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST NEW YORK STORE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK it xx XX Remember quality is the true test of cheapness. Hy our good Clothes you shall know us. - 5 City News Briefly Recorded Miss Minnie Fulk has gone to Portland to spend n few days visit ing at tho home of her slHtor. The several ili yHlclitiiH report little sickness of lute, presumably duo to the Imurovement or the went her. Workmen aro .cutting down the poplar trees In the courthouse square. Such was neceHHi tnteil on account of tho rootK riuimigtiiK the sewers and cement walks. If you are looking for Rood sorvlce In the mirher lino call at tho Maddlx barber shop, Cass street, ItOBeburg National Hank ujug. riiree cnair Bhop. Hath rooms In connection, tf. The first snow of the season to fall In thlH Bectlr-u made its appear ance this morning. Those who were early to rise could detect snow cips on Mi, Nebo, such being somewhat of a curiosity in this locality. "MY LADY OP TI1I3 SOUTH" "Til 10 RILVRK HOARD" "MAUTKN lODHN" "TIMS DANGER MARK" 'TTIIfl RCAKLKT FKATI II2R" "TUB tJOOHK GIRL," "JOHN MARVEL ASSISTANT" "KATKHINB" aro n few titles of new hooks on sale at Roscburg Rook Store. tf. One of the most delightful musical events to he held In this city for many a day occurred at the Armory last evening, when the Schuhert Con cert Company entertained a crowd of about 250 persons for nearly two hours. lOach number win rendered In a most cieditablu manner, and Hume who were fortunate enough to attend aro loud In praise of tho members of Jim troupe. Should they ever re t' Hurn to Kosehtirg they will no doubt be greeted bv a Initio audieme. Pocket knives, a big stock of high grade goods ut tho Kosehurg Rook Store. tf. Attorneys A. N. OreuH and J. A. Buchanan have returned from Salem uiid Portland where they attended to business matters. Attorney Reuben Marsters has rented the nfllees formerly occupied by F. H. McCord. the wireless agent. He will move Into the new quarters witnin a rew days, For Men. There Is no boter shoe made than tho celebrated 'J. K. Tilt." which Is to be found at the Milllkln Shoo Store. And for heavy wear there Is nothing equal to the 'United Workman Shoe." dt-f. The regular meeting of the Rose burg Comercial Club will bo held this evening, and all members are urged to be present. Many mutters of an Important nature are scheduled for disposition, thurforo it behooves you to turn out. W. H. Jenkins, the popular S. P. travelling passenger agent, spent sev eral hours In tho city today. Ho re ports over thing moving along very smothly with tho railroad com nan v since the recent heavy rains which inconvenienced them to some extent. Honors, the Individual who was re cently brought, here from Riddle ap parently siiiTeilng dementia, is still ((indued at the county fail v here he will remain until such time as the authorities at the California insane asylum can ho communicated wllh. Tho local otneers seem to believe that Senors escaped from tho southern Institution and was making his way north when captured, lie is a Rus sian and appears to bo of a weak mind. at points In the northern part of the county. Kd Hlnklo was In the city today. Some time ago he ran a thorn Into his hand, and blood-poisoning en sued. Dr. Houck has chage of case and Ed today announced a marked Improvement In the hand. Lewis Poe has filed Hilt In the cir cuit court again-1 Augusta Voll brccht, asking that he be awarded judgment In the sum of $50 with In terest, alleged to be due on a prom-sory-note. Attorneys Fullerton & Or ciitt havo charge of the case for the plaintiff. Mr. and Mrs. P. Collopy were In the city today attending to business. Mr. Collopy states that he had good success wllh his hogs this year. He improved the breed, and then fed tho hogs good solid corn. The result was tout the averaged 300 pounds each. Tho biggest and best crockery store 1 In Southern Oregon. Everything that is made In crockery, glassware, and j China, we have It. From the plainest to best hand-painted. Many beautiful , pieces of Llbby cut glass suitable fori presents. Rico & Rice, the house furnishers. JJ lOddle Smith underwent another operation for tumor of the upper Hp J at Mercy hospital yesterday. Dr. Houck who has treated this difficult case from the start, states that this! Hent ban undergone, and after an other Eddie will hava a perfect face. Walker & Perrine, the loan agents Intend to move from thier present quarters In the Rell Sisters' block to the store room formerly occupied by George Rapp In a few days. The new quarters have been recently renova ted and will no doubt make very con venient as well as attractive offices. A peculiar incident connected with tho recent drowning of Mrs. L. A. Holdrfge is the fact that her mother Mrs. Joseph Champagne met death In a simitar manner. T:ie latter lady ' was drowned 25 years ago while ford-J Ing the ITmpqua river at a point a TT short distance south of the present bridge. A very quiet wedding occurred at the M. E. parsonage in this city yes terday, when Miss Rose Wilson, of Happy Valley and Fred Hoffman, of this city, were united in marriage Rev. Jas. K. IlawKins. officiating. The cermony w-is witnessed by a few Die-ids of the cot ti acting par lies Don't fail to attend the entetain meat to be given at '.he Maccahee hall Monday evening, December G. mi ior the auspices of tin Women's MlsMon ai Society of the Mrst Preshyternn Church, for the benefit of the new ngan fund. An interesting "itisical and literary program is beluj: pre pared for. the occasion, and a eood time Is assured. d f Elmer Thompson and Miss Inez Critchlow, the former a resident of Yoncalla, and tho latter a resident of Shoestring, were married at the of fice of Justice of tho Pence John T. Long; shortly after 4 o'clock yester day afternoon. Justice Long officiat ing. The happy couple returned to their home at Yoncalla this morning whore they Intend to reside perman ently. A peculiar Incident connected with the marriage is the fact that the m'oom fs the fourth child of the Thompson family to be married by Justice Long within tho past Friday and Saturday Specials Women's S Suits Just a few left and to make a final clean-up on them all, they close at the the very low figure oE To appreciate this see them. (See window) Friday and Saturday sale Only 50 Table cloths, AH Ready Made $1.50 Value 98c Beautiful table cloths, regular $1.50 values, best patterns,the thing for every day use, special 2 days only 1000 yards dress ging hams for spring' wear 1000 yards beautiful dress ginghams in a large range of patterns, the reg ular I2c quality and a rare valuq at this time of year. Buy now. XX XX l Great HandKerchiet Regular 10c Values 5c Women's barred and fancy bordered handker chiefs, excellent values Supply your every day needs at such a low price , IT CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HANDKERCHIEFS 1c Childrens colored school handkerchiefs. They are good enough to loose. Sup ply your needs now limit of 20 to a customer, special Two days only iyi sale if 9(M LOCAL NKWS. WIIKKK IS HOIIBINS? St. Regis Indian baskets, 5 cents : ftctvtirtl for Iiirornmtinn 1'iiUhiK us and up, at the ltoseburg Dook Store.ttj in t'oimn.Jcutimi With Him The biggest nnl best line of Post Card Albums In Douglas county at The undersigned Is desirous of ob Hoseburg Book Store. tf mining information concerning the Nothing Is too good for the Ilrlsh. I whereabouts of Ellas Jtobbins, for for the county. Use the best, as ltinierly of Folk county, Oregon, and Is the cheapest in the long run. Bee wl" l,tty r' reward to the person Pat, t. placing him in communication with TIMELY SUGGESTIONS .J You Will Find Shopping Easy and Pleasant The Assortment Here Is Complete With NEW SEASONABLE SHOWINGS IIA'I'II KOItKS HOl'SK COATS II AT Olil'l It . i : oitmiit COI. I.Alt, 111-! AMI IIAM)Ki:it- rm i : r s ict i.kath i: it sat i n ui:i. oxKoitn HAtiS st i r cxsi.s K 1:1 s i : it M:t u w i : a it k a xc v ito i:t. IIAI,.' IXlZi: ASSOKTKIt counts I.VTOIttdVUX SOCliS I ( V lit . i :t. iiAiiki:i!cuu:i'. ti k, srsi'MMi. Kits, A It M IIM1M AMI IIOSK SI IWdltl I1IS l I'AVCY COM IllNAIION IU). i;i:i:i I it sii.k mi i l l. i its WAYS S Wltl-' Ml 1 ri.KltS I Mltltl l.I. XS LAIKiK .ASSOHT l IvN'l I- A ( V AM) IMOl l, DKTACIIAItl.K H AMU.I S. si it cask I PAJAMAS i a( y ii;i:ss sniurs CI I K liriTON'S AMI STH'K I'INS SK IS IX I'Ll Sll I.1NKII CASK. MOOSK IMMK MOCCASINS KOH K KM.Ni; .'OOT t'll'OltT. MKX'S SKIS, KHONY KIMSII, CMll, lUilSM, TOOTH ItlUSII, SO 0., K''(, KTC. WILL Kl l' ANY l (U1 lt (F. STLI' III LAN I). I'liK-SHUlNK I NUKiiu rvu. INTI rWOYKX (MSIIMKVK 1K.-IKItY A niarrhiKo llconse was issued to. W. 11. Preston and Mtea W. K. Alex ander, both residents of Myrtlo Creek this afternoon. Have you seen that nnecinl couch we have on ealo. You'll miss it If you don't; a natural rest will do you good stretch ouc. Rice & Rice, tf What does vour mother, ulster, til-ill lu,l Uiv, u-nl f,.,. two nias. a Photo made hy Clark's ) Studio, Roseburg Niitloual Hank I buildim;? tf. Indian baskets, hlrrh bark, sweet Krass and porcupine quill work made by St. Regis, Mohawks, Iroquois and I oilier tribes, for sale at ltoseburg Rook Store. These aro pretty goods at pleasing prices. tf. Waller Kverett, the drunk who was arrested last, evening while roaming the streets in an intoxicated condition, was arraigned before City Recorder Omit t, shortly after neon today. Knterlni; a plea of guilty he was fined in the sum of $5, an a mount which he readily paid. Senors. the insane man eouilr-ed In tho county jail awaiting examination made his get-away shortly after one o'clock this afternoon, Tnd was only captured after an exciting chase up on the part of Jailer llewes and As-! sistant Stanelilf. It appears that ! llewes unlocked the jail to allow the carpenters to work, forgetting that the prisoner was within. Senors took advantage of the opportunity, lunv ever, walking leisurely up the street as if wholly unconcerned, llewes and Stancliff were notified by persons who chanced to he in Ihe iirmediate vicinity and was brought hack. HARTH'S TOGGERY o 'Home of Regal Shoes and Hand Tailored Clothing the said Uohbins A matter of much importance. Will be quite a favor. Address, WALTER I.. TOOZE. JR. Atlorney-at-Uaw d-sw-2t. . Dallas, Oregon COMI.Vi! COMING Benjamin Youni;, I). D.. the Giant Preacher of the Northwest, now pas tor of the Taylor street Methodist church of Portland, has been se cured by the local Methodist church to nlve his address on "The man of Nazareth" at the Methodist church net Thursday eveniiiK at S p. m. There will bo no charge at the door but a free will offering will he taken .11. i ciuwri iii uie leciui e Li i ii.Jn uy expenses in securini? this able orator, l The address to be :.lven is this m'eat I preachers' masier piece, and is such 1 as appeals to the logical mind, so simple that a child ma under stand. There will be nothing better come to Roseburp till.', season. VOll COUXTV WARRANTS Notice Is hereby given all parties holding county warrants issued by Douglas county, Oregon, and Indors ed "not paid for want of funds,'.' prior to and Including the 27th day of Feb ruary, 1D09, to present the same to tho county treasurer of said county at his ofllce for payment as Interest will cease after the date of this no tice. Dated December 2,19n9. J. H. SAWYERS. Treasurer of Douglas countv, Ore-S"- tf. 1j. P. Rapp, of Elkton, who has been in the city for ihe past few dovs attending business matters, left this morning for his home. While here he purchased 1000 prune trees nndSOO walnut trees which he will set out this fall. BUILDER c. id. jiaynard; GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Service Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193 AOniCri.TC'IUI, COLI.KGK Winlor Courses January -f tit to Feb-i-uai-y IHlii 1 mm. IROX Iti:iS FOII lilli AM) i.itti; We have just received tho swellcst line or Iron beds ever brought to ltoseburg. Prices are, $11.50 4.26. $:..00. $11.50. $7.00, $S.50, sio.;o and up to 15.00. Say did you see those Iron beds at $2.00. $2.75 nnd $3.2S? liny an up to date doll cab for that little girl; nothing else will please her half as much. 1 he nnest line ot rockers ever shown in ltoseburg are on our floor. Take a look nt them and be convinc ed of our Btntement. II. W. STRONG. The Furniture Man, ltoseburg. Oregon. CIIICKKX HI'S AND T..M.I.:S J 1 on t forget t ue ch r san t hem v m show, Peeember 1st and ind. Re member th:;t there will be Ch'cken Pies, r.n Wednesday and Tatnales on Thurs.lny nnd other ood things both days. Remember the place the I rooms formerly occupied by the Cres Practical work, lectures nad dem onstrations will be given In such vital subjects as Genernl Farming, Fruit Culture. Animal Husbandry, Dairy tug. Poultry Keeping, the Business side of Farming. Forestry, Capentry, mark-unit hing, Mechanical Drawing, Cooking. Sewing, Dressmaking. Home Management, etc All regular courses becin Tanuarv 4th nnd end February llth. Farmers Week February llth to ISth A cordial Invitation extended to all interested. Good accommodations may be se em 1 at reasonable rates. No age lin ; hove 1 tl years. No entrance re quh -r nts. Prominent lectureres to be s - -ed tor special topics. The in struct lal (orce of the Colege num bers 1 Excellent equipment. A special feature Is the Farmers Week which come this year February 1 4th to 1 Slh. Lectures, discussions, and a general reunion. For fuither information address Registrar. Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Corvnllls, Oregon. d-l-p KI.KS MKMOKIAL Sunday. December 6. at 2:30 p. m. a memorial service will be held at the K1U s TVmnle in this city W t menil erance of the departed members of the order. Tho public is iinimri to attend. d-2t dw-Et Gild. silver and copner have been discttvered on the Fijo islands, where there had never been any mining of CHINA SAM Has on display for tlie Holidays n Choice selection of dishes. Including; hand painted china, .Jnpnnscsc and Chlnn dislies In beautiful designs. Al so a. Hue line or silk handkerchiefs, toys for tho children and some line Ilrass ware. Call and make your selection early. Prices nay down and Ihe goods lire the best to lie liud. JACKSOX STHKKT THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Sheridan Street Xenr The Depot. We don't sell for cost or below cost but we will sell right at cost. If you don't believe It, try uj and see. With each dollar's worth ot goods purchased you are entitled' to a chance on a nice set of silverware, knives, forks, table and teaspoons. See them In the winiow. Coiiio and se for yourself, don't be misled by uny oue for you will miss it D. J. JARVIS cent theatre. It any sort on a commercial basis. rnorniETort.