The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 02, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Entered as Bocond-cluus mutter
Nov. 5, 1909, ut KoBoburg, Ore., uii
flnr act of iuurch 3, 1875.
Hubsrription Kates -Dully
Tor your, by mail $3.00
I'er month, dtMlverod 50
Por year $2.00
Hlx monthB 1.00
Till ltHI.. I KCKMIIIIC U, 71M77 I
Thfl Kiwn KukIsIut Man purchased !
a Cox Duplex printing pren.1, which!
prints, fr UJfj and coiiiUh romnlnto 8- j
Ikiku paperH at I ho rata of liuOO per1
tionr. Thin means that bUKlunsit of
that able -and energetic niWHpepcr Is1
tz rowing 1 1) lurge proportions, and
that iho Iteninttu Ik proHprii)K. The i
Kvenlng News Ik pleamd to note the I
fact. ;
The KvenliiK Newa In not only mn
KralulatinK ltn"lf upon the dally in
crwisn In Its Ihih.ih'hh and circulation
for 'the K"od honetlt of ItoseljiirK, but
also upon the many woivIh of (Mini-!
mendallnti from all Boun-eH which Hi
Ih in reeelpt of. They prove beyond!
the p'ntdv'nltire ot a doubt that
The levelling NewHjlmH not come upon
the field of dail Journalism In the
:lt.y hh :in Intnider. but aw a dally
vhiltor highly appreciated by everyone.
In Planning A Delightful Christmas
Do not spend your money in something cheap
and trashy, but get something good and then you
have a lasting remembrance. Call and see our
stock of
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware
Novelties, Cut Glass, Umbrellas, Hand
Painted China.
Come in and make your selections early while
the lines are complete.
The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare
Jeweler and
Where are You Going to Trade?
i t- ; '
For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings
and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS
for the LEAST MONEY.
Try. Them In Your Order For
gents;furnishings and shoes
Secretary Knox has given Presl
dent Zeynya, of Nicaragua, a proper
culling down and gone lis far as ho
' van without Infringing on th rights
if Congress to docltire ,wiu l-'nmi the
, news at hand the fulled Htntos will
liave tho support of all the South
American republics, except Honduras,
md will he hacked hy Mexico firmly.
Tho result will be properly punished
nail any ono single genorul will hnro
allcr Ihlnk twice, heforo ho stat-lti a
revolution, or embroils two repub
lics In war. Tho two greatest powers
tit tho weBleru hemisphere Hay Mint
thoro nitiHt liu lews lighting, and th
chances aro they will have peace If
moy nave to Hunt to mnlntiiln It.
Her. DuBell to ofllrime were uiun j I. O. O. F. SOCIAL
"mado one."
Tho lirldo woro a bountiful white . , , , ,,, ,
Crepe flu Chine dress, while a bridal .' l? V;'",1, w"' " ,KlVP" t,,e
veil, adorned the fair ludVs head, 0.0. J. Hall at Looking Glasi the
hung gracefully over her shojlders 2?'"? . "' December 1G. 1909, at
to the iloor. The groom wore the con- , .
,ii . ... ... imniii win m.'n.rr mi
nddross on Oddfcllnwship; special
volitional Mark
Just after the ceremony the guests
were Invited to the dinning room,
whore a liountlfiil repast was served;
which every one enjoyed very much
lint Khonld I say every one? for our
dear minister hail eaten just before ,,ox- Tho l"'"11" Invited.
music will ho a feature of tho social
Prizes will be awarded to tho t-i
most pojiitliir ladles, and to the .cent
let.ian who pays highest price for j
d-1 5
Mr8. Martha Powell, a former res
ident, of I his place, Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. MoKuan and Airs.
County Suporlnlendonl Tliuriynn
Chanoy visited tho Myrtle Creek
schools Friday.
Threo of our girls nway at school
woro home to oat Thanksgiving tur
key; the Missus Vola Sellg, Alabol
; Mayo mid Mosaic Hond.
A very pleasant family reunion on
Thanksgiving was held at the home
of J. A, Dutiuivan, when all Ihe sons
and daughotrs gathered with their
liarenls, the Unit time 111 sixteen
vears Mint the family circle had been
unbroken. Mia. Canio Iliinnlvali
Ilrownlng, of Highland. California,
and Kd. Iliinnlvan fnim ICastern Ore-
Kn, being the two present who had
lioen absent so long. Mr nud Mrs.
.lames Hire and live children. Vin
ton Duiiulvati, wife and two children
mid ThoiuiiH Dunulvan completed
hu party. It was great Joy to the In
vulid mother to have all her dear
ones with her again.
(he members ol Iho Card Club and
their Irlends hud a dinner Thanksgiv
ing at Ihe empty ru s of the brick
lilock formerly used as a primary
whool room, with card and dancing.
Among ihoso present were families
of C. O. White. Nt.te Sellg. II. .1. Ilow
liind, It. A. Preston. II. Pratt, II.
Stevenson, Mrs. (irlthth, Mrs. Ileum,
.tho Misses Alice Sherman, ltnno
Dlckman and Mr. Willis,
A parly of young people had a guv
time al tho Hall Thanksgiving nlglil.
Oilier than Huso two events the day
was spent iiulolly, there being no
church services, there was nothing
for the general public to attend.
Ir. DeVore. of Cam on vil le. was
111 town Monday.
coining and alas! he could Indulge
but v;try lightly In the many good
things served.
The happy couple received many
handsome and useful presents as
well. as the hearty congratulations of
i heir many friends.
Moth Iho bride nnd groom nro welt
rind favorably knowii In this vl'.il'ltv.
Maitha T. Tavennor to It. E
Mridgo, 12 acres, nil situated in the
County of Douglas, Oregon. Conaid
oration $1,1100. I
Ada and V. C. Harding nnd Cath-
hlivtnir snout the irrenlir unit i.f I hlr ' rl,le 10 w- Hlllkley, tile easterly
lives hero. Iho groom, a son of Mr. ?.2 Ul'"'" of lot 6 plat E., Roseburg
Lewis )-h. Is u very sncffsful young
f inner, and ilio rldo lr ono of our
popular young Indies,
After tho departure of the guests,
Mr. and .Mrs. Ash, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Portland, nnd
the bride's sister, Miss Oraoo Mines,
of St. Johns, wended their way to
Hon $10.
E. M. Mnrsters nnd wife to W. E.
Marsters lot 19, I'riiitilalo addition.
Consideration $700.
I.. J. Speck nnd wlfo to Emma
Sanilnr lots 5 and 0, blk. 9, Hamil
ton addition to tho City of Roseburg.
Consideration $10.
their future home a farm adjoining .M"'1 .i'1"""0'1 to O. O. Sother EV4
Ihe home of both the bride's and tbei"' AK'
Ihe home of both the bride's and the
groom's parents. The visitors, as well
as Mr. and Mrs. Ash, siicnt a very
Ide.'isnnt eyeing around their happy
nresuie. ,
Ah, ye happy couple the wriler
loins lit W'sliljig you luanv Ion? and
happy years of wedded life.
Many attractive Xinas gifts at tho
Roseburg Hook Store. tf
; the 8WV4 of the Nli
ami mo or ine ril'J ot sec.
.12, tp. 31, S.' R. 7 W. Containing
100 acres. Consideration $10.
A fow specialties; all colors and
finishes, In the famous New Cote
Stains. Ocoboco Linoleum Varnish;
thore's nothing else as good. 3 In
ono oils, the best glues and the only
silver polish that's flrBt class. Rico
& Rico. tf
V. S. Weatner Bureau, local ottice,
Roseburg, Oregon, 21 hours ending
5 a. in., December 2, 1909.
Precipitation in lncheB and hun
dredths; Maximum temperature 44
Minimum temperature 33
Precipitation 08
Total Preclp since first of the
month OS
Avg. Preclp. for this month for
32 yearB 4.33
Total Preclp. from Sept. 1, 1909,
to date 13.49
to date 13.57
Avg. Preclp. from Sept 1, 1877,
Total excess from Sept 1, 1909.5.13
Avg. Preclp. for 32 wot sea
sons, 33.00
Groceries is their Specialty, and they will
please you.
Try Them For Dry Goods
The People's Cooperative Store
Prompt attention given to all orders
tttt tttttttttttt illttttttft if f ttif f f it?if ;
Where your
Money Goes
the farthest
Rice Rice
The Best
Flour has nearly doubled in price.
We sell
at the same prices and it is the
best. CooKies, buns, cinnamon
rolls and doughnuts 10c Per
dozen. Pies 10c each. Our
cakes are the best.
The House, Furnishers in Holiday Attire
,iifs noun iiaiiey, who is ilown Willi :
typhoid fever, is In u critical eondl-
H. R. Johns bus jusl Installed a
rnrnace to heat his residence the first.
In town except the one al the school ! JJ
house, but. very llkolv nut the lust ;
The "blind pigs" had a light Mon-lj
dny nl:;bt In which it young man ran if
round nourishing a razor, and thorn !
was a general "Tree for all," but no i
fine seriously hurl. Those serai's are if
setting dlsgraciftilly freiiiout. A j ?X
line chaiK-o to revoke their license
will nut bo lost is hope
il by
It. Conn and wlfi. of Independence i Zj
at. in i in- in. ti.Hiium iiO'lHIS.
l.OCAl, XI'.WS.
laud, Is a Isl-
l-'rauk Long. :f Clo
W C Xoal. of Oakland, was a vis-1
Itor In the cily yoslerdiiy. '
l.onls Kohlhagoii weal to Dlllardi
.11 iiini 'mm in looK liner iiu.siuess
mutters. 1
Hoy. II. W. lluss relumed to bis
homestead ne!ir IMIliu d this morn-i
Ing liter a brief visit with tiionds in
Ihe clly. I
Uev. Chnrlos W. Maker, of Clove-'
mill, Ohio, Ibn now rector of SI.'
Ileiirvo's Kidscoiial cliarcb. arrived
l-eie last ovoniug accou-pnulcd by his
viro. 1'hi y wore mot. al ihe train In j
li u 111 lx-r ot I he bidv ineiubers of the''
church and escorted to Iho Roseburg
liolel whore tlley vpent the night.
'1'hiy enpect to lake up 'heir r.'sl-IJ
loin o In Ihe parsonage '
V'llhill ll fow ilavn.
; uKini(j it mmii.i-:
nniet. htit lu-iuitif'il wt'tMIni? vc
rnrrfi! mi the home ot Mr. uul Mrs.
Win, M;ves. no;ir Itlii.lic. last riitn
ta. when Uietr (liiimhtor. Ka Hello,
mill Mr. I'. Y. Ash. were milted In
te liomts of holy lnntritiniin . ( two
o'rloi k. when it nnmlu-r of relatives
nnil iii'inmte frtentts Wfie mssoi:iIi
i he hrlilo nnd m ooin. at te'ul-Ml 1
Mro Uo Klet.'ln'r Sntth ns hrii!e"
mnld nnd Mr. Kov I'letelier Smith, jih
Test tnan. nia relied to their idmesi
Practical and Sensible
Gifts for the Holidays
Something hero for evory member of
the family. The question what shall
I give will bo easily solved after an
Inspection of this store. Did you
ever stop to think how much more
comfort nnd sensible, how much moro
ail would enjoy a nice piece of furni
ture for tho homo than to buy some
trashy present. This space will
only permit of a vory few of tho
ninny things that await your Inspec
tion ut this easy place to shop.
AND R)3'liit j F0J
the YOUNG and OLD.
Beautiful Davenports, Couches, Mor
ris Chairs nnd Honkers; Beautiful
Cabinets, Desks and Chlltnnors and
Pressors; lSonutlfill Hook Casos, tho
Globo Wernica 1iiid others.
Elegant New Rug's
and Carpets, Portiers
And Couch Covers
Neither tho old or voting have been
overlooked hero; Misses and chlld
ren'i chairs nnd rockers, doll carts
and ci bs; Children's dishes, toy banks
llttlo red chairs nnd sir guns; toy
wagons, toy furniture, llttlo stoves
nnd ranges; hundreds of things that
can't bo mentioned on account of
Bigger and Better Stock
China and Silverware
Evorythlnpr that's made In fancy cMaa
and glassware: enormous stock of
1S4 7 silverware nnd clocks. Carvers
plain nnd fancy, bono or silver. You
will be surprised at the profusslon ot
good thing that will mnko sensible
presents. Also remember our prices
are tho lowest.
You are always welc ome at this store. Children
given same courtesy and attention as grown folhs. We
will not be undersold if we Know it Full value for your $
ftllve House W
"Blutic" Book Caici.
Kftrpea Leathtr -Furnitur
Strell Reclining Chain,
McDougal Kitcfatn
Article Dnitii
J Sure wo have Indies' shirt waists,
J klmoiios, long and short ones; bath
robes, aprons, long ones with and
without sleeves: tea aprons, black
J and whlto collars, and all kinds of
neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear
J contB, and hoods for the babies. Also
a Urst-class line of millinery. Our
oc, juc, idc ana aoc counters are
loaded with good things.
How do wo sell theniT Why
cneaper than anybody else. Why?
Because our expenses aro less. Be a T
Mtsnnill-ln lid- fntna In nn1 ln. n1 7
- " "w .u uuu c. ub mjuw
Leaders In Topnlar Priced Goods.
Home of the 1c Post Card.
Winnie Qaddis
Skylight Cornices
Heating Ventilating
Agent for Snell
Water Filters'.
Removes all impurities.
Phone 2101
Roseburg' . Oregon
Fill Your House
with light-no hon8e Is modern
without electric lights. Though we
can wire "any old" building, the
best work is when the home is beinj
constructed. We sre always ready
to jive an sccurtte estimate and to
gusrsntee Ihe best work.
315 N. Jackson St. Roaebnro. fir I
wndor a lioniitlful arch of evtn-gre.Mis I . . . . I XI
aJ w:.i.e chiysautheuiums, a.u, wan J:::::::::nmm:::mm:nn: u