in fj hvkaiu w r.iii-Mni, rr.i r; i, i.' Nothing Is too good for the Ilrlsh, neither is cement culverts too good for the county. Use the best, as It is the cheapest in the long run. See Pat. t. GOOD ENOUGH IS THE DEADLY ENEflY of BEST In oporating our Grocery Business we are not satisfied with good enough. We strive for improvement. Our store ia the right place to buy Groceries. Everything fresh and clean. Phone 2381 A GIFT FROM CLINGENPEEL'S Never Fails of a Welcome At Clingenpeel's you will find gifts for every one gifts that never lose' their first charm or di minish in loveliness; practical gifts, gifts that satisfy. You should begin now to study the possibilities of this store for gift purposes. Every, day ,s delay now means an added discomfort to you later. DIAMOND GIFTS As low as $2.50 and at varying prices up to $350. These sifts will be treasured and1 eive Dleasure for a life time. is W. E. Clingenpeel f JEWELER AND ROSEBURG, GENERAL JOBBING HOWARD The PLUMBERS Skylights, Cornices Largest Stock ol Plumbing Goods in the City LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low rate of interest? Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, eaay payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo cality? Do you want to sell your property? Do yon want to insure your building in one of the besi and cheapest companies in the U. S.? If So See: WALKER a Room 1, Bell Sisters Building. -:- The Roseburg Pharmacy WE take a delight in serving our patrons with the best there is in the line of drugs. Purity ie nn r motto. Promptness both dav and 1 nigh is wnat counts at our Full line of Sundries always on hand ( ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. L. t. AKuriN, To the lovers of the beautiful, a look at the exquisite Holiday line at Graves' Art buiporlura will. do yuu good, 'and when you buy the prices will do your purse good. l-tf Commercial Club Bldg. OPTICIAN OREGON f REPAIR WORK & MAHAN and TINNERS and Dryer Pipe ROSEBURG, OREGON it PERRINE, Roseburg Ore. - : - E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public. HER WEDDING CAKE Is a thing of great Interest to the bride-elect, and we are artists In this lino. Wedding (rakes are made in the most beautiful designs and of rich and exquisite flavor. Our hreads, rolls, pies, fancy and orna mental cakes, etc., are the perfection of the baker's art when made at Umpqua Bakery pharmacy. manager The Secretary of Agriculture . Gives Interesting Facts VALUE , CROPS SHOWN Ono Gts a l'retty Fair l!'u of thv I'rudut'tlvent'SH of the Country at LuiK uiid an Vmlcrstamling of How Ijni-gu it In, WASHINGTON, ). C, Doc. 1. Most prosperous of all years Is the place to which 1909 Is entitled In ag ilculture, declares tne Secretary ol' Agriculture in his Thirteenth Annual Report, made public today. The val ue of farm products Is so Incompre hensibly large that It has become merely a row of figures. For this venr it Is $8,760,900,000 a gain of $809,00,0.000 over 1908. The value of the product has nearly doubled In ten years. The report says, "11 years of agriculture, beginning with a production of $14,417,000,000 and' clldllltf with $,7CO,C0O 000! A sum of $70,000,000 for the period! It has paid off mortgages, it has established banks, it has made belter homes, It has helped to make the farmer a cit izen of the world, and It has provid ed hlm with means for improving his soil and making It more productive." The most striking fact in lie world's agriculture Is the value of the corn crop for 1909, which Is about $1,720,000,000. It nearly equals the value of the clothing and personal adornments of 76,000,000 people, ac cording to the census of 1900. The gold and silver coin and bullion of the United States are not of greater value. It has grown up from the soil and out of the air in 120 days $15, 000,000 a day for one crop, nearly enough for two Dreadnaughts dally "or peace or war. This crop exceeds In value the average of the crops of the five preceeding years by 38 per cer.t, Cotton Is now the second crop in value, and this year's cotton crop Is easily the most valuable one to the farmer that has been produced. With cotton lint selling at 13.7 cents on the farm November 1 and with cot ton seed selling for about $25 per ton, the lint and seed ot this crop are worth about $850,000,000 to the farmer. No cotton crop since 1S73 has been sold by farmers for as high a price per pound as this one. Third in vaiue Is wheat, worth about $725,000,000 at the farm, and this largely exceeds all previous val ues. The November tarm price was almost an even dollar a bushel, a price which has not been equalled since 1881. This Is the third wheut crop of point in size with 725,000,00 bushels. , The hay crop is valued at $005, 000,000; onts at $40,000,000; pota toes at $212,000,000, and tobacco at nearly $ 1 00,000.000. Hoet and cane sugar and molasses and sirup, from farm and factorv, will reach the total of about $95,000,000. The barlev crop Is worth .8,00.,,000 llaxseed $30,000,000. and l.uOo.OOO, 000 pounds of rice $25,0uO,'lon. The production of all cereals com bined is 4,71 1,000,000 busnels, an amount considerably greater than that for any other year except 1906. It exceeds the average t f the proceed ing five years by 6.5 per cent. The value of all cereals in 190'1 has 'if vnr been equalled in a previous venr. It is almost exactly $3,000,000,000, or 34 per cent above the live-year aer age. Compared with the avetage of the previous five years, all principal crops are greater in quantity this ex cept cotton, llaxseed, hops, and cane ugnr; without exception every crop is worth more to the farmer than the five-year average. This. is the year .of highest produc tion for potatoes, tobacco, beet sugar, all sugar and r'ce: next to the hlf-'hesl production for corn, oats, and all cer ealB. Compared with 1908, gains In val je are found all along the Hue, the exceptions being t.iarley. ''iick wheat, rye and milk. The increase fir cotton, lint and seed, is $208, oon oon, com $105,o00,ooo; hav 12a. 0 hi, 000; oats, $22,000,000; to bacco, $ tS, 000,000; potatoes. $5.5, OOll.O'H). The increase in the value of farm products this yeir over 1908, $&,19,- CHRISTMAS GIFTS COME IN AND WE WILL ASSIST YOU IN SELECTING YOUR PRESENTS till Our stock is large and Better than ever Australian and German Decorated China. Suit Cases. Graphaphones. Rug's and Draperies. Children's Carts and RocHers. Chiffioners and Dressers. Center and Library Tables. Morris Chairs and Rockers. Couches and Lounges. Space is too limited to name the many beautiful articles that will please you. Come in and see. ROSEBURG FURNITURE CO. Headquarters for Celebrated Columbia Graphaphones, Double Discs and Indestructible Records. Amos W. Kiestor, violinist at Star theatre, will accept pupils for violin. Especial attention to JuvenilB. Jnguire at Star theatre or phone 885. uon.noo, Is enough, to cuy a new equipment offarm machinery for over 8,000.000 farms. The value of the careal crops to the farmer would pay for all of the machinery, tools, and implements of the entire manu-: facturing Industry. The value of all crops, $0,700,000,000, would make a half payment on the value of all steam railroads, according to the val uation of 1904. Secretary Wilson concludes his re view of the production of 1909 as follows: "The agricultural production of 1909 must add much to the pros perity of farmers. Ttw record is nn exanipletl In wealth poriuctlou and tells of abuiidafice In quantity. Year by year the farmer is better and bel ter prepared to provide the capital and make the expenditures needed to educate his children for farm life and worn." llccf For the 50 cities the total retail cost charged to customers above the wholesale cost paid by the retailers Is 38 per cent. In 5 cities the rate of Increase Is 20 per cent or under; in 10 cities, 21 to 30 per cent; In 12 cities, 31 to 40 per cent; In 12 cities, 41 to 50 per cent; mil in 11 cilles, over 50 per cent. The average retail price exceeded the average wholesale price by 31.4 per cent In the North Atlantic States', by 38 per cent In the South Atlantic; by 88 per cent In the North Central. 39.4 per cent 111 the Western; and the highest increase was roitid in the South Central States, 64 per cent. A gross profit of 20 per cent vas found 111 New York City pnd 111 Phil adelphia, 28 per cent in Buffalo, N. Y., 36 per cent In Unston, Mass.. 17 per cent In Baltimore, Mil. 42 per cent in Washington. I). l, 40 per cent In Chicago, 111., 25 per cent In Cincinnati, Ohio. 23 per cent ia Omib-; ha, Nelir., 28 per cent In Kansas C'HSV Mo., 27 and 35 per cent In Minneapo lis and St. Paul. Minn., 10 per cent In Milwaukee, Wis., and Detroit, Mich., 39 per cent In St. Louis.- Mo., fi4 per cent In Mobile, Ala , 39 per. cent In San Francisco, 24 pur cent 1n Seattle, and 87 per cent in Denver, Colo. The lower the grado of beef the greater the percentage of gross profit. In Boston, tor Illustration, the rale of grot; profit Is nearly mice as great for beef costing 8 cents at wholesale as for beef costing 11 and 11 V cents. Low-priced beef Is marked up nearly twice as much relatively ' as high priced beef. n -other words, per haps It Is safe Inference that the p- or leople pay nearly twice as much profit as the well-to-1o people pay. lAVK'X OII'TS T saw a woman sleeping. In her sleep she droamt that l.'fe stood before and held In eajli hand a gift in the one Love, in the other Freedom. And Life said to the Wo man: "Choose'" And the Woman walled long, nnd she said "Feedom!" . And Life said: "Thoi hnst well chosen. If thou hadst said 'l.;ve,' I would have given thee that thou didst ask for; and I would have (joi.e from thee, and returned to thee no more. Now the day will o nne when I shall return. In that lay I shall boar both gifts In one hand. 1 hoard the Woman laugh In her sleep.- -Mirror. The Spanish river. Guadalquivir Is being widened and deepened to permit large vessels to reach Seville, 72 miles from the coast. NEW TODAY. BUFF LKOHOHN HUNS A few choice ones for sale cheap. Clot them now and enjoy fresh eggs for breakfast Inquire News Office.' tf. CLASSIFIED ADVEltl'isEMENTS TO RIONT Two housekeeping rooms Inquire at 003 Mill street. tf. FOIl SALE. Ten-acre tract, 5 room, two miles from city. Price $1700. Well Improved. Ad dress "Z" care of News office, d-23 FOR SALE 10 acres fine land, Vi mile from town; 2 acres orchard; all under cultivation; small house; bard 20x30; poultry, toam and a wagon Included. Only $2500. Ad dress N., this office. d31-sw-d Gentlemen: We invite your attention to this delightful new style Shaving: Soap It Is Something New It Is Something Better It Is "Colgates" You Will -Enjoy It In handsome, sanitary sealed metal cans always clean and ready for use, Price 25c. FULLERTON The Drug' Store of Quality . Druggists, Roseburg', Ore. ' Near S. P. Depot. WHEN YOU'RE CHILLED Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none better can be made for the pate. THE Next to Postottice. : otiww" j::::n!nnm::j::::::::::::n:::nj:::m p LEONA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Luml erj Doors and Windows of all Kinds. Yards on Lower Onk Stroet. ' 'Phone 1411 I H. Wv ALTHAUS & SONS! GARAG-E I I t Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies J t i Agents Fairbanks Q Morse Co. Telephone 144 1 GROUCH & ALDRIGH Wholesale and Retail Dealors in Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement BIocRs, Cement Sewer Pipe, Will Work and all Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. D. H MARSTERS Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Tinning and Heating North Jackson Street, Works. Telephone 2511. Work Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. 4 RICHARDSON, ROSE We're in a Position to offer you the best the market af fords In the way of Meats; and our prices you know are always lowest. We handle only prime stock. Qual ity and quantity guaranteed. - Fine roasting pieces of beef from 8o to lis Ho pound. First class mutton, Teal, pork and poultry equally low. Can't do bnUur anywhere. Phone us your order. We deliver to any part ot the elty. Lass aireet naritet 1AJU18 KOHLHAGHN, Prop. 107 West Cass Bt. Phone 1U. Free DellTarv. ROSEBURG,. OREGON Cor. Cass and Rose Sts. T Olflce: Warehouse Ni, Near the Depot. Telephone Main 2431 or 311. PLUMBING SHOP. adjoining Peoples Marble ;