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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1909)
THE WEATHER LOCAL FORECAST Showeri Tonlgh and Thurs day. ADVERTISERS Will find The K venl nir Nwi the bunt aitilluin to romek the pvophtof Itosoburtf, A wi ! n-waku publication print itiir all the ntwathat'a fit to print VOL. I ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1909. NO. 26 A Horrible Story Ticked Over v Wires Last Night WAS DECIDLY WRONG Coroner Gives Consent to Exclti-d People, and Mrs. llohlrege Was Found to Have Ileen Dead W hen Hurled. TILLAMOOK, Nov. 30. Believing that the woman, though burled, is still alive, 200 irate citizens, headed by the sheriff, marched on the local cemetery here tonight bent on ex huming the body of Mrs. L. . Hold rege, one of the victims of the Ill-fated Argo, caught In the recent storm off this coast. Mrs. Holdrege was buried this uf ternoon, and owing to the fact that the body was highly colored and the limbs wero limp when the body was laid away, ihe case appears to many as though this woman had been bur ied alive. The coroner, who gave the permit for burial, declared life was extinct or he would not have issued the cer tificate, but he had no objection to exhuming the body, he said. So at a late hour tonignt, the 200 citizens, aroused over thb methods taken in the burial, are at work tak ing the body of Mrs. Holdrege from hJfc grave, believing that she was bur ied alive. ' (Special to The Evening News) TILLAMOOK, Dec. 1,. That Mrs. L. A. Holdrege, the victim of the Ar go, was not buried Elive, the fact was made certain last night when repre sentative citizens of Tillamook visited the grave nt 2 o'clock this morning, and by th light of candles and lan terns exhumed the body. At the funeral yesterday many comments were made about the ap pearance of the woman. Her cheeks were flushed, and her ears colored as though alive. Last night the people of the town congregated In the streets and ex citement ran high. The coroner of the Bay City Issuing the death certificate, although pos itive tiie woman was dead gave his consent to exhume the ' body. The husband of the dead woman also con sented. At two o'clock this morning the BOYS' CLOTHES Of Style and Quality 5 A large percentage of centering their juvenile your first visit. party roachtd tho cemetery and the oodv was exhumed and sutmMtied to the first test of carbolic ft'ld. This failed to dlcolor the flesh, and showed that life was extinct. Then an Incision was made In the breast, but not a speck of blood Issued from the inci sion, showing that circulation had stopped. The body was then relower ed and the grave filled up. 2300 SWITCHMEN ARE ON A STRIKE ST. PAUL, Dec. l. After 15 days of negotiation between the Switch men s Union of Aor.tli America and the joint committee of railroad man agers, representing 1 3 railroads of tl.o Northwest, a strike involving 2300 switchmen became effective at 6 o'clock tonight. Tho men are employed by railroads running north and wett of St. Paul from Lake Superior to the Pacific Coast, and, unless speedily settled, the strike will mean a serious inter ruption to the traffic. The first effect of the strike was a sharp bulge in the price of wheat In the Chicago grain market late today. Roads entering the Twin Cities and Duluth and Superior are largely grain carriers from the West. MURDERER WANTED COMMITS SUICIDE (Special to The Evening News) , "SACRAMENTO. Dec. 1. Gus Sir tin, wanted at FnyeUevUlo, Arkan sas. He Is charged with murdering an elderly woman for her-life savings in Sherman, Texas, and for another murder Incident and a $5000 dia mond robbery, hnnged himself In his cell here earK' today. He also bad sawed open his wrist with pieces of steel. SWITCHMEN STRIKE IN STATE MONTANA (Special to The Evening Nev s ; HELENA, Deo. 1. There Is no change In the swithchmen's strike in Montana. At Laurel all the men walk ed out of Northern Pacific yards and likewise out of the Great" Northern yards at Great Kalis. Only two men quit here on account of the switch men alflliating with the order of Rail way Trainmen. 5 dv a. v of the mothers of Roseburg have learned the advisability buying at Josephson's. You'll follow their example after (STRIKE IS TO EXTEND BEnERTRAINSERVICEi And Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen to be Called Out SEVERAL THOUSAND MEN J n the Order urn Complete Truffle Demoralization Is Looked For if They Step in With the Switchmen (Special to Tho Evening News) ST. PAUL, Dec. 1. It Is reported today that the leaders of the Brother hood of the Railway Trainmen, with a membership of several thousand are contemplating joining the dissat isfied switchmen, whose stylkc has re sulted in tying up tho freight traffic on more than a dozen roads that pen etrate the Northern Slates, the Miss issippi Valley and the Pacific North west. Reports from Missoula and other Montana points Indicates that the members of the brotherhood in that section favor a walkout. Should these men Join the strikers a complete traffic demoralization will probably be the result. A meeting of tho Mis soula branch of that order to discuss the situntlon was called for today. The situation in this city fs appar ently nnrhaneod. each side of the controversy claiming to have the urf- per hand and anticipate victory. THE ROADS TIED UP IN OLD WASHINGTON (Special to The Evening News) TACOMA, Dec. 1. The Northern Pacific and the Great Northern Rail way cars are almost completely tied up today, through the general strike of the switchmen on the lines ex tending from St. Paul west. On the Northern Pacific 105 switchmen are out, and nearly every wheel is conse quently stopped. Passenger trains a re being operated, but relght traffic Is at a standstill. Have yon seen that special couch we have on sale. You'll miss it If you don't; a natural rest will do you good stretch out. Rice & Rice, tf We make a specialty of Boys' Clothing. We cater to the tastes of the little man, and we please the proud mother in sup plying good, service-giving gar ments. Handsome, manly little suits that carry with them a guar antee of protection from the cold, and at the same time have a snappy appearance. The fabrics are of the latest and most dependable weaves. In colorings and patterns the assortment is exceptionally large and pleasing. For Roseburg Promised in the Near Future CONFER WITH O'BRIEN Nothing Definite Decide Relative to n Xew DriKt Additional Jlerths Secured From Husel-urt to Portland With tho definite promise from J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the Harrlmnn lines in the Northwest, that Roseburg's wants shall be attended to In the 1910 budget of the Southern Pacific, a committee of Roseburg bus iness men met iu Portland yesterday and will return to the Umpqua Val ley metropolis tonight, says today's Oregon Ian. In addition to these promised ben efits, William McMi'ray, general pas senger agent, for the Bnme road, agreed that, beginning today, three sections will be reserved In the South ern Pacific night train from Roseburg, in place of the Btngle section that has proved inadequate in the recent past. Travelers to Portland from RoBoburg have been forced to forego the de lights of a Pullman sleeping berth by reason of all reservations having been taken up at San Francisco and other points en route to Portland, with the exception of twe berths al ways retained on the trnin for the Roseburg-Porttand traffic. The re tention of six berths for sale at Rose burg will relieve the congestion no ticeably, it Is said. The committee visiting Portland consisted of Frank E. Alley, attorimv; J. H. Booth, banker; W. C. Harding, real estate man. All are mem here of the Roseburg Commercial Club. The committee spent considerable time yesterday in its visit to tho Southern Pacific oluci'S and will take much t j day at the Commercial Club. LET OUT OF JAIL TOLD TO LEAVE TOWN (Special to The Evening News.) LOS ANGELES, Dec. 1. Fred Brokaw, a youth, who was jailed for securing various sums of money from local dealers by posing as a son of a wealthy Tacoma grain dealer, will be releaied from jail tomorrow and requested to leave the town, accord ing to Police Chief Dishmnn. PRINCETON LYING DISABLED SOUND (Special to The Evening News.) SOUTH I1BNI), Wash., Dec. 1. The gunboat Princeton, enrouto from P u get Sound Navy Yards to Nlcara guan waters fo assist In protecting American Interests, Is lying at anchor In the lower hay, the result of being disabled off the coast Monday night. Just In what manner the warship was disabled has not been learned. MIX-UP AT Kt'tiKXE Former Itospliuru Hoy Mildly Itcuten at Ktigcnr by OHIerr. A fight between Night Pollronian Charles W. Evans and Hardy Howard In front of the Eugene Gnu Com pany's store on Willamette street lust evening ' shortly after 7 o'clock at tracted a larg crowd and created soino excitement. Evans chewed one of Howard n hand up pretty badly and scratched his face up so that the blood flowed freely. The cause of Hie trouble, accord ing to EvatiH, Is that a week or so ago Howard insulted Evans' wife while she was buying a pair of gaiters In the store where Howard was employ ed. Sho rest'iitcd the insult and h'ft the store, going home and telling her husband. Evans had OlHcr Purdy cite Howard to appear In tho police court on the charge of assault, and Evans there gave him the choice of pleading guiliy or taking a thrash ing. H refused to plead guilty, and Evans told him the next time ho saw him on th street ho wmilil sell le with him. Evans did not Hfo him un til last night, and proceeded to carry out his threat. To a Guard reporter today Mr. Howard noser ted post lively that he did not liiHiilt Mrs. Evans, and that, other cuntomnrs were present when ho waited on her; that fche did not In timate that Hhe wns offended by any thing that had transpired. He furlhei aserts that he was aHHanlted without warning and from behind, whfle en- j gaged in conversation with another gentleman. Mr. Howard has been a reldent of Eugene for a numl er ol vears, and has always borne, an excel lent reputation. His friends are In dignant over the affair and are de manding Evans' removal froni the police force. After the fight Evans appeared In the Justice court, pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and battery, and paid a fine of $10. Howard bear an enviable reputa tion In Hoseburg for gentlemanly conduct and correct manners. Hero he has a host of friends and no ene mies, won by long acquaintance, and they do not believe that he insulted the woman by thought or deed. The News is of the same opinion. CHINAMAN TO HANG FOR MOTHER-IN-LAW (Speclnl to Tho Evening News) SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1. In the custody of Serguant Geo. McMahon, Louis Willis, a young Chlnose, was taken to Sun Qiientln today 'to pny the extreme penalty for murdering his slop-mother near San Louis Ohis po, August 17. BIDS NOT KNOWN. YET FOR BIG FIGHT (Speclnl to The Evening News) ' NEW YORK, Doc. 1. The opening of the bids for the Jeffries-Johnson fight, scheduled to take place this morning at Ilouoken, wns postponed until this afternoon to allow Promo ter Cranoy, of Shu Francisco time to communicate with his backers. Pro moter Colt roth said he had not mnde his bid yet, but would make one just ueiore closing tune. INCENDIARY FIRE BURNS WAREHOUSE (Special to The Evening News.) TACOMA, Dec 1. A fire, suppc edly of incendiary origin, this ninin Ing destroyed the Immense warehouse of tho John B. Stevens Co., containing an immense supply of liny and grain Tho loss Is estimated at J 150,000. THE HOUSE OF LORDS SEALS ITS OWN DOOM (Special to The Evening News) LONDON, Dec. 1. Tho feeling here today Is prevalent that the House of Lords by the budget rejec tion sealed Its own doom. Parliment went into session today for dissolu tion. liOCAL NEWS. Mrs. Forester Is 111 at her homo In this city. Hendquarters for Holiday goods Is at the Roseburg Hook Btoro. tf. William Kent, of Dillard, was u business vibitor In the city yesterday, St. TlegiB Indian baskets. 5 cents and up, at tho Uoseburg Hook V. C. Powell, of Oakland, was visitor In the city for a few hours yesterday. L A. Dean, the rmiMe man, went to Oakland this afternoon to look af ter business m utters. One lone drunk was taken In by the local officers this afternoon. He will be arraigned boiore Clly Record er Omilt tomorrow morning. For Men. There Is no boter shoo made than tho celebrated "J. K, Tilt." which is to be found at the Mlllikln Shoe Store. And for heavy wear there Is nothing equal to the United Workman Shoe." dt-f. THEJ EQUIPMENT IS HALF THE BATHE LOTS of TROUBLE ta Ihl world la canscd by poor conk lt4 The first remedy for poor cooking la ta del the rlrfht coublnrf nUaalla. Uu Kllcban Specialties IMPROVE YOUI COOKINq. MEASURING CUP OuirttrCuoaiHlTlilriCuo Quirttr Cup aod Third Cup DON'T num. Know You're RIBHT. Ave OlSAPPOtNTMCNT. 5 CENT9. FAVORITE CAKE SPOON. as MIxm battr mwIt anil mom thoroujjMjr than u wilid wwn Hav-n work anil time, li t all rlitlit foritirrinff mushM txiUiUwa or Ut iitK out bulled t'Ktfi or fcgeiabft. IMPBOVED PERFECTION TINS. Allklndi. MOM 100, 880. IACH. Th only tin. Us nan If yrm want prfact c tho ljf raovau " will not leak baiter. M9 hmvm mmmr otbmr tlp-M-OaM aUKhaa lauwov fWf)k Bound. - V i V-W-Y bquar.. and i. MZtT- -- Oblofitf - - Mother of Local Minister is Left Vast Estate SON TO GO EAST Henry Oliver, 1'uNtor of I ho Local AilventlHt Church, Will Journey Knflt in tho Interest of His ' Mother's Legucy Honry W. Olivor, pastor of tho lo cal Adventlst church, has received word to the effect that his mother Mrs. Mary Olivor, of Portland, has fallen heir to a ono-Hlxth in tor eat In tho estate of Henry Woodruff, a for mer S u prom a Court Judge, of New Jersey, who recently died leaving money and property representing a cash valuo of approximately $1,000,-000.- As r-oon ns mat tore can bo arranged saUsfnctorlly Henry Oliver, of this city, will journey East to look after the Interests of his motiior, who Is old and Infirm and unablo to with stand the trip. Tho Portland Orogonlnn has the following to say regarding tho Inci dent In a Walla Walla. Washington, dispatch: B. 8. Wood ii IT nnd Mrs. Florence Campbell, of this city, received word from Newark, N. J., this afternoon that they and six other brothers had fallen hoirs to a million dollar for tune of their Undo Honry Woodruff, a former Su promt Oojrt J.idge of New Jersey. Besides tho two Walla Wallans, Mrs. Jennie Warren, of Spokane, and Mrs. Mary Olivor, of Portland, also one sister living In Port Town send como In for one-sixth of tho estate, which is now worth moro than a mil lion. The undo dlod about 40 years ago. Ho lort his fort nno to his brothers, Absnlom and William Woodruff, with tho provision that it be not disturb ed until all of Absalom Woodruff's heirs wero dead. Huth brothers died without sharing tholr brother's inon oy. Absalom Woodruff's Inst heir dlod In New Jersey a month ngo and since then the administrator has been hunt ing for William's children. Mrs. War ren and H. S. Woodruff lenvo this week for the East to bo present at the final distribution. J. L. Cnmpboll, of Olendalo, has been appoluted notary public by Gov ernor IleiiBon. AT THE STAR Dr. CooK's Return to Civilization MONDAY and TUESDAY 4 MJM. v uua A f'otiiMly flktttrh hy Cnntllinnn flint jMiintjrmiiery. lllunirateil Hunirl "lut Let Mo Prove My ievo To You1 by Minn Julinneti. At the Novelty "WhY .limim Wiw Arrtwteil. "Tin loiMin-l Klow'r," "Ijlfe On Itimrtl of A Trnhilnir HInp," UONUl lrldoof tin 1'riiiriu' 0nr "w Line of Fine Steel P 1 1 tl ! il 1 L, I II I If J I w Doe not chfp or got ronKli. Th enamel ia jnat aa good as the baae and a eteel bam la the boat. Try it, and 7 oar kitchen tronblea will end, aa far aa good kottlea, tew-pana, cullendein, platea are concerned . Then buy your groceries where you can get the beat and the moat for your money. Fres Where they have those good things to eat