The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 30, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Nothing Is too good (or the Uriah,
nolther 4 xeroent culvarts too good
for the county. Use the beat, as it
Is the cheapest In the long run. See
Pat." - . . . , , : , .
In oporating our Grocery Business , we are not satisfied with 'good
enough. We strive for improvement. Our store is the right place to buy
' groceries. Everything fresh and clean.
Phone 2381
Never Fails of
At Clingenpeel's you will fiud , gifts for every
one gifts that never lose their first charm or di
minish in loveliness; practical gifts, gifts that satisfy.
You should begin now to study the "possibilities
of this store for gift purposes. Every day,s delay
now means an added discomfort to you later.
As low as $2.50 and at varying prces up to $350
These gifts will be treasured and give pleasure
for a life time. '
W. E. Clingenpeel
Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe
Largest Stock of Plumbing
Goods lo the City
Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small
monthly payments and low rate of interest?
Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time,
easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in?
Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract
near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo-
tJ cality? Do you, want to sen your property:
Do you want to insure your building in one of the best
and cheapest companies in the U. S.?
Kocm 1, Bell Sisters Building. . -:-
The Roseburg Pharmacy
WE take a delight in serving our patrons with
the best there is in the line of drugs. Purity
is our motto. Promptness both day and
nigh is wnat counts at our pharmacy.
I Full line of Sundries always on hand
I L.E. KROIJN, Manager
To the lovers of the beautiful, a
look at the exquisite. Holiday Hue at
uravea Art Kmporlum will do yoi
good, and when you buy the .prices
will do your p'urse good. d-lf
Commercial Club Bldg.
a Velcome
PERRINE, Roseburg Ore.
- : - . . E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public.
Is a thing of great Interest to the
bride-elect, and we are artists In
this line. Wedding cakes are made
In -tho most beautiful designs aud
of rich and exquisite flavor. Our
breads, rolls, pies, fancy and oma
mental cakes, .etc., are tho perfection
of the baker's art when made at
llmpqua Bakery
Many attractive Xmaa gifts at the
Roseburg Uook Store. U
A. Heuy, the jeweler, has returned
from a brief business trip to Portland.
Mrs. George Sloper Is confined at
her home on account or illness.
Dr. Sether . spent yesterday at
points in the southern part of the
D. E. Vernon, editor of the Oakland
Owl, Is a business visitor In the city
Knaffe Pickens and Knaffle Hayes
went to Portland Monday to spend
several days attending business mat
ters. Pocket knives, a big stock of high
grade goods at the Roseburg Jiook
Store. tf.
G. W. Gage, of DUlard, is spending
the day in the city attending business
Miss Dillard went to Winchester
this morning to spend a few days vis
iting friends.
The biggest and best line of Post
Card Albums in Douglas county at
Roseburg Book Store. tf
Fred Blakely returned heme Oils
morning after spending a few dnyn
In this part of the state.
Mrs. Johnson has accepted a po
sition at the job printing office for
merly conducted by Dale Strange.
Mrs. L. G. Pettit,,who recently suf
fered an attack of paralysis Is said
to be very low at this writing.
Mrs. J. W. DePries, Mrs. O. M.
Ford, Charles G. Glen and W. Wilson
were among the Sutherlln visitors iu
the city yesterday.
Attorney James Watson has re
turned from a duck hunting trip in
(he vicinity of GarcUuer. He reports
a most enjoyable time.
Miss Ima Davis bas resumed her
duties at the Rose confectionery store
after being confined at home several
days on account of Illness.
The Richardson's Art Embroidery
Club will meet at the home of Mrs.
Chetham's in the Grove, Wednesday
afternoon December 1.
Fred Pnquette, who has; been en
gamed In businesK in the vicinity of
Klumath Falls during the ipast year
is expected to arrive'ltere tomorrow.
Mrs. .Jessie Clemens and children
returned to their home at Glendale
this morning after a brief visit with
at points in the northern part of the
friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. L, A. Daugherty, of Myrtle
Creek, who has been spending a few
days visiting at the home of Mr. nnd
Mrs. G. W. Wonacott, returned to
her home this morning.
The suit recently flld in the 1 is
tice court against W. W. Purdy, the
railroad jiromoter, has been settled
and dismissed. Vurdy paid the $150
thus quashing further pmneRdlngK.
Indian baskets, birch bark, sweet
grass and porcupine quill work made
by St. Regis, Mohawks, Iroquois and
other tribes, for sale at Roseburg
Book Store. These are pretty goods
at pleasing prices. tf.
Erwin Splnks, of Grnnd Forks,
British Columbia, stopped over here
enroute from the northern city to
Los Angeles where he expects to re
main indefinitely. While here he was
the guest of Mrs. J. R. Chapman.
Our Art line was never so exten
sive before, nor so much appreciated,
If the way they are sellintr is any
sign Don't wait until everything is
picked over before buying your
Xma-i presents. Grave's Art Empor
ium d-tf
W. C. Calterlin. Deputy Dflry and
Food Commissioner of the State, Is
.'n the city, and will remain a day or
two, during which time he and Health
Officer Ho'itk will Irspet tl o dnirles
(.f the county and inquire into food
The Farmers Real Estate Company
are moving into the quarters occupied
by them previous to the fire last
August. The building has been thor
oughly renovated ar.d remodeled and
the offices are among the finest in
the city.
Mrs. Jennie Woodrum, of Redding,
California, has been spending the
past few weeks visiting at the home
of ner mnthr, Mrs. George Davis, in
this city. . She went to Winchester
this morning to spend a few days
with, friends.
Shelle payroll returned last even
ing from Camas Valley where he re
paired the telephone lines, wrecked
by the recent rains. He says that the
country in the vicinity of Camas is
practically flooded, traffic being al
most impossible.
Floyd Cox, of Idaho, arrived In
the city this morning to sppnd several
weeks visiting at (he home of hts par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cox. Should
the young man be suited with 'the ad
vantages In this locality It may be
possible that he will remain here per
manently. Tho new Southern Pacific time.
card is greatly appreciated by the
residents In this vicinity. Quite a
number of those going to Portland,
took advantage of the afternoon
train yesterday, arriving at their des
tination shortly after 10 o'clock In
the evening.
Church Brothers, the bakers, have
on display in their show window on
Cass street samples of carrots and
turnips raised In their garden In
North Roseburg. They are beauties
and show that Douglas county soil is
well adapted to the raising of garden
products of every variety.
Castelmnn and Montgomery, di
rect from "Pantages" theatre at Port
land, are the attraction at the Star
theatre this week. This team of com
edians are up to date In every par
tlcplar and will no doubt meet with
the hearty approval nf the amuse
ment loving public In this locality.
are a few titles of new books on sale
at Roseburg Book Store. tf.
N. Conn, who reMdos about six
miles west of the city, was a visitor
In the city yesterday. He brought In
with him five large potatoes, the to
tal weight of which was 25 pounds.
One of the number weighed 7 lbs.
and was perfect In shape Mr. Conn
also displayed a large cabbage that
weighed 25 pounds. The products are
now on display at the offices of the
Farmers Real Eutftte Ccmrany on,
Sheridan street. - j
St. Regis Indian baskets, 5 cents
and up. at the Roseburg Book
A. L. Kitchen went to Sutherlin
this afternoon to look after business!
marters. t
Dr. Lowe, the optician, will be in I
Roseburg, December &, 10 and 11.
1909. d-sw-lt;
Miss Mary Buxton went to Suther
lin this afternoon to spend a few
das. j
The best' box confectlontry,
"Lowney's" fresh at the Roseburg
Book Store. tf. '
G. B. Hayes went to Portland thin I
morning where he will Bpend a few j
days visiting friends. j
For a good clean shave, hair cut or ;
oath, call at the Madd!x barber shoi !
Cius street. tf.
A. S. Wilson, proprietor of Th( j
Fair, is able to be about again after
a severe Illness of several weeks. t
A marriage license was granted to i
Fred Hoffman and Rosa Wilson, both
residents or Happy Valley today. ;
John Bates, the Happy Valley far-
mer, was a visitor In the city today. !
Dr. Lowe, flie optician and refrac-l
tionist, will be In Roseburg. Decern-1
her 9. 10 and U. At Oakland, De- ,
cember 8. d-sw-lt
Al Kent and wife returned to their
ranch in the vicinity of Elkton today
after a brief visit with friends In this
city. Al Bays he enjoys farm llfo as
does his esteemed wife.
Mr. J. W. Johnson, one of the
progressive citizens of Glendale, vast
a business visuor in Korieburg today,
aud while In tmvri found time to call
in at The Newo sanctum for a brk-f
Several carloads of wool arrived
in the city this morning, being pur
chased by George Kohlhasen, the lo
cal butcher. The product, brought
from 20 to 21 cents per wound, , a
price which is considered ver good.
A few specialties; all colors and
finishes, in the famous New Cote
Stains. Ocoboco Linoleum Varnish;
there's nothing else aa good. 3 In
one oils, the best glues and the. only
sliver polish that's first class. . Rice
& Rice. ' tf
Contractor F. F. Patterson espects
lo commence work on the new vault
at the courthouse within a few day.
He has the cement bloiks on the
ground at the present time and Is
now awaiting the arilval of .other
Mrs. Bryant, of Los Angeles, Cali
fornia, left for her home th-s ino.n
ing after a brief visit nt the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Thompson, in this
city. Mrs. Bryant owns a fine tract
of land near this city which she ex
pects to plant to fruit in the near
A. "crazy" by the name of Senors
was brought to the city this after
noon from Riddle and lodged in the
county jail awaiting examination.
Tied to his belt was a larve rabbit,
tho same being found by him while
sojourning at the southern city. As
near ns can be ascertained Sefiors ik
a transclent, having recently arrived
at Riddle. He will be examined be
fore County Physician Houcl- nnd
County Judge Wonacott late this af
ternoon. Tho Kneey. Kutler puzzlo Is at
tracting considerable attention at S
K Sykes hardware store tndny. Mr.
Sykcs otters to the person who will
solve the nobl'm in one hour a full
set of tools, such boing of the Keen
Kutter brand. During the dav se(.ral
persons attempted to , caiitvre f.he
prize, but as yet all have lulled Those
who are looking for something ror
nothing ahould get In the game It
costs you nothing.
The funeral of the late John L.
Robinson; who passed away at the
Soldiers' Home yesterday morning,
was hold this morning, interment oc
curring in the Home Cemetery. The
deceased was 73 years of age and
was admitted to the Home from Mar
ion county about ten days ago. Ho
was a votoran of the Civil war, ser
ved as a sargeant in Co. B., 106 N.
Y. Infantry. At the time he was ad
mitted to the Home ho was accompan-.
led by his son.
While returning from town to the
Soldiers Home shortly before eight
o'clock last evening, Charles Rlckle,
the veteran nmll carrier at that, .In
stitution, was held up by an unknown
thug who thrust a revolver into his
face, at the same time demandlug
that he hand over what valuables he
possessed. Frightened, Rlckle ylled
at the top of his voice, attracting per
sons who reside in the Immediate vi
cinity of the crime. Realizing that ho
w5uld be detected should he remain
near the scene of his undertaking,
the thug then took to his heels nnd
disappeared In the darkness. Kiclde
then proceeded on his way home,
none tho worse for his experience.
The officers were notified of the occur
rance, but owing to the fact that no
description of tho thug was obtain
able the guilty party escaped with
BELLINGHAM, Wash., Nov. 29
Fve steel bridges, two railway and
throe wagon, across the Nooksack
River, have bee-n carried away within
the past twenty-four hours, entailing
$100,000 loss.
Railway grldgos are In danger, as
are thro" highway bridges. Tho B'jII
Ingham Bay & British Columbia
bridge at Everson is said to be un
dermined and swaying in the current.
When It goes out it will carry a wag
on bridge, located 250 feet down the
ri,ver, with it.
A 1am is forming against tho Great
Northern railway and county bridges
are likely to go out. During tho past
48 hours the rainfall haB been 2.87
Railway traffic Is almost completely
blocked by slides and washouts. Bol
Mngham had but on train today, that
from the south, at noon. The North
ern Pacific and Belllngham Bay &
Britlsd Columbia are completely fed
ern Pacific track Is under SvaUsr and
the bridge across the Nooksack is
up. More than five miles of the North-;
Be wise Read The News.
Gentlemen:- "
We invito your
new style
Shaving Soap
It Is Something New
It Is Something Better
It Is "Colgates"
You Will Enjoy It
In handsome, sanitary sealed metal cans;
always clean aud ready for use, Price 25c.
The Drug Store of Quality
Druggists, Roseburg', Ore. Near S. P. Depot.
Our hot drinks willj warm you up, and none better
, can bei made for the pa'ate.
Next to Postotflce. ,j a . 4 ..
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumr er
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
X? VnrdB on Lower Oak Street.
! Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies!
t Agents FairbanKs a Morse Co.
Telephone. 1441 Cor. Cass and Rose Sts. J
fiRniin.ri & Ainmnn
Wholesale and Retail Dealers, in
Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement Plocks Cement
Sewer " Pipe, Mill Work and all Building . Materia
Give us a cajl. We will save you money.
Plumbing", Sheet Metal Work, Tinning"
and Heating"
North Jackson Street, adjoining Peoples) Marble
WorKs. Telephone 2511.
Vfork Done pn,Short, Notice , . ROSEBURG, ORE.
attention to this delightful
We're in $ Position
to offer you the best the market af
fords In the way jpf Moata; and our
pricoa you know are always lowest.
We handle only prime stook. , Qual
ity and quantity guaranteed, fine
roasting pieces of beef from 80 to
12)4o pound. .First class mutton,
yeal,, pork and; poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. Phone us
your order. We deliver to any part
of the city. '
Cass Street MarKet
107 West Cass Bt Phone 111.
PrBB rnll.rv
Office: Warehouse No.
Near Uie Depot. Telephone