The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 30, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE RVKY1VG XEWft Tl'FWDA V, VOVEMflKR 30, 1000
Supplement to
Entered an socond-clanB matter
JJnv. 5, 1909, at Koseburg, Ore., un
der act of i.urch 3, 1879.
Kii1)h( rlpllon Hilton -Dully
5cr year, by .mail $3.00
Ver month, dolivord 50
Per year $2.00
Six month 1-00
titkhimy. nov i-;ii:?:ii no, tmm
Thcro may ho Homo peoplo who tin
not mtk(; inisUiikeb hut thv don't
aunount to enoimh to gut their iniinea
in the puperw.
There In not. a Hindis doubt about
th peoplo of Alabiuua about l!-eir
toddles. Thuy wmit tnem and they
voto Tor th-Mii. Hot thiee countleH in
the Ktato want prohibition.
IViites Watihluffton Taper
DougluM County
A womir'H nimhim! at
reek di"d. Hho nmde nrrnno'iientK
for his futicnil and had him decenil
yihinU'd. Then she Hkipi"'! to Denver
wllhout paylnK the imihM-tiikar, iiml
-wa arrested hh an absrondiuK debt
or. That, he was a pretty wood hiin
tmurt while HvIiik l tnideueed in her
effort, to kIvh hint proper Diirlal. it
million not tluj trouhh ho a kIvIiik
hor now thai, he Ih dead.
In a recent Inane of the South
ilend, Washington, Journal, appeared
the following article written by L.
H. Rhoadea, one of Koseburg's busi
ness men. From the tenure of the
communication It would a linear that
the writer la perfectly satisfied with
KoseburK and Ita Biirrounulnp a eh are
all newcomers In thin section.
The letter readtt In part:
ItoBebiirtj, Ore., Nov. 20, '09.
lid Hoi Journal:
A few words from iih to your paper
will aavo writing a lot of lettura aa
our friends will get your printed col
umns sooner than I can write to all
of them. KoseburK fa a stirring little
ollv of about 5000 permanent res
ident a. Six or more churches are
doiriK a ood work. Two lai pe Bchool
buildiiiKB well filled, about fifteen or
twenty brick or concrete bulldinBS
with others Kointf up, mostly for r lie
UHe of Htoieti, hotels. hulls, totIices,
etc. Quite a number ol saloons are
also visible, but are now out of com-
rilii).n :,u mi.h t ti 1 a (! v tiuvlnu-
Cripple J j,OI1(( jj.y H((Iie lW() ypUrM HIr()f a
j little InvestiKHMon lends one to the
! reuult that now many wnto earners
are spending tnoro money In I he
Hlores and their homes and families
get the benefit, Merchants say their
bii'iliieHS has increased largely from
the wage earning clas and the'
liil'Ah t eyed, rosy cheeked children
took more cheerful and are clothed,
more comfortably and a general neat-j
liens is ohsorved about I ho homes.
$75, MM) was expended tills year In
paving some of the streets and the:
building of new concrete sidewalks!
Ih going on and will likely continue.!
Con tract h nre being let for many
new buildings. There are ten trains a
day and this being a station where
they stop for fuel, hnvli:g a round-
hops and extensive
an be said to be
The great storm ihat Is prevailing
along the coast from its front hern
vxlrentlty to the frozen regions of
tho north leaves no choice of harbors
to vosHels. They all are hard enough
to get into and out of. There is no
difference, according to reports at
I i... 4. .... tlx. mm.ili nf thn Till-
-iml.1.1. Tlll.mi.Hik bar r.r Coos hnu). ma. alio
" . . '. i.. whirti I- t.rnli- swilrhl.m yards it,
ably Hi. r.i that l'ms broke- upon railroad town. All .lay and all nlht
. . 3 . . traiiiB are oasBlnir and cars are be nir
s-hlppliiK for yea's.
Tim decision mario by .ludgo Bean
In inn federal court ut Portliind W
Hknly to cause Kribs and other "in
nocent" inn chasers, through -Marie
Ware, when sho wnt. II. S. ConinilH
sloner at Kunene, of government
landB, to loso itf all their pur"huHe.
Thft decision of the judge Ih t tlmt
thi-re waa fraud throughout tlume
land transJicUium from their begin
ning to their end, and so truo Is this
that there could not. have been in
nocence connected with them. Under
tho clreiimstnneoH there has been no
lrnl hales of any iml uro. and I bore
fore the lundH miibt revert to the
government which has not lust a
title to them.
omi.o.v i:i,i: ti;i: koi.
Wlion; the
l''irs. W'niU
Today'a Oregf.utau contains the fol
lowing corning the Oregon KIcMrlc
Kiillrnad. which shown Hint the com
pany holds to Uf r.ebun? ns Us fulure
Although H- hits not yet been nn
nounccd when tho Oregon Kleetrtc
Vtnllro.'id f'onipany will begli- Ihe ex
tension of Hh ninny projected lines In
the Willnmetln Valley, il. wan leimied
tletlnilfdy yeslorday tlmt ihe lii"t ol'
tbn work will be dene on either tin
iiroposed line from Tignrd to C'f.rv:il
IIh, by way of McMlnnville. or on the
extension of the main line from Ka-
lom southward, by way of AMmny
and Eugene to Koseburg.
The recent Hale of $2,000,000
bonds by the rouipuny was partially j
for the extension of oi.e or the lines
surveyed. Then it was ulven our Ihat
there was no plan made rega riling
the expenditure of the hond moif y.
(leneiui Manager Talbot said yes
terday that, preparations of esllma'es
of cost had delayed Ihe work. The
labor sllnallon would govern, also
ho mid, tho amount ol work to be
carried on next Hummer.
"It Is my opinion that there will
be a rtimlite of Inbor In Oregon next
-eiir," suld Mr. Talbot. "Labor will
l scarce, find what, enn be obtained
n-lll ci'tne high. The h'imr cnmliMons
way limit our work next Summer,
tnil the present delay in determining
wh:'t Hue Is to be worl'ed, and wheth
er unyUilug Is to be douo soon, t.i
duo iii ro lo a delay In gelling estl
malif Troin engineers.
" l the time tho Hale of tho bonds
wnwMoniinuea, it was said that the
P1' f ihe coiup.tny would Ite tfi
wl?ike no previous auiKnincement con
corning the time ot construction, but
that the p-dilic .ubl get its first In
formation of the wor'i when It waj
actually begun."
trains are passing and cars are being
moved into place, so there are but a
very few mlnuten la the twenty-four
hours without the sound of the lo
comotive bell, the pulling of the en
gines, and a trembling of the earth
for, blocks. Our dwelling is often
shaken, ho the windows rattle like
the jar of a small cartluiuake, at
first a .little annoying but now we
could hardly sleep wllhout it. Often
tho sounds are mistaken for tho surt
on (ho ocean beach.
A movement is on foot to get a
railroad from Coos Hay to puss thru
here and extend eastward, perhaps
to connect with a Hue across the
continent. There is a general air of
thrift among all the peoplo and not
in a boom spirit but one of steady
growth and prosperity. Many Btrang-
ers are buying land and other proper
ty with a view of locating and devel
oping many of tho resources of the
county that have practically ns yet
been untouched. A move for a feder
al building to cost $ir0.000 is now j
on foot and also work on the iJmp
iu a river making It navigable for
The straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best - Clothes brings .
you here.
If you frequent any of the "by
paths" you'll be apt to lose your
self in the tangle of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
whatever we buy is well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and efTect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
find that the best is always here.
These clothes are made for us
by the Stein lilock Co. and David
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the sro-ld. Every
Suit we sell is sold with nn ab
solute guarantee of Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
ruit in return. ,
l Remember quality is the true
X test of cheapness. By oir good
Clothes you shall know us.
The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare
Where are You Going to Trade?
For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings
and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS
for the LEAST MONEY.
Try Them In Your Order For
Groceries is their Specialty, and they wih
please you.
steamers from the coast, 60 or 70
miles distant.
Had I time I would to tell about
some of the fruits, such as apples,
peaches, pears, grnpes, etc., which
grow in this vicinity, also the veg
etables, grains, fine horses, cattle,
sheep, goats, swine, and poultry.
This county took the first prize for
iiorsoa at tue A. Y. P.
I'efore closing 1 will mid a word
about the climate and weather. A
little more rain 1ms fallen ttilH fall
than usual. Three white frosts hive '
occurred that made some vegetation
look black, but roses still bloom In
ihe gardens. Verly little wind mo far
as tho hilly country seems to proven t
viom.v m:ssos
Amos W. Hiester, violinist at.
Star theatre, will accept pupils.
for violin. Kspecial attention to
juvenlls. Inguire at Star theatre
or phone 85. ,
Ve are in a position to make loans
oir Umber lands In large tracts only.
r'r particulars apply to Stewart and
Wriuht, 34 9 North Jackson street,
KoKi'lmrg. Orecoti. t f .
' I yearling Ued Pollnnd Heifer,
right ear cropped and slit; no other
visible marks of brands. If not claim
ed by owner the animal will be reg
ularly sold according to statute.
.101$. HUFFMAN, Marshal.
Sometimes you are Judged by
company you don't keep.
TO RENT Two housekeeping rooms
Inquire at C03 Mill street. tf.
Try Them For Dry Goods
The People's Cooperative Store
Where your
Money Goes
the farthest
Rice Rice
The Best
:! The House Furnishers in Holiday Attire
IT. 8. Wmiluor Itiirrau. local olllcc.
llnscbiiiK. Ori'iimi, 24 limirs uuiIIiik
5 n. tn., XiivimuIkt no, 1!0!.
ProclpltiitUm lu Iiu'Iiob mid hun
driMlitia: Miixlinnip. t(MU'n!tui'o (11
Minimum " 44
Vrivlpliiitlon 61)
Tcilnl Prorlii alnre first of tho
month S.70
Avr. l'rwlp. for (his monlh for
32 y..nri 4 33
Totnl Pri'ilp. from Sept. 1. 1!H!,
lo lint 1 3, 411
vg. Tri-clp. from Sept 1. 1877,
8. Of,
Tolal r-vrvwi Troin Sept. I, 19011 5 ;(
Avk. Proclp. for 32 wot boa-
-"". 33. UO
' Ohsoivur.
Sicwnii nnd WiKht 34fl Jnrk
wi snort nr (ho liM-nl acoiilK of a
Inrun mul rollnhlo (lrm 01 I'orlliiiul.
Oroison, who 1110 masliK hwna 011
linsolmiK nmt nixmliw ooiiniv prop
erty. l' 11 or wrllo (or paillciiliir. tr
Mm. I'mikhui-Jt, tho Biiitiaollo.
Mill r.M-mvp f a i 0 Tor 11 hviuro on
'Why Wo Co To .lull." A wnrrnni
lll prolwhly ho awoin nut for Her
for oMnlnliiK money uiuler false mo-ienses.
Stt :
Practical and Sensible
Gifts for the Holidays
Something here for every member of
the family. The question what shall
I give will bo easily solved after an
Inspection of this storo. Did you
ever stop to think how much more
comfort and sensible, how much more
all would enjoy a nice piece of furni
turo for tho homo than to buy some
trashy present. This space will
only penult of a very few of the
many things that await your inspec
tion at this easy place to Bhop.
the YOUNG and OLD.
Beautiful Davenports, Couches, Mor
ris Chairs and Rockers; Beautiful
Cabinets, Desks nnd Chlffoners and
Dressers; Beautiful Book Cases, the
Globe Wernlca and others.
Elegant New Rugs
and Carpets, Portiers
And Couch Covers
Neither the old or young have been
overlooked here; Aliases nnd child
ren's chairs and rockers, doll carts
nnd cabs; Children's dishes, toy banks
little red chairs nnd air guns; toy
wngons, toy furniture, little stoves
and ranges; hundreds of things that
, can't be mentioned on account of
Bigger and Better Stock
China and Silverware
Everything that's made In fancy china
and Rlasswaro; enormous stock of
184 7 silverware and clocks. Carvers
plain and fancy, bone or sliver. You
will be surprised at the profession of
good things that will make sensible
presents. Also roinomber our prices
aro the lowest.
You are always welcome at this store. Children
given same courtesy and attention as grown folKs. We
will not beundersold ifjf Know it' Full value for your $
"JTxe Ilovue
'Bluttc" Book Cues.
Kaxpen Leather
atrelt Rectininc Chairs.
McOoursl Kitchen
ArtlMIe DmIch
Flour has nearly doubled in price.
We sell
at the same prices and it is the
best. CooRies, buns, cinnamon
rolls and doughnuts 10c Per
dozen. Pies 10c each. Our
caKes are the best.
Sure we have ladles' shirt waists,
J kimonos, long and short ones; bath
robes, aprons, long ones with and
T without sleeves; tea aprons, black
X and white collars, and all kinds ot
neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear
1 coats, and hoods for the babies. Also
i a lirst-class line of millinery. Our
uc, 10c, 15c and 25c counters are
1 loaded with good things.
I How do we soil them? Whv
cheaper than anybody else. Why?
Because our expenses are less. Be a .
Missourlaus: come In and let us show
Leaders In Popular Priced Goods.
Home of tho lc Post Card.
Winnie Qaddis
Slight 'Cornices
Aent for Snell
Water Filters.
Removes all impurities.
Phone 2101
Till tYour House
with liitht no bonee is modern
without electric lishts. Though we
can wire "any old" building,: the
best work la when the house is being
constructed. We are always ready
to iva an accurate estimate and to
guarantee the best work.
315 N. Jackson St. Koseburg, Or