THE EVENING NEWS MONDAY, NOVKMHFR 29, 1MB, Nothing Is too good tor the Uriah, nolther is cement culvsrtB too good for the county. Use the best, ts It Is the cheapest In the long run. Bee Pat. t GOOD ENOUGH IS THE DEADLY ENEnY of BEST Id oporating our Grocery Business we are not satisfied with good enough. We strive for improvement. Our store is the right place to buy Sroceries. Everything fresh and clean. Phone!2381 A GIFT FROM CLINGENPEEL'S Never Fails of a Welcome , At Clingenpeel's you will find gifts for every one gifts that never'lose their first charm or di minish in loveliness; practical gifts, gifts that satisfy. You should begin now to study the possibilities of this store for gift purposes. Every day,s delay now means an added discomfort to you later. DIAMOND GIFTS As low as $2.50 and at varying pr cs up to $350 These gifts will be treasured and give pleasure for a life time. IW. E. Clingenpeel JEWELER AND ROSEBURG, GENERAL JOBBING HOWARD The PLUMBERS Skylights, Cornices L argest'Stocfc of Plumbing Goods in the City LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE J ' Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low rate of interest? Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, XX easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo- cality? Do you want to sell your property? 1 Do vou want to insure your building in one of the best and cheapest companies in the U. iPso See WALKER Rocm 1, Bell Sisters Building. -:- - The Roseburg WEtake a delight in serving our patrons with the best there is in the line of drugs. Purity ' is our motto. Promptness both day and nigh is wnat counts at our pharmacy. Full line of Sundries always on hand I ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. I L. E. KROHN, Manager To the lovers of the beautiful, a look at the exquisite Holiday line at Graves' Art Emporium will do yol Rood, and when you buy the prices will do your purse good. d-tt Commercial Club BIdg'. OPTICIAN OREGON REPAIR WORK & MAHAN and TINNERS and Dryer Pipe ROSEBURG, OREGON S.? PERRINE, Roseburg' Ore. : - E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public. HER WEDDING CAKE Is a thing of groat Interest to the brf de-elect, and we are artl&ts in this line. Wedding cukes are made In the most beautiful designs and of rich and exquisite flavor. Our breads, rolls, pies, fancy and orna mental cakes, etc., are the perfection of the baker's art when made at I'mpqua Bakery Pharmacy LOCAL NEWS. A marriage license was Issued Sat urday to Bert Neely and Ina Bartlett Mr. Wni. Kaiser, of Melrose, was In the city today attending to business matters. V. C. T. U. will meet at the home of MrB. A. Llnebnrk, South Pine St., Wednosday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Jj. Huntley, daughter of Mrs. George Noah, of this city, returned to her home at Deer Island, this morning. She was accompanied by her infant daughter. M T. Cannon -ins a vlolti.r to Hie !ews ( dice tcdny. In i da: or two M Cannon and his wife will leave !n a rig for Little Shasta, California, whero he ha a position as forest ranger. Miss Kulh Gibson, daughter of for mer Weather Observer Gibson, of this city, who was Uie guest of Miss LaBrle over Thanksgiving, returned to Eugene, yesterday, to resume her studies at the University. S. A Bntenian. the timber man, left, for Myrtle Point. Coquille City and Marshfleld, this morning where he will spend about two weeks at tending business matters. Owing to the condition of the roads Mr. Bate man took the trnln to Dlllurd from which place he will make the trip across the mountains on foot. E. I. Hewes and wife returned to their home at Portland this morn ing after a brier visit with friends in this ;ity. Mr. Hewes was formerly a pastor of Ihe local Christian Science church, but was transferred to Port land several months ago. He says he is much pleased wltn Portland and has no desire to return to this vicin ity. Castelmnn and Montgomery, di rect from "Pantages" theatre at Port land, are the attraction nt the Star theatre this week. This team of com edians are up to date in every par llcplnr and will no doubt meet with the hearty approval of the amuse ment loving public In this locality. Action for divorce has been insti tuted by Press Jackson against his wife, Dora Jackson. The complaint sets out that defendant was in the habit of using violent langunge and in other ways mnking life a burden for plaintiff There are four children, the eldest of whom is 11 yenrs and the yaiingest 4 years of age, and the plaintiff asks the custody thereof. "MY LADY OP THE SOUTH" "THE SILVER HOARD" "MARTEN EDEN" "THE DANGER MARK" "THE SCARLET FEATHER" "THE GOOSE GIRL" "JOHN MARVEL ASSISTANT" "KATER1NE" are a few titles of new books on sale at Roseburg Book Store. tf. Yesterday was a good day at the Baptist rlvival. Large congregations fllled the big church, and the Inter est was gratifying. Dr. Driver nd dressed the Sunday school and about twenty young poople declared their i u r pose of living the Christian life Eight persons joined Ihe church af ter the nit ruing sermon. Alter the evening Bermoii a largo number of men and women rose nt the evangel ist's appeal, and In an nfter meeting two voung men came siiuarely out for the Christian life. Both Mr. Driver's sermons were masterpieces, and were delivered with telling effect. The meetings will continue tilts week with meetings nt three and nt 7 3U p. in., escV day. Armory. December lstto see the first appearance In Roseburg of the celebrated artist. Miss Edith Adams, viollncelllst. For once nt least a wo man has won a complete mastery over that difficult and noble Instrument, the vlollncello. The severest opponent i of women 'cellists must bow down before the compelling genius of Miss Edith Adams, whose artistic work has secured for her a place In the i hearts of all true music lovers Miss Adams, In spite of her sex, is now regarded as among the greatest liv ing 'cellists. She charms with the magic of her touch. Her bowing is graceful, firm and true. The intrica cies of manipulation that mark the artist are hers In a pronounced rte gree. While in Berlin Miss Adams was a pupil of Robert Hausmann, of the Royal High School. Later she was the protege of the great virtuoso Heinrich Klefer of Munich. So Inter ested was Mr. Klefer in Miss Adams' talent that he invited her to make her home in his family, Which innde It posslbio for her to have almost daily coaching. During this lme she scored grer.t success, both In public and private recitals. Three cases of Interest 1o the cit izens In this vicinity will be argued before the Oregon Supreme Court at Salem tomorrow.. The appeal li cense case of Attorney Albert Abra ham, appellant, vb. City of Rose burg, respondent, will come up in the morning, and from indications will he discussed at length. Attorneys Albert Abraham and J. A. riuchanan represent the appellant, while Ator ney George Neuner will look after the Interests of the city. Another ap peal case Is that of Mary K. Ilouck, appellant, vs. City of Hoseburg. re spondent. This action is in the form of an appeal from the assessment of damages levied against the appellant in the construction of a sewer by the city. The appellant Is represented by Attorneys Abraham and Buchanan and the respondent by Attorney Geo. N'euner. The third case Is that of Attorney J. A. Buchanan, appellant vs. Phoebe Kennett, respondent, an appeal from the circuit court. Sue action was brought to force the spe cific performance of contract. Attor ney Buchanan is represented by At torney Albert Abraham, while Attor ney A. N. Orrutt Is looking after the Interests of Mrs. Kennett. FOR SALE. Household furniture and an automobile. J. M. Lawrence 307 Main street. 2t B. E. 8TKKT,, Attnncy-at-LaiC3 i ' (i Legal advice free. Collections i Solicited Room 1, Marstera BIdg. Hoseburg, Ore. I ft IXTE11KST MAXIFEST Oregon Dairymen Looking Ahead to Convention (Special to The Evening News.) PORTLAND. Nov. 29. Oregon Dnlrymen are showing great Interest In the annual convention of the state association, to be held in Portland December 9 and 10, and the atten dance will be large. Many prizes have been offered for the best showing of dairy products made at convention and the exhibition will undoubtedly be the best made In years. The creamery companies of the state are offering prizes and the Portland Flouring MUls offors a purse of $100 to go for the two best exhibits. The Portland Commercial Club will give a reception Thursday evening December 9, to the dairymen anil members of the State Horticultural Society. DAILY WEATIIUH REPORT U. S. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending ; 5 a. m., November 29, 1909. I Precipitation in inches and hun- dredths: j Maximus temperature 59 Minimum " 47; Precipitation .'. 0 Total Preclp since first of the month 8.11 Ayr. Precip. for this month for i 32 years 4.33 ; Total Preclp. from Sept. 1, 1909, to date 12. an Avg. Preclp. from Sept 1, 1877, 7.88 Total excess since Sept. 1, 1909. .6.02 Avg. Precip. for 32 wet sea sons 33.00 WILLIAM BELL, Obseivur. ntox nuns von mo axi little We have Just received the swellost line or Iron beds ever brought to Roseburg. Prices are $3.00, $3.50, $4.25, $5.00, $6.60, $7.00, $8.60, $10.50 and up to $25.00. Say did you see those Iron hods at $2.00, $2.76 and $3.25? Buy an up to date doll cab for that little girl; nothing else wlU please her half as much. The finest line of rockers ever shown In Roseburg are on our floor. Take a look at them and be convinc ed of our statement. B. W. STRONO, The Furniture Man, Roseburg, Oregon. Have yon seen thnt special couch we have on (ale. You'll miss It if you don't; a nntural rest will do you good stretch out. Rice & Rice, tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISIirarS FOR RENT. House, 7 rooms, near j town. Cltv water. Rent very rea-1 sonable. Call 124 W. Douglns! street. d-22 I NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE I have a 5-room new modern cottage for rent. li'ecnc iigntca. city water, and otherwise up-to-date. Inquire 325 Washington street. tf. BUILDER I1 lRD RACTOB ne 193 GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Service Roseburg. Oregon Phone D RAYING AND HAULING TELEPHONE 001 Prompt nttcntlon given to nil ordcre NAT BISHOP THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Sheridan Street Near The Depot. We don't Boll for coBt or below cost but we will sell right at cost. If you don't believe It, try us and see. With each dollar's worth of goods purchased you are entitled to a chance on a nice sot of silverware, knives, forks, table and teaspoons. See them In the window. Come and see for yourself, don't be misled by any one for you will miss It D. J. JARVIS PROPRIETOR. THE IMPERIAL j A Temperance Saloon I Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger Depot - Roseburg" ORDWAY & BOCART PROPRIETORS Gentlemen: We invite your new style . , Shaving Soap It Is Something New It Is Something Better It Is "Colgates" You Will Enjoy It K2a In handsome, sanitary sealed metal cans always clean and ready for use, Price 25c. FULLERTON & RICHARDSON, The Drug Store of Quality Druggists, Roseburg, Ore. Near S. P. Depot. WHEN YbU'RE CHILLED Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none better can be made for the palate. ' THE Next to Postoltice. :;;:n::n::::::::::::::::::::::j:::m::;:m:m:: XX XX tX XX xx LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY Lumber, Lath, Shingles XX Doors and Windows of all Kinds. XX XX VardB on Lower Oak Street. H phone Hii 44 IH.W. ALTHAUS & SONS! CJ A RAG IH t t Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies t t Ik Agents Fairbanks ft Morse Co. 5 Telephone 1441 GROUCH & ALDRIGH Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. D. II MARSTERS Plumbing, Sheet and North JacKson Street, Works. Telephone 2511. Work Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. t attention to this delightful lit r ffl'l PI I! ROSE We're in a Position to offer you the best the market af fords In the way of Meats; and our prices you know are alwaya lowest. We handle only prime stock, dual ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine roasting pieces of beef from 8o to IBHo pound. First class mutton, veal, pork and poultry equally low. Can't do better anywhere. Phone us your order. We deliver to any part or the city. Cass Street Marhet LOUIS KOHLHAGEN. Prop. 107 West Case Bt. Phone 1(1. Free Delivery. and Dry Finish Lumt cr.y rt ROSEBURG,. OREGON t ' Cor. Cass and Rose Sts. t Office: Warehouse No. Near the Depot. Telephone Main 2431 or 311. PLUMBING SHOP. Metal WorK, Tinning Heating adjoining" .Peoples; Marble 1