The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 27, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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City News Briefly Recorded
P. P. Sherwood, of Winchester, was
a visitor In the city yesterday.
Many attractive Xmas gifts at the
RoBoburg Book Store. tf
A. M. Armstrong, of Oakland, is
registered at the McClullen hotel.
Hundquarters Tor Holiday goods
Is at the Roseburg Book Storo. tf.
W. C. Sagabord and wife, of Scotts
liurg, are In the clly visiting friends.
Pocket knives, n big stock of high
Bra do goods at the Roseburg Book
Btoro. tf. j
home from his duck limiting trip to-
morrow. ' J
The best box confertlontry,
Lownoy's" fresh at the Roseburg
Book Store. tf,
H, I'1. Mathews, of Dixonvllle, spent
yosterday In tho city attending busi
ness matters,
Horace Marslers will leave Monday
morning for Coos county where he
Rons to attend but Incus matters.
T. A. Smith and wife, of Myrtle
Creek, are In Jhe city today visiting
friends and enjoying the sights.
II. J. Krenr, of the I oral light nnd
water system, wont to Winches! or
(his morning to look after business
T. J. Williams and wifo went io
Wilbur tWh morning to spend a few
dnys visiting nf the home of Professor
and Mrs. Austin.
Mr. and Mrs. John, who lu(ve been
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clark in the city, went to Portland
this morning.
U. I. Muhn and Miss Nellie Brown
were married at the iittlce of City Re
corder Orcutt on Thanksgiving even
ing. City Recorder Orcutt oillcfatlng.
Mrs. C. W. Bradrnrd ea.rles the
famous Richardson's Embroidery
Bilks at Ihe Art Variety Store. Corner
of Pin" and Lane streets. nwil-n:!S
Mrs. Simon, who has been visiting
at the home ot Mr. nnd Mrs Horace
Murstei-H during Ihe past few days,
left Ibis morning for her home at
An Impromtu Thanksgiving party
was given at the lioii.e nf Mr. and
Mrs (ieorge Jones in Ninth Roseburg
Thursday night. A ileliuhtrtil evening
was spent by the score of guests who
wore present. The affair was alto
gether Informal in nature. While
Mime wore en.oing card games the
others were listening to musical se
lections, of which there were several,
both vocul and Instrumental. The
violin solos with nrgun acconipjint-,
meat with .!" a very pleasant fen
tare of the entertalniie ul
At Your Service
Rosoburc. Oregon l'hone 193
Mlii'riilall Slrwt Xcnr Tlu Dopot.
Wo don't sell for cost or below
cost but wo will sill rlnht at cost.
If you don't believe It, try us and
Bee. With each dollar's worth of
goods purchased you are entitled to
a chanco on a nice set of silverware,
knives, forks, table and teaspoons.
Seo them In tho window. Come and
see for yourself, don't be misled by
uuy oik for Ji.'il will miss It
d. j. jarvis
The .straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes bring's
you here.
If you frequent any of the "by
paths" you'll be apt to lone yolir
uelf in the tangle of misleading
Whatever we do in well done
whatever we buy is well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
find that the beat is always here.
These clothes are made for us
by the Stein Mock Co. and Davi'tl
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the wo'ld. Kvery
Suit wo sell is sold with an ab
solute guarantee of .Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
fuit in return. .
Remember quality is the true
test of cheapness, liy our good
Clothes you shall know us.
C. A. Anderson and son were In the
city today from Looking Glass.
J. W. Nuwland ami Jasper How
ard of Ten Mile, spent Friday and
Saturday In the city. Mr. .NVwlaud re
ports plenty of water in his vicinity.
W. J. Shemati ard wife, of Port
land, returned home this morning
after bpemliug Thanksgiving at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. J. W.
Perkins, in this city.
What does vour mother, sister.
brother or sweetheart want for
Xmas. a Photo made by Clark's
Sl'idlo, Roseburg
National Bank
.1. W. Perkins is circulating a ne
I i I Ion aniolli; the property owners on
Stephens street askiliK that said thnr
oiiKhfaru he paved in the spring- The
petition will be presented to the coun
cil at a meutlllK to bo held In the near
Jack Booth and .Murray Cardwell
left, this inorntuK for tho "Cracker
Jack" nihie. situated on Tnlon (.'reek
ale int 1 miles south of Kiddle. They
expect to make n number of Improve
ments about tho property before re
lurniiiK home.
Kevivul meeting beiran at Iho IT,
M. church Wednesday nlirht. Novem
ber lit, and good Interest was man
ifested. Next Sunday will he the reg
ular euarierly mcctlm;. ltev. I.amiv
will assist the pastor, ltev. Ward
over Sunday. The public Is Invited
to attend these meetings. Come and
bring your friends. Tell your neigh
bors. Tho ladies' aid of the M. K. church
will hold their annual Chrysanthe
mum show uu Wednesday and Thurs-
lay, Pecember 1st and IMid. In rooms
formerly occupied by the Crescent
Ihcatre. Prizes will be given or the
best specimens. There will lie also a
good supply of chicken -pies, tamales,
bread and cakes for sale. Itemember
the place and dale.
Quito a number of local citizens
remained alert last evening to wit
ness the predicted moon eclipse. The
expected occurred shortl after I
o'clock, the moon remaining in total
darkness from L :: until H -Ifi this
morning. In all the eclipse lasted
nearly four hours, from l:l'll o'clock
until 1:15 o'clock. The eclipie of the
moon was waiteil by ast roluini' rs
with less eagerness than an eclipse
of 'be sun. Inasmuch as few secrets
are unlocked by an eclipse of the
former. Telescopically the latt'
eclipse is less specular. Nevertheless
II was a wlerd sight, the more Im-
prcssive wh.'ii Ihe fact is recalled that
ilhe tl rst Intimation ot Ihe rotundity
j of the earth was derived from the
clrcnic.slitnce Unit Ihe earth's shad
ow, cast upon tln moon, ts always
round. Long nefore ihe Chiisllal'. 'era
Dial was noted bv the tlreeks, and
it shook tile eonlUincc of some of
I hem In the theory ot their geogra
phers which assumed that the earth
' was round.
I he Southern Pnclllc Company has
Issued p. new time table, the same to
bocotn-i euVetivo toniorow morning.
The Ashland local which has hereto
fore arrived at 1:10 p. m. will arrive
ill uilnules later, sad leave at l:Mi
p. in. for Portland, arriving at that
city at 10::in In the evening. This
train will run as No. Is Instead of
2n as In Ihe past. Another change will
'ake place In the operalln-t of the
Cottage tirove local which lias hereto
fore tied up ut the city bearing Its
name. This train will leave Portland
at -Tilt o'clock In the afternoon, ar
riving here at 1:10 o'clock the fol
lowing morning. Ti ls train will be
known as No. 17. ami will leave on
Its return trip at a:!.", o'clock In the
morning, taking the place of the pro
tein "local." Aside from these two
changes Ihe time card remains the
same as the present one. liv the
above cllenges the people In this lo-I
cainv will get much better s-rvlce
than heretofore inasmuch as they can
leave for Portland in ihe afternoon
o o v lock anil arrive at thai
ity shortly nfier 10 o'clock the same
onlng. The change will also necess-
, Hate of the laying over of another
train crew III this clly.
ciii'iu'ii xoriCKs
i Preaching services as usual on Sun
day at 11:00 a. m. and 7: -'JO p. m.
EvaiiKelUt Driver will speak at both
StTVkX'S. t ,
j The pastor will preach at Melrose
at 3 p. in.
At the morning preaching service
the choir will sing "I Will Lift Mine
Eyes ITn'o the I Mils," and In the even
, lug Miss Ltiey Brides will, Wy social
' rfntiOHt, will sing, "Come Unto Mo."
Mis. Driver will Bfng at both services.
Sumlav ho hoi at 10 a. in. und B. Y.
: P. IT. at 6:3(1 p. m.
You ure cordially Invited to these
The best meeting to c'atr in the
revival was held lawt evening. A line
congregation was present and the
spirit of the meeting was extremely
gratifying. The Bong service was also
heartily enthusiastic. Two specially
noteworthy and eppreclated numbers
were the anthem by a quartette from !
the Baptist choir and the duet by Dr.
and Mrs. Driver.
The evangelist was at his best last
night and made a fine impression. A
large eVowii rose for prayer, and live
went forward to publicly confess
At the 3 o'clock meeting yestorfi-iy
afternoon Mr. Driver gave u helpful
talk on person work.
Plans are bHng perfected for a
town wide Invitation campaign Sun
day afterncon.
Driver's morning subject for
Sunday will be, "Embassadors for
(Jod," and in the evening "What Shall
We do With Our Sins?"
Methodist Kplsropal Chiiirli
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m., with live up to date Sunday
school at 10 a. in. The worlds temper
ance Sunday will be observed.
Subject of morning preaching ser
vice, "A Character Study of Lot,"
Evening sermon, "The Temperance
Problem," with appropriate special
music. A male quartette will sing
the famous hymn, "Where is my
Wandering Boy Tonight." You can
not afford to miss these services. All
are welcome.
JAS. K. HAWKINS, Pastor.
Christian Church
.7. X. McConnoll, minister. S. S. nt
10 a. in., let nothing keep you away.
Morning subject. "Heaven." Union meeting nt 2:30 p. m. C.
K. at tl::iO p. m., leader Nellie Apple
white. Evening sermon at 7::I0 p. m.,
sul Jeet "What must i do to be Pav
ed." This will bo the first of a series
nf four Sunday evening sermons on
this gieat subject. Hear all of them.
Presbyterian Church.
.Morning worship at 11a. ni. Sub
ject of sermon. "Consecrated Deter
mination." Kvenlng worship at 7:3(1.
Subject, "Take Your Choice." The
Mlble school meets at 10 a. in., Hon.
II. Ij. kiddy, superintendent. Junior
league at 3 p. in., Miss Kale Fuller
ton, superintendent. Y. P. S. C. K.
at 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. in.
You will lind cordinl welcoirte await
ing you at all ot our rervics. 'oine
and bring a friend. J. K. Burk
hart, pastor.
W. C. Harding Land Co. to W. C
llurdiiig and Ada Harding, lot 7, in
block No. 13, Itosthurg Home and
Orchard tracts. Consideration $10.
A. Croason to .lames Cooper lot It,
In blk. -I, llamlllon's addition to the
City of Itoseburg. Consideration
I). N. McNeil and wife lo O. J.
l.lndsi'.v, lots 17 and 1S block li. Hani- j
iltou's yiidition to the City of Hose
burg. Consideration $1.
Delia M. Itobertson to Xorn Par
rot, SVj of the NIC'4 of See. 4, twp
30, S. It. r. W. Conlalnlug SO acres.
Consideration $1.
.1. W. llolietisonto Nora Parrot!
all of lots 2. 3, and 1 of Sec. I. In
twp. 30. S. it. r W. containing 1J7
acr"s. Consider:!! ion $0,iliin.
Mrs. Dorthy M. Woolley to Mrs.
.lane T. Cook lots 13 and 11, block
1. of aardner's addition to Drain.
Consideration $1,000.
lasner I'igbs lo Robert C. Coffee
certain land all sltualrd In Douglas
county. Consideration $200.
Kdwnrd (i. .loues to Lane Coi
!.: i..l Coaipany, all of Sec. 16. twp.
S. It. 17W.; all of Sec. 13 and 30
live. 2B. S. H. S W.: all of See. 10.
South Side Cass St., Near
STArLKTOS & PATrKKSOX, Props, i li
Leading and but restaurant in the
city. None but white people employed
Nothing hut the beet in the market
erved. tilve us a trial sail be con
vinced. DRAYING
tfi.h'hoxu oot
Prompt attention (then fo all orders
twn. 20, S. R. 8 W., and the N of
I Sec. 36, two. 30, S. R. 9 W.. contain-
Ing 2.880 acres.
I James T. Redlford to Robert C.
Coffee, the SE of the SV4, and
lot? 4, 6, and 6, of Sec 28, twp. 22.
S. R. 5 W., containing 125 acres.
Consideration $10.
Program For Next Sunday
CliriMlun Church.
The following program has been
arranged for the Union Sunday
rishool uaily to be held In the Christ
Ian Church next Sunday afternoon,
Nov. 28, at 2:30 o'clock.
Song by the audience.
' Prayer, Mrs. B. L. Eddy.
Response reading, audience.
Special music by Christian Church.
A1dn:3s. Rev. .Ins. K. Hawkins,
Reading, Mr. Flay Henderson.
Address, lion. H. L. Eddy.
Quartette, M . Church.
Reading, Woodson Maddox.
Address, Rev. J. . Mcfonnell.
Solo, Pro!. Lotz.
Reading, "A Terible Charge," Mib.
Lylith Moore-Cannon.
Offering. Benediction.
Every farmer realizes the enor
mous lotses resulting from the use
of farm seeds infested with the seeds
of weeds. There Is not only the Im
mediate Iops to the farmer using (he
sped, but the far greater loss ot the
permanent infestation of the neigh
borhood. So far as we know, the
Ktiifo nf WisrniiKin in tho Rrnt to nn-
,(ly the principles f,f the pure food
law to the seed trade. During the
present year the slate enncted a law
forbidding the sale of seeds In lots
or packages of more than one pound
weight i;nless accompanied by a la
bel stating among other things the
percentage of purity and germlnatlnp:
power, and also the names of the
weads. If any, with whose seeds the
seed is infested. If the infestation
Is greater than one In one thousand
the seed must not he sold at all exfc
cept for grinding. The law is a rather
long one and contains many details
which we have not space to men
tion, but the essence of It all is that
It proposes that all persons buying
seed shall know precisely what they
nre getting. The enforcement of the
law Is placed with the State Univers
ity, which is bad in principle. Con
cerning this the Wisconsin Uunvors
ity saB:
The introduction of obnoxious weed
seed from European and Asiatic coun-1
trie- with farm seeds will only be I
stopped when laws are made prevent
ing the importation and sale In the
United States of foul and adulterated
The biggest and best crockery store
In Southern Oregon. Everything that
Is made In crockery, glassware, and
China, we have it. From the plainest
to best hand-pointed. Many beautiful
pieces of Llbby cut glass suitable for
presents. Rice & Rice, the house
Where your
Money Goes
the farthest
j The House Furnishers in Holiday Attire
a .
You areialways welcome at this store. Children
; g'ven same courtesy and attention as grown folKs. We
It will not be undersold if we Know it Full value for your $
Ladles' hand bags and purses at
low prices at Roseburg Book Store tf
v Cass Street
First Door East Telephone office tf
tf tf
tf F. W. HAYNE8 tf
tf Dentist tf
tf RoBeburg National Bank Bldg. tf
? Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4.
tf Phone 1283. tf
tf Roseburg - Oregon.
J. R. CHAI'MAV, I). D. S.
if Hours 9 a. m.'to t p. m. Tel-
ephone 1141. Abraham Bldg.
Residence Phone 1406.
Roseburg, Oregon,
G. J. BACHER, I). M. D.,
Abraham Roseburg,
Building. Oregon.
y tl li il tHHI jamWHHEB j B li j) j) j 8
RooniB 6 and 7 Bell Sisters Bldg.
X Phone 1361 Roseburg, Or.,
i; :; :i :in;iniin;iu,iiinniminnr
Physicians nnd Surgeons
OITice Lower floor Douglas Co.
ft Bank bldg., corner Main and
i Oak streets. Phone 771.
Roseburg, Oregon.
ft Physician und Surgeon.
Office, Review Bide.. Phone ai. a
Roseburg. Oregon.
Rice Rice
Practical and Sensible
Gifts for the Holidays
Something here for every member of
the family. Tho question what shall
I give will he easily solved after an
Inspection of this store. Did you
ever stop to think how much more
comfort and sensible, how much more
all would enjoy a nico piece of furni
ture for the home than to buy some
trashy present. This spate will
only permit of a very few of the
many things that await your inspec- '
Hon at this easy place to shop.
the YOUNG and OLD.
Beautiful Davenports. Couches, Mor
ris Chnirs and Rockers; Beautiful
Cabinets. Desks and Chiffoners and
Dressers; Beautiful Book Cases, the
Clobe Wernica and others.
Elegant New Rugs
and Carpets, Portiers
And Couch Covers
Neither tho old or young have been
overlooked here; Misses and child
ren's chairs and rockers, doll carts
and cabs; Children's dishes, toy banks
little red chairs and air suns; toy
wagons, toy furniture, little stoves
nnd ranges; hundreds of things that
can't he mentioned on account of
Bigger and Better Stock
China and Silverware
Everything that's made In fancy china
and glassware; enormous stock of
1S47 silverware and clocks. Carvers
plain and tancy, bone or silver. You
will be surprised at tho profession of
good things that will make sensible
presents. Also remember our prices
are the lowest. j
Physician and Surgeon
Office, Main St., One Door South
tt of City Hall. Phone 341.
Roseburg, Oregon. ft
Women's and Children') f
if Diseases. '
Hours, 10 to 12 a. m 2 to 4 p.
m. Phones Office, 1711, Res. ,
1721. Marsters Block, next to
Douglas County Bank Bldg, s
K "seburg, Oregon.
A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson
to Rooms 1 and 2, Douglas Co.
Bank Bldg.
Roseburg, Oregon.
it Will practice In all State and
Federal Courts. Office in Marks
Building. Roseburg, Oregon.
Taylor & Wilson Building.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Attorney-At-Lan. -
if Notary Public. Rooms 6 and
7, Marsters Building. 'Jf
Roseburg, Oregon. t
if Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas
' Bank Building.
Roseburg, Oregon,
Xotnry Public.
if Wilbur ... Oregon.
Notary Public. Abraham Bldg.
Roseburg, Oregon.
The Best
The lloiue
m Quality
Karpeo Leather
Strelt Reclining Chain,
HcOouffal Kitchen
. Cabinets
'Elastic" Book Caaea.
tjjflj Arts and
Jjjr Chain an
lT Tablet