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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1909)
TUB fcVKM.VO XKWfl HATI'IIDIY. XOVKMIIKR 27, IttOI) THE EVENING NEWS!" IIY B. W. BATES j The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare ISSll I) 1,MLV RXCK1T SU.MU V Kntred hh em-ond-claHa mutter Nov. 5, 1809, at Kom-liurg, Oro., un dr act of i.winh :i, 187!). Niilisrilpllon Jtmex Dully 1'ur yoar. by imul $3.00 Pr inoiith, dullvorod 60 Hriiil-U'ii-kly PC your J2.00 Six moiithB 1.00 H7vTl lti7V HO KMI.KIt 27, ! I Home of Shoes for Where are You Going to Trade? AT THE SiioMklnK ill a tnlc.'iiriipli and tclo jilulin mint, how will tlm oi'lnpUH go to work lo Ihwki this wlnilcHH? Throe lii'iulied and ncvonh I five thmiKUIiU (InlliUY. UflH IftHl, lU 1'H1- benlri by MNannrl find Kiiiikuh Jioti-lh just vt'ar. TIiIh may lo taken uh an tivMf'ti'' of prnn))iTlty in a way, an , It in a hhTh hu'wh 1 hut ai l"ast y pr cent nt flu d'fad lial k weix "wt'll drciisod and piohpcioiiH looking." Tho iwoid r foKllu'll thin sawon Is twt'Mty-nliu.' dec d , I went v-two ni(.ni fatally hurt, and hi-vmhI InindrtMl wounded. It would ho a Kood idea If jianmlM would Iiibmi-o the liven of tlwir boyn )c(orv ki'ImUmk Iheni to the hlj.h vr hchool. I'ooihHll H iM-cPinini.' more It hrulal hnilrtiTH mum with e:ich FiHcendlPii year, and there should ho (ome reeoinpenae fi.r i ho inurdcr ot their children. They muy either do Ihif; or do what in lielter-ahoo thu colh'KoH, unleHH they do without foot ball. Prli'es on food bIiiITh have s-mred now atid anon to a point dng.roiiHly near the zenith Then-fore the late riHO In ho wholuftalo and rotalul JimireH on Hour la met with much outspoken ditmpproval from all elas ue of cousumeiH. To the wae earner who mav havo u luige family to mip port, thene continual advances arc MiRtrrHHlnir. lie wonders way It ih. lie Ik familiar Willi the fact that .the farmer geta no mere for hln wheat than wuh paid last Beano n when flour was "down,'1 therefore, he must nec cHHarlly arrive at the very correct conclusion (hat the miller's combine Is back of all thtbe deals. He Ih rinht, H Is a patent that such a combine exists, and while tho oranlatlon may not "lestrahi trade" It Is cer tainly robbing I ho people. Were the farmer gel tint; I his advanc In the prices as 11 rat cost on his grain, no one would say a word. Hut since ho does not it Is the peoples' rlr-ht lo demand a price on flour thai Ih In keeping with what the ml'luis pay for wheat. Tho sentiment Is current In tho city Unit the date of resumption of work on tho Drain and Coos Hay hatlroud will bo anuounrcd in Feb ruary. A similar rumor is prevalent at' Marshlleld, an is evident by an article from the Coast Mall published elsewhere. This papor held In an ed itorial a number of weeks ago, the Houthern I'acltlc never abandoned the Drain line, and that whenever that company deemed there was absolu te, danwer of another line of rail road penetratitiK the Coos Hay coun try It would complete that road. With llin work nearly completed on its tunnels, and with tho right or wav pretty well cleared from Drain to Scottsburg, the company can build tho road to the Hay easily within oichteeii months and have cars run ning over it, Hliion the estimate made from the start was to the effect that the entire road could be built within a year. So If it is announced In Fb runry that tho company will ngaiu iv suiiip work on the line .and does kt ep Its word, wlihiu the time stated above Coos county will hear the whistle of tlw branch line of the Southern Pa cific, and ihVy will also have posi tive evldeme that I hen is another railroad on the toad to them for that county's dovi water harbor. The Southern Pacific h-is not or never will he In a hurry to build lo I lie Hay ho long li has no fear of losing thai verv desirable t.errliorv : It woubl rather devote Its entire onernles to Central Oregon In Ms i'lrmmh-s with Hill. Hut it Is possible and verv prob able (hat It would He Ihe chief of the tireat Northern Ihe lust ot It where the flu hi Is on now 1'ian tcrmM 31111 or any one else lo be the Hist to the fulure kivhI harbor on the Pa cific Const. Therefore as said before. It Is safe to aiKiie lhal whenever the Southern Pacific' apaln beclns work on the Drain line It doen so tor the reason it knows to a certainty that there is another line beaded In the name direction, niu'. thai It will be imtlt. With this view of the matter a ror'altitv, the people of Coos Hay and )ns.'huri? will view the reniuptlvm of work on the Dr.ilu line with a good deal of satisfaction, as It is certain not. but a short time will elapse be fore they will listen lo the music of the bells nud Cm wakouiim up whist le of the locomotive en u compettna: railroad Hue. fovnlnst the Southern raclllc, and eMilence a ureal pros perity. IKON 1U:DH KOU ItKl AND IJTTI.K Wo have Just received the swellest lino or iron beds ever brought to Itoseburw. PrlcoH are $:Mo. $:i.50. $4.25. $r!H. fC.fiO. $7.00, $S.t0. $10.r0 and up lo $i5.0. Say did you see those Iron nods Ot $'j.00. $.2 7 5 and $;l.2T? Huv an iit to date doll cab for that iittlo pirl; mdblni? else will please her half as much. The finest Hue of rockers ever hhtn In Hoselun are on our floor. Take a look at them and be convinc ed of our statement. H W. STKONd. The Furniture Man, ( KosebuiR, Oregon. "my 1ioy of TfiF. som'ir I "TllK SUA'F.ll HOAUD" "M UTFN K.DKN" ! "TDK MA UK' -TDK SCAltl-KT FKATHV1K" ' -TIMi tltOSl'l (MUH" "JOHN M AltV VAt ASSISTANI "KATKK1NW ere a few tlth of now hooks on sale pi ItoscbuiB Uouk Store tf. Hartli's TOGGERY GOOD CLOTHES M-UTST XOTKS OP SCIIOXCK ..- . Hor.iea seldom suffer from decayed luoth. Ituhic3 are practically Irdestruc tlhlo except by fire. Japan Is building her first home madu locomotives. Prussia supplies about one-half of tho world's demand for zinc. There are "h'lnd spots" on thu totmua which are Insensible to cer tain flavors. Brazil has 39 telephone systems, supplying less than 1 0,000 sub scribe) u. Denmark exports nearly $50,000, 000 worth of butter to Great Britan each year. lOimland has over (!00 women doc tors, of whom about 200 practlco In Loudon. Twenty-sovcn great reclamation projects are now under way In the United States. tins engines are now In use for auxiliary purposes on a dozen of the Mrltlsli bnttlesblps. More than 200 merchant vessels are now equipped with wireless tel- ograimy. I'eiihylvanla alone produces more coal each year than any foreign country except Great Britain. Six balloons for observation and signaling purposes have been sun plied to each German army corps. The waste In coal mining, ateord ing to the Geological Survey, loses forever one-half ns much ns is put on the market. Itrifish Guiana produces over $1, 050,000 worth of rice ea"h year, rlv vallng (he colony's output ot gold In value. A subway fur ele.'trlc earn, tc cost $:ii). OOu.000, will be bulltunder the harbor of Sydney, New South Wales. An application has been tiled In lOimlai- I for a patent on a secret pro riws of M'oduclng ammonia out of the air. Several German steel makers are ( x perl in e M 1 11 g commercially with produemg tho nutal In electric fur naces. A mixture ot fifteen parts forma line twenty of milk and slxty-f'.ve of wat"r makes an effective fly poison. Japanese factories produced over 2ti0.0u0.0e0 pounds oT paper last year, md that nation imported 48,- ooo.ono nioro pounds. lirlck is manufactured in every stale in the I'liion. Illinois being the leading producer In quantity and New ork In value. Texas produced more than a mil lion barrets less petroleum last year iban the year before, 11 decrease of about 10 per cent. It takes a volume of 400 pages to contain the Geological Survey's pre liminary report on the nilcernl re sources of Alaska, A ii"w Swedish dirigible torpedo. operated by electricity, has a range of Moo yards nnd a speed of 30 .urns nf any depth. Ml the asbestos mined and sold in the United States last year was pro duced In Georgia and Vermont, a total of 936 short tons. Tho chief Industry of two towns of the Khlne province of Get many Is cult in x nnd dyeing native agate to make seml-preclous jewels. Attendants in the New a ork Zoo logical Garden successfully filled 17 GENERAL DRAY1NG Goods of every description moved to nny pnrt of the city. Prices reasonable. H. S. FRENCH M W TE HAVE a Regal Shoes. approval o( the best-dressed men in town. And the fit of these Regal dress models is just as neat as their appearance. REGAL SHOES are always built after the latest, exclusive custom styles and always fit like made-to-measure shoes, because they are made in quatter-aiza. Your dress shoes should be absolutely correct that's why you need Regals. A Smart J Ntgal y V Drtis Model l) I' cavities In tho teelh of the Institu tion's lamest crocodile. Chin. has taken up the manufact ure of window glass, and the product which Is a novelty, to tho natives, is becoming popular. A completely equipped first-aid hos pi La I will be added to, every passen ger train operated In Prussia and Hesse by the Government. The engineering department of tho University of Michigan plans to add a course in navigation, provided enough interest be hhown. The work of construction on the first steel plant in the Western Hem isphere south of Mexico Is progress ing rapidly at Corral, Chile. An Oklahoma farmer has been granted a patent on an oil reser voir 1.0 lie attached to a saw to slow ly lubricate it while in use. The Spanish river, Guadalquivir Is being widened and deepened to permit large vessels to reach Seville, 72 miles fiopi the coast. Gold, silver and copper have been discovered on the KIJo islands, where there had never been any mining of any sort on a commercial basis. A physician connected with a hos nital at South Bethlehem, Pa., used his electric automobile to operate X-ray appartus almost every day. A London veterinary has a new ambulance for Hogs In tho form of a kentui, mounted on bicycle wheels and drawn by a motorcycle. A double hook for the top of a clothes lino prop to prevent it from falling and dropping wet clothing to the ground, has recently been pat ented. A test was made recently In Eng land of an eight-cylinder engine that Is designed to work at pressures as high as 1000 pounds per square Inch. Though it Is common in other Ind ian ports, the black rat fs never seen In .Madras, and In that city the plague never appears as an epidemic. At the end of .May there wa? tin plate mil's nnd fifty-two ftheet steel mills In operation In Wales, and they were giving employment to 22, 500 persons. Th production of Rait and gypsum from the lakes In South AustruPa Is becoming one of the most im portant minor industries of that com monwealth. folding doormat on the princi ple of the lazy tongs, has been In vented by a New York woman. Side rods prevent It from being tinned when In position. A Krencvh met urologist claims that he can forecast the general weather condttiois for many jvortlcms of the world as much as six months In advance. V qub'k-wltted amateur photogra pher In Philadelphia recently snap ped an aeronaut as he was falling from his parachute which had failed to open. ... IIAII.Y W'KATlllClt llKl-OHT lT. S. Weather rtureau, local office, RoseburK. Oregon, 1M hours ending 5 a. in., November 27,1909. 5 a. in.. November 2ti, 1909. Precipitation In Inches and him dredths: Maximum temperature 47 Minimum " 30 Precipitation 01 Total I'reclp since llrst of the month 7.S5 Avfc. I'reclp. for this month for 33 years 4.33 Total l'recip. from Sept. 1, 1909. to date 12.64 Avg. l'recip. from Sept 1, 1S77, 7 65 Total excess from Sept. 1, 1909 .5 09 Avff. I'reclp. for 32 wet sea sons 33. uO WILLIAM HELL. Obeiver. To the lovers of tho beautiful, a look at the exmislle Holiday line at Graves' Art :niporlum will do yn sood, and when you hu;)the prices will do your nurse good. d-tf Dress Wear number of smart dress models in They're bound to win the $250 $400 $rjoo HartiYs Toggery I CLASSIFIED ABVERflSfiHeNrS KOK KKNT. House, 7 rooms, near town. Cltv water. Rent very rea sonable. Call 124 W. DoiiRlas street. d-22 NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE. I liave a 5-room new modern cottage for rent. 'E'ectric lighted, city water, nnd otherwise up-to-date. Inquire 325 Washington street. tf. THE IMPERIAL 1 A Temperance Saloon I Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger Depot - Roseburg' ! ORDWAY & BOCART fPROPRIETO R S Special Rates to the OregonThreshers Association THE DALLES, OREGON, Dec. 2 and 3, 1909 One and One-Third Fare on the Certi ficate Plan. Will be made from all points on the Southern Pacific (Lines in Oregon) to the Palles and return. Tickets on sale November 29th, ,30, December 1st, 2nd and Srd. Final return limit December 6th, Important Addresses . will be made by representatives of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Good Roads, Prof. Phillip S.Rose,Madisoii,Wis., B.S.Clark, Editor American Thresherman, Hon. Lionel It. Webster, Portland, Oregon; and others, on subjects of importance, $200.00 In'.Gold will be given as prizes for the best wheat raised in Oregon. Silver Cup for outfit threshing $100.00 prize bushel of grain. For further information call on any S. P, Agent or write to WM. McMURRAY, General Tassenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. ROSEBURG ROCHDALE For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS . v . for the LEAST MONEY. TryiThem In Your Order For GENTS; FURNISHINGS AND SHOES Groceries is their Specialty, and they will please you. Try Them' The People's Cooperative Store ROSEBURG ROCHDALE CO. ATTENTION. Flour has nearly doubled in price. ' We sell B R E A D f at the same prices and it is the best. CooKies, buns, cinnamon rolls and doughnuts 10c Per dozen. Pies 10c each. Our cakes are the best. CHURCH BROTHERS CASS STREET PHONE 357 Sure wo have ladles' shirt waists, kimonos, long and short ones; bath robes, .aprons, long ones with and without sleeves: tea aprons, black and white collars, and all kinds of neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear coats, and hoods for the babies. Also a rtrnt-cJass line of millinery. Our ic, 10c, 15c and 25c counters are loaded with good things. " Hott do we sell them? Why cheaper than anybody else. Why? Because our expunses are less.- Be a Mtssourlans; come in and let us show you. Loaders In Populnr Priced Goods. Home of the lo Tost Winnie Gaddis I THE PLUMBER I Agent for Snell Water Filters. Removes all ' impurities. Roseburg ft S Mill! HI UJ For Dry Goods The Fair Cartl. Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Phone 2101 Oregon i in i iuut iiuuse with light no house la modern without eleclric llghte. Though we can wire "any old" building, the beet work la when the boute la being constructed. We. are always ready to give an accurate estimate and to J gut r mtee li e best work. G. L. PRIOR 815 N- Jackson St. Roseburg, Or iiiMimuu j e