The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 27, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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"Will find The Evening- Now
I ho beat mtMlium to 10110 li the
piHiiiluof Hosoburir. A wltlo-n-wnku
publication prliitlnir
all the nuwa that's fit to print
Rain and Warmer Tonight
and Sunday.
NO. 23
Fourteen Lives Supposed to
Have Been Lost
f All Those Who Perished Were Lust
Krom Life Hunts, One of Which
.With It on Board is Sup
Ksed to Went Down
(Special to The Evening News)
TILLAMOOK, Nov. 27. A life
boat containing eleven persons, in-
eluding Captain Snyder, from the
wrecked steamer Argo, Is believed to i
have been lost and all on board
drowned In an effort to reach the
shore. At 9 o clock last night theAr.
go showed signs of sinking Those on
board took to lifeboats.
A boat containing Mate Johnson
and nine others was picked up by the
eteamer Oshkosh. which had been
patrolling the scene since last evening
The other boat containing thi uap-
tan, tried to make the shore, but has
PV not been seen since. The Oshkosh
has been looking for the missing boat
since midnight, but there Is not ihe
slightest trace of It. It is believed
that if It was safe It would have been
heard of by this time.
The Argo went ashcre yesterday.
Three passengers were lot from a
lifeboat while attempting to make
the shore. The Argo aflervards float
ed and stood off Tillamook bar
awaiting assistance. At 9 o'clock last
night she began sinking and the life
boats were launched. One of them
has been picked up, but the other is
(Special to The Evening News)
SANTA FEE, Nov. 27. The body
of Harvey Johnson, son of Oscar
Johnson, president of the Robert
Johnson and Hand Shoe Company of
St. Louis, was found In the mountains
near Pecos river yesterday. A bullet
hole in the forehead and a revolver
nearby told the story. It is believed
the suicide was the result of ill
(Special to The Evening News)
HOUSTON. Tex., Nov. 27. As the
the rep 11 It of a filed, Paul and I.e
Durham, brothers were shot and 11 li
ed by Edward Weber. The brothers
were walking along the street when
Weber drew a gun and connr.enred
firing, killing both Sam V'el-er, a
brother of Edward, was shot Tues
day and injured. The families own ad
joining farms and quarreled over
property lines.
(Special to The Evening News)
Attorney General Major today
started nn official investigation Into
the proposed telephone merger, which
is reported arranging plans to eon-
The Musical Event
of the Season
The Central Grand Concert Company
of New York City
MAXIMILION DICK, America's leading violinist,
assisted by MISS EDITH ADAMS, acknowledg
ed as the world's greatest woman ' violin cellist.
j MME AUBY PEARLE-MEYFR, Soprano, late
of Berlin and Hamburg, Germany. ADOLPH
KNAUER, Pianist.
Reserved Seats 75c.
so lid ate the wire Interests of the en
tire country. -
It is expected that the Missouri
Supreme Court will be asked tn ap
point a commissioner to take testi
mony for the purpose of ascertaining
If proposed merger warrant another
law proceedings action.
If the same is taken it will be
brought against the Bell Telephone
Company of Missouri and Kansas,
both chartered In Missouri.
(Special to The Evening News)
NEW CHILEANS, Nov. 27. Mrs.
J. W. Tiill, Ihe beautiful wife of Cup
tuln Tull, of the Pnnaina Canal Com
mission, suicided In Panama, today,
according to dispatches received In
this city. She wis 20 years of age.
No reason is assigned for the rash
(Special to The Evening News)
SPENCER, Ind., Nov. 27. The
private bank of the Beem, Perden
Company of this city, one of the
largest Institutions of the kind in this
part of the stuto, was closed today
by order of the State Auditor.
(Special to The Evening News)
An application for a writ of certiorari
in the Gompers, Mitchell and Morri
son cases was filed before the clerk
of the Supreme Court of the United
States by Attorney Sid dons, today.
(Special to The Evening News)
PITTSBURG, Kansas, vov. 2 7.
Win, Bork. a farmer and his wife
were found murdered today at their
home near here. EorK's hodv was rid
dled with bullets. The bndv of his
wife was found two hours la'er shot
to death. Their Infant also dead was
evidently planed In a buggy drawn by
Bork's horse and started away. The
horse stopped after wandering for
Menu for the Sunday Phinei. Sunday
From 11:.M Until Served
Cream Chicken, nla Gloton
Boiled Salmon, Holandy sauce
Bulled Meats
Ox Tongue, ala Piatt
Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal with dres
tng En trees
Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce,
Fried Chicken, ala Ma Tango
Roast Chicken with dressing
Boiled Chicken, ala Tole sauce
Lamb Chops. Brwaded. sweet potatoes
Chicken Pot Pie, Family .Style
I) ssert
Apple, Mince, Lemon Pie
English Plum Pudding
Shrimp Salad, 10 cents extra
Itegnlnr Prices Chargei
Admission 50c
May Prove a Very Serious
Affair for Zelaya.
If Half the Story Told In True Hp lias
Ik'fii Outside, the Inw nil the
Time mill Fiend In Cruelty
All the Time
(Special to The Evening News)
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 27. Ws
patchsB received here today state that
the American Vice-Consul at Mana
gua was Imprisoned by Zelaya. This
news has not been confirmed. Cnl
dera has been missing for some time,
and is believed to be imprisoned. To
da; 's message declares Zelayn has
imprisoned him because he wantB to
hide from America the cruelties In
cident to the execution of Cannon
and Grace.
According to the passengerB Btory
of the steamer Paiismlna Cannan
and Grace were captured In neutral
territory, yoked together like a pair
of oren, a hundred pound weight
tied to the yone, and then, the men
said they have been beaten wit a cat-o'-nine
NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 27. A ca
blegram was received this afternoon
A message was received In the city
shortly after 4 o'clock this afternoon
from Glide to the effect that "Bill"
Bradley, who was recently injured at
his home In the Illahea district about
fifty miles above Peel, hnd been dead
three days when Dr. Stewart reached
his cabin yesterday morning. Stewart Is now enroute home
and Is expected to arrive here either
late this evening of tomorrow morn
ing. Owing to the congested condition
of the telephone lines thU afternoon
we are unable to ascertain, details
relative to what disposition will be
made of the remains. It if, supposed,
however, tint the body will bo Interr
ed on the honieyiead where llrnd'ey
had made his home for many years.
Biadley was a man of about 00
vears of age and was well known In
this city whore Ire has many friends
who will regret to learn of his aeath.
John B. Wright, who owns a home
stead near the one owned by Bradley,
was the only person present ai the
time of Bradley's death. His brother
P. L Wright accompanied the physi
cian from Glide to the homestend
Bradley leaves an uncle, illlam
Tipton, In this city.
We a-e advised from what we
believe reliable authority that Brad
ley leaves considerable money, lie Is
said to hnve an account at a local
bank as well as depositories In Cal
from BliipfMd's announcing that
American Vive-Consul Caldera Ind
succeeding in communicating with
the State Department at Washington.
His report hears out the storied of
barbarous cruelties Indicted upon
Groce and Cannon. It la said the re
port of CaUlera was forwarded sev
eral drive ago. His present wherea
bouts is unknown.
Winter Courses January Ith to Feb
ruary iHtii vntn.
Practical work, lectures nnd -demonstrations
will be given In such vital
Bublects as General Farming, Fruit
; Culture, Animal Husbandry. Dairy
ing. Poultry Keeping, the Uitriuess
side of Farming. Forestry, Cnpejitry,
Blacksmilhing, Mechanical Drawing.
Cooking. Sewing, Dressmaking, Home
Management, etc
All regular courses begin Tnmiary
4th and end February 11th. Farmers'
Week Februai 14th to ISth
A cordial invitation extended to
all interested.
Good accommodations mav be se
cured at reasonable rates. No age
limit above Ifi years. No entrance re
quirements. Prominent lecturer-en to
be secured for special topics. The In
structional force of the-Colpfie nti'rt
bers 100. Excellent equipment.
A special feature is tho Farmers
Week which come this year February
14th to lKlh. Lectures, discussions,
and a general reunion.
For ftnthcr Information address
Registrar. Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, Corvallls, Oregon. d-lf.-p
C. I. Leavengood and wife are vis
itors In the city today.
Deputy Sheriff Ashworth is confin
ed at his home with Illness.
The Koseburg Uook Store Is im
packtng a large array of holiday
goods todav
The biggest and best line of Post
Card Albums in Douglas county at
Koseburg Hook Store tf
C. H. Odcn and wife were vl-ifors
to the city today from Dixonvllle. Mr.
Oden reports his vicinity prosperous.
A. 0. Amesley and wife, of Port
land, are visiting at (he home of .Mr.
and Mrs. C. I. Leavengood, at Myrtle
Creek. i
Mrs. P. F. Ryan leaves tomorrow
morning for Albany to join her hus
band who has a run on the 8. P. cut
of that city.
Dr. Hoover reports the little child
of J. H. Jasper, who has been dan
gerously ill during the past ten days
as recovering. ,
Fifty-seven Instruments were filed
7lth County Clerk Lenox today. Most
of these were deeds, while the re
mainder were mortgages, options and
circuit court papers.
' Dr. Hoover Is attending Mrs. Phil
lips, of Cleveland, who has been very
ill during the past few -lii.n The
lady is said to be on the r m". to re
covery at this writing.
C. H. and C. Allen, of Looking
Glass, were in the city today and dur
ing their stny called at The News of
fice, the latter gentleman enrolling
his name on our list of subscribers.
Indian baskets, birch bark, sweet
grass and porcupine quill work made
by St. Regis, Mohawks, Iroquois and
other tribes, for sale at Rosoburg
Book Store. These are pretty goods
at plenslng prices. tf.
Fred Wick's infant child Is ser
iously ill with a severe attack of
pneumonia.. The little one Is being
attended by Dr. E. V Hoover. The
Wick family reside i.t F-ench settle
ment. Mrs. S. H. Morso and her Sun
day school class of the Baptist
church will hold a window sale of
home cooking at Mllcdge and Pickens
Bros, store next Saturday. Everything
In the line of homo cookery. n-27
Dr. Hoover operated on Mrs Busch
wife of a S. P. brakeman, yesterday
afternoon. The lady is said to he re
covering and will soon be able to at
tend her household duties.
Our Art line was never so exten
sive before, nor so much appreciated,
If the way ttyey are selling Is any
ifornia and In Klamath cornty. He
also kept considerable cash, at his
home, it is said, but this may never
bo found Inasmuch as it is probably
hidden. But a few months ago he
Is said to have told a friend that he
had a little over $700 within easy
reach of his cabin, Intimating that
he was not In want of the necessities
of life.
He purchased the homestead from
a friend but never obtained a deed,
Inasmuch as he did not care to pay
taxes. The land will revert to the
heirs who will be able to secure ihe
deed upon hnving the Hue surveyed.
Accident In Brief.
It will be remembered thnt Bradley
was found by one of the Wright
brothers several days ago lying a
short distance from his cabin, appar
ently lifeless. He was unconscious
at the time, several ugly bruises fur
nishing evidence of wllut had occurr
ed. He never regaired suC'elent
strength to relate the details of the
accident, hut novortheleHS it Is pre
sumed that he attempted to mount
a fractious horse, nnd In so doing
wns thrown nnd d-agg?.l through the
thicket. I'oHIoiih of IiIh wearing ap
parel were found scattered abo-it the
ground In the vicinity, Bhowlng very
conclusive evidence that lie had
fought a desperate battlo In hope of
freeing himself from what he no
doubt considered death's grasp.
sign Don't watt until everything is
picked - e
over before buying your
resents. Graves Art Empor
ium d-tf
O. C. Brown and wife, of Dee.'
Creek, were visitors In tho city tod iy.
Geo Qulne, of Riddle, is fipend.n to
day in the city attending business
Uaf Dixon spent yesterday In the
city looking after various ,.iiin-s
Geo. H. Pet, of Looking f.lasn.
spent, ye.iterday In the city attending
buHincFH mnttc-is.
llert, Neely and Tna Hurileiu vere
married this aiternoon at the olllce
of County .Iud,!e WoiKirott, the latter
gentleman tieing the nuptial Knot.
Doth of tho contr-icilng parties are
residents of Camas Valley w' ere they
will make their future hone
The following dlhVerfi were eleeted
at tho regular meeting of ItlHlng Star
lodge, I. O. O. F., last evening, to
serve during the ensuing six months:
Dr. Vlncll, X. .; Curl Ohmnn, V. G. :
W. S. Powell, Hoc. Sec; A. C. Mars
ters. Treas. : M. Fickle. Fl. Sec.
Prior to the ballot ing several brief
addresses were delivered, both on
behalf and against tho respective of
fice seekers.
Tht'ii Kin- lliin li'il Hiu k
Irvlni? nreltn, the nullior of "My
Wile's fifim; to tin Country." bjiIU
at a n'mnt diniHT In New York:
"A true h;ii)if nillK wan the Inspir
ation of t hi- souk. In .Inly a Tlrook
Ivn wmnrLii 't out. for Ocean drove,
;mh1 on her nrrlvnl (llprnverpil thai
her watch, a finrall affair wan nitss
Int'. Stl" thoncllt It proliabl hnd
(lroi)(.(l on the soft thick flinlnu
rnorn rim. so b!io wlreil to tho maid
a letter Hnylne:
' Let me know If vnn find anything
on fhe r:iir In the dlniiiK-room.
A few dnH later she K'ot from (he
maid a letter, saylntr -
"Dear Madam: I wan to let yon
know If I found anvthini; on the din-IliK-room
niK. HiIk Is what I found
this morning: Three ch.unixienc
corkB, eighteen rlcar bntts, five eli;ar
ends, four bine chips. thlrtv-Mx burn
ed matches, nnd one pink satin slip
per. "
Douglaft County Creamory Butter
the bent on the market a home
product. iH cent a roll. Patronize
home Industry and Ret the best. tf
Men and Women Fight Each
Other Like Wild Beast
Several tiro Injured and Many ho
Will Die Where l'anie Knsnetl
Men and Women Fought
I.Ike lleasts
(Special to The Evening News)
TOKIO, Japan. Nov. 27. Reports
received from Oslki niy that more
than ono hundred wore killed In a
panic nt a general meeting of tho
Red CroB8 Society this afternoon, and
several hundred Injured, many of
whom cannot recover. ,
More linn thirty thousand were
gathered to attend the meeting, the
order having gained great anil in
creasing popularity with the Japanese
since the time of the last war with
Russia. There was one doorway to the
large building whore the ceremonies
were held for either entrance or ex
It. As the grent crowd struggled
and fought to enter many within com
menced struggling to get out.
At this juncture a groat pnnic en
sued. Both men and women lost their
aenseR in terror and flight. Sensible
people on all other occaHlona woro
transformed Into raving, crazy, fren
zied beings, without reason and
bereft of all human feeling. They
struggled nnd fought each other like
wild beasts, and In their extreme
terror trampled hundreds under foot.
It was an appalling happening.
BLUE'IRU), West Va. Nov. 27.
For committing one of the moat bru
tnl murders on record. In which the
Uvea of six persons were tnketi, Ho
ward Little was today found guilty
nnd sentenced to he linn Red. Little
killed George Meadows, his wife, nnd
their three uhlldrun and Nettie Jus
tice, ii Red 70 yeiii'H. Tho crime wiw
commit led nenr Hurlr u, Went Vir
ginia. When put on trial Little male
no defense whatever.
(Special to The Evening News)
PARIS, Nov. 21. The family of
Blfornalferno BJornson, the Norwe
gian dramatist and novelist are
gathered at his bedside at the hotel
Wngrnm, fearing ho will die before
night. Ho has suffered from a stroke
of paralyuls, and Is afheted from the
waist down.
GIioiiIm Steal Ibulv of Millionaire's
Hon .
GRKAT FALLS. Mont., Nov .27.
One of the most fiendish and daring
crimes ever Committed In this vicinity
was brought to light yesterday ufter
noon in the nature of a grave snatch
ing case, when tho sexton of High
land cemetery found that, last night
j the grave o the Inlar.t son of Har
fleld Conrad, son of William G. Con-
I rut si f'.rn.'it I m 11 llfinn 1 r t Linker
had been opened and the body of the
child made away with. The crime
was detected as the sexton was pre
paring for the arrival of a funeral
party. In passing tho gale of the hur-
I!n it known to all tho lady rea lers of Tho News that tho
Shamrock ha come to town. And has come to ntay. Four
leaf clover for luck and Shamrock ware for quality.
This ih an American enameled ware of quality, and of
pleasing appearanco. White inaido and a Wutiftil green and
shaded outside.
All neamlenn. All with most approved handles and bales.
Handles round and easy to grasp. Hales of heavy wiro, tinned.
An all round good piece ef goods and like The Shamrock,
' th i rjg of beauty and a yiy for well a long time at least."
inl ground he found the casket of a
' small child lying upon tho ground.
The casket was empty, and an Inspec
tion anoweu that tho Bravo of the
Conrad child had been opened. Tho
only reason which can be ascribed
for the dastardly crime. Is that the
perpotrator desired to hold the body
for ranscm, and that he placed tho
casket In the prominent spot
about the cemetery so It would be
Tho body of the Conrad child were
interred in the cemetery about a year
ago. The child was about four years
of age.
HltKAliS now.v
Cook's Monltli IiitMilml by Northern
NEW YORK, Nov. 27. SufforlnR
from n nervous breakdown following
liis labors In preparing his report for
tho UuuivorsKy of Copenhagen to
pass upon, Dr. Frederick A. Cook,
the Artie explorer. Is at the home of
friends in Manhattan. So BorloiiB is
his ailment that not even his most
intimate friends are allowed to eo
Walter Lonsdale, the private sec
rotary of the explorer, sailed yester
day with the records, with which
Dr. Cook hopes to prove that he Is
the original discoverer of the North
Pole, on the steamship United States,
for Copenhagen. The records and re
ports' contain abou.t 30,000 words,
and the university authorities prob
ably will be several weeks going over
W. H. Mnrdock, of Cleveland, was,
a business visitor in the city today.
The regular Saturday evening
dance will be given at the armory this
The seml-nnnual election of offi
cers of Phileterlan lodge, t. O. O. K.
will be held this evening.
James Holcomb was admitted to
Mercy Hospital yesterday. The young
man is a stranger In this section and
was taken ill while camrlng In the
mountaii s.
Mrs. Stephens, of West Roseburg,
has the IhankB of The News editor
for a large bouquet of choice chry
santhemums which she sent to this
office today.
Tho R. L. Gilo Prune Pocking Com
irnny have shipped over 50 cars of.
prunes tn date, and expect to ship
several more carloads beforo the Boa
son closes. Most of tho product w:is
billed to Eastern markets.
A. L. Lee, one of Elkhead's pros
perous farmers was a pleasant caller
at the News office today. He is in.
tho city attending to the unification
of a notice of the Intention of his
rond district to levy a sueclal tax of
5 mills.
Frank K Alley, who recently re
turned from Portland, Buys that, he
believes the Coos Bay and Inland
Electrls Railway will materialize, not
withstanding reports to the contrary.
Mr Alley lutlmntoR that the'dolay
was brought about by"slckness, one of
the chief hackers of tho proposed Hny
having been con lined to his home
several weeks and unable to approve
tho legal papers.
I Kendall, Ray & Kendall
lit In Old I'lnntntlmi Hmuri
tM Mluif iiiic hiiiI Diuicinir
If. Orfcrhur ftR.OO to nnyoiid who ;
ti run wonivly lit lnr in n clmlr Hint
y:f fill" ran not r'lt-(iM litirnclf. lirllitf
1) your own ruM,