The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 25, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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' Entered as sucond-clasB matter
Nov. S. 1909, at Kimeliurg, Ore., un
der act of u.arch 3, 1879.
KuliMilptfou ltnU'D Dally
Fcr year by mail 3.00
Per rnunlli, dellvored 60
H. ml-Weekly
Ver year 12.00
The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare
Where are You Going to Trade?
For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings
and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS
for the LEAST MONEY.
Six months 100
HtlllW. NOVKMHi:!! Sill, IfMM.
Copper prouuetR of the world are;
to lie controlled by a Million aoiiar
combine. The phllanlhiopy of Moikiui
and the (iiisiif'iilielu; Ik back of thin
resolve to hold up the dear public.
, , . .
Home . Shoes
MIVIISn Dress '
i iMffl mm v i
I MHUHftk Wear
The. apparent imitation In the mind
jf J. J Hill. I ho Brent Northern llall
wmil mai.'liule. over the hllih cost of
food muffs and weiirlim apparel, and
h eoilseiiiiKlice decline of National
life, leads us io Inquire If excessive
passenKer and frieKht nit en havo any
bearing on '.his cainu subject.
Henry Midlun In. a recent speech
In Portland, lolrt of how corrupt was
the old parly system, and now he
favors the primary. In the old days
liml durliiK llio time of Iho old parlies
lleury waB a great parly boss and
was nlwuys to Ihe" front. None Is
more capable of telling Ihe trulb ru
Kardlng mist party eorrupllon than
lie Ih.
Willi the usHortion that Ihe lunar-
Kent element or Ihe Uepulillcan party
Ih likely to capture Washington and
Idaho the Portland Journal says:
"There Is opporiunlly for anil n"od of
ivcll directed and hnrinonlous insur
gency In Oieiioa " Is this a hint to
Senator Chamberlain to commence
his usual tactics? lint not belliK gov
ernor, and having no federal patron
nge to award those who do his bid
ding, won't Inn senator be a little
handicapped this time?
WE HAVE a number of jmart dress models in
Regal Shoes They're bound to win the
approval ol the best-dressed men in town.
And ihe fit of these Regal dress models is just as
neat as their appearance.
are always built after the latest, exclusive custom
styles and always fit like made-to-measure shoes, 1
because they are made in quarler-siza.
dress shoes should be absolutely correct
wny you need Kegals.
Hariri's Toggery
It Is causiinlly announced Hint Ihe
'Sonata Committee on Irrigation will
favor a plan of grndual withdrawal
on the part of tho government, from
nil national reclamation projects In
order to give private capital Iho priv
ilege of development of such sections.
Sure, nnd that would be Just to hand
of very many Kenllemeu or piluile
means, who are already striving lo
secure lawB that will penult them to
build up vast fortunes from Hinds re
claimed, or narllally reclaimed, by
the government. The siheme, how
ever. 1b In keening with others of slin
liar n.ituro which havo turned the
public domain tivar to speculators.
a mm i n m
1 IfW Your
I I II bm T .i ..
I I II '"SSAX U u,a,
I 111 3 TEN.
I III II 1 1 1
I 1 . :
(ii, i:n.i.i; noiMi.s
TryJThem In Your Order For,
Groceries is their Specialty, and they will
please you. '
Try ThemTor Dry Goods
The People's Cooperative Store
Thoro wim H'Hiio dim iiHHlnntt an tn
whrthor It would bo prntlttihlu lo
hold a Hurvlcc hitit cvimiJiik un iic
romit of pvorylidily lirliiK butty with
ThiuikKKivlh roHllvitlcK. It vuih de
cided, howuvor, lo bold Lhn HcVvlco,
wnil the nwiillH jin-tlnY.! tho JiicIk
nuTit. Tho liiriWHl, crowd of tlio
wpck II I It'll tho church and un ouilius
InKtlr Bplrlt ir"Viiilcd. Tim wmir w?r
vlrff wua joyoim mul hnnrly, tho con
Kirffiitlon, Ik'Iiik hi ii Him iiioinl for
kohk. Tlio hohK. "l-.o:ul Mo foully
Hohh" by tho choir. Iho Hunhoam
vonw by tho Sunheiim CboriiK, mid tho
iliii'lt by Mr. and Mrs. 'hivor wrro all
highly njireciiitpo. Tho uvuiiKollst
Kiivo a rho"py and prartlcal m-nn'm
from tho text. "Kill tho Knt. Ilrhm
the Swoot. and (iivt ti Portion to
film for Vhom Nothing Is Provldid"
Iho thomu bohiK. "Having a (Jood
At an nftor mooting plaim wmo
fllHPUKcd for n i-lowr organization
Vnil niort offcrilvo .ro;'ctitlon of the
v-ork. A moot hit; lor prayor and
ronforonco wa h'-hl at p. n. to
liy. Hervlro will luhi r.t 7:30 to
nltf lit.
is Ximio Thfiv
"Ho was boMtt'd af Iho bishop v uh
ti cMlcd by tin alloi."
Tho spoalo-r, Admiral Srhloy, whs
illrirHKtdtm tho polur problom with
a journailHl. lto icsu iumI:
"A bishop and an admiral nut sido
tiy sldti hi a Hiuoking cur. Tho bishop
libtliiK a Irordi wmm1. told tho ad
miral a story about I bo noisy nil-rourtooutH-is
of HitllcrH. I won't ft1
lioal tho story to you'. It was worlh
!otH. Ita pidnl was morolj showliu' a
man In a dizain n very noisy place
In heaven, and hero, It monicd, was
wh'r Ihoy kept tho sailors.
"V'1I the ad nlral paid ho would
toll tho bishop a story.
"Another man in a dtvum. the ad
miral said, wus led by an annol
throuuh io'jmMt, and 1tuv nimn to a
plaeo as still as dfath, ns silent as
the criiv .
" 'And here' said Iho and, "is
xvlirrn wo keep the bishops.'
"Tho place was so Incredibly sVllI
that tho man could not understand
St, lie couldn't make It out. To
look inside seemed Impossible, At
lust, however, ho found a small open
ing and pooped hi.
"Thoro was not a slnglo bishop
without any appoarance of hy not-racy
wo can offer up thanks for tho eood
Tho flint Thanksgiving day down fortune that has followed tho most
the bleak New Knland coast; ! prosperous year in our natlono his-
tbat was the beKliininn of the heati-jtory.
tlful holiday that is strictly an mer- 1L Is with profound sorrow that we
lean Institution. And a day that Is note the death of Mrs. Garfield fniell,
kept aaeredly by Americans. No mat- in the bloom of youth and beauty, she
tor under what flag they are living, was called lo tho higher life,
nor how far from their native land, t The oranue blossoms of her bridal
Cold, hunger and constant danger wr.?ath were -scarcely withered until
had boon the portions of the original' a wreath of Immortalle was laid upon
observance of Thanksgiving. And we
pause to wonder at the cheerful na
tMro or our Puritan forefathers In
rinding out that they had been so fa
vored hy Provldenc.e that they deem
ed a special thanksgiving service a
titling tribute for what had been giv
en them. Their first great cause for
thankfulness was that they were in a
land where they could worship Hod
as their conscience dictated and their
hearts approved. In the beginning
of tills 20th century It is fitting that
wo should pause Tor a day and con
sider tin: blessings which are ours.
We first note peace and prosperity on
all our borders. We have been pre
served from pestilential visitations.
Our rulers have faithfully guided our
ship of state Into a peaceful harbor.
Our crops have yioUb'd us :in eleht
billion dollar harvest. Tho tidal wave
of prosperity has swept ovor all parts
or our national domain. And our
hearts echo thankful peons of praise
to him who watches over our destin
ies. Yet in nil communities there are
hearts that are breiiKing. bowed with
grief, that for a time, at least, shuts
out all sunlight from their hearts.
Ah they see a vacant ctmir in imir
homo, and a shadow of sorrow on
their heartstones, so lot us not Tor
".t tn nffer a silent nrayor for those
who Hit in the shadows, and for all j
who mod our sympathy and assist
ance. 'Freely you have received;
Krei-lv give.' These are the words
nf the master of tho harvests. Ho lot
us heed the divine precept and iron
her new made grave. And ir. vain
we grope In sorrow as the funeral
knell of our sweetest "hopes sound
out upon the silence of our woe. To
the young husband whem wo love as
one of our own, we can offer no word
that can assuage his grief, yet our
prnwr Is that the brief year of their
wedded bliss may be a ble:ied ben
ediction upon his darkened life. You
to him who has promised to be with
us tn our troubles.
A rain storm of unusual severity
has been prevailing for tho last 24
hours. The creeks are rising rapidly
and high water in the river 1b to be
expected, a realy uncommon occur
rance for this early part of the win
ter. Miss Fannie Lawyers Is staying at
present at the heme of Mr. and Mrs.
E. Grubue. '
Maurice Lyons, who has been In
poor health for some time is now con
fined to his bed.
".Mr. and Mrs. F. Wells are now
living In the former residence of Wnj.
Dr. F. Clnrk, veternary surgeon
reports ijuite a number of cases of
sick horses, some with diseases and ,
have the tender memory left you of some that are suffering from hurts
that h'Ulowed companionship, nnd caused bv accidents
with It comes the hope of a reunion V. G: Orubb returned from Port-
with her in '.hat land 'o the leal where land and Vancouver a few days aeo.
;ho awaits your coming. We are shar- , - small son arrived at the home
lug your sorrowand can only nomt oi ah, and Mrs. 13. Grubbe quite
.Miss Muriel Butler was in town
recently for dentistry work, Dr. W.
i-aulltner being here for a few davs,
Miss Grace Lyons who has been
111 wih typhoid fever for several
weeks is now improving rapidly.
Walter and Homer Haines have
rented the fnrin owned by F. Wells,
and the voiing men being enegertic
fellows, will no doubt run It by up
io uuie memoas.
The teachers who attended tho in
stitute at Roseburg last week have
returned to their several fields of
Some of our people are not sup
plied with the very necessary turkey
bird for the 2th but we are thankful
just the same.
Saturday morning, November
lltOX lH:i)S 1-'1M!IG AXD LITTLE
We havo just received the swollost
line or iron beds over brought to
Kosoburg. Prices are $3.00, $3.50,
$4.25, $5.00, $G.50, $7.00, $8.50,
$10.50 and up to $25.00.
Say did you see those iron beds
at $2 00, $2.75 and $3.25?
Buy an up to date doll cab for
that little girl; nothing else will
please her half as much.
The finest line of rockers ever
shown In Itoseburg are on our floor.
Tako a look at them and be convinc
ed of our statement.
The Furniture Man,
Roseburg, Oregon.
Read The Evening News for news.
Flour has nearly doubled in price.
We sell
at the same prices . and it is the
best. CooKies, buns, cinnamon
rolls and doughnuts 10c Per
dozen. Pies 10c each. Our
cakes are the best.
Sure we have ladies' shirt waists,
; kimonos, long and fahort ones; bath
robes, aprons, long ones with and
; without sleeves; tea aprons, black
', and white collars, and all kinds of
neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear
; coats, and hoods for the babies. Also
a llrst-cla&s line of millinery. Our
1 be, 10c, 15c and 25c counters are
; loaded with good things.
How do we sell them? Why
cheaper than anybody else. Why?
Because our expenses are less. Be a
Mlssourlaus; come In and let us show
Leaders In Popular Priced Goods.
Home of tho lc Post Card.
The biggest and best crockery store
In Southern Oregon. Kverytlitng that
is made in crockery, glassware, and
China, we havo It. From tho plainest
to best hnnd-paiuted. Many beautiful
)Iecos f Llbhy cut glass sultahlo for
vrpRonts. Rico & Uico, the houso
Goods of cvoty description
moved to any part of the
city. Pric es reasonable.
& It's- An .c ....o..c.
Optical Delusion
(ds Trtmt' t0 ua0 -v, Kinases or spectacles se- .IfjTV -. .V -
-Jj&afWi 'lcctc haphanyd fashion. You ;;
UpS. J shoul(1 rei""er that "nearly" cor- V, IWif'XO
cSW'. V rpet B'nssos aro apt to prove an In- B ! H3ai&S
Wv. XKA?' J"l v Instead or a benefit to your oes. :
NlSiA Absolutely correct glasses can only B Agent for Snell
ISS b ob'alned aflGI' a "'"rough exam- : Water Filters
fmt ",aUo"- We ' 1,1 ,nakB " ,or ou wllh I I Removes all im-
&3iS5r,E& The Latest and hpt norii S t P01"11165,
instrument, S
i Fair!
- "
Winnie Qaddis
SKylight Cornices
Heating Ventilating 1
Phone 2101
Oregon I
W4WMHI II It I) ttttfrlHt
Electricity furnishes comforts
heretofore unthought of.
The luxuries of yesterday are
the necessities of today. The best
way to make jour home attrac
tive and a palace In Its Interior
conditions of living Is by the use
of electric light
315 N. Jackson St. Roaeburir. Or
"""" vimnnnnnnninMBouNuuuiiii.ui