The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 23, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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' "" j J I' pl
The straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequent any of the "by
paths" you'll be apt to lose your
self in the tanjjie of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
whatever we buy is well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
find that the best is always here.
These clothes are made for us
by the Stein lilock Co. and David
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the wo-ld. Every
Suit we Bell is sold with an ab
solute guarantee of Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
fuit in return.
Remember quality is the true
tost of cheapness. By our good
Clothes you shall know us.
Closed All Day Thanksgiv
ing Day. Do Your Shopping
tCity News Briefly Recorded
W. W. Pnrdy, the railroad promoter,
went north this morning.
MiiB Greta McLendon has accepted a
' portion at the "Itoae" confectionery
F. B. Wtiite returned to Oakland this
morning after attending business mat
tera here.
Grant Clayton, the real estate man,
is spending the day at Kiddle attending
business matters.
Dale B trail lie expects to leave for
Vancouver, Wellington, in a few day 8,
at which place he huu obtained employ
ment. Con. Denning haa returned from a
month's trip lo pointa iu Montana, lie
aay a he likes the climate in that locality
ae he dous the people.
County CoiumiHaioner Ryan returned
home this morning alter attending the
adjourned seat ion o( the county court
' held yeaterday.
H. T. McClallen returned from Tort
land this morning where he attended
the Grand Lodge as a delegate from the
local Camp, A..0. U. VT.
Dr. Luther Hamilton and wife, of
Portland, are visiting at the home of
Dr. 8, Hamilton, He expects to remain
here until after Thankigiving.
Misa Flossie Shambrook, of Salem, is
spending a few dayti In the city visiting
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 1). U. Klmmbrouk in this city.
Harry Miller, at one time a resident
of this city, but of late a retmtunt of
Potlnnd, is in the cily attending bum
nose matters. Incidentally he appwars
rb a witness for the defense in the cele
brated Chauuccy cane.
County School Superintendent Chan
ey haa received a letter front tliuse in
charge of the A. Y. I Kxpoaitien to the
effect that the Hortuhurg and PouIhs
TAJunty K'hoola had won gold medals.
The prjzi a were given to tin so schools
makiug the best educational display.
A very quiet wedding occurred at the
bride's homiin West Koeubtirg yonter
day, wtien .Mrs. Marie L. Johmon was
unit wi iu nmrtinne to Patrick Hurk,
Itev. K. M. Mourn oltlriuting. The
bride in 70 years of ae, while the groom S
Is three years her senior, Tho happy
couple Hill make their future home in
this city. For eome time paat the groom
has been an inmate uf the Soldiers'
' I UNO Is Set an I'iiIiMmmmI 1 L'Htcr-
thiy to Suit Attorneys
Portland Tbi.eoram: It was practi
cally agreed in the Federal Court before
Judge Bean this morning that the trial
of Uinger Herman, ex-Representative
from the First District, shall begin
January 10. This date was set tentative
ly by the Court after a dlecussion be
tween United 8tates Attorney McCourt
and Francis J. Honey, special assistant
to the Attorney General, on the one
hand and Johu M. Gear in, representing
the defendant, on the other.
When the cane was called Mr. Gearin
informed Judge Bean that he had been
In conference with Mr. Ileney and a
wire had been sent Attorney Worthing
ton at Washington, D, 0., who repre
sented Hermann in the hearing at that
point and ib Appearing in the Hyde caBe
Mr. Ileney asked if the case could not
be set for some time in December and
was informed that Mr. Gearin cannot
try it next month, for the reason that
li is time will all be fully occupied then
with other cases.
"The Attorney-General is anxious to
have this trial diapoml ot as soon as
possible," replied Mr, Ileney, "but lean
fee that I cannot do otherwise than give
way to the imperative nccoHeities of the
attorneys engaged iu this cane."
I'nitod States Attorney McCourt then
HHurted that January 10 might beset
down tentatively as the date for (lie
trial, and iu the inturim word will
donbllcHB be received from Attorney
Worthing'.on making it poesibleto know
whether that date may he definitely
tlxed for the hearing. The order wa
accordingly entered by JmUe Itean.
Hermann was not in court during the
berlain been defeated in the Legislature
and wbb promised to several Statement
No. 1 men if they would break their
pledge. Bourne now has a candidate for
the job, and Colonel K. Hofer, who
brings rain through prayer at Salem, is
mentioned for the place. The new
Collector ' of Internal Revenue can be
appointed at any time, and the name
recommended by Bourne may be sub
mitted with those for the Land Office
A wait is necessary for Collector of
Customs and United States Marshall
The latter post will bovacaut in January
tie a good place, and there are
number of applicants. C. J. Herd, the
present incumbeut. was given the
appointment through Francis J. Heney.
As ileney is back in Oregon for further
prosecution of landfraud races, he may
endeavor to have his friend Keed retain
ed on the payroll as Marshal, although
Bourne has hie eye on a man for the
Physicians Were Hopeful of Her Im
prove n ion t, but Knd Can Hi
The beat box
"Lownny's" fresh at
Book Store.
LadloH hand hairs and nurses at
low pricon nt KosHburc Hook Store tf
con fectlontry,
tho Rose burg
Sh'ortly after 10 o'clock last evening
F. H. Churchill received a meeflage from
Portland conveying the sad intelligence
of the sudden death of his only sister,
Mrs. K. C. Collins, of that city.
The lady was formerly a resident of
Roseburg and was well known by many
people here who will deeply r eg rot, to
hear of her deaths For a number of
years Mrs. Collins has been In poor
health, and within the past few weeks
became very low, and only last Saturday
Mr. Churchill was called to Portland on
account of her aeriouB condition. Mon
day Bhe rallied materially and the at
tending physicians thought the might
continue to Improve, therefore Mr.
Churchill came home on the evening
traiu, but had scarcely been at home
four hours before the wires flashed the
news of a sudden turn for the worre and
ddath of the sufferer. Mrs. Collins is
survive! by one daughter, Miss Kffie,
who tB also well known in this city. j
Mr. Churchill returned to Portland on '
the 11:30 train Monday night, but at
present writing no information regard
ing the funeral arrangements have
reached us.
S. B. Crouch, the Page -fence man,
went to Sutberlin this morning to look
after business matters.
A Temperance Saloon :
Property Conducted
Opposite Passenger
Depot - Roseburg
Many attractive Xnias gifts at the
RoBeburg Book Store. tf
Headquarters for Holiday goods
Is at the Roeeburg Book Store. tf.
For a fcooo. cieaa gnave, nalr cut or
bath, call at the Maddlx barber shop,
Cass street. tf.
St. Regis Indian baskets, 5 cents
and up. at the Roseburg Book Store.lf
S. M. Kelley, the local stock buyer,
has returned to town after an absence
of three weeks.
Mrs. C. W. Bradford carries the
famous Richardson's Embroidery
Silks at the Art Variety Store, Corner
of Pine and Lane streets. swd-n25
Manager Frear, of the local light
and water system reports conditions
at Winchester more favorable today
than yesterdny. The river is gradually
falling and the company anticipates
little difficulty in the near future.
Our Art line was never so exten
sive before, nor so much appreciated,
if the way they are selling is any
sign. Don't wait until everything is
picked over before buying your
Xma4 presents. Grave's Art Empor
ium d-tf
On Wednesday of this week, com
mencing at 9 o'clock in the morning,
the Ladles' Aid, of the Christian
Church, will have on sale it Jlllledge
& Pickens grocery store a choice
supply of home-cooked pastry .for
The biggest and best crockery store
In Southern Oregon. Everything that
Is made In crockery, glassware, and
China, we have it. From the plainest
to best hand-painted. Many beautiful
pieces of Libby cut glass suitable for
presents. Rice & Rice, the house
Indian baskets, birch bark, sweet
grass and porcupine quill work made
by fat. Regis, Mohawks, Iroquois and
other tribes, for sule at Roseburg
Book Store. These are pretty goods '
at pleasing prices. tf.
are a few titles of new books on sale
at Roseburg Book Store. tf.
Evening Telegram ol
Thiee Federal appoint, j ?J
nients sre nlinoft ripo anil ready for 1
The Best
Rice Rice
Where your
Money Goes
the farthest
rlrjimphir Snys Allwit lli-rmnnn
to Take ptrm- of Lawrence.
U "Jive House W
H Quality Jj
Uf I
The Portland
yt'Bti'rdiiy says :
Bo wise Head Tho Ntwc.
Sheridan Street Nrar Tho lopol.
Wo don't sell for cost or below
cost hut wo will soil rllit nt cost.
If you don't tu'lW'vo it, try us nnd
tM With imu'U dollar 'a wort h of
Roods pmvhnsi'd you nio ontitlcd to
H chanco on n tilro hit ot silvi'rwart.
knlvt'8, forks, tnhlo and U-uvpoons.
6ot thorn In tho window. Come tuwl
pee for M'litviMt, don't tn misled ty
nny one for y:u will miss It
iiitf tn el ni kit tho tree. These tire I. mid j
viiH-tj uppiMimiuMHH, i wo in rorimmi 1
hihI one nt Kormtmrtf. The imine of Slnle j
Senator Abrahams hits been mentioned j
for the Kosehnrtf placK, which Ima been ;
vacated by ,1a men Lawrence, although
AhrnhtuiiR is not tin aspirant, Several i
men are talked of lor the Receiver and i
Hi-gister of the Land Oltice in this city.
1 bo Land otlice jobs are ripo next
month and the present incumbents do
not expect to be retained, having served
their full time.
1 n the coining pepgion of Congress
Seuntor Chamberlain will try to have
established a Laud Otlice at Vale. At
present the nbnrost Laud Otlice for that
iliclrict Is at 1-akevitnv, and to tile papers
Hometimes necessitates a horseback ride
of -00 milea. There have been many re
iliiestB for a Land Otlice at Vale and
Chamberlain Las promised to do what
he can. This, of course, will create two
more places for the Uithiul, and Hourne
will have the recommending, probably,
at Cinmborlaiu rave ho is willing that
his colleague shall do the pit-dealing.
lavid M. iHinne.wbo has been Codec,
tor of luteriml Kevriiue for abo-iSrr:;
years, is at the end of hie string. This
nllice was to have been used had Clmm-
The House Furnishers in Holiday Attire
"EUatlc" Book Cuei,
trrm Art and
si c,,.
KkJT .nd
Kvreo Leather
Strcil Reclining Chtir,
McDougil Kitchen
Artistic b.fcn
Practical and Sensible
Gifts for the Holidays
RomothiiiR hero for every member of
tho family. Tho question what shall
I Klve will bo onsfly solved after an
Inspection of this store. Did you
ever stop to think how much more
comfort ami sensible, bow much more
nil would enjoy a nice piece of furni
ture for the home than to buy emtio,
trashy present. This space will
only penult of n very few of the
many things that await your inspec
tion at this easy place to shop.
the YOUNG and OLD.
Renutiful Davenports. Couches, Mor
ris Chairs nnd Hockors; Beautiful
Cabinets, Desks nnd Chiffonors and
Dressers; Heautiful Hook Cases, tho
Globe Wernica and others.
Elegant New Rugs
and Carpets, Portiers
' And Couch Covers
Neither tho old or young have been
overlooked hero; Misses and child
ren's chairs and rockers, doll carts
and cabs; Children's dishes, toy banks
little red chairs and air guns; toy
wagons, toy furniture, little stoves
and mngcs; hundreds of things that
can't he mentioned on account of
China and Silverware
Everything that's made In fancy chlnn
nnd las w tiro; enormous stock of
1S47 silverware nnd clocks. Carvers
plain and fancy, bouo or silver. You
will bo surprised nt the profussion of
good thing! that will make sensible
presents. Also remember our prices
are the lowest.
. ; r i it.'. )
Sheriff Files Annual Itiort Willi the
County Court.
The memhers of the county court
consisting of County Judge Wonacott
and CommiHHloners Nichols and Ryan
convened In an adjourned session
yesterday for the purpose of In
vestigating the annual report of the
sheriff, preparatory to its approval.
In brief, the report sets forth the
amount charged on the assessment
rolls by tho clerk; the amount of
sheriff's assessment; penalty and in
terest for delinquency, penalty, in
terest and costs on delinquent cer
tificates; amount collected and turn
ed over to the county treasurer; the
amount of rebate allowed; amount
delinquent certificates sold, amount
of delinquent and unsold real and
persona! property; errors and double
assessments, and the amount oil
hand at the present time.
The report shows the grand total
charged on the rolls by the clerk at
$355,373.52, an amount somewhat
In excess of that of former years.
Tho increase is due principally to
the fact that the valuations have ma
terially increased the past two years.
Another reason for the notable In
crease in the total assessment is the
fact that several pieces of land were
assessed in the year 19ns, which pre
viously had been omitted from the
roll through error.
Out of a total of 155.373.52. there
remains yet to lie collected the sum
of $13, 217.51. This amount will be
realized by the delinquent sale of tho
property designated in the report as
Kollowing is the summary of the
report as submitted by the sheriff:
SlierhVs Annual Iteport.
To the Honorable County Court;
Douglas county, Oregon.
Gentlemen: I beg leave to submit
herewith my annual report as tax
collector of Douglas county, for the
year 1908.
To amount charged on
rolls by clerk ... $355,373.52
To amouut sheriff's assess
ment 716.42
To penalty and interest
for delinquency 997.74
To penalty nnd Interest
a(nd costs on delinquent
Grand total
debits ....
; Credits
I Amount collecitd and
j turned over to treas-
I urer $332,339.92
I Three per cent rebate
allowed 8,479.07
I Amount delinquent cer
tificates sold 1,900.91
Amount delitieurnt anil
j unsold real property.. 8,224. OS
1 mount delinquent and
unsold, pei-snnni prop
erty 4.993.48
' Krrors. double assess
ments 1.285 R
Balance on hand 165.03
Grand total credits $357,3SS.10
I I hereby certify that the foregoing
I report is a true, correct and compute
summary of the figures as shown by
I I he tax rolls, tax receipts and tax
ledgers for the ald year of 190S;
that the amounts refuted by me col
, lected have been duly deposited with
the Treas urer of Douglas county. On'
gn. Dated th's 22nd day of Novem
ber, 1909.
Itespectfullv sulueitted.
Sheriff of Douglas county.
Other .Matters Considered.
Aside from innesUgutlng the above
report the court allowed several
minor bills.
You are always welcome at this store. Children
given same courtesy and attention as grown folKs. We
will not be undersold if we know it Full value for your $
At Your Service
Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193