The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 23, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Watch us for another great sale
of couches. In order that those who
came too late for the last sale might
avail themselves of deep cut lu the
prices. Klce & Rioe.
In oporating our Grocery Business we are not satisfied with good
enough. We strive for improvement. Our store is the right place to buy
3roceries. Everything fresh and clean.
Phone 2381
W. E. Clingenpeel
For Thanksgiving We Offer
Rich Cut Glass
And Hand Painted China at prices
that absolutely save you money.
Skylights, Cornices
Largest Stock ol Plumbing
Goods in the City
Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small
monthly payments and low rate of interest?
j; Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time,
easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in?
Do you want ta buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract
near town or a good ranch near a good market anc? in good lo
cality? Do you want to sell your property?
. Do you want to insure your building in one of the best
and cheapest companies in the U. S.?
If S'
o See naLncn ot
Room 1, Bell Sisters liuilding.
I The Roseburg Pharmacy I
'TE take a delight in serving our patrons with
1 Ar the best there is in the line of drugs. Purity
ij; nigh is wnat jounts at our pharmacy.
Full line of Sundries always on hand
I LE. KROHN, Manager
Nothing Is too good tor the lirish,
neither is cement culverts too good
for the county. Use the best, as it
Is the cheapest In the long run. See
Pat. . t
r m -
Commercial Club BIdg.
and Dryer Pipe
E. 13. PERRIXE, Notary Public.
la a thing of great interest to the
bride-elect, and Fe are artlbts in
Hit. line. Wedding okes are made
in the most beautiful designs and
of rich and exquisite flavor. Our
breads, rolls, pies, fancy and orua
montal cakes, etc., are tho perfection
of the baker's art when made at
Umpqua Bakery
It Is Mode Public by Dr. Hill, of
The following from the peif of Dr.
J. L. Hill, of Albany, is published In
the Albany Democrat:
ALBANY, ORE.. Nov.15, 1909. I
stated in a former issue of the Demo
crat that I would give the readers of
the paper a dying statement of Jas.
A. Pinch of the cause that led to his
execution. From newspaper accounts
I havebeen led to believe that Finch
was the deliberate murdore? of
Ralph B. Fisher. In years past I was
Intimately acquainted nlth Finch
and having known him under the
most trying ordeal of adversity, fol
lowed by prosperity. I could only
account for tho commission of the
crime by him through temporary
menta! aberration from Indulgence In
Would Xof go to See lllm
The detuils of his nwful crime
were so horrifylr.g I quickly decided
1 would not go to see Jim, and In har
mony with sensational newspaper ac
counts would regret f had ever known
Finch, and In.liiectly for self protec
tion, would forever refrain from let
ting the. uninformed know 1 hud
ever been a close friend of his. Tur
ing his incarceration I kept aloft
from him until the day of his death,
on .the 12th day of November, 1909,
when by phone request. 1 visited him
in his death cell, with no other
thought than the Interview would
more firmly convince me that the
tragedy was premeditated and nre-
! cipitated by Finch.
I I had known Finch for so many
i years, nnd tinder so many vicissitudes
J and had never known him to tell me
a falsehood to shield hlnieelf when 1
j had felt It my duty to upbraid him
for frailties in judgment of indul
gence in drink. 1 felt assured he
, would not. tell nie anything but the
truth when he knew death was cer-
tain and soon. To listen to a story
I of debauchery, murder nnd gallows,
; I felt would be painfully harassing.
, but to conform to tho axiom, "A
j friend should bear a friend's Inlirm
i ities," I broke the affirmation that I
woud not go to see him nnd did com-
ply with his request. I am now very
i glad I did see him. His account of
the tragedy to my mind clears him of
j the guilt of murder.
The Dyinir Statement.
Here Is his dying, statement:
"Doctor, I called you down sji you
'could make an examination of uty
! head wlwre I was struck with a seal
thrown by Ralph Fisher. And 1 par
ticularly want yon to write a state
ment of the difficulty that put me
here, Tor it has not been possible for
! me to get a lair hearing through the
i papers. The reporters have misrep
I resented me on all occasions. I know
I have but three and a half hours to
live and at the end of that time I
lully expect to meet my God. I could
not tell anything but the truth un
der such a terrible ordeal.
"Fibber phoned me twice to go to
his oflice before I went. 1 went at
his request."
(Finch then took a pencil and pa
per and drew a diagram of Flshor's
"Stepping Into the first room where
Miss Murkhart was writing I inquired
for Fisher. I theh opened the door
thnt led into his room and ' s.ild
'hello Ralph,' just as the girl said,
and that was alL.she heard or saw.
for I stepped into Fisher's room and
closed the door behind mo. Fisher
was sitting at his desk writing a
check. 1 waited until he had finished
It and filled out the stub. Ho then
I turned around In his chair and was
mad because Grant had signed a pe
tition to remove disbarment proceed-
ings against me. Fisher said, 'I'll tell
you what to do. You let that charge
j stand just as It is and serve your
I time out. If you do not I'wlll fix you
: so you can never practice law again.
I'll have vou permanently disbarred
for signing Piggot's name to a pen
sion paper.
Fisher (iot Kxicltcfl.
"During the controversy Fisher
rose to his feet and struck me with
a seal and knocked me down. When
I fell 1 didn't know anything. I wns
dazed for a time. I rose on one el
bow and drow my pistol and llred.
The direction of the shot on the
wall will show this to be true. After
I got up tho fatal Ehot Was fired. I
was standing up nnd the seal I was
struck with was lying on the floor
near my foot and Fisher was lying
on the floor with his bead partially
under the table." (As. I understood
Finch. Fisher was reaching for a
pistol.) "Fisher was not sitting In a
chair as the testimony of the girl
made It. The first person to reach
Fisher was an osteopath doctor who
rushed In und dragged Fisher from
the position he was In and attempted
to sit hlin up in a chair.
"The girl could not have seen any
thing of the tragedy or heard any of
he conversation for she was hystor-
I Ically screaming her bend off In the
I first room and the dnor was shut be
! tween us. They bid the girl awny bo
we could not have an opportunity to
question her. They put the seal back
in the drawer nnd even tore the car
pet, from the floor so we could not
offer it In evidence. If the carpet
could hove been produced ft would
have shown blood stains In the po
sitions I have diagramed and would
have shown the evidence against me
to be false In every particular.
Did Xot Assnssinnte Fisher.
"I did not assassinate Flshor and I
am innocent. I know I havo but three
and a half hours to live and at the
end of that time must meet my flod.
This Is the saddest time of human
life, but tho llurkbart girl Is now
suffering more than I am and she
will finally wind up In the insane asy
lum. The truth will come to the sur-
I face and those who have wronged me
j will be known. A reporter was In
itbe habit of coming to the Multnomah
j Jail while I was there and as he pass
l ed up the hall would say, 'Hello .Mm,
Show are you this morning?' 1 would
answer. 'All right." That would be
every wora Bpoaen oeiween us our.
when the paper came out It would
contain an acount of a long Inter
view with. Jim Finch.
tVui Xot Drinking.
He quickly replied, "I was not
drinking. I was no more drunk than
I am now. The newspapers said I
was drinking, but it la not true. Had I
I been drinking I would have Betj
that up in my defense."
Now, I have given the acount of I
an awful scene aa related to me. and :
leave It with the public for Its deel-1
sfon. Jim Finch was alwaya em-,
phatic when engaged In conversatloa ,
of deep interest, and In thU last
statement he was very decided, but :
not more excited than 1 have seen :
him wheu describing an incident of
small monent. 1 advised him to meet
death without a quail of fear, and ho
replied, "1 will meet It nicely, f expect
to live again, and if I do I will know
It soon and will reutrn "
1 said, "Jim, this should be an aw
ful warning to others against carry
ing pistols In a civilized country."
"1 have been railroaded to the gal
lows unjustly by the gang, and that
Is why I want you to write up this
last statement for the public. I don't
ask for mercy, but 1 do ask for jus
tice." I then said it should be a warning
against drinking.
He answered, "I wns not carrying
the pistol with any thought of doing
any Injury. I put it lu my pocket to 1
take it home. I had fifty cartridges;
in my pocket. (I think he said fifty.)
You know I would not have been so.
foolish as to start out with that num-i
ber of cartridges If I wus going to i
kill someone."
K.vMct.s to come back. j
I remember to hnve heard him ex
press himself years ago that It was
his belief that the departed might
return to earth Invisibly but effect
ively. -
I am now glnd I did not go to see
T f in before his execution for, to me,
his explanation Is his exoneration. I'
am continued in this belief dounly
because ho Insisted that a post mor
tem examination of his head be made
which he said would show he iiad
died with the fortitude of Innocence.
"Cowards die many times before
their death.
The valiant never tastes death but
once." n ' I
Had Fisher lived long enough af
ter the fatal shot, and could have i
made an ante mortem statement, he
doubtless would have corroborated
the dying statement of Finch. It now
seems to have simply been a fiVht
between the two, ending in the trsglc
death of both..
Respectfully submitted,
J. L. HII.L.
It. K. STKtiL,
ft j
ft Attonf'y-nt-Luw
ft Legal advice freo. Collections ft
ft Solicited
ft 0
ft Room 1, Marsters BUlg.
ft ItosHmrg, Ore.
WANTKI). Operators. Apply to the
chief operator the Pacific States
Telephone & Telegraph Co. tf
KOU RENT. House, 7 rooms,' "near
town. Cltv water. Rent very rea
sonable. Call 124 W. Douglas
street. ri-22
cussiFiet) -AOveunsMHrs
5-room new modern cottage for
rent. E'eciric lighted, city water,
and otherwise up-to-date. Inquire
325 Washington street. tf.
A Remarkable
Case of Halin
Mrs. K. V. Swallcy, who for seven
years had been a victim of of
the stomach and unable to eat,
after one treatment she could eat
and sleep well. In a few days she
will he a well woman. Mr. Olney is
effecting great cures. People are
coining to him aa the last resort from
far and near, suffering from Eczema
Asthma, Cattarrh, Rheumatic, Lung
Trouble, Liver and Bladder Trouble,
and so-called Chronic lliseases, all of
which were healed in from one to
three treatments. The prices are
within the reach of all. Mr. Olney
wishes to benefit as many as possible
before going back to Portland, where
he has a healing institute. Those
wishing treatment come now, for the
healer won't be here only a few days
more. You can be healed. There is
nothing impossible with God when
Main oflice in annex of
Hotel McClallen,
349, corner of Main and
Douglas Sts.
Main street entrance, hours 9 a. i
to 8 p. m. Consultation tree.
No greater service has been rendered to
womankind than he giving by Dr. Fredrick K.
Stearns of his remarkable prescription for the
many weaknesses with which women are
This great remedy ts being placed on the market by the New
York and London Drug Company and is labeled "Nyal's Vegetable
Prescription," "a boon to womankind"
' The local drug firm, Fullerton & Richardson, are agents for
Roseburg. They report as follows:
"Js'yal" remedies are superior to all of the highly exploited
patent medicines, but the best of the Nyal's line is the "Vegetable
"During the many years we have sold drugs in Roseburg we
have never heard as much favorable commendation of any other
medicine. Nyal's Vegetable Prescription has received the praise of
every woman who has used it.
Other Nyal's medicines which are worthy of mention at this
particular season are:
Nyal's Baby Cough Remedy for colds. .; Re
lieves difficult breathing.
Nyal's Croup Ointment.
Nyal's Cod Liver Oil Compound without the
oil. It is better than "Vinol" or Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil and is an idoal system builder and tonic.
Druggists, Roseburg, Ore.
Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none belter
can be made for the paTate.
Next to Postotlice.
tt Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumr erj
it Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
Yordd on Lower Onk Street
Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies
Agents Fairbanks Morse Co.
t Telephone iddi
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement
Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia
Give us a call. We will save you money.
Plumbing, Sheet
North JacKson Street,
Works. Telephone 2511.
Work Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE.
Agents for "Nyal's"
We're in a Position
to offer you the beat the market af
fords in the way of Meats; and our,
prices you know are always loweat.
We handle only prime Hock. Qual
ity and quantity guaranteed. Flue
roasting pieces of beef from 8c to
12Hc pound. First clasa mutton, (
veal, pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. Phone ua
your order. We deliver to any part
of the city.
Cass Street Marhet
107 West Cam 8t. Pbona 1(1.
Free Delivery.
Dncrnnor normal
Cor. Cass and Hose Sts.
Olllce: Warehouse No.
Near the Depot. Telephone
In 2 si or 311.
Metal WorK, Tinning
adjoining Peoples Marble