(.; ,(. ! MOX1IAV, N'OVKMIIKR 22, 1000 'THE EVKVINO NKWS CLOTHES OF QUALITY AWAIT YOU HERE. (nti straig'htest and sur est road to good Clothes the best Clothes brings you here. If you frequent any of the "by paths" you'll be upt to lose your self in the tangle of misleading "liarainn." Whatever we do is well done whatever we buy is well chosen quality is the object and perfect Clothes satisfaction and effect. There are many other places to buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll find that the best is always here. These clothes are made for us by the Stein Mock Co. and David Adler, two of the greatest Tailor organizations in the wo-ld. Every Suit we sell is sold with nn ab solute guarantee of Satisfaction or your Money refunded or a new ruit in return. I. ABRAHAM Remember quality ia the true tent of cheapness By o'ir good Clothes you shall know us. IXCAL NEWS. Work on the new cement slde j walkH wub suspended this morning owing to the heavy ruins. Attornov and Mrs. O. F. Coshow returned Saturday evening from a visit at Brownsville, Oregon. E. E. Wells and wife, of Olalla, were In the city Saturday on busi ness. Mr. Wells brought In some turkeys for the Thanksgiving mar ket. J. li. Short arrived In the city Sat urday evening fiom Drew. He has been 111 for the past few days and Is here to receive medical treatment of Dr. S-rther. The Banner line of Iron Beds, j Brass filled autl brass beds fhown in ! Southern Oregon. Prices the most icasonuhlu, $3.00 to (30.00, at Kice i & Rice. The local order of Eagles hold t h ei r regu lar semi-mon t h ly meet i ng Lilts evening. Several candidates are bchediiled for initiation and it Is hop ed every member of the lodge will bo present. Several hundred turkeys came to town this morning and were readily purchased by local buyers. The bird are retailing at 24 cents a pound, a price somewhat exceeding that of , former years. J Mrs Minnie .Tones who has been 1 (pending some time at Central Point, Oregon, writes to have The News stmt j n 8 Proclamation NO. IV. lie it known to all the lady rea-lers of The News that the Shamrock has come to town. And has come to stay. Four leaf clover for luck and Shamrock ware for quality. This is an American enameled ware of quality, and of pleasing appearance. White inside and a beautiful green and shaded outside. All seamless. All with most approved handles and bales. Handles round and easy to grasp. Hales of heavy wire, tinned. An all round good piece ef goods and like The Shamrock, thing of beauty and a jay for well a long time at least." PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - O it A. S. Hl'EY, ft i :: Oiitoinciist i'f i ft First Door East Telephone office ft Optomctlst Cass Street DENTIST ftftft-iftftft5fftFft ft ft F. V. HAYNKH ft 5 ft Dentist . ft ft Roseburg National Bank Bldg. ft ?J ft Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4. ft Ift Phone 1283. ft 55 i ft Roseburg ... Oregon, ft ftJftftftftftftftSftftftSrftftftftftftftft XX - - - - fCity News Briefly Recor ded 0 8. J. Jones had business ut Glen dalo Saturday. II. Paulson, of Coles Valley, Is a visitor In the city. Charles Kirk has returned homo from a business trip to Canyouville. J. O. Allen, of Curtln. is a busin neBs visitor In the city today. W. W. Purely, the railroad promo ter left for puintu north this morn ing. Mrs H. E. Allison went to Collage Grove this morning to upend Thanks giving with friends. lrs. B. W. Bass ami children re turned to their homestead this morn Ing alter a bilef visit with friends in the cliy. I'1. G. Mice! It was routined at his , homo several days hint week with a severe cold, lie Is somewhat Improved today. O. 11. Pcrrln and O. M. Malum, both of Millwood, wore visitors In the city yesterday. They returned to this homes last evening. Major Pickering and wife, of Van couver, Washington, spent yesterday in the oily veiling at. (tie home of .Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kuykendall. Governor Prank Benson Is upend ing a few days In the vicinity of dunl in or huullug ducks In company with Attorney .Janus Watson, of this city, and Wnrreu Heed of (iardiuer. Mrs. Edward Barber and chlldieu ntt f(il li'mn.iwi till. i nmi'iiliur ...!.,,.. tljey will renlde poi'tminetitly. Mr. Barber will remain In this city for the present. J. A. Murray, local manager for the Pacllic Slater Telephone Company Males that their new uilire building will bo eoiuplt.-(ed about March and thn euuipuienl ol the oltlces will be the very latest nnd best. Eveiythl'ig will be strictly up-to-lhe-nioiuent. and palroiiH will then be assured of a perfect Hervl'-o. W. II. Huff, Mary A. Huff. E. (. Huff, Clement Muff. Add Huff and Henry Huff all of Texas, were regis tered at the Uoseburg Im.i.-I this: morning. The family are looking I over the country with a view of lo cating Hhoiibi they llml a suitable ranch. Aside from the above Huffs there were two wnwcu and 10 child ren In thn family. Superintendent .lohn It. l.ee, or the local Itwht and water company, went to Winchester this morning. Mr. I.ee Htutes that the present rain is some thing nnllo out of the ordinary, and should it continue he anttclp:tt'S con siderable dllUeulty. It Is said that the! liver has raised three feet at W'n chesler during the past 4S hours. .1. I Unillb-r, of Seattle, who spent several weeks in ibis v let nil v last I Hummer in the hope of promoting the establishment of a woolen mill in this city, stopped over here yester day enmute ftotn San Kranrl'seo to Seattle. Mr. llialller is well known bore and met many of his old friends, lie reports his visit most en.o aide. THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Shei-idau Nlreet Near The Depot, George MeCulloch, of Oakland, Is n business visitor In the cliv today. Ben AU-Mullen has romrned to rhe city after an absence of several days. Sheriff Kenton wont to Kiddle this morning to serve several civil papers. Miss Marguerite Batemaii has ac cepted a position at the Huey jew elry store. For u nooa cienn suave, Tialr CHt or bath, call ut the Maddlx barber shop Cass street. tf. Jerry Faulkner, of Portland, Is ('pending a few days in tho city at tending business matters. : John Baeher, father of Dr. Bacher, of this city. Is spending a few days in mis vtunity visiting friends. J V. Colt returned from Portland Ibis niori-lng where he spent several nays unending business matters. Marlon LeKrost and Kdwanl Mar (In were married at. the home of Mr and Mrs. Kellogg , at Kellogg, on No- vemner j . .1. H. Grande, tho turkey buyer, left yesterday morning for Portland, where he will remain for several days. He expects to return to this city before ChrlstmuH. V. G. Knapp, of Chicago, spent yesterday In the city visiting at the home of his cousin. Dr. Stewart. He left on hts return to the eastern cilv this morning. Airs. M. C. Miller, wife of Secre tary Miller, of the Lose Land & Development Company, went to Los Angeles tills morning where she will spend the winter. I here will be a union Sunday school rally given In Ibe Christian church next Sunday afternoon 2::t0 o'clock. An excellent prngraiu will be given, whh-h will be primed later. M. C. Miller, of the Luse Land & Development Company, came over from Sutberlln this morning. Not withstanding the heavy rains he re ports Smherliu valley unusuallv "drv." Hanv T. McClallen. proprietor or the McChill.-u hotel, went to Portland last evening as n delegate to the A. O. P. W. (Jraud Lodge. He expects to be absent from the city for sev eral days. Manager Frear, of (he local light and water system, reports the present rains very damaging. Karly today the, Winchester plant was compelled to j abandon the water power and resort I to steam as emergency. 1 . II. (. hiirehltl has returned froti Cortland where he was called hv telegram annouuclnu the serious ill ness of his sister. M.rs. Colitis. ile venorts tho patient recovering with excellent elnnces of recovery. C. L. Itargar. owner (if the Xew York Store, went to Portland .iatur- oa muni to look arter business mat-j tern. While at the metronolis be ex-' to her at Grants Pass where she will remain for somo weeks In the Inter est of tho United Artesan lodge. Our Art line was never so exten sive before, nor so much appreciated, if the way they are selling Is any sign. Don't wait until everything Is picked over before buying your Xma presents, Grave's Art Empor ium d-tf On Wednesday of this week, com mencing at 9 o'clock in the morning, the Ladles' Aid, of tho Christian Church, will have on sale at Mllledge & Pickens grocery store a choice supply of home-cooked pastry for Thanhsglvlng. Saturday G. W. Jones received of Henry Dlsston & Sons one o! their finest saws, with his name hand somely etched upon It. Mr. Jones had used one of the company's saws nearly, fifty years and sometime ago sent to Seattle where it was placed on exhibition. The new saw is a present from the company and high ly prized by the recipient. C. W. Hnzen, of Edenbower, was a caller at The News office Saturday. Ills son, Ezra, won the prize of 100 vards of calico offered by the New York Store to the one who would THE IRONMONGERl ft:jftftftftftft;:i:ftft-ft ft J. R. CHAPMAN, D. D. S. ft ft Denllst ft ft ft ft Hours 9 a. m. to o p. m. Tel- ft ft ephoDB 1141. Abraham Bldg. ft ft Residence Phone 1406. ft ft ft ft - Roseburg, Oregon. ft ft:ftftiw BUILDER C. ID. IVIAYiNrA.RD GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Service Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193 guess nearest to the number of yards of calico In 101) bolts display ed in the show window of the above store. Young Ihuen gifessed within nine yards of the grand total and was considerably elated over his good fortune. Judie Harris, formerly deputy in the assessor's office, but of late em plovnd by the Douglas County Ab stract Company, leaves tomorrow for his homo at Canyonvlllo, where he will spend Thanksgiving. The McKenzle Merry Makers con cluded their engagement at the Star theatre last evening, leaving for points north this morning.. The troupe has given excellent satisfac tion during their stay here, and a re turn engagement will be received with delight by the amusement lov ing public. A telegraphic dispatch appearing! in yester lay's morning Oregoniau Is I to the effect that O. W. Riddle, of I Kiddle, will bp recommended by Sen-: ator Bourne as the proper successor! to J. M. Lawrence, at present Ke-j ceiver of the local United States j 'Land Office. It, will be remembered that The Evening News predicted Riddle's appointment several weeks ago, having received such informa-lj tion ri-om a promiutnt man close in touch with Senator Hourne and his contemplated appointments. Thomas Jefferson Boyd, at one time employed as a printer .in this city, but for the past month a prisoner In Washington, has been released from custody, lie was charged with the theft of n diamond, but a lack o evi dence compelled the prosecution to. ask the dismassal of the case. ft-w;ftftftftftftftftftftiffti?ft-ftftftft Ift ft O. J. BACHKIt, D. M. I)., ft ft Dentist ft ft Abraham Roseburg, ft ft Building. Oregon, ft ftftftftftWftftftftftftftftftftftft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft i'f li. M. Ultl.MI'IIOLI) ift Dentist THE IMPERIAL A Temperance Saloon i Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger Depot - Roseburg ORDWAY & BOGART ! P R 0 P R I E T O.R S X ft Rooms 6 and 7 Bell Sisters Bldg. ft ft Phone 13C1 Roseburg, Or., ft ft- & iftftftftftftftftftftft l'UYSIOIANS. tx to a lit t?ft The Best Place ToTrade Rice Rice Where your Money Goes the farthest t We don't s.'ll for cost or below rout -but we will sell riht t cost. If yo'i don't licllive It. try us niul SCO. With encll clollnr'K worth of Hoods puivhnscd you are entitled to A chance on a nlre set of silverware. knives, forks, table and teaspoons. See thi'in In the window, t'oine nn.l ,ee for y.ursclt, don't be misled In I , ll,;lr" "'i1' '""l" h'l'h '"' ' .,, I evpeets to utilize In the growing of liny one for you will mis, it commercial fruit. He will hio.i ! paclous r'esld.Mue on the property it nn early dale this spring In order that his iHlnlly niay spend the greater portion of the year In this section of the state. Meets to purchase a fall line of Chr mas tuvs and uov 'll lea. Kilard Kioimor Is making nil the necessary preparations to permit him to leave for the eastern part of tile stale of Tennessee net Thurs day morning. Ills father will make the same trip ahont On U-turns ilrio. Judge tteorge II. Ilurnette" of Sa lem arrived in the city this morning to preside on the circuit bench in place of Judge Hamilton, who Is not (liialltled to sit on account of his latlonshlp to a number of the plain-1 tills. ) I'oMnHIiuun Jos. Mli elll, a niein-1 J oi me sireet committee, reports ihe drainage In the paved streets ills- ; trlet as excellent. At first It was ar-1 gued that the water would stand In pools at many places but such Idea was dispersed upon a brief investiga tion this morning. t'aplaln llaekelt. or Portland, nr l Iveil here yesterday to look over his holdings In the vicinity of (iarden D. J. JARVIS I'ltoritlKTOIt. ! jnt'lTxe IIou5e fu I Quffiity II -ul The House Furnishers in Holiday Attire xl 4!ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft ft ft ft 6EKLY, SKTI1HH & STEWART ft ft Physicians and Surgeons ft ft Office Lower floor Douglas Co. ft ft Bank bldg., corner Main and ft i Oak streets. Phone 771. ft ft Roseburg, Oregon. ft ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft ftftftftftftwftftftftftftftstfi ft -ft ft DR. GEO. E. HOUCK, ft ft Pliysiciuu and Surgeon. ft ft : ft Office, Review Bldg., Phono 31. ft ft Roseburg, Oregon. ft ft ft -l-iI-ftftftfttftftftftftftftftftftftftft ftft:s:ftHftft4Sftiii ft ft ft ELMER V. HOOVER, ft ft Physician and Surgeon ft ft ft Office, Main St., One Door South ft ft of City Hall. Phone 341. ft ft Roseburg, Oregon. ft ft ftsftftftftftsfts::!-! SMicVSrnlcke "Hlutlc" Book Caaea. 1 A;:r JJjT Chair. . Xtrpn Leather Furnitur Strait Reclining Chair. McDoueil Kitchen Cabinets few of Artirtic Detign WE CARRY THESE OOUDS IN STOCK Practical and Sensible Gifts for the Holidays Something here for every member of the family. The question what shall I Hive will be easily solved after an Inspection of this store. Did you ever stop to think how much more comfort and sensible, how much more all would enjoy a nice piece of furni ture lor the home than to buy some trashy present. This space will only permit of a very few or tho many things that await your Inspec tion at this easy place to shop. BEAUTIFULCIaAnRS AND ROCKERS FOR the YOUNG and OLD. Beautiful Davenports, Couches, Mor ris Chairs and Rockers: Heautiful Cabinets, Desks and Chiffoners and Dressers; Beautiful Hook Cases, the Ulobo Wemica and others. Elegant New Rugs and Carpets, Portiers And Couch Covers Neither tho old or young have been overlooked hero; Misses and child ren's chairs and rockers, doll carts and cabs; Children"s dishes, toy banks Utile red chairs and air guns; toy wagons, toy furniture, little stoves and ranges; hundreds of things that can't bo mentioned on account 'of space. Bigger and Better Stock China and Silverware Everything that'iynnde In fancy china and glassware; enormous stock of 1S4 7 silverware and clocks. Carvers plain and fancy, bone or silver. You will be surprised at the profussion of Rood tbingsliat win make sensible presents. Also remember our prices are the lowest. If . ill ' Q ? SSL mWIoB!i DR. LUCKTTA SMITH Physician '" Women's and Children's ft Diseases. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 4 d. m. Phones Office, 1711. Res. l 1721. Marsters Block, next to He Douglas County Bank Bldg. & Keburg, Oregon. j ATTOHXHYS. if CBAWKOlil) WATSO.V j A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson ! Attorneys-At-Lavf. Ml is Rooms 1 and 2, Douglas Co. Bank Bldg. w lioseburg. Oregon. ' ,f J. C. FUM.KRTOV i Attorney-At-Ijaw. I i Will practice In all State and JJ! Federal Courts. Office in Marks i i Building. Roseburg, Oregon. 11 :: it COSHOW KICE w'itiWoi?ai(fliBmii) a Attomeys-At-Law. Taylor & Wilson Building. - w Roseburg, Oregon. t XX , Qwx&Mwxmmmmm K. V. MAKSTKItS 55 Attorney-At-Law. i? Notary Public. Rooms 6 and 55 Marsters Building. Roseburg, Oregon. t You are always welcome at this store. Children given same courtesy and attention as grown folKs. .We will not be undersold if we Enow it. Full value for your $ 55 JOHN T. LONG ' rtiiorney-.it-ljiw. I ig Rnnmq 7 nnH fi r, I Roseburg. Oregon. a 5 J. H. Al'STIX Attorney-nt-Law jt and Notary Public. fl, Wilbur - - - Oregon. 3asgggtt b !) a t 0 r i.i j i. u u u. it XX J. A. BUCHANAN Attorney-At-Law. 9 Notary Public. Abraham Bldg y. Rosebajg, Oregon. , MIiMMMii