The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 22, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Watch us for another great sale To the lovers of the beautiful, a
of couches, in order that those who look at tho exquisite Holiday line at
came too late for the last sale might Graves' Art Emporium will do you
avail themselves of deep cut iu the good, and when you buy the prices
prices. Rice & Rice. iH do your purse good. d-tt
For Thanksgiving?
8ulurllioil KitU-a Dully
S'cr year, by until $3.00
t'er month, dellvorwd 60
I'or year R00
Six mimtliH 1.00
T e Next Thing on the Bill of Fare
Where are You Going to Trade?
It's almost turkey time.
Tho wi-iitlmr in. in l IhiuihI to nmko
the county "wyt."
Ktormil vigilance In tho price of
the jjarty b exigence.
Tho Kv.Milim N'cwH Ih fnrKlni; rli?ht
!.o the front. The only tiling the
liinnhKemcnt rerelK Ih that ttie tep
of iKKi'lnu a daily from (hit office wan
not taken two yrurs uko.
Yon enn reach every nook and cor
ner In tJoiiglntt County IhroiiKh an
adveiHement In the Dally and Semi
Weekly Ni'tt'H. No other iiiihllcationt)
in the county can hIVh yon at k'hmI a
service, all clalnm to tho contrary
The idly of Kiw.-buri! Iihh grown
innih In two yiaiB ami It will mow
more nuxl year hy twice at' milch as it
liiia tills year. II la now u city of
fiver oliou inhahllanlH-. all prosper
ous and haiipy inlialiilanlH. Them
will he HI, 000 IhlB Mine next year.
A ChldiKo dlapalch Hiiyn: Koothall
has claimed Ha annual loll. Thirty
dead, 2H crippled, many for life, and
p:iin-H still hoveiliiK on the brink of
lealh In tho HinKlcal wards of hoa-
iillnlH Ihronuhont the land: thal'x the
tale of the Ki ldlron coverlni? u period
tt C7 days. 1
On Ihe aflernoon of Novemher IS
vjml at North Head hlew at the ratej
o HX miles per hour, and at Port
land tho hreeze ualned ll velocity of j
32 miles tho aanio day. HosehiiiK
during the storm pii-lod enjoyed
Kentle rains, warm wealhor, und
eomo sunshine.. Yes. wo have room
for yon. Come down and enjoy
!uw liood things Willi up.
The Houk of Kuppcnhcimej
New up to the minute showings.
Every garment properly fitted to you and
kept nicely pressed---no extra charge.
Try one of the Harth's Toggery
Good Clothes Suits. ,
PRICES $15.00 TO $30.00
New Showings men's overcoats
Priestly Cravaneted Military Colors.
Harth's Toggery
The Home of the Regal Shoe
For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings
and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS
for the LEAST MONEY.
TryiThem In Your Order For
Groceries is their Specialty, and they will
please you.
Try ThemTor Dry Goods
ICHVIVAIj mhktixuk
TIiIh Ih a nlnn papor and tin hotuwl
oiu. It drtlr'n only honcM city, coun
ty, Hliitc nnd nation..) iioviM'iiinont.
and It hiH no iirlvntn man's hxo to
jrrlntl. It Ih the li-inh-r of tho m-wn-pnjmr
IW'ltl of DoukIhh coiinly and
will bo the winner. Tho flrttt hmt In
iho flu-lit Ih Im-Iiiic tiled In a mild way.
Tho Nowh' Huk will ho In at tho win-1 Mo and Mrs. Drfvor whir at both nor
1 tap! 1st Church Ojx-iu'ri CampiilKii
Vovtoidiiy ioo(l Itoinniu
Tho BaptiHtH oponod their cam
paign for hohIs yesterday with a tine
mil look for hiiocohb. Large rontfeKa
t Ion a a it ended tho Horvlces and wore
well pleased with what they Haw and
Dr. Driver made a fine Impression
and preached two very line sermons
Willi tho Panama Canal virtually
half lltilfhed. tho niornheiH of the
iHthmlan Canal CotniniHHion awaken
to tho fact, that thirt wateray will
cost more than twice im much iih the
original oHthnato. in other wordK II Ih
now OHtlmated that, the canal when
ilniHV'd and opened Mo Irtitllc, will
reproHeiit a total expenditure of
$37 ft, 20 1 ,01)1). When the canal pro
ject was adopted It, wan OHthuated to
cost only $ I I ! ,-!!!l,!t 5H.
vIcoh and delighted their hearers with
their music.
Services are announced for each
evening at 7: HO. Strong emphaHls Is
hefnp; plnced upon the sonn service.
I'll at feature proinlHs to he promiu
int ami pleasltiK. A hearty Invitation
Is efl ixled to all.
A year ngn a yomiK lrl met. a ,Iap
nuoHn in a San KranclHco mlHHlon
HChool and aalnnt her parent'K I
I). P. Pllzer, of Hosehurg, wan In
town Sunday.
Will DavlH and wife were in town
Monday and Tuesday on a shopping
'Iho funeral of Mih. Garfield Muoll
took place from the Baptist church
uesday morning, a lare crowd he-
Inu la atlendanco. The body was In
terred In Ihe Odd Fellows cemetery
Mr. and Mrs. M. 1 Klce, of Hose
hui'K, wore In attendance, Mrs. Hlce
hehiK Air. MueH'ti bister. Mrs. Ltuell
died mddeuly Ti esday arternoon af
ter a brief illnosa. She was twenty-
wIkIioh asHoclated wltli the Jap audi
noun elopeil with hiiu. She was IS.t
Kiist week tho Uirl apepaleU to Col-1
urndo au'horllhw for protection from
the foaHt or an Oriental who denul-j
d hor to the "lowest depths of hell."'
If Kiieh Iokhoiih woubl only leach nth-'
era of Ihe huiC wrier and neartacne; f(mr V(,arH uf nK0 nn( a daughter of
that must come h-om nuch a step. per-. M. )Ul(, MyH w v u,irHt. she leaves
haps a recital of (his kind would not ,HM. mriMll8 anA three nlstors, besides
bt 1,1 vain. ! M. huHimnd and a larse circle of
. . . 11 . " fiiends to mourn her loss.
Petitions i'or more paving bonds
nro soon to he presented the council.
It Is mtori. Streets which, because of
heavey tratllc over them should be
I M veil In Hummer of l!H0. are .laek
hon stnith from l.ano to Moler. and
north from Doiinhis lo Deer Creek
ltridKo- Douglas ea-t from tne courl
house to top f the hill; Main south
Irttiii Cass to M osier, and l.ane west
from Jackson to the bridge. Mill
Htreet oimht also lo he p;ived as heavy
trallic rrom the south come In (hat
way. Let's do it.
anniversary. A very pleasant time
Is reported hv those present.
Guy Conley and wife returned
from Kosehurg Saturday tnornhm.
The furnace. at the new school
house put in hy a Grants PaBS firm
has not properly heated the bulldlne
or given halisfacllon in any way and
It has Ikm n all torn down and recon
structed by Myrtle Creek men this
Hosehurg. Oregon,
November lit. 11)09.
This Is to certify that I have se
cured from the Jackson Loan and
Trust Company, of Jackson, Miss.,
through! their agent, D. S. It. Walk
er, on the I Slh day of November,
1 1(0!). ater I had matured my cou
tracts the company had my property
InspeUed and abstract examined and
loan closed up through the First
National Hank of this city satlsfact
orlaly. I am well pleased wit h t ho
loan nnd the treatment of their agent
Mr. Walker.
Signed this 19th day of November,
1909. .
d n 2 7 Koseburg, Oregon.
I Attoney-at-Law -,l
O Legal advice free. Collections
Solicited $
Hoom 1, Marsters Bldg. i!
Hosehur, Oi-e. ;
The People's Cooperative Store
on t he
( U,,.,. ..f ...... I.uniunnnnln In vlull
the county seat this week wore II. J.
, llowl.;nd, Mrs. Myrtle Preston. G. A.
! Dillon, a. Weaver. Those attend
tug the teachers institute were Prof,
Keezci, the new assistant principal,
j Mrs. M. K. Tucker. Misses Florence
j Glass, Abide Uond and Orllla Peter,
Dedsa Ixon, Ktta Weaver, Grace
Potter. A malt! quartette consisting
of John Willis. Frank Willis, Will
Willis and 1). S. Maiding, with Mrs.
1 'rest on, went to Kosehurg Wednes
day to slug at the teachers' institute.
1 They were heartily encored and high-
t ly appro lated.
Tuberculosis in Portland's milk1 Mrs. (;. C. March, who has been
supply is creatini; wide disrussion and the guests of her parents, .Mr. and
mnch uhnin. No less authority than Mrs. Win. Mill key for the past inree
llr. Kobeii Yeiiney. State I Ion. Ill
OIHeer, has declared tluit more than
nno half the cows whose milk Is sold
In Portland are effected with tulur
rulosis. Some f the diseased cattle
Tllrcmlv ha e been killed nnd sold
lor beet. Their milk was condemned
as unlit for use. and ol course it was.
ks left tor her home In Van
couver, Washington, Saturday.
Miss Bessie Bond was home on A
visit while tho teachers' Institute
was In session in ltosoburg Wednes
day to Friday.
The ladles' aid society met nt the
homo or Mrs. 11. J. I lowland Friday
On November 1st a straight pas
senger train was established on the
Corvallis and lOastorn between Albany
and Yaquina, leaving Albany at 12:
!i5 p. iu. and arriving in Yaquina at
:t:15 p. m. Returning leave Ya
quina at 7:15 a. in. arriving in Al
bany at ll:ir a. in., making direct
connections at Corvallis and Albany
with Southern Pacific train to and
from Portland and other S. P. points
north and south.
Newport in Winter
Newport Is an Ideal winter resort,
and tho low rates now In effect from
all S. P. and C K. points, wilh the
improved train service now establish
ed, places it within a few hours ride
from the Valley, arriving there at
(!:00 p. m iu time for dinner. Kxcel
leut hotel accommodations at reason
able rales.
For further particulars call on any
C. & K. or S. P. Agent, or write to
William Mi Murray.
General Passenger Agvnt,
PorHned, Oregon
Dancing School
Prof. Willams will conduct a. danc
ing class at the Armory Hall, Hose
burg, on Wednesday nights from 8
o'clock until 11 P. M. On Saturday
afternoons private lesslons will be
given on any dance from 2 till 4:30
p. in. Those who cannot take pri
vate lessons pn Saturday afternoons,
special urragements will he made so
they can take either Wednesday
or Saturday nights. All dancers wish
ing to come and dance while the class
Is being conducted can do so hy pay
ing 25c admission. Lessons on Rye
Walt?, Barn Dance, Var Souienna,
Newport, wilt be given on Wednes
day nights. 50 cents a lesson.
Goods of every description
moved to. any part of the
cit3. Prices reasonable.
Flour has nearly doubled in price.
We sell
at the same prices and it is the
best. CooKies, buns, cinnamon
rolls and doughnuts 10c Per
dozen. Pies 10c each. Our
cakes are the best.
Sure we have ladles' shirt walst9,
kimonos, long and short ones; bath
robes, aprons, long ones with and
without sleeves: tea aprons, black
and whits collars, and all kinds of
neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear
coats, and hoods for the babies. Also
a llrst-class line of millinery. Our
wc, 10c, 15c and 25c counters are
loaded with good things.
How do we Bell them? Why
cheaper than anybody else. Why?
Because our expenses are less. Be a
Mlssourlaus: come in and let us show
Leaders in Popular Priced Goods.
Homo of tho lc Post Card.
but the e;t mm authority whii h forbade afternoon. Those present were Mos-
the sab- of the inlotlod milk, per
mitted, and i-voii advocates, Ihe sale
Mf those plauue hi rU k ill i at I lo for
bent. The people of Port land are cer
tainly In dire suai's. I'itl thry are
t'Hl on luhotciilhie milk. thro, in or
lrr to save the daiivmrn from llnau
flnl loss, t lie ffvei t-d disease ear-fas-M-s
are sold over the block to an
miMisprcitPg public for choice itealis
and roasts. It Ik a revolting condi
Unn. to say the leud.
Coos Hav Mail I,. .1, Simpson of
North Ib nd. was iu l.ti shtidd today,
mid suited mi tii)tiir i hat he is a
rimdldulo for iuaoi of hi, city, lie
tut id that hulli'iit tons imply that there
'will be many candid. tins Tor the of
81 res la lie tilled ut the coming elcc-ion.
tixi-phoni: tm i
trompt attention given to all order
damea Johns. Pond, Oavls. C hllson,
1-yoiirt. lieam, (irltllth and Ponton,
ami Miss Pcssle Pond. A resolution
of sympathy was drafted to he sent
to Mrs. ' lent y ' Jravestock. of Can
von .'lty. Volorado. on the recent
death of hor son Karnest. In his ISth
, year. Mrs. tlravostock Is a niece of
Mrs. V. !1. lrake, and spout a sum
mer h"rt with hor a year aco, en
doarlnK herself to every one who met
her, h her sweet meanly chat actor
and readiness to help tu every way
in church and social work.
A box of dry oods. nor haps one of
fruit and sack of potatoes, are gohiK
to be j:oiit to the Hoys' and (ilrls Aid
Society of Portland ft-r ThanksMv-
A pleasant afternoon was ppent by
the ladies, a floial name played and
refreshments served.
Tho .Junior N. V. K's. hold a party
at the M. K. parsonai;, Krlday after
noon Those present were Kva .e
kart, Krancfs and Tommy lleell, Jim
mli and Clarence Andrews. Kcho
and Ainu's Kniiiht. l.urile HayUss,
Kennon Smith. Kthol Smith, Amy
Stelzer. tlorniro Jones, l.etha Miles
Katheiine and (leorpe Lyons, Gladys
Ma liss, Klma Jackson, Annie and
Claudia K liunb.
Mr. James Aukina surprised bis
wife Krlday evening. Noomher i9,
by ushering nearly tho entire neigh-;
hood, laden with refreshments, the'
oca.don being thtlr seventh wedding
The Musical Event
of the Season
The Central Grand Concert Company
of New YorK City
MAXIM1LION DICK, America's leading violinist,
assisted by MISS KDLTH ADAMS, acknowledg
ed as the world's greatest woman violin cellist.
of Berlin aud Hamburg, Germany. ADOLPH
KNAUHR, Piauist.
Reserved Seats 75c.
Admission 50c
Sheet Metal WorK Drier Pipe An thing You Want
if SKy Lights, Cornice
r-m. I eavy Iron TanKs
PHONE 1284 . - . LINE 3 PINE STS
liWWHKWrfrWM4jHMW ' 'I f i) l IK HI II
Electricity furnishes comforU
ucririuiure unmougtlt of.
The luxuries of yesterday are
the necessities of today. The best
way to make our home attrac
tive and a palace In Its Interior
conditions of living Is by the use
of electric light.
315 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or