The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 22, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Wilt rinUTliu Kvenlntr Now
tlitt bt'wt ntiHlluui to roHcli' tlio
point I not ItoHobui'ir. A wirio
a-wnko publlcntlou tirliillnir
all tho nowi that' fit to print
Cloudy and Colder Tonight
, Sunday Fair. . - .
Defense in Famous Suit For
Land Title Deny it.
Chuuiuey First Discovered He Was
a Heir to the Hose Estate
Through a Jxtter Written
Ity Atty, Jackson.
The Chauncey suit which was filed
In February Inst, and In which the
plaintiffs lay claim to certain inter
ests, as heirs or the Rose estate, to
all that property tn the southern part
of the city that comprises the original
one-half of the Aaron Rose donation
land claim, or that portion which It
was alleged was the Individual prop
erty of Sarah Hose, was brought to
issue In the circuit court of Douglas
county 'this, morning at 10 o'clock.
Judge Geo. H. Burnett, of Salem,
presided, since Judge Hamilton's re
lationship to certain defendants In
the action necessarily disqualified
him from hearing the case.
The case was brought to trial on
amended complaint, and Attorney
Jackson, for plaintiffs, stated that
Sarah Rose, wife of Aaron Rose, died
on Dec. 15, 18S6. That Rose and
wife were the owners of a donation
land claim of 820 acres; that the
south half, less 14 acres that had
been sold was the property of Sarah
Hose. Following the death of Sarah
Rose, deeds were obtained from all
of her heirs to this property with ex
ception of two children of a brother.
From theses heirs no deeds were ev
er obtained because of the fact that
they could not be located. Prior to
the death of Aaron Rose he gave
deeds to this property as It was sold
in lota and block and never recog
nized the Interests of the two heirs,
which practically amounted to three
thirtyfifths of the estate.
Attorney Rice, for the defendants,
briefly outlined the reply by denying
tho whole claim set up by the plain
tiffs, and stating that they denied
that Chauncey was a rightful or le
gal heir; denied that the plaintiff,
Chauncey, was. a son of Warren
Chauncey or a nephew of Mrs. Sarah
Rose; denied that plaintiff had now,
or ever had, any Interest, right or
title to any portion of the estate of
Sarah Rose or of the defendants In
the action, and that the defendants
In the case would establish the fact
that following his wife's death
Aaron Rose had secured deeds from I
each and every heir of the estate. i
Following this wholesale denial
Men who've been buying their
Clothes of us find ample reason
for thankfulness when they com
pare their personal appearance
with that of most men wearing
ready-made Clothing.
Buy your Thanksgiving suit
here and you too will have reason
to be thankful.
A heavy shipment of Stylish
Suits and overcoats just received.
Mr. Chauncey was placed on the
stand and told the story of his claim
to a part of the estate. Witness
testified that he first heard of the
case, and the knowledge of his In
terests, through a letter by Attorney
Jackson to the U. S. pension depart
ment; he alleged that he knew he
had an Aunt Sarah Rose, and that
the had moved to Oregon, but fur
ther than that he lost all trace of
her, but that he cuino to Roseburg
just as soon as he had received the
letters from Mr. Jackson.
On cross examination by Attorney
Dexter Rice lor the defense, plain
tiff was asked why he had lived In
California for 30 vears under the
name of Geo. Miller, and if it was
not because he had- once killed ai
man In Montana in a quarrel overj
a mining claim, and If he, Chauncey,
had not, In substance, so told Albert
Abraham and Thos. Cobb?
The witness refused to answer
this question, and the court was re
quested to require an answer. The
court ruled that since it was a ques
tion which might Involve the wit
ness, or was incriminating in its na
ture, ho would not require an ans
wer, but that the refusal of Mr.
Chauncey to reply would be consider
ed by the court In arriving at a de
cision Counsei for defense further Intro
duced evidence to show that until
about two years ago, wnen unauncey
applied for a pension under that
name, he had been known as Miller.
At 2:30 this ufternoon Mr. Chaun
cey was excused from further testimony.-
With exception of the matter
relating to his past the plaintiff made
good In his statements, and main
tained his ground under rigid cross
examination Two other witnesses for plaintiff
were placed on the stand to develop
some minor claim, and as we go to
presB Mi. John Chauncey, of Michi
gan, a brother of the plaintiff, Is test
ifying regarding family history. Wit
ness staled he is 70 years old today,
a native of Illinois, and an old sol
d i er, having served f ou r yea rs and
four months and Identified plaintiff
as his brother.
(Special to The Evening News.)
NEW YORK, Nov. 22. The data
by which Dr. Cook hopes to prove
that he is the original discoverer of
the North Pole will be taken aooard
the liner United States Thanksgiv
ing day for Denmaik, where It will
be passed upon by the faculity of the
University of Copenhagen. While
making the trip It will be locked In
the ship's strong box. Walter Lons
dale. Dr. Cook's private secretaVy, ac
companies the data, and states that it
consists of 50.000 words.
"Junk," a book to stagger sorrow;
60c at Roseburg Book Store. tf
(Special to The Evening News)
RLVEFIKLDS, Nlearaqua, Nov.22.
A travelling salesman represent
ing American houses was Imprisoned
by order of Zelaya. It is estimated
there are no less than twenty in
A. W. Malcomson, of New Orleans,
wired his firm from Costa Rica that
he had just escaped from jail. It Is
said hundreds of Americans are held
lor sympathizing with Estrada.
(Special to The Evening NewB.)
BOISU CITY, Idaho, Nov. 22.
State Dairy and Food Inspector Jas,
H. Walllfc, of Idaho, has Issued a
statement that his department Is not
"booking one brand of goods to the
detriment of another." It appears
that a controversy has arisen among
the baking povder manufacturers a
to tho relative desirability of alum
and cream or tartar, as the basis for
their product. Some have sought to
make Inspector Wallls the champion
of one of them. He denies the ac
cusation emphatically and declares
that all his denartment asks Is that
manufacturers "label their goods, in
a proper manner and that they do
not adulterate them;"
(Speclnl to The Evening Newel
SEATl.E, Wash., Nov 22 Andrew
Kenny, a coal expert of the land of
fice, resumed the stand today in the
Cunningham case. He admitted
there might have been openings on
some claims discovered by him. His
testimony was uninteresting.
(Special to Tho Evening News)
TAMPA, Fla , Nov. 22. A wire
less from San Juan today says that
tho Astor yacht Is not In that part,
but failed to state if It had been
i here.
NEW YORK, Nov. 22. Despite
the wireless message from a steamer
at Cliracas which reported Astor safe
at San Juan harbor Nov. 15, the
search for Astor Is heinir continued.
(Special to The Evening News)
MOBILE. Ala.. Nov. 22. Nellie
Nelson, of Barnsville, refused to
dance wllh Wesley McKenzle and for
t this reason Bob Pierce shot Mark
I McKenzle dead, and John Farley,
I Walter Pierce. John Pierce and Fred
and Walter McKenzle are seriously
I injured. When Nellie refused the
I dance MeKeuzle made a slighting ro-
mark. The girl Informeed the broth
er, when a general fight began in
which thirty persons were Involved.
Pierces head was crushed with a
club and McKenzie was shot through
the heart.
(Special to The Evening News.)
SEATTLE, Waal. Nov. 22. Un
hcrupuloua promote, s in every field
spoil many legitimate undertakings
and In no line are the distressing ef
fects felt more than among real estate
men. Recognizing the fact, the or
ganizer realty dealers of Seattle have
decided to, take a stand against those
agencies that hnve made capital by
nilsrenresen tat ions. A committee
has been appointed to investigate the
methods of advei Using of certain op
erators and It la reported that some
of their details are to be laid before
the coming session of. the King coun
ty grand jury. This step will have a
clarifying effect upon the atmosphere
hat will be felt all over the North
west, lor there Is no denying that
some newcomers have been "bunked"
by taking for granted, without In
vestigation, the alluring Inducements
offered In ninny quarters. The re
sult is bound to cause dissatisfaction
sooner or later and .the man who suf
fers gives u black-eye to the whole
fcectiou. The -opportunities with the
laud are so bright in the Northwest,
that there Is no occasion for nilsrep
restitutions uud no extenuation un
der any circumstances.
(Special to The Evening News)
SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 22.- !n
furtherance of their 'umpnlgn for
suffrage in Washington, organized
women of Seattle are planning lo
make a good showing at the coming
school election in December. Regis
tration Is going for waul quietly and
they predict a surprising showing
when the vote is counted. At the gen
eral olection ueyt year, the consti
tutional amendment, uuthrolzing for
suhnihslou to the voters, for an ex
tension oi' tho suffrage to all women,
will be an important issue and an
active fight is lo be made for It by
the Washington Equal Suffrage Ak
Boclatlon, which has issued the sec
ond number (if "Votes for Women",
a moulhly publication.
(Special to The Evening News)
LOS ANGKLMS, Nov. 22. One
hundred and fourteen passengers and
seamen from the lll-faled steamship
SI. Croix, a doen suffering painful
Injuries, and many worse from a
fearful irbjht's exposure to the wind
swept sand duns of Mallbu beach,
are sale in this city after a thrilling
escape from a lire that, left t he ship
a twisted hulk. That, scores escaped
without loss of lite is regarded as al
most a miracle by refugees that, ex
perienced the hurried diseinbarkment
from the doomed ship. From t lie
shore, huddled around tires of drift
wood, they watched flames from fhe
vessel tf) t he waters edge. Careiil
roll call accounted for every soul ou
board of the St. Croix.
From wire information re-
reived from Portland this after-
noon It Is learned 1 hat Kuett-
nr and Haas have made no do-
finite plans regarding the Coos
Hay and Inland Electric Rail-
way, to date notwithstanding re-
ports to tin contrary. It was re-
ported in town Saturday that
the promoters had left Portland
.for Marshfield with a crew of
surveyors and ample supplies,
but such information could not
be substantiated at Portland, the
headquarters of the promoters.
F. E. Alley, who is at Portland
at present, Intends to invest!-
gate the intentions of the com-
pany thoroughly that the public
may learn regarding its dter-
Notice y hereby given that on and
after Saturday, November 20, 1J(i9,
the dances given at the Armory Hall f
will be conducted by Prof. w. F.
Williams. Social dances every Satur
day niyht from 9:30 to 12 o'clock.
Dancing lesions will be given from
7 to 9:30 same eveulng on any of
the following dances: Waltz, Two
Step, Three-Step, Jtyo Waltz. Schot-1
tlsche, Newport, var Souvlnna and
Barn Dance. i
All those coming Into the class on I
November 20, and not later than No-
vein her 27, will he given a full term I
of 12 lessons on any of the above j
dances for only $5.00. After Novem-1
ber 27 the full rate of $9.00 a term)
will be charged. Prlvato lessons given i
by appointment at the hall or at your
own homes. We guarantee or money j
A message was received hero
this morning to the effect
t hut Enos DLxou, for t he past
fifty years a resident of Douglas
county, had died suddenly at
Boise, Idaho, death resulting
from a stroke of paralysis. Tho
deceased was G5 yeara of ago
and was one of tho best known
residents In this section. He
Uunes two brothers, R. V. and
J. R, Dixon, and three sisters,
Mrs. K. H. Ryan and Mrs. Sarah
Shaver, of Portland, and Mrs.
Khondes, of Missouri, to mourn''
his sad demise. The remains will
he shipped to this city for Iuter-4
ment. Funeral announcement
will be made luter. ,
(Speclnl to- Tho Evening News)
CAPE H AYTEN. Haytl, Nov. 22.
Many bodies of victims drowned and
otherwise killed in the terrific storm
which swept over the West Indies
November 21, are being washed
down the Yaqul river out to sea. Ac
cording to Monte Christe reports the
Hople are destitute wherever the
storm ravaged tho country, and are
suffering Intensely.
(Speclul to Tho Evening Nows)
Ol.MPIA, Wash., Nnv. 22. TIlO At
torneys for the Htnlo appeared 111 the
Supremo Court tlilB ninrnlni; und ask
ed that the date of tho heniiuK for
application of former Adtlltant Gener
al Hamilton for writ of habeas cor
pus he set for tomorrow. . Instead of
lJecember 5. The order was made lu
order to prevent further delay of the
(Special to The Evening News) j
AUB Fit N, N. Y., Nov. 22. Theo-j
(lore Rez.o, the confesod slayer of,
Teresa Percohla and Feddlo Infer-1
sino was sent lo tho electric chair j
at ti: 1 f tills morning. The crime
was an extremely brutal one, the vie-j
tiiiiH being children of two Illicit men I
against whom the murderer held tt
grudge. I
(Special to Tho Evening News)
NOME, Alaska, Nov. 22. The
schooner Duxbury was caught lu an
ice Hoe at the port (tf Clarence Hay.
The reports say the vessel was forced:
ashore opposite 'teller, when the crew
readied the shore on tho Ice and es
caped. promiseFtVmary
backed down
(Special to Tho KvenlnK News)
AIHl'll.V, ( al., Nov. 22. Alum
Hell, the slayer of Joe Amies, her
lover, took.lho stand today person'
ally ill a hallo for life and freedom
Her direct statement or the case Is
quite IciiKthly uud was coultncd to
the main fuels. The defense Is that
Arnics promised to marry her, and
then refused lo do so.
Oregon Idaho Company to Chas.
A. Hec ker. K'4 of I he W 14 of Sec.
:o. lets 1 and 2; Hie KVi of the
HW'a and the S Vi of Sec. 31.; the
W'jor the SW'J and the 8ft Vi of
SW of Sw. T, ill! lu ip. Ai, S. It.
0 W. ol W. M. Consideration JlX.e'lU.
Oregon Idaho Co. to (leo. N. Kes
lel sol. the N'lJ, the NK ', of the
SI-: t, and the NWV, of the SlCVi, of
:P1, tp. H. It. 7 W contaln-
Im; aliout 4(10 acres. Consideration
J. (!. I'look to Mary K. Ilouck. all
ot lots :i, 4. n. 8, II, and 10 In hlk.
2, Waito'H addition lo the city ot
ltoHchur?. Consideration JI0
Knto T. McWIIIIiims lo Chester
W. Hopkins, certain lund all situated
In Douglas county. Consideration $10.
Hoping to Save More of the
Imprisoned Miners
Hope Is Entertained That More Men
A iv A live Tearing Down of
The Barrier Begins
(Special to The Evening NewB.J
CHERRY, Nov. 22. Fit y volun
teers today are wurking lu an effort
to tour down barriers behind which
it Is believed Boveuty or more Bur
vlvors are imprisoned,
There Is additional hope that thoro
are more men alive lu the last tun
nel. This was received this after
noon when the rescuers broke
through a wall of earth and found
tools and clothing of miners piled in
n heap. There were no dinner palls,
it Is believed that an outbreak caus
ed the men to retreat In the tunnel. ,
The resellers believe thoy will find
living men behind the masses of
earth. .
PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 22.- It wan
practically agreed lu the federal court
today before Judge Bean that Bin
der Hermann's trial will begin Jan
uary 10th. This date was set ten
tatively by the court ufler discussion
botween Jieney and McCourt.
Drain Noitpnriel Admires Ryan's
The proper modo for making a
road levy for a comity. Is by gen-,
erul levy. Commissioner Ryun baa the
correct. Idea as to tho levy, though
he may be a Utile too high In his
figures. A jump from 2.0ft (ax to 5
mills is a big jump in one year, hut .
is far better than a retrograde move
ment back to 2 mills. One Ib In the
line ol progress, while the other is
returning lo the Idea of primitive
times. Fvery where throughout the
Stale through tho Development Lea
gues better roads Is the cry all along
the line. Wo want bettor roads In
Douglas county. Not only those lend
ing Into Roseburg, but such roads
as. will enable farmers to get to the
city other tli.iu through the cow paths
where you have to let down the bars
to get through. Aeflve road work
gives employment lo Idle hands, and
distributes money to all parts of the
count j . What, Is better than to une
the taxes paid upon the farms Into a
redistribution or return to the bund
that gave It? It is the essence of
banking In another form, and the
essence of common sense. All taxa
tion should ho made for the good of
the whole, and not alone for the ben
efit of the office holders and politi
cians. A straw vote Is not the final
settlement of the matter, but rather
a test ol hat the people want. Let
us have a new deal lu tho January
The following letterH remain un
called for In the HoHehui'K poHtofliee,
helliK advertised Novemher 22. 11)011.
It. C. Illalr. John llludson, liu
ftene Mowers, lien HroillllKel, I. If.
Crocker, II. Kraucls, II. IIcuiijiIich,
Win. KlriK (2), MIhs Oladvs Kurges,
loe (I. I.andess, Will .Moore. Mrs. .M.
.Mooer, Oliver OliHorti, Mrs. I.otllo
Phillips, I. Peine, win. Ituonay, J.
K. Hnyiler, Kimiest Hmlih, Mrs. Klslo
Stone, Mrs. S. Suodn'ims, Itev. It. W.
Turner, Air. Tenner, Win, Taverner,
.1. S. Wiley, T. .1. Woodiey.
lu cailliiK for the almve letters
pleise state date advertised. .
C. W. PAKK3,
Hi: ft .MANN
(Jt.WI) HAM, phi.i.; WALTZ
On Thanksi-lvlm; Kve, November
24. 1!KI!I. nl th Arninrv Il.ll
IburK, OrcKon. (liven hy the Ilose-
iiiiik iircnesun or in pieces under
direction of Prof. W. P. Williams.
llO.Ou In prizes K'ven nway to best
lady ami gentleman dancer.
A l!OOli tlllif to nil VL-Uti nllnn.t
Come and Hee the prize waltz. Dunclnt;
iroin a p. in. til i. n. m. Tickets Jl.0'1
a couple. Spectators 25 cents.
Insure your property In tho Ore
Ron Klre Relief; AHSorliitlon, (Mo
Mlnnvlllo.) Old ami tried, cheapest
and heat. See, Bonnie Uucbnuan, In
Abraham Imlldlni;.
Iir. ri)ron K. Miller, of Portland,
Is hi '.he rltv looking nfler his hold-
, Iiiim at (laid. n Valley. Mr. Miller
j recently purchased 100 acres of
choice land from W. C. Hardline nnl
I expects to set the h.huo out to fruit
in uiu near luiurn.
Nothing l too good for the Ilrlsh,
neither Is cement culverts too good
for the county. Use tho beBt, as It
Is the choapest In tho Ion run. Hoc
Pat. t.