The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 19, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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UUAXJs (I I. ; Wfl
t....... ...... mJ B V f W
1 J
The straightest and sor
est road to g'ood Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequent any of the "by
paths" you'll be apt to lose your
self in the tangle of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
whatever we buy is well chosen
quality is the objecWand perfect
Clothes satisfaction and efTuct.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
find that the best is always here.
These clothes are made for u
by the Stein lilock Co. and David
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the world. F.very
.Suit we sell is sold with an ab
solute guarantee of Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
ruit in return,
y Remember duality is the true
test oficheapness, J)y ojr good
bionics you anaii Know us.
t City News Briefly Recorded $
Earl While, of Eukihio, vlnlted
frleiida In the city ynnteriliiy.
MI9H Nunoy gmllli, of Wilbur, was a
visitor In the clt yiwlenlay.
J. K. Muiiily, of Mudtfird, wua a
vlHltor In the city yesterday.
John J. UiibIii, of Onkliind was In
the clly yesterday attending business
Mrs. W. Newoll went to Portland
Weilm-mliiy ovunliiK to visit friends
for a few days.
Mrs. C. W. Jlradfnrd clinics tho
fiuiious ltlchnrilsoirs Kmlinililnry
Bilks at the Art Variety Sloro, Corner
of Pine and I41110 sticuts. 8wd-n5
Mrt M. Union, wh'i resides at
jmliiln In Ciillforiiiii. left for Canyon
vllln Ibis mor.ilnis ill'ler :i brief visit
t tha home of Attorney C. S. .lark
yon. Tlio InjiineUon sull of T. 0. WValli
Olforil vs. 0. L. llndley will eoine ll
for lieiilini? befora JudKii .1- W. Ham
ilton III Iho Circuit Court BMuriUy
A. C. Harslet's has sold his sloro
liulldlnh', at prvwnt occupied by .1.
1 V. CoR and I. A. IHflu, lo I'liirott
Hrotllors. Tllo Hew. owners contelii
lilalu reuiodelliiK thu slruiiuro 111 the
near future.
Ibirry (I. KIkkIiih. of lliownsvllle.
and Miss Mm i If 10. LouKlirukc, of
Oflkliinil, were iiiiiitIi'iI at the .Metho
dist pnrsouuKO 111 this clly at o'clock
yVslenlay wiornliiK- Ilev. .1. K. Hawk
Ins, pastor of tile .Vclhodlst church,
A tew siielalttes; nil colors and
Qalttlies, lu the futnous New Cotu
Slides. Oeohoco Linoleum Varnish;
there's uotlitiiK else as good. 3 In
tine oils, the best Klues and tho only
hIIvih" polish that's Ilrst class. Hlcn
& Itlce. tf
A. i. .lohuson hits returned to I lie
clly afler several months nbseiu'e,
ilili'illK which lime he was employed
In Alaska, lie says that the other
Hnselull'K boys who also went to
Aluskll some Utile imo, with the ex
ception of .lohu Kyan. are 111 Seattle.
H. T. rarkiiiMott, Division Superin
tendent of Tialllc, tor Hie l'aclllc
Stales Ti'lepliolui Company, was n
visitor In Iho city Wednesday mak
ing an Inspection of the local ollice.
Ho was accompanied by C. K. Con
stantino, lllsttict Tialllc Chief, or
Attorney Claud Do Vote, of Drain,
was in I he city yesterday intending
leKtil matters.
Tlfte Ladies' Aid of Iho M. IS.
church wll hold their window sale
of honie-oooklni! at A. S. Prey's
grocery store on Saturday, November
20, beiilniiliiK at 9 o'clock, a. in.
There will bo a good supply of bread.
Clyde Kills llatltleld, of Wsonville,
and Cunt II. Cloako, of ltoseburg,
wVi-e married at I he home of A.
Cloake and wife, Hie bride's parents.
Wednesday evening at 7:110 o'clock.
At tho conclusion of the wedding cer
emony, which was performed by Hev.
,1. K. Hawkins of Methodist church
a bounteous wedding supper was ser
ved. (!. .1. Hoot, who resides at points
In California, arrived In town this
morning lo Bpend a few days visiting
friends. Mr. Itoot Is an old friend of
Marshal lluffii' the two having re
sided in thojiiitiie town In .Missouri
years ago. Mr. Knot Ib at present
engaged in milling and will investi
gate several properties 111 tills vicin
ity heforo reti't-ning home.
(leo. II. llevens, died at Hie Subl
ines' Home yesterday, aged (ill. lie.
was a private In Company C, 28th
Michigan Infl.. and a native of N. V.
Dropsy was tile cause of death. De
ceased came from A7.alea and was
admitted to the Home on September
21 last. Piiiii'ial will be held at the
Soldiers' Home today at 2:811 p. in.
So far as known Mr. Devens had no
relatives ill this country.
It was announced shortly nfler
noon yesterday that Ills. Seoly. Seth
er K' Stewart had purchased the old
I'liiiiulealer property, situatw! on
Main street directly opposite their
preseiil (luiirters in Hie Douglas Nat
ional Hank building. It is said that
W. II. 1 1 Kin in 1 1 1 '. who recently pur
chased the property from T. It. Sheri
dan, made $i'.lin clear money on the
transfer, having paid $2lutl for lite
property while he disposed of it for
$:!.HI0. 1 be purchasers are nude
Evangelist Driver Is a fine speaker.
It win do you good to hear him.
Harry Shahon, of Dtllard, spent
yesterday In the city visiting with
George Short, of Wilbur, Is spend
Ing the day in the city a guest of
8. H. Russell, of Melrose, Is spend
ing the dny In the city attending bus
iness matters.
Mrs. 0. K. Wlllet was a passenger
I on this- morning's northbound local
to bugene. She expects to visit with
mends in tnat city for a few days
mo runners item bsiete company
expec; 10 get located 111 the quarters
I occupied by them on Sheridnn street
' prior to tne mo, within a few days.
J The work of excavating prepara
tory to erecting Hie new telephone
J exchange pn Stevens street. Is prog
ressi.illcely. Work on the building
J will commence shortly.
Doll Bay less went to Myrtle Creek
i this morning to attend .Mrs. Clay
Danilnt who Is very 111 at that place.
If able the latter ladv will be
brought to Mercy Hospital tomorrow
ror treatment.
Xiiiuu will soon be on hand, good
cheer lor all. Have some nice
pieces laid away for Father, Mother,
Wife, plater or Sweetheart. A good
pleco of furniture is a joy forever.
Flenty of Idem Bt JUce & Itlce, the
house fiirnlktiers,
Joe Murphy, the land man, and
It. 10. Smith of the Douglas County
Abstract Company, left for Coos
county by private conveyance this
morning. They expect to spend sev
eral days In the Coos county locality
attending business matters.
Mr.-!. W. C. Sagabred, of Scotts
burg, who hps been spending the
past few days visiting at the home
0' Mrs. Belle BRviess In this City ,wlll
lonvo tomorrow inorniaii for Port
land, lo upend ft couple vl weep.S '.'!"
ltlng friends. She will fc6 Joined by
her husband at. DralM.
Get rgc Uolter, wife and daughter,
leave this evening for Portland where
Hiey expect to remain for some time.
Mr. Bolter lias been transferred to a
Wet Side run on the Southern I'tt
clfle. The new position Is very agree
able to Mr. Bolter Inasmuch as he
will not be obliged to work nights.
Among those who loft for Eugene
this morning to attend the Oregon
O. A. C. football game were H. C.
Darby. Bessie Kidder. Harry Hilde
brand. Glenn Wlmbeily. Bert Stiih
erlln, A. R. Marker, Grace Hlakely,
Kred Dlllard, Kred CrltcLer, Dr. Vin
cll, Mrs. Vial, Inez Kitchen, Sam
Black. Mar Haiinan and A. S. Wilson,
John Spaugh, of Looking Glass. Is
a business visitor lu the city today.
F. U. Walte went to Sutherlln this
morning after a (irlef sojourn at this
To the lovers of the beautiful, a
look at tho exquisite Holiday line at
Graves' Art 'Kmporium will do you
good, and when you buy the prices
will do your purse good. d-tf
George Kohlhagen. the local butch
er, has returned from the Steamboat
mines whore he purchased several
head of steers. George reports cattle
somewhat scarce at the present time,
while the price Is, showing an In
crease dally.
Tha report of four revolver Bhots
flred 111 quick succession awoke the
citizens residing in the vicinity of
the city hall shortly before 2 o'clock
this morning At first many entertain
ed the belief that the officers were
engaged In an encounter with rob
bers, hut such idea was dispersed up
on brief Investigation. Briefly It
might be said, the shooting was sim
ply the result of an overload of
"booze," and that the parties re
sponsible for the disturbance were
two of Rosehurg's well known citi
zens Both men were warned this
morning by Marshal Huffman relative
to future occurrances of such a nature.
Mnrshal HiifTmnn and Xieht Mffi4l
Palm late last evening while roaming
the s'.reets la a drunken stupor. As
Is cui.tomary In a "dry" town the
men were Immediately placed In Jail
to remain until this morning. When
arraigned shortly before noon each
member of the trio entered a plea of
guilty, and accordingly City Record
er Orcutt imposed a flue of $10 each.
Two of the men were "flush" with
coin nnd paid their fines, while the
third, a little embarrassed financially.
Hear Mrs. Driver sing at the Bap
tist revival next week.
Prank Greeuman and wife went to
Riddle this morning to visit at the
J. M. Lawrence has gone to Bend
to attend business matters. As soon
as a successor is appointed In the lo- -cal
land olfice Mr. Lawrence will
home of the latter's parents. They ( move his family to that place. As yet
were accompanied uy me nuie cuuu
or Mr. and Mn. B- Patrick.
Our Art line was never so exten
sive before, nor so much appreciated,
If th way they are selling la any
sign. Don't waft until everything Is
picked over before buying your
Xmad present. Grave's Art Empor
ium d-tf
Mth. George E. Houck and little
Fon left this morning for Eugene
where they will witness the football
game this afternoon. This evening
Mrs. Houck will attend the regular
meeting of the Eastern Star lodge at
that place.
Officers Palm, Huffman, Burleson
and Wright v. ere out in full force
last night, presumably having re
ceiced Information to the effect that
there were things of an unpleasant
h h,vBr thO H",,a ,ttti,0H md return about
shortly after o'clock this morning.
L. R. Alderman, an instructor In
University "Of Oregon who has been
in attendance at the session of the
teach rs' Institute left this morning
Fn hlo hnmn Thn nniillixunn a.,.iL-u
well of Rosebnrg, predicting a great i t,nree attlaI1 I,ort and seventeen,
futui'j for tlilh section of the state. davfl ftl Manila. Applications for full
he has failed to make known his fut
ure intentions.
From Indications the turkey phin
mentj for the Thanksgiving market
will he about the same this year as
last. George Kohlhagen, one of the
dealers In poultry, states that there
appears to be plenty of turkeys for
all this year, while the price aver
ages about 21 cents. Such price Is
considered very good, and it seeme
doubtful whether a higher price can
be demanded previous to Christmas
purchases. The last shipments to the
San Kranclsco and Seattle markets
will he made tomorrow evening.
The Seattle Commercial Club is or
ganizing an excursoin to the Orient
for business men, their families and
connections, to leave Seattle by the
S. S. Minnesota on December 22nd,
March 5th, 1910.
The Minesota will touch at Kobe,
Yokohama, Nagasaki Shanghai, Ma
nilla and Hongkong. First-class
round trip will be $250,-00. Space for
exhibit on board will be provided,.
Stops will be made of from one tot
Needless to say he was quite sur
prised at the numerous improve
ments in the past few months.
Sldnwalk pi!i-milu were Issued this
morning as follows: Fred Haynos,
Main street at the rear of the build
ing occupied by Joseph Lasina; T.
R. Sheridan, 135 feet on Jackson
Street from Cak street to the build
ing occupied by the Wells, Fargo Ex
press Company; John Hunter! in
front of the A. A Bellows' s'ore on
Jackson street: John, sioaman. on
particulars and reserva'ions should
be made to J. M. Shawhan, chairman
of the "Publicity Committee, 700 EU- ,
er's Music Building, Seattle, Wash.
to t'; outsklrtP of the town.
' r'.'mi.l?,!?ri. ',9 ?rve two and one Majn street nt the rear of the build
half days in the city Jull. Tho luttorilng npfupled by George Redifer; E.
fellow nays he is from Eitgdne and M. Moore, in front of the property
has hppealed to thti oifieers for his occupied by the Monogram Cigar
release promising to leave town ptore, and the Wilder & Agee gents'
Immediately. To nave the city expense ! furnishing store; John "Stanton, In
It may be possible that he will be I front of the Wells, Fargo Express
turned out this evening and escorted '. office nnd tho John Culver hardware
' ptore. Witn tn a Dove permits Issued
the citizens aro nssured that, the
'walks on the west side of Jackson
street, the entire distance between
Oak and Washington streets will be
constructed as fast as possible. With
the exception of the walk In front of
the Bellows' s'ore which will be con
structed by Its owner, John Hunter,
all walks effected, by the above per
mits will be cjnstructed by Contrac
tor orthington.
At Your Service
Roseburg, Oregon Phone
le 193
Sheridan Street Near The Depot,
We don't sell for cost or below
cost but we will sell right at cost.
If you don't believe It, try us and
see. With each dollar's worth ot
goods purchased you are entitled to
a chance on a nice set of silverware,,
knives, forks, table and teaspoons..
See them in the window. Come and'
see for yourself, don't be misled by
any one for ycuvwlll miss It
city fur
lu iipct l v
Derby Hid
$2.00 Value
The New YorK Store
McCall Pat
terns 10c and 15c
Free delivery to all parts of the city.
Phone Main 2541. Mail orders filled. Ag'ents Monarch Kid Gloves
$2.00 and the R. & G. Corsets.
to the futuri;, tut Imal lug, '
, thiil Ihi'V will bold the prup
spi'ciilat tve purposes. The
Is SO x 40 fi-iH and ia rmi
a very valuable asset . Two
$15 SilK Rain Capes $9.50
, in grays, blacks
Women s anil Misses l:uu Laps, 111 grays,
and greens. Tliey aie silk rub
berized, extraordinary good val
ues. Special two days' sale at
small sti'iu-tlil-t'S llduiii the lots at
prpsi'lit, nun lit'lns oci-lipit'd liy l-'ivd
Siiwh'. tile I'li'i'ti-irliui. anil Ihe other
hy Kred Tolles the painter.
Know nil vt good peoples that Tluxoap Is a new article of com
merce, that all should use, especially yo housekeeper. .For bo
H known to all, that Klaoap Is ye best possible article to use
in cleiiiiiUK p;ituts and linoleums. It does not destroy luster
or (luallty but adds to It.
Km e, that Klaxoap was originated for use of yo rall
n(0)a) cleaning their hlsi polished varnished wood work.
Ho'g)iso of Its puceess Klaxoap has been jmt up In paek
(figtt5!g)"6yio fur housohi! use. CZD
Hear ye; Hear ye? the Iron
monger has it for sale.
$20 Rubberized Rain Coats $12.50
Women's Rubberized Rain Coats, Moray Cloths and
Silk Clotbs, each and every - "V
one different, all colors, a VL I I
gemiino snap iu wet weather I J j Lj r Jg J
noods at tbesbeciallowpricp 1
Values to $35.00 TAILORED SUITS $19.00
Again we place oir sale twenty strictly man-tailored ladies' suits. They
are extraordinary good values. You cannot duplicate theui elsewhere for
$.)o.oo. A great special these two days
I'est quality Illack Satleen. None better; Rood solid black and extra
muhly mercerized, at the low price per yard, two days
Best quality at 121c in white and colors. Lay in your winter's
supply at the exceptionally low price per yard. Two days sale
xxl x
Com! quality Brown anil Bleached Bath Towels at the special
low price. Two days sale
$5.00 and $6.00 Waists at $3.50
Women's Fancy Press Waifts in Silk and Fancy Nets; they O FA
aro beautiful styles. Special two davs sale 0.01
e ! . .
Pure Linen Napkins in several designs, 23::23 square. Extra good XX
good values at special two days sale. ? 1.50 per dozen or
$1.50 Brilliantine Waists 98c H
Women's Colored Brilliantine Waists in the black, brown
and cream embroidered front. Special two days sale...
$1.50 Men's Dress Shirts $1.00
Another sale of Men's Press Shirts
styles. They are excellent values,
in pleated bosom
Special two days
and coat. :
$5 and $6 Children's Coats $3 ff
35c AND 50c RIBBON 25c
Fancy Dresden Ribbon for fancy work. Make your Ribbon
presents now, they are beauties. Special two days sale
A sample line of children's coats; no two alike and all
material. Velvets, Serges, Broadcloths and Bearskins,
Special two days sale
kinds of JJ
$3.00 H
Large full size Grey Cottm Blankets. They are excellent for
sheets; good weight. Special two days sale
' 98c H
1 TT