The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 18, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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THt'lIKDAV, XOVEM1IKK 18, 1000.
The straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequent any of the "by
paths" you'll he apt to lose your
self in the tangle ' of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
m whatever we huy is well chosen
iuiiiliy la liiv uojcci. uu pel icli
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
find that the best is always here.
These clothes are made for us
by the SU-in Mock Co. and David
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the world. Kvery
Suit we sell is sold with an ab
solute guarantee of Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
tuit in return.
V Hompmher muilit.v is the trilft
Clothes you shall know us.
1 jp'
rJ .. T4 .
Itaptiht Church
Sunday school at 10 a. m., Hon. O
P. CohIiow, superintendent. Preaching
at 1 1 a. in. by Hev. Dr. V. C. IJriver,
of L'ullfornla. B. V. P. U. at 6:30
I), in. Sunday evening service will
lie the beginning of a special evan
gelistic campaign. Meetings every
nlS'it. Uvj.ybody Is invited to come.
your community would quit feeding
inib octopus ana reed your local en
tcrprlses, your town would take a
forward movement, and you would
be leedlne yourselves In the end.
Uld that ever occur to you? Think
it over.
Mrs. fieorge Kohlliagcn entertain
ed a number of her lady friends at a
one o clock luncheon at her beautiful
home on South Jackson street this
afternoon. This is the second of a ser
ies of luncheons to be given by Airs.
Kohlhagcn for the season.
Our Art Hue was never so exten
sive before, nor so much appreciated,
if the way they are selling is any
Christian Church.
We will be pleased to have a full
' itendunco at all of our services next
Sunday. Morning subject, "Opportun
ities." Evening subject, "Some Hells
on caiin. i wm preacn at PluejHKn. i),m't walt until everything Is
uiuv ncji ouuunjr ui i.on v. m. picked over before buying your
J. N. McConucO xmas presents.
Xmas will Boon be on hand, good
N'ext Sunday the Baptist church of ! cheer for all. Have some nice
this city will begin special evangelis-1 pieces laid away for Father, Mother,
tic services under the leadership of Wife, Sister or Sweetheart. A good
Dr. W. C. IJriver of California. Dr. pi.ce of furniture is a 1oy forever.
Driver is a preacher of line ability, I lenty of them at Rice & Wee, the
and Hoseburg people have a treat be-j house furnishers.
fore them in hearing him. Mrs. Driver Miss Marguerite McClallen has re
who accompanies him Is a tine soloist, ! signed her position at the Pacific
and will assist with the music. All j States Telephone office to accept a po
the people are cordially Invited to at i sition as book-keeper at the Gaddis
tend these services. plumbing establishment. She Is suc-
i ceeded at the telephone office by Miss
The union Thanksgiving services Waftle Jones,
will be held at the Baptist church on I ('llv Attorney George Nctiner has
Thanksgiving morning at 10:30. The been selected by Mayor Haynes to
service will last one hour. Hev. Jas. I represent the city In Supreme Court
K. Hawkins will preach the sermon, on December 1. in the nppeal case
His subject will be 'Thanksgiving I of the city of Roseburg Respondent,
for National Providence." An offering vs. Albert Abraham, appellant. The
will be taken to be used by the niin- ense In question was first tried in the
Isters' union for the relief of the recorder's court, resulting a victory
needy. Make your arrangements so i for the city. It was then carried to
as to join In this service of thankful the circuit court on a writ of review
recognition of God's good providence i n"d ulsmirsed. Attorney Abraham
City News Briefly Recorded
Miss Echo Giuldla hns gone to
points in tlio southern part of tho
county In tho interests of the Rose
burg creamery.
Mrs. D. 0. Palm went up to Wilbur
on the local train thlH morning,
whore alio will remain until the week
end, a guest of nor daughter.
Kov. W. H. Eaton Is at Myrtle
Creek today officiating at tho fun
eral of Mrs. Hindi whose death oc
curred at thrtt place a few days since. ,
A. M. Collier, of Koies Grove, who
hns been In Host burg for the past I
month visiting friends and raring for
- iJUHitK'HH Intel esls, returned home to
day. Tho Ladles' Aid of tho M. K.
church wll hold their window sale
of homo-cooking at A. S. I-'rey's
grocery store on Saturday. November
20, beginning at. it o'clock, 11. m.
There will be a good supply of bread.
Constable Krrd Wright left for
Hisson, California, Tuesday evening
to bring back Wynmn Kohluette, re
cently arrested at that city on a
charge of then, preferred by a local
Bout hern Pacific brakeman.
Tho body of Dinger Hermann, Jr.,
wan found in the Conulllo river on
the morning of I he 1 lith lust., one
mile below where ho entered Hie
Htreuni. A bruise on tint head would
Indicate that he was injured when he
fell In and that caused his death.
Hon. D. I j. I'Mily hits been ap
pointed a delegate to the National
HI vers and 1 1 arbors Congress by
Governor Benson. The meeting of Ihei
congress will be held In Washington.
1). C, on the Slh of the coming
Kngineer Haines, one of Ibe chief
promoters of the Cooh Hay. Oregon
& Idaho I; nil road, was a visitor in
Hie city Tuesday evening. Mr. Haines
entertains great tiilih In the steam
railroad project, believing as he dues
that It will tie built In the near hu
ll re, Mr. 1 1 nines recently came to
Coos Hay alter being emplnved by
the Chicago and Northwestern Itall
road Company for nearly 110 years.
He 1h well versed In railroad mat
ters tiiid is earning on the surve
work wilh rapidity. Should no u n-
James Petree went to Yoncalla for
a visit with friends there.
Fred A. Ooff, of IClkton, Is visiting
Mi 'in lb In the city yesterday.
Edward Kruse was In from his
farm yesterday attending business
C. D. Heale v.nd wife went to
Sulherlfu yesterday afternoon on a
business mission.
Mrs. Arnold, of Salt Lake, Utah,
Is In the city spending u few days the
guest of friends.
Mrs. C. W. Bradford carries the
famous Richardson's Embroidery
Silks at Hie Art Variety Store, Corner
of Pine and Lane streets. swd-nliG
Raod Supervisor Shaffer, accom
panied by County Judge Wonacott
and Claud Cannon, spent yesterday
afternoon in t he vicinity of Shady
Point Inspecting the roads.
J I1', (inzeley, elected to one of tho
county offices during tho Populist
control a few yeaiH ago, andwho has
control a few years ago, and who has
days, returned to Delllugham, Wash
ington, on the Itoschurg-Portlund
A few specialties; all colors and
finishes, In the famous New Cote
Stains. Ocoboco Linoleum Varnish;
there's nothing else as good. 3 In
ono oils, the best glues and tlio only
silver polish that's llrat class. Rice
& Rice.
during another year.
M. K. Church.
Preaching at 11a. m., Theme, "A
Fighting Pence Maker," Special Ser
vice of recitations and music at 7:30
p. m., with brief address by the paH
tor, on "Christ and Charity." Young
Peoples meeting at 6:30 p. m.. Miss
Ada Frey, leader, Biibject "Bringing
In the Guests." Live Services, Hap
py congregational singing. A Home
like church. All are welcome. Jas. K.
Hawkins, pastor.
then appealed to the Supreme Court.
I he case is the outcome or a contro
versy between the city and Mr. Ab
raham, the latter refusing to pay ihe
city license Imposed upon all pro
fessional men In the city.
F. Fortln, of Coles Valley, spent
a few days In Roseburg this week,
returning home this afternoon.
To the lovers of tho beautiful, a
look at the exquisite Holiday line at
Graves' Art -Emporium will do you
good, and when you buy the prices
will do your purse good. d-tf
Methodist Church South.
Regular services will be held on
Sunday conducted by the pastor, K.
M. Mears. Morning subject. "The God
of the Storm." Kvenlng subject, "The
Cry of tho Father's Heart for His
Son." Sunday school at 10 a. m. con
ducted by w. I,. Cobb, superintendent
Kpworth League at 6:3 Suunaydfw
Kpworth League at IS: 30 Sunday
evening. The puhlls Is cordially Invit
ed to attend all these services.
At Your Service
Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193
Presbyterian Church.
Morning worship at 1 1 o'clock.
Subject of sermun. "Perils." Kven
Ing sermon, "Abounding in Thanks
giving." at 7:30 p. m. The Bible
school meets at 10 a. m., Hon. II. L.
Kddy, superintendent. Junior C. K.
ut 3 p. 111.. Miss Kale Kullerlon, sup
orllllelldent. V. P. S. C. K. at l:30.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday
night nt 7:30 o'clock. Vou will find i II
Prompt intention given to all orders
There was a large attendance nt
Mr. Olney's lectures, while in Port
land, Sunday, October 3. Those who
were fortunate enough to attend the
public demonstrations of healing giv
en Inst evening by the gifted healer,
were treated to a sight seldom wit
nessed anywhere.
Men and women were healed In
quick succession, as fast as they
came on Ihe platform In the most
startling and wondrous manner.
The large and Intelligent audience
was held spellbound as one case af
another told how their pains van
ished and their sight or hearing had
been restored, or their rheumatism,
asthma and hearing had yielded to
the magnet touch and the suggestion
of the white magician. Here are a
few of the cases.
B. Denton, 460 Kast Morrison St.,
healed of rheumatism and liver
trouble. C. L. Weber. 4 88 Pine street
, asthma, D. H. Gilford, 1379 Irving
ton street; people healed of stiff
knees and catarrh; P. Lee, healed
of fever sore; Mr. Snider, cured of
lumbago; Mrs. Delmore, 248 South
Portland, healed; H. W. Smith, kid
eny touhlo and stiff knees.
An Investigation of these and oth
er cases continuously occurring in
the Healer's office, will convince the
most cautions and skeptical of the
reality of the laws of healing, and
that this man has almost supernat
ural powers. Don't wait until Mr.
Olney is gone, but come now and be
healed. Come and he will tell you if
he can help you or not. It costs you
nothing to investigate.
Main office in annex of
Hotel McClallen,
349. corner of Main and
Douglas Sts.
Main street entrance, hours 9 a. nv
to 8 p. m. Consultation Free.
U. of 0.
0. A C.
UniversityJCampus, Eugene
Friday,!Nov.f:19, 09
The Southern Pacific
Will make a round trip fare to
Eugene and from all stations from
Portland to Roseburg inclusive of
One and one third fare
Sale dates NovemberJlG and 19th
Final return limitJlNovember 20th
1909. Children tinder 12 half fare-
See the great annual
between the two leadingXcolleges of
the state.
For rates, schelu'esetc, call on
any Southern Pac'fic agent or on
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
a cordial welcome awaiting you at all
of our services. Coino and bring a
friend. J. E. ilurkliart, pastor.
MAM, ()ltl)i:it ()( TOPI S.
Quit K ling an Organization Thai
Minders Your Town's trmvth.
The Best
To Trade
ice & Rice
forHivn obsliii-lc arise to block his
efforts lie will complete the survey
within shout six w,.,'kn. thus allow
ing actual building operations com
mence ul an early ilute tn the spring.
vatlu City lit'ty yctus imo. when it
was oiic of the boom mining camps
of t In- (Johlcu St.itc. lie ordered The
News sent to his new address.
Mrs. liartleld liucM. the twenty
four year old tl;nv4litef of Mr. and
Mrs-. Ililisl. of Myrtle Creek, passed
I in, 1 .rsiiMiiii mieiiiooii iiiier
brlef illness,
tomorrow morning with interment ,
:t Ihe cemetery 111 thai place. Till' j
decease,! is a sUtor-iti-l-iw of Mrs j
lose lileo i f this city, llolh Mr. and i
Mr. l;iee will attend Ihe t'uneriil. i
There's a new octopus, with a big
stomach, says the Anti-Mall Order
Journal. It is being fed and fattened
by the farmers and residents of small i
towns and the lesser cities througli-lfj
tf out Hie United States. Without being ;
Kdward Heals, iiiauager of the conscious of the fact, these well-ln-l
Portland weather observatory. Is In ! tentloned people are pouring fodder !
the city touay. He has just returned Into the great, hulking, mastodoulc
from Marshfleld where he spent sev-I octopus that Is reaching out Its telll
eral iluvs attending business matters actes to sei.c and swallow- thousands
coiineeted with his olllchil duties. He ; of local etiternrises.
(leaves lor his home at Portland this Kvery day In the yenr this octopus
evening. eats up some country Iown or small
T. P. Kolley left for Nevada elty merchant body and brooches.
City. California. Ibis morning, and ; Kvery day It devours some local inan
expects o be gone until nov April. ufacluriug Industry. And every day
Mr, Kelley s:is ho Hist visited No- the country people and citizens of the
small (owns anil cities are sending
In tiiier tidbits to help fatten this
creature. It is simply like handing
peanuts to an elephant. One peanut
would not do him much good, but
when so ninny are coming all the time
from every direction -in' cannol help
but grow fat and get strong eunuch
I'he funeral will be held to l-uke in tile whole peanut Ileitis
with his trunk.
Till:. Is Ihe Mail Order Octopus.
i.el us consider briefly what the
Mall Order Octopus eats, l-'irst he
nibbles at your dollar. Vou inny now
in; I liien got bargains by mall, but If
o.i vwuiltl look around at home you
might llllil tile same tilings lor sale
at Ihe same price. The octopus then,
devours more of your dollars and ,
j somehow your neighbor's dollars, ami '
so on. ami preuy soon ne has swul-
, lowed the whole store of your iner-
I chant ju tow n, w ho closes up and gets
T T net ot ,
Where your
Money Goes
the farthest
Know all ye good peoples that Klaxoap Is a new article or com
merce, that nil should use. especially yo housekeeper, l-'or be
It known to all, that J-'laoap Is yc best possible article to use
In denning paints and linoleums. 11 does not destroy luster
or quality but adds to It.
Know ye, that Plavoup was originated fur use of ye rail
roads In cleaning their highly polished varnished wood work.
lleiause of Its success Plaxoap has been put up In pack
ages suitable for household use.
Hear ye; Hear ye; the Iron
monger has it for sale.
out of biisinc
Hut this is only a bit for hi-n. When
the stole keeper goes out of business
lie goes out o town, goes to some
town wlienCthe people trade at
home, lie lakes with lilni Ills family
and his clerks, perhaps.
I'll Is de-1
ijj JTe House n.
so m
creases III" population of your town.
Thus tlie octopus eats out of your
populut ton.
Poilinps live years ago your tow it j
had a thousand people. Now it niay!
have fallen off to hall' that number. I
Vou own lots there or you own farm
land near-hy. Your lots are not worth
much lu or near a town of roM us
in or near a town of
I. IMlil. Tins the oclopus eats off a
considerable slice ot your real es
tate. Tills octopus cats up that line now i
school house which you
.nail ii your town kepi on crowing
It eats up vour children s opportuni
ties to gel a good education it eats
away their social privilege by re
duclii'Ooie population. If our town
remains stationary or 4oes back
ward you ate not coing to lime an
opera louse or -l public Hbnuy not
very soon. neer if you keep on feed
ing dollars to Ihe oclomis.
This octopus is only about a dozen '
years old, bin II Is of adult sizc.Qnd!
vet It Is still growing most abnormal- :
Iv and enriching Itself at the expense
of your community. It all of you in
li.ive i
The House Furnishers in Holiday Attire H
"Blutlc" Book Casei.
Trrm Attn nd
L Tbl.
KarpeD Lther
Strait Recllnini Ctwln.
McDoueal Kitchen
Artiatic Deaicn
Practical and Sensible
Gifts for the Holidays
Soniotliiiis here for evnry member ot
the family. The question what shall
I jjlve will bo easily solved lifter aa
inspection of this store. Did you
ever stop to think how much more
comfort and sensible, how much more
all would en.ioywa nice piece of furni
ture for the home than to buy some
trashy presi-nt. Thin space will
only permit of n very few of tho
many things that await your inspec
tion at this easy place to shop.
the YOUNG and OLD.
Beautiful Davenports, Couches, Mor
ris Chairs and Kockers; Beautiful
Cabinets. Desks and Chiffoners nnd
Dr"ssers; Beautiful Book Cases, tho
Globe. Wernica and others.
Elegant New Rugs
and Carpets, Portiers
And Couch Covers
Neither the old or young have been
overlooked here; Misses nnd child
ren's chairs and rockers, doll carts
and cabs; Children's dishes, toy banks
little red chairs and air puns; toy
wagons, toy furniture, little stoves
and ranges; hundreds of things that
can't be mentioned on account of
Bigger and BetterStock
. China and Silverware
Everything that's made in fancy china
Riiil glassware; enormous stock of
1M" silverware ami clocks. Carvers
plain ami fancy, bone or silver. You
will be surprised at tho profussfoV of
Rood things that will make sensible
presents. Also remember our prices
are the lowest.
You are always welcome
given same courtesy and attention as grown foIKs. We
will not beundersold if we hnowit. Full value for your $
nJT 11
I v ' 1 i j .
mwm 8
!! H
. I' "Ml - H
wfe I'
Children XX