The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 18, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Our stock of Carpets and Rugt
Is complete up to date. Ingrain
carpets at 30c, 45c, 60c, 6oc; 60c,
75c, and 85c per yard. Rugs In room
site from (6.35, In all wool, to $35.
Complete line ot all classes of
furniture. tf
I - a, i .i
' ENEflY of BEST
s .
In operating our Grocery Business we are not satisfied with good
enough. We strive for improvement. Our store is the right place to buy
groceries. Everything fresh and clean.
Phone 2381
Commercial Club Bldg.
Annual Teachers' Institute
Proves Very Interesting
Meeting Will Clone Tomorrow Kvrn
iiiK Educators (lean Mttuyl'He
ful Thoughts For Future
Thanksgiving Time
Is almost here, and you may
need some nice pieces for the
table in the way of Cut Glass,
Hand Painted China or Silver
ware, if so come and see our
stock before buying.
W. E. Glingenpeel
Phone 2143
Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe
Largest Stock of Plumbing
Goods io the City
XX Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small
XX monthly payments and low rate of interest?
Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time,
XX easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in?
XX Do" you want to buy a home in Uoseburg, a nice acre tract
near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo-
XX cality? Do you want to sell your property?
fX Do you want to insure your building in one of the best
and cheapest companies in the U. S.?
If So See WALKERS PERRINE, Roseburg'0re.
Room 1, Bell Sisters Buildirigi -:- -:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public.
Is a I'.lng of groat Interest to the
bride-elect, and we are artists In
this lino. Wedding cikes are made
in the most beautiful designs and
of rich and exquisite flavor. Our
breads, rolls, pies, fancy and orna
mental cakes, etc., aro the perfection
ot the baker's art when made at
L'mpqua Bakery
The atendance at the annual
Douglas county teachers' Institute
which is In progress ut the high
school building Is somewhat larger
todny than yesterday, a number of j
Instructors naviug arnveo in me cuj
on last evening's trains.
The prognm as previously publish
ed in The News is being carried out
to the letter, and to say the least, Ik
proving very interesting.
The social session at the court
house last evening In honor of the
teachers was a decided success, a
large crowd being in attendance. A
similar session will be held at the
court house this evening and It Is
hoped that those who failed to at
tend last evening will make arrange
ments to be present.
Tho meeting will close tomorrow
evening after one of the most suc
cessful sessions in tho history of pub
lic schools In this section of the
Wednesday Afternoon.
In the primary division Mr. E. D.
Ressler discussed the subject of
Primary Teaching.
Mr. Ressler dealt largely with new
education in its industrial application.
The child's experience in the world of
nature must form the basis of prim
ary teaching. And nature study must
intake up the material for language
j and reading. In presenting a rending
lesson, topics about weather, wind,
'. rnin, and domestic animals should bo
In short all the relations of each
life mav be arranged in two classes:
U) Experience with others and (2)
Experience with nature outBide.
Mr. J. W. Groves next presented
the subject of Child Study.
Mr. Groves discused his subject,
(1) from Its physiological side, (2)
rrom lis physiological standpoint.
In substnnce Prof. Groves said that
from a psychological standpoint (1)
knowledge comes through the senses,
the- most Important of which are
sight and hearing. These are devel
oped first that we may learn to think
as the child thinks and that the child
who thinks different from the teach
er is the one to study.
From the psylogical slcle tho teach
er must understand the development
of the mind and must appeal to
working ot the child's mind by the
story method.
In the closing address Wednesday
afternoon Prof. L. H. Alderman, of
tho Oregon University, in a very able
manner presented tho subject of Ag
riculture. Mr. Alderman gave the plan of
teaching Agriculture adapted in the
Eugene public schools In the seventh
and eighth grades.
Tho seventh and eighth grades
were organized Into nn Agricultural
Society with a president, secreatry
and committee which were to put In
to practice the suggestions given in
the Stute Text.
The committee were to rent land,
mark it off Into plats ofr gardens,
provide for theplowlng, and market
ing of the products.
After the gardens were grown, the
pupils announced to various rooms
the vegetables of the school gardens
being on sale. The essential value
In the study of agriculture being to
Interest pupils In their suroundings.
Iliuli School Division
In (he high school division about
twenty high spool teachers were in
atendance durlnir the days session.
In the first period, Prof. L. H. Al-
! derman. of the department of Educa-
lion of the University of Oregon gave
an Interesting and very practical and
1 Instinctive nddress on High School
Literature. "High School Literature"
said Mr. Alderman, In substance,
Should develop appreciation for good
I literature rather than to develop tho
critical splrjt. High school pupils will
take greater Interest in literature u,
Instead of first Btudylng the old writ
ers, they rhould learn to appreciate
the modern writers. Tennyson, Hry
ant. Whlttler, Browning, Holmes,
Keats, were especially recommended
for .early study. All pupils should
learn and know the good things to
be. found in our literature. By many
quotations from the authors named
nbovo Prof. Alderman forceahly Illus
trated his strong point, appreciation
of good literature.
In the second period Prof. K. I).
culture not found In business col-!
leges. ' !
In the discussion following Mr. ;
Baker's , address, Mr. Garland. Mr.
Wyoth, Mr. Robinette and Supt.
Chaney, all ofTered vnluable sugges
tions for increased interest In com
mercial branches.
In the second afternoon period L.
L, Gooding, principal at Glendale,
discussed High School Physical Geo
graphy. I
Mr. Gooding Is especially interest
ed in this subject and handled his
subject In a masterful way. Physl-,
cal Geography, he said, had been
somewhat neglected for work In Phy
sics. After dwelling upon the valuo
of the subject, he took up a discus-'
slon of pedogogical points. He rec
ommended the field and labratory
work as most necessary.. A working
labratory may be secured at small
cost, $5 to $10.
Teachers Present.
Mr. Kred A. tloff, Miss Caszie
Weaver, Miss Alice Goff. Elktoa,
Mrs. D. J. Gurney. Glide, Oregon
John Kernan, Miss Pearl Price,
Oak Creek, Oregon.
Annie L. Kent, Drockway, Ore
gon. Miss Camilla Kinnlcutt, Cleveland,
Miss Corlnne Kinnlcutt, Coles Val
ley. Oregon
Misses Mablo Wilson, Leah Moody,
Yoncalla, Oregon.
Miss Marie Kasmttssen, Millwood,
Mrs. ,1. R. Pickett. Booth, Oregon.
Miss Sarah Lniklns, Guuler, Ore
gon. Mrs. J. C. Powell, Curtln, Oregon.
F. P. Sherwood, Winchester, Ore
gon. Miss Mnud Sims, M. V. Thomas,
Looking Glass, Oregon.
Miss Cora Turuldge, Leona, Ore
gon. Misses Mary Edgorton. Laura F.d
gprton, Lulu Moore, Mrs. Douglas
Walte, Messrs. Raymond Hewitt,
Victor Uod, C. T. Ilrown. II. W. Ol
iver, Earl Parker,- Uoseburg, Oregon.
MtsBes Vela Goodman, Winnie
Smith. Ethel Brewer Emily lie Vore,
Hazel Fancher, Grace Graham, Mar
tha Howard, Fairy Howard, Alice,
Larkits, Addle Lovelace. Pearl Man
ning, Ethel Prior, Mrs. Emma Lcepor
Messrs. L. B. Fancher, A. S. Cole,
C. E. GoodmanOakland, Oregon.
Mr. L. L. Bnker. .1. W. Groves, P!
M. Comm. Misses Ethel Gross, Jennie
Cook, Elberta Tipton. Mable Malum.
Alice Mahnn, Bessie Kidder, Gertrude
Hide, Rubv Uerguson, Grace Hewit,
Dollle Smith, Beulnh Radabaugh,
Adeline Slewnrt. Ellznbeth Parrott,
Kalhryn Dunham, Elizabeth Lyons.
Gertrude Clark, Olga Smith, Ada
Fate, Myrtle Hall. Edith Clements,
Murrel Wllllnnis. Bessie Steele, Hojc
ev McOraw, Anna Berks, Eminn Fln
lny. Mr. Bruce Elliott, Mrs. P. M.
Coruni, Mrs. Myrtle Bradford, Rose
burg. Oregon.
Messrs. M. E. Tucker, E. L. Keezel,
G. A. Dillon, .Misses Alible Bond,
Florence Gluss, Lulu Howland. Or
illa Peters. Grace Porter, Mabel
Smith, Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
Misses Emma Applegate, Gertrude
Davis, Ada lledrick, Bee Whipple,
Mr. II. C. McCorinlck, Mr. A. .1. Gar
land, Mrs. A. J. Garland, Drain, Ore
gon. L. L. Gooding, William SI hie
Misses Lorene Shuck, Jennie Wll
llnnis, Mrs. .1. Wincholl, Glendale,
Mr. D. W. Wright, Misses Meda
Tracy, Bertha Heacock, Mary Mc
Cillvray, Daisy Hoover, Canyonvlllo,
W. A. Arnold. Miss Kittle Mayes,
Miss Virgil Melvln, Riddle, Oregon.
Miss Knthryn Ageo, Mr. J. H. Aus
tin, Wilbur. Oregon.
Mr. Clifford Boyle, Elkhead, Ore
gon. Miss Martha Bundell, Dlllard, Ore
gon. Miss Alice Hrumbach, Miss Hnttle
Rose, Dlxonvllle. Oregon.
Mr. Wilfred Brown, Miss Louise
Put nam, Camas Valley, Oregon.
Mr. James Buballt, Days Creek,
Mr. T. J. Clemo, Missouri Bottom,
Miss Helen Cornutt, Ruckles, Ore
gon! Mr. C. D. Conn, Melrose, Oregon.
Mr. R. V. Dunham, II. J. Robin
ette. Peel. Oregon.
Miss Frances Dugan, Comstock,
Mr. Jesse Gardner, Divide. Oregon
No greater service has been rendered to"
womankind than the giving by Dr. Fredrick" K."
I Mearnsoi his remarkable prescription, lor,
! many weaknesses with which 'women1
i afflicted. '
This great remedy is being placed on the market by the New
i York and London Drug Company and is labeled "Nyal'a Vegetable
j Prescription," "a boon to womankind'' .
The local drug firm, Fullerton & Richardson, are agents for
Koseburir, They report as follows:
j " "Nyal" remedies are superior to all of the highly exploited
; patent medicines, but the best of the Nyal's line is the "Vegetable
! Prescription." '
! "During the many years we have sold drugs in Roseburg we
i have never hoard as much favorable commendation of any other
medicine. Nyal'a Vegetable Prescription has received the praise of
every woman who has used it.
Other Nyal's medicines which are worthy of mention at this
particular season are:
Nyal's Baby Cough Remedy for colds,
lieves difficult breathing'. '
Nyal's Croup Ointment.
Nyal's Cod Liver Oil Compound without
oil. It is. better than "Vinol" or Emulsion of
Liver Oil ami is an ideal system builder and tonic.
Druggists, Roseburg', Ore. Ag'ents for "Nyal's"
Our hot drinks will warm yon up, and none bettor
cau be made for the pa'ate.
Next to Postolliee." - - - " ',
Sliei ldan Hlreet Xcim.Tlie Depot.
ii t l mi ' ' 5
ine upseDurg rnarmacy
WE take a delight in serving our patrons with
the best there is in the line of drugs. Purity
nigh is vnat counts at our pharmacy. "
Full line of Sundries always on hand
a , L, E. KROHN, Manager,
any one for you will miss It
D. j: jarvis
We don't sell for cost or below
cost but we will sell right at coat.
If you don't believe It, try us and
see. With each dollar's worth of
Reaster, of the state Agricultural col-1 gootig purchased you are entitled to
LT" Au r" j: ? 3. 1 a chance on a nice set of silverware,
leal theme he discussed nrnctlcnl Ian- knives, forks, table and teaspoons.
gunge learning in high schools.'Some See them in the window. Come and
of the Important points of his address e for yourself, don't be misled by
tor aUllty to carry on int"lligent con
versation, to express one's Ideas
clea? iy and precisely, whether In pol
itical meeting, lodge hall or commer
cial club or wherever occasion m:y
arise. Hut this does not mean to (
mawe or try to mako orations, be-:
cause most Influential men are not
orators, but are froceful speakers. In;
high school develop ability to talk
by carefully supervised topiral reel-j
tatlons, by reports from notes, notes
JI1 tiHIKUt"! ltlHl'B. UI llUltm Wll I'll""'
or other speeches, and by Informal
debate. Considerable written work
based upon the studies In literature
Ehould be required..
Prof. L. L. lioker, Cltv Superin
tendent of Uoseburg Public Schools,
addressed the section on Commercial
Clauses In the high school, In the Hint
afternoon period. He emphasized the
greAt value of commercial work In
high prhools. The graduate from tho
comnP-rclal course in high school
Is more competent to enter an office
than most business college students,
for the high school give other work
both for mental development and
We're in a Position
to offer you the best the market af
fords in the way of Meats; and our
prices you know are always lowest.
We handle only prime stock. Qual
ity and quantity guaranteed. Finn
roasting pieces of beet from Ho to
12c pound. First class mutton,
veal, pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. 'Phone us
your order. We deliver to any part
of the city.
Cass Street MarKet
107 West Cass St. Pbona 191.
Free Delivery.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumter;
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
Yards on Lower Onlc Street.
'Phone 1411
Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies!
Ag'ents FairbanKs & Morse Co.
Telephone 1441
Cor. Cass and Rose Sts. J,
Estimates on all Work Free of Charge. Repair
Specialty. : Office phone Main 945.
Office at Roseburg" ElectriCal House, Cor. Main and OaK
Residence 749 South Main Street. Roseburg, Ore.
iiOOMS TU KK.Vi'. Ily the day'or
week. Apply to 118 North Main
street. d-n-6
FOR SALE. Seven room house, lot :
fifty by three hundred, plenty of
fruit and berries In a very deslr-1
nblo location, $2,500. Six room! nr.. i. I alti.t nt,n nnrn
u - - t...wl nil ant In I '
Btrawberrls, city and woll water, j
$2,r00. Drug storo In thriving'
town, stock all now, no competi
tion, $1,500. Seven room house j
and two lots In desirable location'
for It. H. man, $1,600. Six room!
house and one acre of ground, In
Kdenbower, $350.00. Soma very j
desirable two-acre tracts for sale, i
close In, at $400 per tracL Inquire!
at room 6 and 7, Marsters Bldg. , I
Plumbing', Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning"
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining' Peoples Marble
Works. Telephone 2511.
WorK Done on Short Notice