The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 18, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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HuhH.Tiplion J(nt-t Dully
$r year, by unul $3.00
Vtr mouth, delivered BO
Vet yar $2.00
Six monthH 1.00
Patent flnt linn Jtimpr-cl to $5.70
a barrel whoh'Hiilo ft ri Portland, and
thoro is a AiW advance In thn
rrh: of tlu 5PUa:ii(Mlity nil over thn
PncMu erM.4rf 9- rlal.ncd that the
rii'iil-Trf and rWjj liavn laid In larc
ntor'KB, hut all tliu sumo the conminier
Is the ono who will pay tho high
prices or becoihe wlitut farmerH.
The KvifiiliiK Ndwh Is becoming
litorn popular evury day. That a good,
:h;an, wldf-u-wake evmihiK paper
was needed In Uosi'UurK In evidenced
by the lact that not a day has puns
m! hIik-u the Dihl Ihhii of the paper
that from live to twenty names have
been added to the diilly'r: mihscrlptioii
list. Thin Is a pood showing that
7ihi;oh iih icol j;ood.
(ilfTnrd IMnchot hufl written Proa
Id out TaTl a letter dlKehtimiiiK that
he had anything to do with Louis It.
Oiib Kochen made a bimlness trip
to itoaebiiiK last week.
B. O. Hodaon made a flynlg trip
out hero to Caues mill IhhU week on
F. M. and F. O. Good went to town
thin week after a load of goods for
their store.
A. 10. Martin, the carpenter and
enalueer, moved his family to Dla-
ton, Oregon, thin week where he haa .Minimum
a good position.
Mrs. Geo. Tavenner and daughter,
Gertie, are visiting relatives in Wil
bur, Washington
Geo. Huron will soon have the
market overstocked with "baco" made
from dog salmon If the run of sal
mon is good for mother month.
Howard Wilson. is going to give a
big dance Thanksgiving eve at his
h:ill In Mnh-oBC.
Clarence Klrsch has been working
!n the John Dower coal mine in the
western part of Melrose. He says ho
likes The work very much.
Jchh Tooly we understand has been
promoted to foreman on the Harding
Land Company's ranch In Garden
Mottom whero he has worked so long,
Joshua Aldorson shipped some ap
ples to Giants Puss last week.
Morrison Campbell is out again af
ter a long sick spell.
Mr. Jake Klruch hau been about
laid up with a fellon on his finger.
We have a drilled well at the
school house and the pump has been
'L.viu i:.ut i nek intnn Hecri'tnrv nut in. Wo win nave Doner water now
rinlllngor. and (ilavis cannot he) than when it was gotten from th
found ut .Seattle as a witness In the! creek near (lie sciiool House.
examination being made by the Lnnu
Depart men t into the CiiupJuuhain
Alaska coal land eases. When
Gluvlti' boss goes hack on him It ts
not surprising he gives up the light.
Among other novelties of a horti
cultural nature exhibited at the Hpo
knnn Appl'3 Know was tho seedless
npplo. The fruit originated in the
irrigated districts of Colorado.
Sclentliic breeding of plant lile has
brought about this result. The seed
less plum and cureless pear were ob
tained some yeaiH ago. Therefore
these products have ceased to be won
dered at, mid aie accepted as n mutter
of course.
1 U. H. Wealnor Bureau, local office,
Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending
5 a. irt., November 17, 1109.
Precipitation In inches and hun
dredths: v
M ai m u m temperature 62
Precipitation 08
Total Preclp since first of the
month ,....2.53
Avg. Preclp. for this month for
32 years -. 4.33
Total Preclp. from Sept. 1, 1909,
to date 7.32
Avg. Precip. from Sept 1, 1877,
Total excess deficiency from Sept.
1. 1909 1.05
Avg. Preclp. for 32 wot sea
sons, 33.00
When you see a man with a red
tioHH you can usually be assured that
It has not been done in water colors.
The Second Annual
National Apple Show
Will be held at
Jlnw easy 11 Is to make mlslaknK
In this world. !a one realizes it
more than the newspaper man,
whose life is full of them; hut dors
ho make auv tinii' than others? Take
for instance, tint merchant, his er
rors are numerous, as the dellv
men will tell, and the lawyer, as the
records tell Hi biaclc and white, and
the courts it peak about, in fact every
body makes plenty of them, says an
exchange. N'evurt he less how un
charitable unimt peo;le are when 11
Is the other fellow who does it.
There Is a difference In mistakes.
Horn 'j are seen only by one or two
while flume of the newspaper stand
out in the limelight for evervbndy lo
notice. Always lake a good nnk In the
glass befoiv you criticise others.
Those who have orchards in this
county should not lose an opportun
ity to Improve them. When trees are
valulchH owing to the pom- value of
fruit produced remove them and put
In their place such as will prove of
imifit. In Ihls way and only in this
will a perfect orchard he secured,
yielding the best of fruit and bring
ing the highest prices. Undeniably
our orchnrdfsts do no! give ihelr
nrchards the study and thought that
Ih necessary to make (hem the money
makers they shmitd ire. II is an ac
knowledged fact 1 hat t here are not
enough good applet to itupply a never
ceasing demand by thousands of box
es in ItoHebuic for foreign shipment.
Wo have the soil and the cljinate and
some good apples. There Is no doubt
we could raise as many more If the
growers would learn how, and after
the frul I was grown they should
"handle them as they would eggs."
There Is iih much (rouble In getting
thn fruit tu market In a presentable
tshnpe as there Is in growing it, and
there is no use of taking ll to market
for sale if it is not In such a shape.
Spokane, Washington,
This Apple show is a world wide
tho Pacific Northwest and in order to
encourag" everyone to attend the
i TIIERX PACIFIC CO. will make a
special round trip rate of
One and one third fare
From all Points; on
Its lines in Oregon.
Tickets will be on sale at
stations, main lines and branches,
November 14 and loth. Final, re
turn limit November 23.
W'alhico Mlmlofk sayH the (Ior sal
mon have not hut'll running very goi;d
of hit').
.loan Tonlcy Ml 'A he didn't know he
had hocn niliuhiK a boarding houtt.
hut will lako ill winter boarders if
they will nay in advaneo.
l' M. Ooijd lout a valuablo dog
Hilllie milt) UK" uy ih-iiik nunnwuu. i . - , , , x
V W. Murdoek lost one tho bumc event of the Rreatet importance to
The Plerco IlroH. nro talking of go
ing on u big hunting expedition In
the jungles of Coos county. Wo hope
you do not gel killed too.
Adam Doerner has put in a large
dam in the crunk on his place.
Our school is progressing nicely
under the management ot Minn Keu
nlci'.tt from Connlcutt.
The hill near our school house
ought lo bo'gravelcd or It will ho like
It was last winter, so the mall carriur
will not get nured in the mud.
(i. W. Alilersim has been putting
omu Improvements on his Hue farm
this fall, such ns fencing und building
a largo woodshed
I'ele Kirjch tho expert plinermaii
expects to go to Coos county In the
near future.
When the electric rond Is built
through hero we that have not seen
the briny deep can run down before
we could pet slatted ou a stage
Mr. l'hllllps is pretty busy sup
plying Hoseliurg with wood now days.
Adolph Hoerner says lie is .sorry
the grapes are gone but will bo ready
lor litem next fall.
Must every ono around hero says
they like the wonderberries that some
of the papers think are such ll poor
Mr. Wtr.. Stelnner has moved hack
on ills place from the old poor farm
where he has been employed by John
lien Cnrr has returned from Kal-
aniuth county whore he has been at
work lor the past summer.
V. Cnso will he pmiared to turn
out all kinds of first class lumber by
the time lliu roads are good next
i prlng
.Mr. lohu Hates, of Happy Valle,
wis down hero on business the first
of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thorn went to
lloseburg on business Tuesday.
O. W. Murdoch bus some line win
ter apples this fail which hu lias been
O. O. P.
If Every
Optician Were An
It Would Be Better for Your Eyes
Since the word "OPTOMETRIST" is a new one. coined to apply to a spe
cially of marked proficiency, an explanation of its meaning is in order.
Webster's new International Dictionary, dollnes an optician as iouuw.
"Ono (-killed In optics ono who deal! in' opticlal glasses and Instruments. (
A DlKiK-iiKing Optician soils glasses
Manufacturing optician possesses
the mathematical knowledge of grind
ing, etc., is familiar with optical par
aphernalia, and is competent to fill
an order from the OPTOMETRIST.
etc., and can tell whether or not a
lens 13 ground according to the In
ductions of the OPTOMETRIST.
nut an OPTOMETRIST Is fouifled with the additional and broader sclen
lllic knowledge of the laws of vision and of the organ of sight which Is
essential to the proper fitting ot glasc-s.
An OPTOMUTRIST can test the eyes iocato the affliction or defect of sight
mid rectify It by proscribing the proper lenses.
When the eyes need attention, always consult an OPTOMETRIST. You can
not afford to be careless with so Important a faculty ns the sense ot vision
Cass St.
Ileal Kslate Transfers.
hi: nimvi;i
Whenever the Inclination Suited Him
mid He Was Mtul
A Portland wnnian Infoi'meil a cir
cuit jmlm' nt' .Muliuoinah eminty that
too much of her inanled life haa
been devoted lo dodnluu; flatiroiiH,
f r Iuk pans and other household ar
ticles which she says her husband
throws at her when he uein Into a lit
of rune. At times she says he vents
his nn;er on her in oilier cruel ways,
tOaH and spanks hej and ou one oc
casion, so she claims, threw her bod
ily down stalls, while they were on
H visit to her mother' house. Mrs.
Devereaux asks t he court to grant
li'i a decree ot divorce from her hus
band. Knvther allegations made by her
arc that In one of h!s imroxysms of
rage hcr'hnshnnd tipped tin dlnning
tablo ever, and she says that lie has
ailso broken mirrors and other pleivs
of household tu rutin re. Threats
against lur life were not wanting,
tihe says, ami instances one time when
lio remarked that before night "two
fools would be off the earth."
Hi; .n)aiued that he would kill her
first nnd then kill himself.
1 'evereuux is it Portsmouth urch
Itecl, and the couple were married
Hi Nmvberg, Oregon, August I'ti, 11MS.
In riling hoi suit tor separation, Mrs.
leverratix asks tor $100 n month ul
imottv dm tug the pendency of the
unit and aitei wards.
Augustus IMntlor to W. 10. Rich
ards lots 2, :t. 4, and 5 in block 1,
Shutrums Addition to the City of
i Yoncalla. Consideration $1700.
. C. Thienea to V. 1. Itooth tho
SWH f Si- . U. :t. S. U. ti V.
containing ItiO acres. Consideration
Mario A. Kitor to A. M. Crawford
undivided Ms interest in lots 2 and 3
block 1), lotH 17, IS, 7. S, and in
bloek C. Mint's Addition lo tho City
of Roseburg. Consideration $1.
.1. Will Meckley to C. V. Moody
::t;.:I acres all situated tit Douglas
county. Consideration $1.
Anna H. McClav In 1,. St. Ores, lota
I. 2. and 7 lu block IG. First Addi
tion to tho town of Kikion. Consider
ation $20.
Kttn Mall to .1. F. Gorthy, certain
st rip of land H'0 feet wide. West
Hos'.'burg. Couslderntlon $2000.
;i;.m ham. i'i;i.i: v.i,rz
Thanksgiving evening, November
"2-1, l!H;. at the Armory Hall. Uoso
liirg, Oregon. (liven the liose
mrg Orchesi i a of 1 0 "Jdeces under
dtntlon of I'rof. W. F, Williamn.
$10.u0 in prizes given away to best
luttv and gentleman dancer.
A Kood time to all who attend.
Come and see the prize wait.. Panelng
from i n, ni. til 2. a. tu Tickets $1.00
a couple. Spectators 't cents.
Any girl with ruby It pa and gold
en hair ought, tu bo a treasure worth
atrlvlng for.
Watch us for another groat sale
of couches, in order that thoso who
canio too late for tho last sale might
avail themselves of doop tut in the
prices, ltlce & Hire.
' xi:v TOIA V.
FOI1 SAliK Team, ramp. wagon and
harn.'ss. Oht.ip- lu.iulre at Moor's
Feed Murn swd-n'JO
wiiK vr ii.oo
OATS 50c bushel.
HAY Vetch. $12 to $14 ton;
grain, $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17.
HOLLKD HA ULKY $30.00 Ion.
STKKIW -Alive. He lb.
COWS Alive 2 He
VF.AL Pressed. Be. lb.
HOtJS Pressed, Se; Allvo 6c.
I'OPl.TKY Mixed chickens, alive,
Ac lie; dressed, 12c; ducks,
alive. ! f.r 10c; dressed, 14 (r 15c.
lU'TTFIt- Creamery, 42 Vac lb.
countrv. 37 He lb.
KtHitf 4c doK.
POT VTOK3--NOW. 1c lb.
WOOl, Spring, 24e; fall, 20c;
year clip. 24c.
CAUHAGE l'ic. lb.
tMONS 2c lb.
In prizes will be
given away
Instructiv Lectures, In
tnresting program every
day during the show.
For further information call ou any
Southern Pacific agent or on
Wm. McMurray,
General Passenger Ageut
Portland, Oregon.
o.wcks xotici: '
Notice is hereby ulven Hint on 1111,1
aTter Saturday, Noreniber 20, 1009,
itiw tiiincfs Klven at the Armory Hull
will Iih conducted by I'rof. W, R
Williams. Social dunces evorv Satur
day nlirlit'froin 9:30 to 12 o'clock.
Ilaiirlnn lessons will bo civen from
7 to 9:30 same evening on any of
the following dances: Waltz. Two
Step, Three-Step, Itye Waltz, Schot
tlsrhe, .Newport, Var Souvinua and
Hnrn Dance.
All those coming into the clnsK on
November 20, and not later than No
vember 27, will be glven'a full term
of 12 lessons on any of the above
dances for only $5.00. After Novem
ber 27 tho full rate of $9.00 a term
will be charged. Prlvato lessons given
by appointment at the hall or at your
own homes. We guarantee or money
It's funny how a man with hay
fever will always sneeze at everything.
O Legal advice freo. Collections
.: Solicited ,
Itoom 1, Marsters Bldg. '
it 1
ltoseliurg, Oif. & '
. A A X HA A X A A A Hit ft K l JLK JiA A Jl HMuiA I
Olfice: Warehouse N o.
Near the Depot. Telephone
Main 2-I31 or 311.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement
Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia
Give us a call. We will save you money.
The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare
Flour has nearly doubled in price.
We sell
the same prices and it is the
best. CooKies, buns, cinnamon
rolls and doughnuts 10c Per
dozen. Pies 10c each. Our
caKes are the best.
Where are You Going to Trade?
Sure we bave ladles' shirt waists,
klmoiios, long and short ones; bath
robes, aprons, long ones with and
without sleeves: tea aprons, black
and white collars, and all kinds of
neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear
coats, and hoods for the babies. Also
a lirst-class line of millinery. Our
ic, 10c, 15c and 25c counters are
loaded with good things.
How do we sell them? Why
cheaper than anybody else. ' Why?
Because our expenses are less. Be a
Mlssoutiaus; come In and let us show
Leaders In Popular Priced Goods.
Homo of tho 1c Post Card.
I The
For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings
and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS
for the LEAST MONEY.
TrylThem In Your Order For
Groceries is their Specialty, and they will
please you.
Try ThemlFor DryM
The People's Cooperative 9$bre
KireiWHiimS B B g IH1 fl a B Uti 11 ii a II U il U UK ii .a,
Sheet Metal WorK Drier Pipe An thing Yoa Want
DfSKy Lights, Cornice.
PHONE 1284
Jt eavylron TanKs
Electricity furnishes comforts
heretofore unthought of.
The luiurles of yesterday are
the necessities of today. The best
wny to make our home attrac
tive and a pilnce In its Interior
conditions of living la by the use
of electric light.
315 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or