The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 17, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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The straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes bring's
you here.
If you frequent any of the "by
paths" you'll be apt to lone your
Bclf in the tangle of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
whatever wo buy is well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure- but you'll
find that the best is always here.
These clothes are made for us
by the Stein Block Co. and David
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the wo-ld. Every
Suit we sell is sold with an ab
solute Euaran'ee t Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
ruit in return.
' " nii'ilitu ia tlin trim
test oflcheapness. Iiy oir good
Clothes you shall know us.
' T
Lj urn
City News Briefly Recorded
Z. W. Dltnmlck, of KoIldKK. was u
tiiiHlii'-Hs viHllor In tho v.iy today.
8. Kirk took a run up to Ctinyon
vllle, yen lord u y to look aCtor uualiu'HH
mattcra. "
(Joorno llouck wont lo Myrtlo
Cruuk on iirofoHKioiial buNinosH thin
morning. I
The NchiiiHIi county bankollmll
tflain relumed to Cottage Cirovo this
Sllverwaro, Cutlnry, KiiIvoh ami
Forka, all la tho 1847 waru, tho kind I
fllhs Ilatlie Smith, of WlnchcHter,
1b spending tho day In the city visit
ing frlendH.
(ieiirgu Sheridan and .foe Murphy
returned from pointH In Montana and
Washington thin morning. They re
port a moHt enjoynhlo time and are
high in praise of the country visited.
Mrs. Uenjlman, of San Kraneiaco,
returned home this morning after a
hrli'f visit at tho homo of Mr. and
MrH. George Iiolter In thin city. Mr.
Henjhnan, deceawed, was at one time
that don't wear off, all that'H good, .editor of the I'laludealer ii? 111 cl (
At HI eo & Hire, (he hniitm furuisherH. j Tho llggtKt and bent crockery alore
C. K. Vhornlon, of Moriiil, Cook: In Soiithtrn Oregon. lOvei ythtng that
coiinly, who hah a hoim-vluad there, ,1k made In crockery, glaaaware. and
was In Mm city thH morning enrouto China, wo have It, From tho plainest
to the Wl!!ametl Valley for a visit, to bent hand-patnled. Many beautiful
ProfeHHor Koltinelte, at. present en-, plecea of Llhby cut glass Biiltable for
Knged In eiluculloual work at Yrtn-1 presents. Uice & Ifico, tho house
rrtllu, 1h In tho city iff attendance ut furnishers.
thti teachirs' institute
Alru Clevefgei. it sinter of I,. Wim
heriy, returned to (ii an I h Pass this
morning after a brief visit with
friend and relatives in this city.
W. W. I'urd v, the railroad pro
motor, returned to the city last even
ing niter a brief business trip to
Willi Is In the northern part of the
Tho Manner Hue of Iron Hefa,
Brans filled and brass beds shown In
bout liei n Oregon. Prices the most
leasonablo, $11.00 to lltn.OO, at It lie
William Van Huron returned "this
iiiHirnlnjf from Pen t land where iv
spent several days on business. He
was uei-iimpanlcd us far as Oak 1.1 ml
liy ltert Brown.
VV. A. Hurt, the local music man.
Colli-fde.'.thlo complaint Ih being
heard relative to the deplorable con
dition of the paved streets. During the
past few days the street sweeper has
remained In idleness, and from ap
pearances no effort Is being made to
improve (he condition of the streets.
With the present accumulation of
mud in evidence some action should
he taken v It bout delay.
II. Carrlck, wire anj daughter, of
Pocatella, Idaho, who have been
spending the past few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hell,
in this city went to ('.rants Pass this
morning. Mr. Carrick was for many
yearn master mechanic of the O. It.
& N. Hues with headquarters In Ida
ho. He recently resigned such posi
tion, and Is now in search of a fruit
anch. Should he be unable to secure
returned last evening from points in j n suitable location In Southern Ore-
thn northern part ot tin county gun he will return to this county
where disposed of several high grade
iiush turn 1 ,11110 pianos.
0. I,. Prior, the eleetrclau, has fin
ish the construction of his auiinnoblle
"The Pryor." The machine appeared
on the street yesterday and attracted
considerable attention.
'Tho Port land Telegram savs:
Ari;hWshnp Alexander Christ le was
roiniH'(l from SI. incent's Hospital
to his home at Sixteenth ami Davis
fitri'iJs yesterday, on (I jH well on the
nuul lo recovery. His shoulder, which
was disloi.:ted by a fall at Oswego
lew wetks ago, Mill gives him a
good deal vi pain, but hu Is aide to
sit up and intend to his otluial bus-tniiHH.
lamp's Could, a member of the firm
of Pyle ft Ci'iiutd, who constructed the
cement curbs In this city last xiimmtv
wii arrested by Night Officer Palm
late last evening charged with being
drunk. He was lodged in the city jail
where he temnUod until this morn
lug. When arraigned before City Ur
( order Orcutt he gave his name as
lack Could, but such was disputed
by Maishal Huffman who experienc
ed considerable trouble wltii (ion Id
during his jtuy In this city last sum
mer, t pen entering a plea of guilty
he was fined In the sum of $ I it. Could
will be remembered In this city, hav
ing be.-n arrested upon several occas
ions during bis former visit.
i J. H. Austin, of Wilbur, Is a visitor
In tho city today.
K. L. Keezet, of Myrtle Creek, Is a
visitor In tho city today.
James Htirchard, of Days Creek,
is a visitor In the city today.
W. A. Arnold, of Riddle, Is a bus
iness visitor In tho city today.
Dr. Calloway went to Dlllard this
morning on professional business.
Have you seen thoBe elegant Steins
and Tankards, at Hoseburg Book;
prices 25c to $5.00 each.
J. tl. Curd I nor, of Divide, Js In the
city attending business matters.
W. Brown, of Camas Valley, la
spending a few days In the city at
tending business matters.
A. C. Chappell, of Suth'.'rlln, Is
suffering from an attack of typhoid,
rover, ile Is being attended by Dr.
llavo Clark do your franilws and
savo money. 2 n f 0 feet of new
moulding Just received. Clark's
Studio. tf
Kach step taken for mother adds
to the time she will be with you to
enjoy your deeds of love and to cheer
with her smile.
H. H. Perrlne. of the firm of Por
rine & Walker, went to Cottage
(irove this morning to attend business
Hu nice Post, Gertrude Davis, Daisy
Hoover and A. I- Oarlund and wife,
of Drain, are in the city attending
tin teachers' Institute.
Kany Arnold, Addle Lovelace and
Miaul'1 Smith are among the Oakland
teachers In attendance at the insti
tute now In progress at the high
school bulluing.
Klorcnco Glass, Orilla Petera
(Trace V. Potter, Mable Smith, Abbic
Pond, and h-tta Weaver, all of Mvr
He Creek, are attending the teachers
Institute In this city today.
W. M. foster, of Kansas, arrived
Sunday an-1 is a guest of his old
frii'nu D J. .larvis. of this city. Mr
l-'oster was pecompanied West by the
Parish tiro:., also from Kansas
Charles Roberts, county surveyor
left Hi Is morning for the head of
Smith river whei'j ho will survey and
locate a county road. He expects to be
absen; from the tity several days.
Siale Superintendent of Schools,
!1. Ackermnn. of Salem, Is In Hie
city atleiiding tho teachers' institute,
Ho will deliver an address at the
courtnouso this evening on mat tors
pertaining to education.
These long winter nights should
find ouo of our Peerleas elastic felted
silk floss mattresses installed on the
bed. Tho moat sanitary and healthful
mattress made. Sold exclusively by
Rice & Rice.
Warren itced, the Gardiner lum
berman, is attending business mat
ters In the city today. He reports
business good In tho northern part
of tlie county and anticipates a pros
perous year for 1 ') 1 U.
S. K. S-.'kcs, the local hardware
man. has tiled a motion In the circuit
court usking that the case recently
filed by him against H. Spiker be dis
missed. He fceis forth the fact that
the controversy has been settled.
George Leonard, who resides In
California, arrived In the city yester
day, leaving last evening for Looking
Glass where he ?.ill visit friends for
several weeks. This Is Mr. Leonard's
flrsa visit (o Hoseburg since he left
here T2 years ago.
I'M ward Heals, manager of the
Portland weather observatory. Is In
tho city today. He has Just returned
from Marshfield where he spent sev
eral days attending business matters
connected with Ilia ofllclal duties. He
leaves lor his home at Portland this
Mrs. Garfield nuell, the twenty
tour year old daughter of Mr. and
Airs. Hurst, of Myrtle Creek, passed
awi'.v yesterday afternoon after a
brief Illness. The funeral will ho held
tomorrow morning with Interment
at t he cemetery at that placo. Tlie
deceased la a sister-in-law of Mrs.
Mose Rice if (Ills city. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Ulce will attend the funeral.
Yes Its fine In California,
But It has bitter with Its sweet
And tho grand old State of Washing
ton, Of con i he its hard to beat;
Hut put mo off In Orgeon
Where the clear old L'mptjua flows;
Where the flowers are always bloom
ing And the Big Red Apples grow.
Away down In Western Texas,
The place they call the plains.
The hen Is always shining
Ot course It never ralna.
So Just stop my train In Oregon
Where people get up and go.
Sunshine or rain, Its all the same,
So the Big Red Apples grow.
N'othlng to boost In Arizona,
.Neither In New Mexico;
fust the same In the Dakotas,
Nor In our neighbor Idaho.
Yes, I'll get off In Oregon
If you go an your slow,
You'll lament while I'm content
Where the Big Red Apples grow.
Fourteen Inches and a half
I measured it you know,
What's that my neighbor asks.
Why, (hat's how big apples grow
Yes, put me off at Roseburg
Then 1 11 be content to roost,
If that's how big the apples grow
There's something there to boost.
Roseburg, Ore.
People who are always harping on
their troubles don't dispense a very
high qradu of music.
When It conies to teaching orth
ography, the old style spelling match
is a pronounced success.
A Missouri man has been put into
jail for having married thirteen
wives. He's not a criminal. He's a
We all like to brag of our ances
tors, but sometimes forgot to live so
that our descendants can do the same
U. S. Weatner Bureau, local office,
Roseburg, Oregon, 24 houra ending
5 a. m. November 17, 1901).
Precipitation In inches and hun
M axl ni u m tern perat u re 4 4
Minimum "
Precipitation 04
lolal Precip since first of the
month 2
Avg. Precip. for this month for
.12 years 4.33
Total Precip. from Sept. 1, 1909,
to date 7.20
Avg. Precip. from Sent 1, 1877,
Total excess deficiency from Sept.
1, 1 909 1.13
Avg. Precln. for 32 wet sea
sons, : 33.00
Tho M. J. Walsh Co., of Portland.
Is now Installing tile flooring In the
Douglas National Bank; also tiling
for Mr. Booth's fine residence, and
would suggest to the contractors of
the city If they have any floor or
bath room tiling to do, to leave word
at the Douglas National Bank for
James Green, our tile man. If you
wish to communicate with him you
can address him care of the above
bank, or leave word for him. M. J.
Walsh Co , Portland, Or. d-2t.
A few specialties; all colors and
finishes, la the famous New Cote
Stains. Ocoboco Linoleum Varnish;
there's nothing else as good. C In
one oils, the best glues and the only
Bllver polish that's first class,. Rice
& Rice. tf
The editor of The Evening News,
acknowledges a cordial invitation to
attend the monthly smoker of the
Union Republican Club of Multnomah
county on the evening of November
24, 1909, and regrets his absence
will be unavoidable.
The Ladies' Aid of the Christian
church will hold a market day sale
of Thanksgiving delicacies the day
preceeding the annual holiday. There
will be nn opportunity for one lo get
nil sorts or seasonable delicacies for
their Thanksgiving dinner which
will save lots of work at home.
Xmas will soon bo on hand, good
cheer for all. Have some nice
pieces laid away for Father, Mother,
Wife, Sister or Sweetheart. A good
nlce of furniture Ih a loy forever,
Plenty of them at Rice & Rice, the
house furnishers.
Insure your property in the Ore
gon Fire Relief Association, (Mc
Minnville.) Old and tried, cheapest
and best. See Bonnie Buchanan, in
Abraham building.
Got wise read The News.
At Your Service
Roseburg, Oregon Phone
e 193
Ti:iil'lTKNU 001
Prompt nttoiitlim rivpii to nil orders
Exponent of the
World's Coming;
Mr. OIney Has Come to
Roseburg to Explain
His Methods of Heal
ing and to Advertise
His Healinglnstitutions
At Portland.
Edward OIney, the successful heal
er, through his understanding of the
laws of nature, heals you of all physi
cal ailments, lie was born with this
healing power, his (list cure having
been effected at the age of seven .
years. Do not neglect your dlsense
but rail on him and be healed. Health
ot mind and body, prosperity and
success are yours for the asking.
Air. OIney has a healing institute in Portlandwhlch ho has had charge
of for one year with great success, healing people with all kinds of dis
eases without the ubo of drugs or knife. A remarkable case a Portland
boy healed of appendicitis. Harry, the 10 year old son of .Mr. and Mrs. R.
tely, of 108 Fairfield Hoad, is the happy boy, who once more is well and
back to his school. It doesn't matter what your trouble is, come and be
convinced of his healing power. Mr. OIney has just come from Eugene,
Oregon, where he has been giving lectures and healing the sick and suf
fering of all kinds of diseases, Rheumatics and. Paralytics cured, the deaf
made to hear. People often come on crutches and In invalid wagons, and
walk home well. Cancers and Tumors cured, eye sight restored, liver and
kidney cured. Ecztna, asthma, catarrh, lung trouble cured. Ruptures
cured. All chronic diseases cured. It costs you nothing to Investigate.
Call and get a free booklet. Olllc-e in the aimev of Holed Met'lullcn, No.
coiner of Alain and Douglas streets. Main street entrance, hours 0 u.
ni, to H p. ni. Consultation Free.
The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare
Where are You Going. to Trade?
For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings
and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS
for the LEAST MONEY.
TrylThem In Your Order For
Groceries is their Specialty, and they will
please you.
Try ThemlFor Dry Goods
The People's Cooperative Store
Know all ye good peoples that Klnxoap Is a new article of com
merce, that all shtMild use, especially ye housekeeper. Kor be
It known to all, that l'laoap Is ye best possible article to use
In el. aniui; paints ami UnolcitjDis. It does not destroy luster
or quality but atUls to it.
Know ye. that Klaxoap was originated for use of ye rail
roads lu cleaning their highly polished varnished wood work.
ltecause of lis success Kluxoup has been put up in pack
ages suitable for household Ui-e.
llear'yje; Hear ye; the Iron-
"monger has it for
CALICO "TrtE ST0RE THAT serves you best- December
The New YorK Store Patterns I
J satisfaction or your money back Are Here
Free Delivery to Any Part of the City. Phone 254 1. Agents McCall's Patterns, Monarch $2 00 Gloves, It.
(i. Corsets, 1'erby Gloves Si. 50.
15c. 20c. 25c. 50c and 75c fl A
These Handkerchiefs are worth
are worth to 75c each, and everyone,
beauty, thcie aro no two alike. The
early shopper gets the choice, a limit
of 5 to a customer (see window) at the
A flyer on wool waists
They are beautifully made
and elaborately embroidered
fronU. They come in all colors,
brown, blacks, grays, tans,
blues, navy, cream. They are
extraordinary values at the very
low price of only
Pee window.
doJl iu 0 0
v mm m
very low figure ot only