The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 16, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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City News Briefly Recorded
Big mualcul tonight at Methodist
Episcopal church, at 8 o'clock. Free.
Karl Sabln, of Siilhorlin, was a
visitor In the city for a fuw hours
laat evening.
George. A. Moldon, of Drain, U
spending tho day In tho city looking
nfter business matters,
George Stearns, of Oakland, re
turned home t IiIh morning after a
brief visit la tlilH city.
Mrs. Partln returned to her home
at Dillard this morning after a brief
vlHlt with friends in thn city today,
Manager Sleep, of the Portland
office of the Hardin Land Company,
Is a business visitor In the city today.
John Smith and Kdwmd Casey,
both residents of Camus Valley, are
in the city today attending lo busi
ness matters.
Mr. Clarke, the photographer. Is
upending the day at Sutherlln, taking
a number of pictures for advertising
Mrs. J. If. Short and daughter,
Mable, of Drew, are visiting at the
homo of Mrs. Edward i I Inkle and
daughter In' this eiyt.
J. E. Love, tho genial Canyonville
merchant, was a visitor to Hoseburg
yesterday and found lime to drop into
ihe News sanctum and see the printer, i
Silverware, Cutlery, Knives and
ForkH, all In the 1847 ware, the kind
that don't wear off, till that's good
At Hlce & Hlce, the house furnishers,
Dr. Houck was called to Blither-
llu this morning to attend a young
man who was Kuddeuly stricken 111
at that place last evening.
Theso long winter nlghtB should
find one of our Peerless elnstic felted
tdlk floss muttresHea Installed on the
bed. The most sanitary and healthful
mattress made. Sold exclusively hy
Itlce A Hlce.
The meinhers of the local school
board met In regular session at the
ofllco of Judge Kullerton last even
ing. i'o business of Importance was
transacted, only routine mutters be
ing considered.
Mrs. Parker, a former missionary
who has spent the past eight years In
China,, left for the Bouth yesterday
morning after spending a few days
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs..
William Cohb In this city.
Xmas will soon he on hand, good
cheer for all. Have some nice
pieces laid away for Father, Mother,
Wife, SiHter or Sweet heart. A good
piece of furniture Ih a oy forever.
Monty of them at Kico & Hlce, the
house furnishers.
J. I fiazley, a former clerk of
Douglas county, and for the past few
years a resident in the Paget Sound
district. Is spending a couple of dnys
in the city vlHlllug old time friends.
Mr. Onzley notices inimy changes in
this vicinity since ho left and Is qullu
surprised at the wonderful progress
so evident on every hand.
Manager Krenr, of the local light
and water company, received a letier
from J. A, Kendall, one of the own
ers, who recently visited here to the
effect that he arrived at his home at
Pittsburg, PeniiHylvauia, safely. Fur
ther he miys he enjoyed IiIk visit lo
this section very much and expects
to return here often in the future.
Congressman W. C. Haw ley, who
ttpent yesterday In the city greeting
friends, went to Cottage drove this
morning where he will attend a meet
ing of the elUzens at that city this
afternoon. The distinguished gentle
man will he enterlnlued by the Ku
geno Commercial Club, ut Kugeiie,
this evening.
Lyman Kohluetle, who spent the
summer In this vicinity in the cap
acity of a plasterer, was captured at
Hfsson, Cntll'orulu, IiujI evening charg
ed Willi Jumping a inoard hill at the
Ohmau hoarding house iu this city.
It Is also said that he left town owing j
various business houses, aiming them,
being Sluum (am, the clothier. As!
yet the ofllcers are uudirided as to
what course to pui sne In bringing
back the Indh idual. entertaining i
a grave doubt as lo whether he ran
he returned from a distant state
the charge preferred.
B. H. Harris, of DlxonvlIIe, was In
town on business last night.
Judge Stearns, of Oakland, a for
mer judge a Douglas county, l.
spending the day in tho city attend
ing business matters,
C. D. Ileale and wife, accompanied
hy Mrs. C. H. Ilrlstol, are spending
the day at Sutherlln.
Tho street 'committee were out In
force Miib afternoon, notifying the
several contractors to clean up In the
vicinity of their operations.
Hoy Wouacott, son of County
Judge fi. W. Wonacott, has returned
from Portland where he spent sev
eral weoks visiting relatives.
Mrs. J. F, -llarker Is entertaining
the memhers of the Sewing Club at
her home at the corner of Lane and
Kane streets this afternoon.
Mrs. .!. C. Mulvey has entered
Mercy Hospital where she will un
dergo an operation. Drs. Sether,
Seely and Stewart have charge of the
The Uanner lino of Iron Beds,
Ilrass II lied and brass beds shown In
Southern Oregon. Prices the most
leasonable, 1 3.0,0 to $30.00, at Rice
& Rice.
The work of tearing down the par
tially burned Abraham building on
Jackson street Is progressing rapidly
and will probably be finished by to
morrow evening.
Watch us for another great sfilo
of couches. In order that those wLo
came too late for the last sale might
avail themselves of deep cut In the
prices. Itico & Rico.
On account of the teachers' insti
tute which convenes at tho high
school building in this city tomorrow
morning and continues three dnys
the public schools will be closed dur
ing the remainder of the week.
Local merchants who are handling
turkeys and other poultry for the
holiday trade expect to ship more
birds this year than for several sea
sons past. The price Is good and
tho farmers are disposing of their
product as fast as possible.
Tho regular meeting of tho United
Artisans, Friday night, was notice
able for a large attendance, and four
new memhers were Initiated Into the
order. A pleasant feature of the
evening was the refreshments served
and the social hour enjoyed.
The hlggest and best crockery store
in Southern Oregon. Kverythlng that
Is made In crockery, glassware, and;
China, we have It. From, the plainest i
to best hand-painted. Many beautiful
pieces of Ubby cut glass suitable for
presents. Hlce & Rice, the house
furnishers. 1
The Pacific States Telephone and
Telegraph Company have recently in
stalled two new lines from this city
to Marshlield. With the Increased,
facMitieH for handling Hie business
the company anticipate little trouble,
or delay In getting messages through ;
in tho fill lire.
Lena Itoherls, a waitress at. the
McChillen hotel, expects to undergo
an operation for eye trouble at
Mercy Hospital in a few days. The
preliminary surgery has been per
formed successfully and Dr. Seely an
ticipates no dilllculty In straightening
her yes which have been In a bad
slate for some time past.
Mrs. ('has. Peterson, who formerly
lived iu Itosehurg. died at Medforil
last Thursday. Two daughters. Mrs.
A. F. Kinsel, nf Oakland, California,
and Mrs. H. I. Norman, of Oakland,
Oregon, were iu attendance at the
funeral. .Mrs. It. it. Haines, of Dix
ouvilk' who died last week was also
a daughter of Mrs. PcUmsoii.
Tho funeral of the late Mrs. F. T,.
WyckolT was held at tin? Maptlst
church this afternoon. Uev. W. H.
Katon olliclatlng. The remains were
interred at the I. O. O. F. cemetery,
the ceremony at the grave being held
under the auspices of the Itehekah
Indue of which the deceased was a
member. The church was taxed lo
Us capacity, hundreds of sympathi
zing friends having taken the oppor
tunity to pay i heir last respects to
on ihe one whom they had loved through
i lite.
S. S. Morrison, of Peel, Is In the
city looking after business matters.
It. O. Preston, of Myrtle Creek, Is
a business visitor In the city today.
I,afe Kn files, postmaster of Peel,
accompanied by Mrs. Engles, Is In the
John Alexander, the Glide mer
chant, Is In the city today purchasing
supplies for his store.
Geo. S, McGilvry, accompanied by
Charles Cook, both residents of Can
yonville, are In the city. They are
registered at the McClallen hotel.
The new generator for Kendall
Brothers Winchester plant has ar
rived and will he installed within a
couple of days. With the new ad
dition the capacity of the plant will
be doubled.
Harry T. McClallen, chairman of
the street sweeping committee, re
ports the fact that he has secured
shelter for the street sweeping Imple
ments. From this time on the im
plements will be housed when not In
M. F. Wyckoff, husband of the late
Mrs. Wyckoff who passed away In
this city Sunduy morning, arrived
here this morning to attend the fun
eral, which was held this afternoon.
He expects to return to his home In a
i'ew days. j
Senator Booth, of Lane county, I
wa a visitor In the city last evening
Tom Cobb, of the Cobb Real Estate
Company, is absent from the city to
day, having business matters to at
tend elsewhere.
The first game of basketball for
the season will be played at Sykes
rink this evening, when the Neamith
county team and the local high school
aggregation meet to contest for
laurels. A large attendance Is an
ticipated. The M. J. Walsh Co., of Portland,
Is now installing tile flooring in the
DouglaB National Bank; also tiling
for Mr. Booth's fine residence, and
would suggest to the contractors of
tho city if they have any floor or
bath room tiling to do, to leave word
at the Douglas National Bank for
James Green, our tile man. If you
wish to communicate with him you
can address him care of the above
bank, or leave word for him. M. J.
Walsh Co , Portland, Or. d-2t.
Adjudged Insuim and Admitted to
Insane Asylum
VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. IS.
Praying an caning on the Deity for
forgiveness, incessantly, a man giv
ing the name of Peter Murphy was
taken to the county jail Saturday. He
Is being given an examination as to
his sanity today. Murphy was ar-
While here he visited the Koseburg i r."atml '" the railroad yards by Officer
Commercial Club and pronounced the uassawuy, wno louuu mm on n s
nunrrnrti flu n.nxA it nnt hAltPr. Ihnn I" n BttlUlde of prajTC He
Exponent of the
World's Coming;
Mr. OIney Mas Come to
Roseburg to Explain
His Methods of Heal
ing and to Advertis
His Healinglnstitutione
At Portland.
those In other towns throughout the
The Ladles Aid of the Christian
church will hold a market day sale
of Thanksgiving delicacies the day
preceedlng the annunl holiday. There
will be an opportunity for one to get
nil ports of seasonable delicacies for
their Thanksgiving dinner which
will save lots of work at home.
Kendall Brothers have Installed
twelve new model transformers in
the city during the past week. With
the new traiiRormers In effect the
wires will carry a current of 120
volts or ten more volts than hereto
fore. Mr. Frear says that all consum
ers should use 120 volt lights should
they wish to obtain the best results.
Shortly after noon today a warrant
was Issued out of Justice Long's
court charging Wyman Robinette
until recently a resident of this city,
with the crime of theTt. Hohinette
Is accused of stealing a gold watch
from a Southern Pacific brakeman,
and Is being held at Slsson, Cal.,
awaiting an officer from this city.
Coustahlo Wright expects to leave
this evening for the California town.
It Is not known whether Hoblnette ,
will return without the formality of j
extradition papers.
At Your Service
Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193
was brought to the police station.
where the corridor rang with his sup
plications. He did not cease for a
monent, and no business could be
transacted in the city hall, which Is
In the samo building as the jail, un
til Murphy was taken away. He Is
about 50 years old.
Upon examination Murphy was
found Insane, and accordingly has
been admitted to the Insane asylum.
The attendants were obliged to ad
minister an opiate before the patient
could be quieted.
Kia'KK miens wax specials
E. A. Kruse, the poultry fancier,
from Deer Creek, was in town Mon
day afternoon, and while In The
News office to order the dally sent
up to the ranch, told of just receiving
word from Hertha M. Story, A. Y. P.
Exposition Commissioner for Oregon,
that special prizes had been awarded
his birds shown at Seattle. The letter
"Dear Sir: Enclosed find orders
for three specinrpremiums on Oregon
birds at A. Y. P. Exposition. I
thank you. In the name of our state,
for making the exhibit. It was surely
worth the effort to make a winning
at such a show." This is tho sort of
poultry Kruse Is advertising In this
Each step taken for mother adds
to the time she will be with you to
enjoy your deeds of love and 'to cheer
with her smile.
Edward OIney, the successful heal
er, through his understanding of the
laws of nature, heals you of all physi
cal ailments. He was born with this
healing power, his first cure having
been effected at the age of seven
years. Do not neglect your disease
but cal on him and be healed. Health
of mind and body, prosperity and
success are yours for the asking.
M. OIney has a healing institute In Portlandwhtch he has had charge
of for one year with great success, healing people with all klndB of dis
eases without the use of drugs or knife. A remarkable case a Portland
boy healed of appendicitis. Harry, the 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Ely, of 108 Fairfield Road, Is the happy boy, who once more Is well and
back to his school. It doesn't matter what your trouble is, come and be
convinced of his healing power. Mr. OIney has just come from Eugene,
Oregon, where he has been giving lectures and healing the sick and Buf
fering of all kinds of diseases, Rheumatics and Paralytics cured, the dear
made to hear. People often come on crutches and in Invalid wagons, and
walk home well. Cancers and Tumors cured, eye sight restored, liver and
kidney cured. Exzema. asthma, catarrh, lung trouble cured. Ruptures
cured. All chronic diseases cured. It costs you nothing to investigate.
Call and get a free booklet. Parlors In the annex hotel McClallen. Hours
9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Consultation free.
Plumbing', Sheet Metal Work, Tinning'
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining' Peoples Marble
WorKs. Telephone 2511.
WorK Done on Short Notice
ti;li phom; tint
Prompt attention given to all order?
The Second Annual
National Apple Show
Will bo heM t
fv 7":
7 :r .W:
Elf i
IT? ''1
The straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequent any of tho "by
paths" you'll be apt to your
self in the tangle of misleading
Whatever wu do is well done
whatever we buy is well chosen
quality is the object -and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and elfect.
There aremanyther places to
buy t'lothes?o be sure - but you'll
find that tho best is always here.
Theso clothes are made for us
by the Stein lilock Co. and) lavid
Adler, two of the n'eatost Tailor
organizations in the world. Kvery
Suit we sell is sold with an ab
solute jjuarantoo, of Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
ruit in return.
Spokane, Washington,
This Apple show is a world wide
' event of the greatest importance to
the Pacific Northwest and iu order to
i encourage everyone to attend the.
PACIFIC CO. will make a
special round trip rate of
One and one third fare
From all Points on
Its lines in Oregon.
Tickets will he on sale at all
stations, main lines and branches,
November 14 and 1." th. l'inal re
turn limit November '2'2.
In prizes will be
r? given away
Instructive Lectures, In
tnresting program every
day during the show.
l'or further information call on any
Southern IVmIIc aent or on
Wm. McMurray,
Gcucral Passenger Agei :
The Best
To Trade
lice & Rice
Where your
Money Goes
the farthest
M Quality'
"Klaitic" Book Caaei.
1)7)1 Art"d
Kurpen Leather
Strait Reclining Ctwlrtt.
)):Doual Kitchfti)
Artistic Design
The House Furnishers in Holiday Attire It
Practical and Sensible
Gifts for the Holidays
SomethtiiK lure for every member of
the family. The question what shall
1 give will bo easily solved after an
inspection of this store. Hid you
ever stop to think bow much mure
comfort and sensible, how much more
all would enjoy a nice piece of furni
ture for the home than to buy some
trashy present. This space will
only permit of a very fnw of the
many things that nwalt your inspec
tion at this easy place to shop.
the YOUNG and OLD.
Beautiful Davenports. Couches, Mor
ris Chairs and Hookers; Beautiful
Cabinets, Desks and Chiffoners and
Dressers; Heautiful Hook Cases, the
Globe Wernica and others.
Elegant New Rugs
and Carpets, Portiers
And Couch Covers
Neither the old or youns have been
overlooked here; Misses and child
ren's chairs and rockers. dol carts
and cabs; Children's dishes, toy bauks
little red chairs and air guns; toy
wagons, toy furniture, little stoves
and ranges: hundreds of things that
can't be mentioned on account of
Bigger and Better Stock
China and Silverware
Everything that's made In fancy china
and glassware; enormous stock of
1M7 silverware and clocks. Carvers
plalu and fancy, bone or silver. You
will be surprised at the prnfussion of
good things that will -make sensible
presents. Also remember our prices
are the lowest.
m mi
given same courtesy and attention as grewn folKs. We
will not be undersold if we hnc wit. Full value for your $
Clothes vou shall '
V 113.
Portlaml, Oregon.