The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 15, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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In operating our Grocery Business we are not satisfied with good
enough. We strive for improvement. Our store is the right place to buy
Sroceries. Everything fresh and clean.
James A. Plni-h Did Not Die of
1'hysle Shock.
Phone 2381
Commercial Club Bldg.
Allege That His lic-il Sheets Are a
Little Too .Short.
(Special to The Evening News)
- COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Nov. 15.
From present indications Bert
"Westbrook, proprietor of the Oregon
Hotel, will bo compelled to go Into
court and explain why he has not
complied with the recent "nine foot
bed sheet Jaw" enacted at the last
session of -the Oregon legislature.
The grieved parties are a couple of
disgrunted transients who stopped
at Westbrook's hotel a few days ago.
It is said that the complaint Is the
outcome of a personal spite. West
brook says he will fight the case.
Legal ndvlce free. Collections
" Koom 1, Marsters Bldg.
& Koseburg, Ore.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 15. A report
has been gaining circulation here
that James A. Finch, hanged at the
Oregon Penitentiary Friday for the
murder of Ralph Fisher, died from
"physic, shock" between the time the
trap was sprung and the instant
when his body jerked taut the hang
man's noose. Dr. J. N. Smith, who
gave the official announcement of
Finch's death, says Finch did not die
form physic causes, but front a brok
en spinal cord.
"Usually in death by hanging,"
Dr. Smith said, "the check ligament,
which supports a process in the neck,
is broken, and the process, thus un
supported, presses upon the spina!
cord, causing death; but tn the case
of Fiueh tins usual manner of-death
did not hold. Finch met Instan
taneous death when the rone jerked
taut, the spinal eord itself having
been broken, and not the ligament.
"Death W hanging does not result
from strangulation or suffocation, as
some say, either," continued the doc
tor, "but is a direct result of the
breaking of the ligament which sup
ports the process already mentioned"
No postmortem examination, as re
quested by Finch in his speech on the
gallows, was held in this city.
Hl'IflKI) AT MCillT.
Ilenmins of Finch Were Interred
Without Ceremony,
No greater service has been rendered to
womankind than the giving' by Dr. FredricK H.
Stearns of his remarkable prescription for the
many weaknesses with which women are
This great remedy is being placed on the market by the New
York and London Drug Company and is labeled "Nyal's Vegetable
Prescription," "a boon to womankind"
The local drug firm, Fullerton & Richardson, are agents for
Roseburg. They report as follows:
"Nyal" remedies are superior to all of . the highly exploited
patent medicines, but the best of the Nyal's line is the "Vegetable
"During the many yoars we have sold drugs in Roseburg we
have never heard as much favorable commendation of any other
medicine. Nyal's Vegetable Prescription has received the praise of
every woman who has used it. ,
' Other Nyal's medicines which are worthy of mention at this
particular season are:
Nyals Baby Cough Remedy for colds. Re
lieves difficult breathing'. '
Nyal's Croup Ointment.
Nyal's Cod Liver Oil Compound without the
oil. It is betterthan "Vinol" or Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil and is an ideal system builder and - tonic.
Druggists, Roseburg, Ore. Agents for "Nyal's"
PORTLAND, dr., Nov. 53. Very
quietly and tn the darkness the body
of James A. Finch, who was hanged
in Salem Friday for the murder of
Ralna Fisher was brought to this
city, taken to a local cemetery and
buried. There ttaa no curious spec
tators and the relatives and friends
of the dead-man chose this time for
the burial so there would be none.
It Is also said that there was no cere
mony, but that the coffin containing
the body was silently lowered and
the earth -helped over U. The utmost
secrecy was maintained In regard to
the entire nffair. The death certifi
cate of Finch was filed in the health
office today and the burial certificate
secured. The death certificate was
signed by Dr. J, N. Smith, the physi
cian of the states prison, and the re
moval permits fmm that city was
signed by W; T.'Ritfdon, the health
officer at Salem. The cause of death
on the death certificate was hanging.
1 Thanksgiving Time
Is almost here, and you may
need some nice pieces for the
table in the way of Cut Glass,
Hand Painted China or Silver
ware, if so come and see our
stock before buying.
IW. E. Clingenpeel
f. Phone 2143
We have been having some rainy
weather in our vicinity for some
The farmers have been busy farm
ing but the rain made the ground
too wet.
Leslie Hatfield Is in this vicinity
with his wood saw sawing wood, Mr.
Alexander has a fine lot of wood he
about fifty tier ali sawed for win
ter The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Green man has been seriously
ill with pneumonia but is Borne bet
ter at, the present time.
Mrs. F. S, Blakeley and little dau
ghter, Ruth, were expected home last
Saturday from a visit with her cous
in, Miss Susie Kearns, of Stayton,
The Lone Rock school is progress
ing nicely under the management of
Mrs. D. .1. Gurney, the teacher.
There is a crew of men busity en
gaged building a bridge across Hoek
Creek which will be completed in
about two weeks.
There will he a Thanksgiving
dance at the Glide hall Nov, 26, A
good time is assured ail and a cor
dial invitation is extended to you to
be present.
John Alexander, the Glide mer
chant, made his regular trip to town
last Friday on business.
' Miss Vivian Watson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Watson, of this
place, who hits been attending school
at Salem, came home a few days ago
quite sick.
Teacher's Annual Institute
In accordance with Sec. 53 of the
Oregon School Laws, the County
Superintendent of Douglas county,
wiii hold at Roseburg, commencing
Ing Wednesday, November 3 7, and
continuing three days, an annual in
stitute for the teachers of said coun
ty. All teachers of the county are re
quired by law to attend, unless ex
cused by the Supt. for some unavoid
able cause, and all boards of direc
tors are required to allow teachers
full pay for the time they are in at
tendance at said institute.
A god programme has been, pre
pared and I trust every teacher will
make an effort to attend.
Yours very truly,
tf County Superintendent.
We're in a Position
to offer yon the best the market af
fords in tbe way of Meats; and our
prices you know are always lowest.
We handle only prime stock. Qual
ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine
roasting pieces of beef from 8c to
12Hc pound. First class mutton,
veal, pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. Pbone us
your order. W deliver to any part
of tbe city.
Cass Street Market
107 Weft Cam St. Pbone 11.
Fre Delivery.
More rain more rest.
Farming fs at full blast.
School Is progressing nicely nnuVr
the management of Coinne Kinnicutt
but on'account of bad weather four
pupils are unable to attend,
Mr. and Mrs. Fern Fortln and
children expect to leave for California
soon. Mr. Fortin is in poor health
Mr. Henry Murphy has rented
Fren Kortln's place. Get your tin
leans ready boys.
Henry and Emmitt Murphy, Loyal
Emery and Reed Kanys were Oak
land visitors Monday, where Heed
Kamp had some dental woik done.
Conrad Long visited our school
one day last week.
Mrs. W. T. i-:mory is v'sittn,; At
her sisters1, who Is very 11 at Co
burg, Orenn.
Jake Fisher, who has been work
ing for Frank Churchill, left Wed
nesday morning for Olalla to attend
to business matters at the FJsher
gold mine.
Joe WesQand M. V. Case, the
sawmill man, were sees on our
steels one day last week.
Johnnie Bacon bought some goats
from Clarence Thompson and 'was
seen driving them home Friday fore
noon, : W. T. Emory went to Sutherlln to
aea to busmen matters Tburs-, $BmmmnHmnmmmmmmmmmH
Carl Coleman was very badly hurt XX
Everyone is invited to come to the it - '
shooting matcu Nov. 23, to be given
at Pat Murphy's old place, one mile
south of the Coles Valley postoiiiee,
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dty Finish Luml er
Doors and Windows of all Kinds,
The Iogs of Murshltrld Even Carry
I'liibiviiiu. j JJ
The Coast Mail tells this musing
story: "A spotted dog came dowu
First street carrying ait umbrella in
his mouth. About a halt a block be
hind came a late arrival from the
East. As he passed, one of the stores
he was heard to remark in a sort of
reflective way: 'By gosh! This is the
first darned place 1 was- ever in
where dogs carried umbrellas.
- Yards on Lower Oak Street.
5 'Pbone Mil
Insure your property In tbe Ore
gon Fire Relief Association, (Me
Minnville.) Oid and tried, cheapest
and best; See Bonnie Buchanan, in
A few specialties; ni! colors and
finishes, In (he famous New Cote
Stains. Ocoboco Linoleum Varnish;
there's nothing else as good. S in
one oils, the best glues and the only
silver polish that's first class. Rice
& Rice. tf
Have Clark do your framing anj
save morfey. 2500 feet of new
moulding Just received, Clark's
Studio. tf
cussito ADvgRrisgrars
WANTED. Sewing at 818 Winches
ter street. d-S
KOOMS TO REST. By the day or
week. Apply to 119 Korth Main
street. d-n-ti
TO RENT. A very desirable seven
room house. Inquire at No, 345
Pine street,
Goods of every description
moved to any part of tbe
city. Prices reasonable.
i Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies t
Agents FairbanKs S Morse Co.
t Telephone 1441 Cor. Cass anil Rose Sts, $
Estimates oa all Work Free of Charge, Repair work a
Specialty, Office phone Main 945.
Office at Roseburg ElectriCal House, Cor. Main and 0ai
Residence 749 South Main Street. Roseburg, Ore,
FOB SALE. One cook stove and
three cider barrels. Inquire at
this olfice. n-19
TO RUNT. Two unfurnished front
rooms. Inquire at this office for
particulars, tf.
VOODFOlFSAS:7l)Fy" oast, deTiv
ered. Inquire of A. V. Jones, 495
Washington street.
FOR SALE. A good work horse.
If taken soon, can be had cheap.
Weight about J 200. John Bitten,
Happy Valley Kerry. n-JG
KOB SALE. Seven room house, lot
fifty by three hundred, plenty of
fruit and berries in a very desir
able location, $2,500. Si room
house, largo wood shed, one acre
finest river bottom land ail sot itt
strawberris, city and well water,
$4,690. Drug store in thriving
town, stock aii new, no competi
tion, $1,500. Seven room house
and two lois in desirable location,
for It. it. man, $i.800. Six room
house and one acre of ground, in
Ktionbowcr, $360.09, Some very
desirable two-aero tracts for sale,
ciose In, at $400 per tract inquire
at room & and Siarstera Bidg,
The Best
Rice Rice
Where your
Money Goes
the farthest
f The Hoiiie ff
!!H Quality JJi
The House Furnishers in Holiday Attire
"EUjtte" Book Cam.
TTrm Axt sad
pftlf Chair and
Xxrpen- Leatfaar
Sttit Racilnirif Chair.
Practical and Sensible
Gifts for the Holidays
Something here for every member of
the family. The question what shaii
I give will be easily solved after an
Inspection of this sUtre. Did yoa
ever stop to think how much more
comfort and sensible, how much more
ail would enjoy a nice piece of fiirnl-
tiire for the home Shan to bny some
trashy present. This space wiii
only permit of a very few of the
many tilings that await your inspec
tion at tliis easy place to shop.
Beautiful Davenports, Couches, Mor
ris Chairs and Rockers; iieautiftit
Cabinets, Desks and Chiffoners and
Dressers; Beautiful Book Cases, the
Oiobo Wernica and others.
Elegant New Rugs
and Carpets, Portiers
And Coach Covers
Neither the old or yonng have been
overlooked here; Misses and child
ren's chairs and rockers, doll carts
and cabs; Children's dishes, toy banks
little red chairs and air. guns; toy
wagons, toy furniture, iiiilo stoves
and ranges; hundreds of things that
can't be mentioned on account t
Bigger arid BetterStocK
China and Silverware
Everything Ih&V
and RlKHHwaro;
J 84 7 8itverwaro
plain mid faney
will bo Rtirprised
KoU things that
are the lowest.
made is fanry rhlsa
enormous stock of
awl clocks. Carvers
bwne or silver, Yu
at the profession of
wiM make sensible
member our prices
U --r-Jar
q it
""You"are always'welcome fat this store. Children
given same courtesy and attention as grown folEs. We
will not be undersold if we Know it. Foil value for your $