The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 12, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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In oporating our Grocery Business we are not satisfied with good
enough. We strive for improvement. Our store is the right place to buy
Groceries. Everything fresh and clean.
Phone 2381
Commercial Club Bldg.
"Wonderful Achievements of Chem
ists 1111(1 DtH'tOIH.
The serum Is prepared as follows:
A horse, the healthiest that can be
obtained, is given poisonous doses of
diphtheric poison at frequent inter
vals during several months, until it
developes so much resistance to the
diphtheric poison that it has no pois
onous effect. The element of resist
ance is developed in the horse's
blood. Blood is drawn from the
"Immunized" horse, the serum is
separated, and this "antitoxin" when
properly administered to a human be
ing will prevent diphtheria infection,
or wil! destroy diphtheria which may
already be established In the system.
The death rate from diphtheria
has been reduced over 75 per cent
since the serum treatment has been
It is of vital importance that the
serum be used early in the disease
for two reasons, i. e. :
1. To cure the diseased person.
2. To "immunize" persons who
have been exposed.
No Inexperienced or careless per
son snould attempt to give serum.
Fullerton & Richardson, the drug
gists near the depot, have this to say
regarding the serum for the treat
ment of diphtheria:
' "There should never be a "hope
less" case of diphtheria. No case
should be regarded ns incurable un
til the serum treatment has been used
by a physician who knows how to do
so (and some physicians do not).
"There should not be more than
one member of the family stricken
with the disease .unless more come
down with it at the same time, be
cause an "immunizing" dose can be
given to all exposed persons which
will invariably protect them from in
fection. "Free serum for the poor will be
supplied by Fullerton & Richardson
in every case where the persons are
unable to pay for it, and we will glad
ly recommend a doctor who knows
how to administer the treatment.
"We would rather give away un
limited quantities of serum, even
though the price of it Ib high, than
to have a single case die for the lack
of proper treatment."
For further information all persons
interested are invited to call at The
Drug Store of Quality and interview
Mr. Richardson, who has made a
thorough Investigation of serum
treatment for diphtheria. , tf
' Insure your property in the Ore
gon Fire Relief Association, (Hc
Minnville.) Old and tried, cheapest
and best. See Bonnie Buchanan, In
Have you seen those elegant Steins
and Tankards, at Roseburg Book;
prices 25c to $5.00 each.
Be wise Read The News.
Why go in the Rain
when you can buy an
Umbrella so reason
ably for yourself and
the little ones.
I W. E. Clingenpeel
Phone 2143
o 4
We're in a Pesiti&R
to offer you the best the market af
fords in the waygif Meats; and our
prices you know are always lowest.
We handle only prime stock. Dual
ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine
roasting pieces of beef from 8c to
12)c pound. First class mutton,
veal, pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. Phone us
your ordeft We deliver to any part
of the city.
Cass Street MarKet
107 West Casa 8t Phone 1(1.
Free Delivery. .
A good memory forgets all hut the
pleasant things.
"Women are not as bad as they
are painted," fays Lillian Bell. Well,
we sincerely hope not.
"Wet" and "dry" are twc words
now having definitions not Hccorded
them in the dnys of our grandfathers.
Peary reports the .temperature
ns having been 117 below zero at one
time. That's getting ' dangerously
close to a frost.
A special to one of the dallies tolls
of a mun Kent to the Insane asylum,
made crazy by indulging in too much
beef steak. The butcher probably
took nil his cents.
Chas. I. Gosh was recently itmrrled
to Anna H. Dam In Dubuque. That
was almost like profaning the marri
age ceremony.
Chicago Ngwb: Countrymen, Is
your blood so Btlrred that you would
fight to defend your ownership of the
north polo should Canada press its
alleged claims? ,
It only tnkea $1.80 worth of wool
to make a $be suit of clothes,' says a
oaper. At that rate per Bult a "morn
ing titter" taste is good for about a
year's supply of clothing.
The English Society for Physical
Research has discovered that the
soul weighs two ounces, which ex
plains why some wholesouled people
are such lightweights.
The many reprots of the myriads
of germs that lurk In paper money
may enlighten us as to why rnoney
gotting has become a disease with
thcAmeiican people.
Now York Evening Moll: Govern
ment experts estimate that there Is
enough coal In the United States to
last 7.310 years. Orders for delivery!
after the expiration of that period
are rejected by all responsible deal
era '
Speaking of the productive soil of
Kansas a land agent says: "Not long
ago a man threw a half a length of
bologna out the car window and when
tho train came back the next day Jt
rnn through a pack of 160 dogs and
killed a good many of them." If a
man would scatter a little root of all
evil around In a country like that at
about 10 o'clock U the morning he
could como around In the afternoon
and find a government mint in full
The lectures at the Christian
church on Sunday school are grand.
BUUngton 1b an Interesting speak
er. All are cordially invited to
come Friday night. "How to make
the S. S. Grow," Saturday 3 p. m.
Saturday night "Seven S. 8. Devils"
Sunday morning, "Jesus, The Child,
and The Church." Sunday afternoon
3 p. m. Workers Conference. Sun
day night "Five S. S. Campaigns."
Come and get all the good you can
out of these lectures.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lunir cr
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
WANTED. Sewing at 816 Winches
ter Btreet. tl-i
YardB on Lower Oak Street.
'Phone 1411
ROOMS TO RENT, By the day or
week. Apply to 119 North Main
street. d-u-li
TO BENT. A vary desirable seven
room house. Inquire at .No. 3-15
Pino street.
TO RENT. Two unfurnished front
rooms. Inquire at this olllco for
particulars. tf
FOR RENT House on Cass street,
3 blocks from postoftlce. Inquire
at Judge Humitou's residence, d-tf
WOOD FOR SALE. Dry oak, deliv
ered. Inquire of A. D. Jones, 405
Washington street.
FOR SALE. A good work horse.
If taken soon, can be had cheap.
Weight about 1200. John Bates,
Happy Valley Ferry. n-15
FOR SALE. Seven room house, lot
fifty by three hundred, plenty of
fruit and berries In a very desir
able locution, $2,600. ' Six room
house, large wood shed, one acre
finest river bottom land all set in
strawberris, city and well wntor,
$2,500. Drug store In thriving
town, stock all new, no competi
tion, $1,500. Seven room house
and two lots In desirable location
for R. R. man, $1,000. Six room
bouse and one acre of ground. In
Edenbower, $350.00. Some very
desirable two-acre tractB for sale,
close In, at $400 per tract. Inquire
at room 6 and 7, Marsters Bldg.
! G-ARAG-E i
I Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies I
Agents FairbanKs Norse Co.
t Telephone 1441
Cor. Cass and Rose Sts.
Estimates on all Work Free of Charge. Repair work a
Specialty. Office phone Main 945.
Office at Roseburg ElectriCal House, Cor. Main and Oak
Residence 749 South Main Street. Roseburg, Ore.
When you must go out In the rain
wrap your ankles above the shoe
tops In paper, draw the stockings up
over It and the dampness will not
Do not throw away your leaky
rubber hot water-bags. Get 'some
clean sand, heat It in O tin pan and
uour into the bag by means of a
::.funnel. The sand keeps Its heat as
well as water.
Just a little nick out of the enamel
of a tooth made by cracking a nut
in the mouth, may spoil a tooth for
ever. When you have nuts to crack
uso a' hammer or a nutcracker and
save the teeth.
Although all linen is sweeter for
being dried in the air, if a time
conies when you need to do It up
Immediately, try my emergency plan:
a oyatcf
Destroy all cocoons and all ep
clusters found on tree trunks, bran-
Cliolce hand-picked winter anplos.
each one wrapped In paper ana
stored In a cool place, will keep a
surprisingly long time.
Late in the fall plow a furrow
down through the orchard between
every two rows of trees If the ground
iB apt to be wet. The trees will do
a great deal better fur this drainage.
1 In mild climates November is the
' time to prune grapevines; but In the
'cold localities It Is safer to delay the
! pruning until severe cold Is practic
ally over, say the latter part of
, February. Cut back new wood so as
' to leave only two buds on each
I cane.
Electricity furnishes comfortii
heretofore unthought of.
The luxuries of yesterday are
the necessities of today. The best
way to make your home attrac
tive and a palace In Its Interior
conditions of living Is by the use
of electric light
315 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or
Court Orders
'.' In the matter of the deeds of F.
B. Walte and wife, and the Sutherlln
Land and Water Company, of Suther
lln, to a strip of land 60 feet wide for
road purposes. Ordered that Board
of Road Viewers make a report on
the same at their earliest conven
ience. In the matter of the assesBment
against the county by the city of
Roseburg, for the construction of the '
Douglas-Kane street sewers. Clerk
authorized to draw a warrant forj
$188.70, the amount of the same. :
Nothing Is too good for the Uriah, i
neither is cement culverts too good
tor the county. Use the best, as It
Is the cheapest in the long 'run. See
Pat. t 1
Rice Rice,
The House Furnishers
There's Nothing to Compare with a Little Home all .
Youj Own. Wouldn't you like to maKe such hap
piness as this your happiness? Why don't you?
You've got the girll Of course you have what young man with
thought of a little home all his own has not?
You're anxious, so is she wiiat girl isn't for a little home all her
What's the trouble then is it simply a question of not having
the necessary cash to pay for all the things this little house will need';1
If that is the throuble don't let it stand in your way another minute
We'll fix up your little house just as you want it just as cozily and
comfortably as you and we together can plan it. You can furnish it
complete, parlor to kitchen, with every needed thing we've got every
thing here that you can possibly need in the latest, approved styles
and you can pay us a small sum at time of purchase the balance in
little weekly or monthly sums!
We will gladly arrange these payments in amounts to suit your
needs. Won't you come in and let us plan this little home happiness
for youi
BODY EVERYWHERE, their prices are fixed on the solid basis
of moderation, and are same to all. The standard of Section
CASB& Grotf s as your boofcs a$cumil,te. 0
IROff BHD beautiful new pat
terns, specially priced: $3.00,
$4.50, $5,50, $6.00, $7.00 and up.
couch a bed a Davenport best
grade, $7.00.
DRESSERS $7.50 and $10.00;
regular $15.00 Dresser No. 93 for
BUFFETS $12.50 to $29.00.
HEATERS $2.25, steel; cast top
ones $3.50 to $6.50; Charter Oak
with swing top $10.50; cast top
and cast bottom Eclipse $10.50.
4-hole Majestic, best on earth for
$55.00; 4-hole Standard, a good
one for $30.00; 4-hole Charter
Oak, a kummer for $32.50; Cast
Cooks, No. 8 at $12.00 to $29.00.
New Showing of Rugs, Carpets and Draperies
MATTINGS, 20c and 35c yard;
LINOLEUMS, 55c, 60c, 75c to $1.50
per yard.
acme of perfection, at $15.00.
Chairs, Chairs and Rockers. Chairs 50 cents and up; Rockers
$1.50 to $42.50. Wall Papers 10c to 50c double roll. Table Oil
Cloth 20c yeard. Everything for the kitchen, S?e our new washers.