THE EVENING NEWS IIY B. W. HA I KS THE EVENING HEWS .FJUIMI. i-. '"' Chic.go iiiiii m IHHCKO DAILY KXKPT KUMAY Wutmeriptloii JiuM'N Dally er year, by mail 13.00 month, delivered 50 HcmMVcckly . Pur year $2.00 Kix munthH 100 Vhiiav, ovi;uiKH 12, mm. Governor Benson decided thnt James A. Finch Hhonld o to tlu gal lows and Unit Harry lmlwy shall Ben the remainder of hlH Hie in tho peni tentiary of OroK'in. Tho Governor's reason h Tor the decisions In the cases brought before him for final roU le nient tiro able and unanKweruble. So many poHitluiiH are oTered in the forerftry dejiurtmeiit Uu'Hi davs, for which HitceeH.sfiil examination must bo passed, that iho next thing we will see . ilvurtliied by our ener getic countrymen who w?ek puny mon ey, Will bo floifiethlDK l'ke "Forestry taught by Mall; poaltion secured for gradnatci," Apple culture la the subject of a series of lecture to be delivered be fore the Y. M, 0. A. at Portland. Tree and fruit pest and methods of ex terminating, mills and cultivation will lio tlie sub-topics. It would be prof ttnblo If RomdHirg could arrange for &omo such coin-be of lectures and study, and which doubtless deeply ln teroHt the very many horticulturist! ! In thii section. I Miles Poindexler, of Hp'okane, He- publican Representative to Congress j from Washington, 'ahh lately said: tome very excellent, things relative to! Ilouso organization, and ltd control! hy Cannon and his backers, who go m tho theory or the "public be dM Mi-. Poindexler stands for tWi people'n cause, and has under taken to, fight their battles In tho House. Poindexler nuy have mode enemies of Iho House busses, but what Ih better he Is "inking f rlotul of the public who feel that inon; men of his cotirngo are needed. Staunchl, an emhroy town In the Irrigated district of Kastorn Oregon, In order to quickly secure the pop ulation desired, offered prizes of city lots to the first couplu married, first baby born and for first twins. Then eon i oh n young man with a bride and rJalnis the lot offered, hut since there It developed that because there was1 no proacher in HtnuhYld tho young onplo were wedded in Pendleton, their claim to the lot was discourag ing to say the least. So much so. In fact, that the groom avows he will wot participate In tho contest for the other awards. With strictly fresh eggs at 40 rents In tho local market, and rang ing to 50 and (iO cents In Portland and Seattle, coupled with tho fact that carloads are coming from the Hast to Mipply the demand. It does not appear that tho poultry industry is very much overdone In thla Golden West. The reason for these condi tions Is not that poultry does not thrive, but because, ns we heard a fanner at one of the fairs this fall renrirk : "This t hicken business Is too small for me." Is It ? You give the old hen a chance t scratch and the will turn sand into silver, grass Into greenbacks, and eventually nay ntt iho mortgage. When-you buy any article. If made in Uoseburg. Insist on home manu factured goods, lly wo doing you will b your self a present favor, nnd later on you will be complimenting Yourself for seusdib' foresight. It Ih these little things that count, after nil, because we all know that it Is first Mio trickling brooklet from the mountain side that afterwards makes he beautiful river which sweeps so rnaiestlcaliy toward tin sea. There fnro by building wisely we are build ing for a greater city. Ottlro llxtur suikIi. doors. tnuiu's, metal work, flour butter, prunes, b rooms, etc.. are among thoM things which are made In Uoseburg and that are bought eVM-y day In tt$ year. "Made In Uose lu;g" sh'iiihl bo a common trade tntnk and ? in every home. CoDvrinhi 1909 ' The House of fCuppeohetmef THE AH Wool Idea Goes Away BacK to the Cradle of the Human Race. Whether rich or poor, men never will be satisfied with garments made of anything except the fleece of the sheep. We realize its not the wool alone that makes the suit you'd like to wear. There must be style, a graceful drape, then the very essential makeup-proper lines, etc. durability for the every day hardships. That's what the Harth's Toggery Good Qlolhes System aims for prices consistent with good values. Look at our Clothing and see if we do not maintain the highest possible standard. Your Clothes Kept pressed free of charge Suits $15.00 to $30.00 HARTH'S JOGGERY HOME OF REG4L SHOES. . ' I LOCAL MAHKfc-r J Cerrnl8. WHBVT $1.00 OATS 50c bushel. HAY Vetch, $13 to $14 ton; grain, $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17, ItOLLED PARLEY $30.00 ton. Llvi'nU'ok. STEEHS- Alive, 3c lb. COWS Alive 2c. VBIAL Dressert, 6c. lb. HOOS Pressed, 8c; Alive 6c. SHEEP 3 V-c. POULTRY Mixed chlckons, allvo, 10c to 12c; dressed, 1-c; ducks, alive, & 10c; dressed, 14 16c. nr:r-TER Creamery, 42V4o lta. . country, 37 He lb. I ?;GGS 4')c doz. POTATOES Now, lc lb, WOOL Spring, 24c; fall, 20c; year clip, 24c. HONEY 12 He. CABBAGE l'o. lb. ONIONS 2c 11). . Not like motner used to make, oh no, It's a hundred per cent better, If you dont. believe It try the Ump qua Bakery bread. There's a reason. ROGLAMATION NO. 2-1 BE IT KNOWN; to all people, especially the ladiea, that Thanksgiving Day will soon be here, and that it behooves you to have on hand the proper equipment. Therefore; you are hereby commanded to appear at The Ironmonger and buy; first a good enameled roaster, it is necessary. DtfN'T use that old iron one longer. By so doing yo'i can get one of the best Ueed pattern, a woman's invention, for $1.75 to $2.75 and with each a C" butcher knife will be given up to Thanksgiving Day. Furthermore; It is incumbent upon you to provide the proper tools for the carver. ' The butcher knife given with roaster is good but will not fill the place of a .carving set. Good work is done best with good tools. Also do not forget that a good moat chopper is necessary in preparing that delicious stuffing, mince meat and other delicacies. Be thankful that the Ironmonger has these articles in stock. Witness my hand and seal. F. H. CHURCHILL The Ironmonger Roseburg, Oregon H 8 The Polk County Observer is In favor of mi "assembly" to siiKKest tho republican candidates to be put up for olflce In that county In the next election. From a lengthy article on the subject we make this excerpt: "The writer believes that this Is tho plan which should be pursued In overy county in Oregon lie believes that if those assemblies are made free and open to evrey vot er, with no attempt to pack them lor any cllquo or faction, tho party will at once recover from Its present make himself troublesome by at tempting to force his personality in niattois where it will be regarded as a supreme presumption, and work trouble. That he has not lost tho hopo of again becoming President of the United States, and that his past intimates havo hopes of the same, Is doubted by none who has followed tho public career of the man, or the actions of his workers during his absence. If there was further doubt i In tho matter thoso doubting would ' havo but to remember how long he jtooseveltlsm and nothing else. To show the manner In which he is regarded It Is openly the stated opinion of many that he worked hlB late death fake through his friends lor political purposes. Ho Is certain to clash sooner or later .with President Taft, lie cannot live without a party of his own, and his return will endanger the exis tence of tho Republican party unless lie receives a forcible snub at his first instance of extreme oHiclousness. and disorganized condition and win ne"' lno nl"",n" , i" an unbroken lino of victories at the"d "w strongly ho felt the tenipta- polls. No man will wirrendor any " 10 le'" mnl'"u """" attend- ,lul1111"1' cc, 'a try for virtually what wouiu nave I been a third tern). It will matter of IiIb rights as a citizen by ng and participating in such a meet ing, nor will It be possible for design ing politicians to control such gain ings, for should an attempt bo nuidu to Introduce ring methods or boss rule, Vliat very moment tho wholo plan would fall, as It would deserve to fall." , "Tr" " ItlVI'l ltX OV HOOSKVIXT. Mrs. Roosevelt and her daughter ICIhul are soon to arrive at New York on their return home from a visit to. Rome. This Is a sure Indication that tho ex-president is finding tho attrac tions of the Jungles of Africa begill ing to pall upon his strenuous tastes and Inclinations, nnd will seek for combat with that greatest of animals, man. at home. That he will make himself heard from Immediately upon his arrival there is not the least of a doubt; It Is apprehended that he will regard himself as piideut do facto nnd nothing (o him that Washington re tired to private llfo after occupying tho presidential chair a second time, and that the examplo set by the Father of bis country lias been fol lowed strictly to the letter by every one of tho Presidents down to Roose velt's time. Thero Is no evidence thnt a single one of them over permitted his name to go beforo a presidential nominating convention, regarding such tin action contrary to the spirit 1 of our form of government. Hut Roosevelt Is not patriotism. It Is 'Chicago, Milwaukee and North western ll.':lH hae bevll securing lands mid options In tint northern inrt of Portland for tendinis, which nutt'ij t InViU'O 1 hut the road hrsiloU that vity. I'ortlnml looks 41 rtn tho tnov with tho Ucn thnt nil of tho wheat of the Pacitlc North west will lie handled there tnsteaof aVatllo, Taroni or other ports. Port llunfl, liowcviM', Is too sannutne. No whips pi eat iliunnht ran load at Port In ml nnd K't out anatn. theioforo It :ia not wheat that takes tho M trans wtntlnrntinal road to the Oregon mo ttrntmlls. Some wheat will always ho hlpiid from Portland, Seattle, Ta eonin, Coos Hay and iu ronton i-(tittt from tho irn-at uheat heit oast tif tho Cascades w til supply traffic Tor h11 our coast pons, enough fact, when suthctout railwny f;fi iVties r afforded, to make groat littes of Ihem nil. and thoro need ho no quar reling us to which shall bo greater. DON'T CHOW OVKU GLASSES CAItPTS ami ItUtiS. Our stock of Carpets and Ruga is complete up to date. . Ingrain carpets nt 30c, 45c, 50c, 55c, 60c, 75c, and 85c per yard. Ruga in room size from $ti.35, In all wool, to $35. Complete line of all classes of furniture. ' tf JJ. V. STRONG, DRAYING AND HAULING TELEPHONE 001 Prompt attention given to nil orders NAT BISHOP WHEN YOU'RE CHILLED Our bot drinks will warm 'ou up,' arid none better can be made for the palate. THE ROSE Next to Postolfice. The Next Thing on the BUI of Fare Whare era You Going to Treds? that you hare bought nt a bargain. llargaln glasses aro about tho dear cat Investment you can make. We chargo a right price because our glasssare right. We fit them to your sight aPo sktlled opticians can do. They will aid you when bar gain glasses are Just as apt to In jure. II U E " Jeweler and Optician. 7 AT THE ROSEBURG ROCHDALE For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONEY. Try Therein Your Orderor GENTS FURNISHINGS AND SHOES Groceries is their Specialty, and they will please you. Try Them For Drj Goods The People's Cooperative Store ROSEBURG ROCHDALE CO. AT TENTI0N Flour has nearly doubled in price. We sell BREAD at the same prices and it is the best. CeoRies, buns, cinnamon rolls and doughnuts 10c Per dozen. Pies 10c each. Our caKes are the best. CHURCH BROTHERS CASS STREET PflUB357 T Sure we have ladles shirt waists, X kimonos, long and short ones; bath $ robes, aprons, long on& with aud without sleeves: tea aprons, black and white collars, and all kinds of neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear coats, and hoods for the babies. Also a llrst-class line of mllrrbery. Our uc, 10c, 15c and 25c counters are loaded with good things. How do we sell them? Why choaier than anybody else. Why? Because our expenBes are less. Be a ArTssourlaus: come In and let us show you. Leaders In Popular Priced Goods. Home of the lc Post Card. I The j WINNIE GADEHS jK . THE PLUME ER Sheet Metal WorK Drier Pipe Anything Ton Want i SKy Lights. Cornice teavylron Tanks -t PHONE 1284 ft LINE S PINE STS