The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 11, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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J Cft News Briefly Recorded
. James Ivers, of Oakland, 1b a bus
iness visitor in the city today.
Miss Alta Dillard went to Winches
ter this morning to visit friends.
Miss Inia Davis has resigned her
Dositfou at the "Rose" confection
ery store.
Mi. A. O. Seely Is spending the day
at Myrtle Creek visllliiB at the home
pi her rather, John Hall.
A. h. Kitchen Is spending the day
at Wilbur attending business mat
n. I). Lane, of Oakland, Califor
nia, has accepted a p oh It Ion at Harth's
Toggery. " '
Sam Josenhson, H. Ouest, O. P
Coshow and H. II. C. Woods expect
to go to Albany tomorrow to attend
the ceremonial Besslona of the Shrlno.
' Rov. Booth returned to his home
at Eugene this morning after a brief
visit at the homo 01 nis son, u. j
linnth In Ihia cltv.
A. Applehoff, director of the local
orchestra, went to Yoncalla this
morning to look after business mat
Manager Bleep, of the Portland
offlce of the W. C. Harding Land Co.,
arrived her this morning. He was
accompanied by Mr. Delpratt, nn ac
quaintance. William Van Uuren went to Port
land this morning to spegd a few
days vlHitlng friends, Hurt Mrown
will Join htm at the metropolis Sat
nrday evening.
Mr. Lockwood and daughter, who
have been visiting at tne nome or
Freeman Johnson and mother dur
ing the past ten days returned to
their home at Forest Grove this morn-
lnlMr. Gardiner, of Bitter Root Val
ley, Montana, left for his home this
morning after a nner visit in ui
city. While here he was entertained
by W. C. Harding, the local real es
tate man.
Mr. I. B. Turnoll. who has been
spending the past few days In the
city visiting at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Bother, returned to his homo at
North Yakimn, Washington, tnis
morning. Ho says he is much pleased
with Roseburg, anticipating a very
prosperous future.
Roy Klalier and Jennie Hager, both
rosldenU of Elkton, were married at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Clark
oiq November 2. 190l. Rev. W. K.
Rldonour officiated.
The domestic troubles of James
Inman nnd wife reached a sudden
conclusion In County Judge Wona
cott's court shortly after 10 o'clock
thlB morning, when the insanity
charge preferred by Inman against
Charles Howurd, a brother of luman'B
wife, wad ' dismissed. Concurrent
with the above action Inman and
his wife agreed to forget the past
and make-up, Intimating by their ac
tions that they were reconciled to the
future. Accordingly Mr. Inman ap
plied to Attorney Buchanan, Instruct
ing the latter to dismiss the divorce
sun ihiw punuii'g. i no cunpiu iuii
for their homo at Looking Glass
shortly aftornoon today and the au
thorities anticipate little troublo be
tween them In the future.
The board of Are commissioners
held a very Important meeting at the
office of the chairman last evening.
Among other mnttors estimates were
prepared setting forth tho Items of
expenditure which are necessary at
this time. The report will be submit
ted to the consideration of tho coun
cil at tliclr regular meeting Monday
evening, Upon investigation It was
found that several hpdrauts were
needed Immediately, the same to he
installed us a protection to property.
It was hIbo found that three small
hose carts were In demand, each to
curry about 4 50 foot of hose. One
of thoso will be stutloned In West
RoHtthurg, another In North KoBolmrg
burg, and the other near tho high,
pchool building. Tho coiumlKHlouerH i
nnticipato llttlu dlRculty In realizing
their deniantlM Inasmuch ns the pres
ent mo protection Is considered Inadequate.
you mm
UXAr I 111
S, 7. Relzenutefn was a pasBonger
on this mornings northbound local.
Dr. Calloway went to Dillard this
morning on professional business.
A fish market has opened In the
store room adjoining the soft drink
emporium conducted by Joseph La
stna. The city council will hold a spec
ial meeting this evening for the pur
pose of considering the acceptance of
the Deer Creek bridge.
Joseph Franklin and Miss Beals
were married a the home of Mrs. L.
P. Beals, at Canyonvllle on Novem
ber 7, iy09. C. A. Gray officiated.
' John M. Eades, of Lelaud, Joseph
ine county, made final proof on his
homestead before the register at the
local United States land office yes
terday morning.
Mr. Worley, a local employe of
the Southern Pacific Company, enter
ed Mercy Hospital yesterday morn
ing. He Is under the care of Dr.
The county court will convene in
special session tomorrow morning.
As County Judge Wouacott expresses
it, "only a few remnants of road mat
ters are to be considered." The court
will probably adjourn on Saturday.
Mrs. WoodHpn underwent an oper
ation for appendicitis at Mercy Hos
pital yesterday morning. The oper
ation was a success and the patient
nppearH much relieved. She was at
tended by Dm. Seely. bother & Ste
wart, County Commissioner Ryan arrived
in town this morning from his home
at brain, intending to attend the ad
journed Bcsslon of the county court
which convenes tomorrow morning.
Sheriff Fenton leaves for Portland
this evening wher he will appear aB
witness In the Federal Court
against the three Italians who were
arrested in this city several months
since on a charge of breaking Into
and robbing a United States post
office. W. S. Hamilton, of the Cobb Real
Estate Company, reports an excellent
prune crop this year. He nays that
his orchard brought him returns ap
proximating $800 per acre. Such In
stances tend to show that the raising
of prunes Is a profitable industry.
Attorney C. I. Leavengood, wife
and daughter, returned last evening
from Albany and other points In the
northern part of the state. They
expect to leave for their home at
Myrtle Creek this evening. Mr.
Leavengood reports business good at
all plnces visited, activity In the
building line being evident on every
The street commftto, accompanied
hy Mayor Fred Hnynea Inspected the
Deer Crock bridge this morning.- Al
though the committee refuse to di
vulge their findings It is said that
thoy are entirely satisfied with the
work, nnd will allow the contractor
his money at the regular semi
monthly meeting of the council Mon
day evening.
With the coming of Congresmnn
W. C. Ilawloy on next Monday the
members of tho Roseburg Commercial
Club have decided to hold a special
meeting In the evening. The mat
ter of obtnlning a federal building
for Roseburg will be one of the chief
questions for discussion and Mr.
Hawley will he asked to aid the cit
izens in their mission. Several local
speakers will deliver brief addresses
and those who attend will no doubt
be well pleased. Remember the day
nnd date Monday evening, Novem
ber 10.
Frank G. Mlcelll returned from
Halley, Idaho, this morning after
spending two weeks at tlmt place
nit pig his parent!? whom he had not
seen for twenty-two years. Frank
says he was entertained royally, (he
old folks being delighted with his
presence. While there be also met
many schoolmates, and a former in
structor. In tho public schools whom
he had not met since he left the
Idaho town over twenty years ago.
It Ih needless to assert that Mr. Ml
r.'llt enjoyed himself Immensely,
Tbe- otraifjhtest and sor
est rood to gaud Clot&e-s
the test CIoths brings
yog hr.
If you frccfBwit any of the "by
put lis" you'll he apt tr? lose your
self in tho tangle of misleading
Whatever wo do is well done
whatever we buy is well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places tag
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
find that the best is always here.
These cluthes are made for us
by the Stein lilock Co. and Pavid
Adlor, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the world. Every
.Suit we sell is sold with nn ab
solute guarantee of Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
Fuit in return.
Kemember quality is fi?e true
tost of cheapness. Ity our good.
amines you snail know us.
Dr. J. L. Calloway, osteopathic
physician. Abraham bldg. Phone
1619. tf,
K daughter of Charles Watson, ot
Glide, arrived In the city this' morn
Ing from Salem and 1b 111, She
is being attended by Dr. 12. V. Hoover.
Thomas Goodale, J. W. Crooks and
C. E. Norton are among the Coos
county people leglstered at he Mo
Clallen hotel.
The "Ragles Nest" is the title of
the play which will be presented by
the McKeuzio Merry Makers at the
Star theatre this evening.
Tama lea. the good kind, will be Of
fered for sale by the Ladles' Aid of
the Presbyterian church at Mllledge
and Pickens Bros, store tomorrow.
A thing of beauty Is a joy forever
that's why our photos are appre
ciated. Make your appointments
now and avoid the holiday rush.
Clark's Studio, Hoseburg National
Bank Building. tf
Walter Patterson, proprietor of the
Roseburg restaurant, ha returned
from the Springs where he spent sev
eral weeks la hope o regaining his
Last night's northbound train No.
16 did not arrive until shortly after
3 o'clock this afternoon, duo to the
trouble experienced In the cave-in of
a tunnel In the vicinity of Dunsmuir.
Letter heads, bill headB, envelopes,
cards, Invitations, everything that
pertains to a first-class printing es
tablishment can be had at The News
office. tf
If you want a seasonable deUcacy
go to Mllledge and Pickens Bros,
store Friday and see what the Ladies'
Aid of the Presbyterian church have!
for sale. Don't miss those tamales.
' Nothing Is too good for the firlsh
neither Is cement culverts too good
for the county. Use the best, as It
is the pheapest In the long run. See
Pat. l.
Herbert Roadman has filed a peti
tion In the circuit court asking that
an order be issued restraining W. C.
Harding, R. W. Hinkley and his
wife, from selling certain land
pending the settlement of a suit filed
by Mr. Koadman tins morning.
' Free delivery. Phono 351. Call
us up and toil us what you want and
we win bring it to your nomo
Church Bros., the up-to-date bakers,
Caps Htreea. tf.
Dr. K, M. Chauncey, of Kalamazoo,
Michigan, arrived In the city last
evening to look after the interests
of his mother, whom he alleges to be
an heir of the late Aaron Rose. He
Is busily engaged today In searching
the records, therefore he Is unable to
furnish the press with any informa
lion of an important nature regard
ing the controversy.
Sioper, the cieaner and presser,
has Just received bis fall and winter
samples irom the Koyai Tailors, Chi
cago. All tne latest weaves and de
signs are shown. If you are look
ing for something swell can uu him.
He has the goods at the right prices.
Perfect fit guaranteed. tf.
Considerable criticism Is being
heard of Into relative to the city al
lowing the new street sweeper, repre
senting an expenditure of several
hundred dollars, to remain out In the
wpnllior 11 Is Riii'irpRtorl thnt the
city build a strupcture that will house
the street cleaning Implements and
thus save the taxpayers the money
which will necessarily have to be ex
pended In the purcnase of a new
sweeper should the present one he al
lowed to remain at the mercy of the
Quite nn amusing Incident occurred
at the law offices or Attorneys Card-
well & Watson this morning, when
James, of Looking Glass, en
tered nnd requested the withdraw
of his wife's contest to his recent
divorce action. Ot course, Cardwell
congratulated the couple, stating that
he always regretted the filing of a
divorce proceeding, lumtin coincided
with Cardwell nnd pathetically re
marked, "Well, Cardwell, it certain
ly shows a man of a good heart.
Handshaking was then Indulged In
and the couple retired, expecting to
leave for home Immediately.
In response to an order Issued out
of the circuit court Justice of the
Peace Oaither, of Myrtle Creek, ap
peared In court this afternoon to show
cause why he failed to allow A. II.
Howard, defendant In an ejectment
unit, the right of an appeal or con
tinuance. It appears thnt the case
first came up In the justice court at
Myrtle Creek some time ago, ! . M.
I Cook acting as plaintiff. Tho date
i of the hearing was set, but for some
j unknown reason the defendant failed
i to respond. Acordiugly the suit went
' by default, thus avoiding the plaintiff
opportunity of appeal or continuance.
Attorney James Watson is looking
I alter the Interests of Galthor. while
j Attorney Jackson appears on behalf
of his client.
DAMAGE 50,000
CHICAGO, Nov. 11. Knur park
ing plants of the Armour Parking
Company were destroyed to the ex
tent of fifty thousand dollars this af
ternoon by u flre which destroyed
the fertilizer, building and badly
dtt matted other plants. The fire is
under control. It was runned by a
high wind selting ablaze tho beef and
cotton plants. Other packers sent
men to help tight the flumes.
Work at the t'nlon Stock Yards
has beeu suspended.
1 WirVTIllV If t ifl: riil.iiTL.miL.
S-- .
I am now preimred to tin nlsh cul-1 T
vert ilpo, . l, xi. 15, 18. 20 and ,
?4 Inch. Let me linow what you J
will need so 1 can nave It hardoned
and ri'ady when you need it. Pat.
the contractor. tf
At Your Service
Roseburg. Oregon Phone 19S
Wonderful Achievements of Client
itu and Doctors,
The serum is prepared as follows:
A horse, the healthiest that can be
obtained. Is given poisonous doses of
diphtheric poison at frequent inter
vals during several months, until It
developed so much resistance to the
diphtheric poison that it has no pois
onous effect. The element of resist
ance is developed In the horse's
blood. Blood is drawn from the
"Immunized" horse, the serum is
separated, and this "antitoxin" when
properly administered to a human be
ing will prevent diphtheria Infection,
or wll! destroy diphtheria which may
already be established in the system.
The death rate from diphtheria
hho been reduced over 75 per cent;
since the serum treatment has been
It is of vital Importance that the
serum be used early in the disease
for two reasons, 1. e.:
1. To cure the diseased person.
2. To "Immunize" persons who
have been exposed.
No inexperienced or careless per
son snuulu attempt to give serum.
Fullerton & Richardson, the drug
gists near the depot, have this to say
regarding the serum for the treat
ment of diphtheria:
"There should never be a "hope
less'' case of diphtheria. No case
should be regarded as incurable un
til the serum treatment has been used
by a physician who knows how to do
so (and some physicians do not).
"There should not be more than
one member of the family stricken
with the disease unless more come
down with it at the same time, be
cause an "Immunizing" dose can be
Goods of every description
moved to any part of the
city. Prices reasonable.
Po yoa want to build you a home and pay for it in small Jj
monthly payments and low rate of interest? tj
Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time,
easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? JJ
Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract
near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo
cality? Do you want to Bell your property? X
Do you want to insure your building in one of the best
and cheapest companies in the U. S.?
If So See WALKER a
Room 1, Bell Sisters Building. -:-
Wholesale and
CeraeRt, Plaster, Lime and Cement BIocRs, Cement
Sewer Pipe, Mill WorR and all Building Materia
Give us a call. We will save yoa money.
The Roseburg Pharmacy
rE take a delight in
the best there is
is our ihotto.
nigh is wuat counts at our pharmacy.
Full line of Sundries always on hand
L. E. KROHN, Manager
figmbiDg, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating G:0
t (Jlorth JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble i
WorKs. Telephone 2511.
WorK Done on Short Notice
given to all exposed persons which
will Invariably protect them from In
fection. - -
"Free serum for the poor will be
supplied by Fullerton & Richardson
In every case where the persons are
unable to pay for it, and we will glad
ly recommend a doctor who knows
how to administer the treatment.
,"We would rather give away un
limited quantities of serum, even
though the price of It 1b high, than
to have a single case die for the lack
of proper treatment."
For further Information all persons
Interested are invited to call at The
Drug Store of Quality and interview
Mr. Richardson, who has made a
thorough investigation of serum
treatment for diphtheria. . tf
A few specialties; all colors and
finishes. In the famous New Cote
Stains. Ocoboco Linoleum Varnish;
there's nothing else as good. 3 In
one oils, the best glues and the only
sliver polish that's first class. Rice
& Rice. tf
The Reliable Tailor
ffi ffi ffi
PERRINE, Rosebur0re.
-:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public
Olfice: Warehouse No.
Near the Depot. Telephone
Main 3431 or 311.
Retail Dealers in
is a thing of groat Interest to the
bride-elect, nnd we are artists in
this line. Wedding cakes are made
in the most beautiful designs and
of rich nnd exquisite flavor. Our
breads, rolls, pies, fancy and orna
mental cakes, etc., aro the perfection
of the baker's art when made at'
Umpqua Bakery
serving our patrons with
in the line of drugs. Purity
Promptness both day and
Will practice In all Bute and to
9 Federal Courts. Offlce In Marks
9 Building. Roseburg, Oregon.
9 v
d Attornejrs-At-Law. w
Taylor & Wilson Building.
Roseburg, Oregon.
A. S. BUEY, Op. D.
4 tt
Cass St, First Door East ot
Telephone Offlce.
RoBeburg, Oregon.
U Roseburg National Bank Bldg.
Hours 10 to 12, 2 to . 9
it Phone 1283.
Roseburg - Oregon.
V J. It. CHAPMAN, D. D. S.
& Hours 9 a. m. to b p. m. Tel-
ephone 1141. Abraham blag, f
Residence Phone 1406.
Roseburg, Oregon.
' -. Dentist
6 Oakland - ' - - Oregon.
9 9
9 Q. 3. BACBER, D. M. D., 9
' Dentist
Abraham . Roseburg, . 9
9 Building. Oregon. 9
9 Physicians and Surgeons 9
Office Lower floor Douglas Co.
ii Bank bldg., corner Main and 9
Oak streets. Phone 771. 9
Roseburg, Oregon. 9
fliyslcian anu Surgeon 9
9 9
9 Office, Main St., One Door South 9
9 ot City Hall. Phone 341.
9 Roseburg, Oregon. $
9 DR. GEO. E. HOUCK, 9
9 Physician and Surgeon. 9
9 Offlce, Review Bldg., Phone 31. 9
Roseburg, Oregon. 9
Physician ' 9
9 Women's and Children's 9
9 Diseases. 9
9 Hours, 10 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 4 n. 9
9 m. Phones Offlce, 1711. Res. 9
V 1721. Marsters Block, next to 9
9 Douglas County Bank Bldg. 9
9 R ueburg, Oregon. 9
$ A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson 9
Atlorncys-At-Law. 9
Rooms 1 and 2, DouglSs Co. 9
Bank Bldg. 1 9
9 Roseburg, Oregon. 9
9 Attorucy-At-Law 9
9 9
it Notary Public. Rooms 6 and 9
9 7, Marsters Building.
Roseburg, Oregon. 9
Attornoy.ntLar 9
9 S
Mack Bldg. Drain, Oregon.
9 9
9 Attorney-At-Law. 9
9 Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas Co. 9
Bank Building. 9
9 Roseburg, Oregon.
Notary Public
9 Wilbur - . .
Oregon. 9
Attorncy-At-Law. ft
Notary Public. Abraham Bldg.
9 Roseburg, Oregon.
frfrgqggfl tKHWrwrnhrtt-a a a a
1 1