The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 11, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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insi;ki DAriiV kxckit suxday
Hubsirlptlim liutfs Daily
Per year, by innil 13.00
Per month, dollvored 60
Ykt yoar $2.00
8ix months 1.00
TlllltNllAV N'OVK.MIIKU II,. 11)111).
The Evening Telfcigrain "t Portland,
upon ruro oiutHlonB haa a democratic
Mnm. Onu Ih on Juat now, and it
m wonderful OiIiikh In (lluvls' re
vamped story. Its comments may
tlchlo the vunlly of I'lnehofa pet,
but the TeloKium will alwaya re
main the aame to tho old lino Demo
crat. Erneat ('amp, who ran hla taxical)
Into tho ChlcaKU river last Sunday
night and drowned himaelf. Max Co
ben and Meatrlce Hliuplro. la aald to
have been inaane, owing to hla per
rullur actlona prior to tho accident.
In tlila state It. would have been a
plain case or "Joy-ride" with a drunk
en c.haffuiir. They call tlllnua differ
ent It aeema In Chicago, more polite,
yon know.
It la apparent that auionK other
Improvements for IS 10 that Lane
Btroet will l paved from the bridge
:asL i'roiKit-tv ownera along that
Htroet are alivo to the fact that. ifp.
pnved, much of tho traffic from West
Koudmi-R and ilcwn rlvop parts will
pass ill) Lane street to Jackson street,
and that auch rondltiona will quad
ruple present values on property,
making It, In fact, a liualnesa auction.
. By Spring there should be consid
erable nillroiid activity along the line
of the Hoseburg Coos Hay project.
While our population and buslneas
have increased in u moat satisfactory
munner during the last two yours,
yet actual work on the line to tide
roti.-r will start a growth that will
be plienoniimil. The section to be
ercd by the road has a world of nat
ural resources lying dormant which
Bwalta tho railway to make devel
opment possible.
The fact that none but Democratic
paporn puhllaiicd (llavla' reliush of
bin old falsehoodH is significant. This
leads to the thought Collier's llhel
null was not uaed ao much for the
scwh there was In It na for the abuse
U contained of President Tart's ad
ministration ovei" Secretary Dalllll
uer'B ahouldora. If furt her cadence or
imnndneaa or thla tllought were need
ed it Ib furniahed In the tetter writ
ten to give It additional force by
KranriB J. lieney, lato Democratic
eandldafo for district attorney of San
Kranciaco. I'lnchot will be there very
Hwn and what a delectable triuamvir
uto there will be lieney, I'lnchot
and (llavla, with Collier's na their
The happier you are I he less energy
yam vnate, becaua) added happiness
meant, aildcd harmony, and the sys
tem wastes no energy while It coa
tinucB in pcrrcct ioirmoliy, aaya i'ro
Krcsrt Magazine. The less energy
yon waste the more vitality you will
possess. Giind the greater your supply
of vltul enurgy. and the less liable
yon are Fo siekncHS. W hen oiO'
nysiein is aiisoiiiieiy lull 01 vital ener-
gy you
will cmilnirt no rtlsuuHeo'1
whatever, not even disrses tint are
said to he coninsious. itctsin all of
your energy and you will never be
sick; but to this eui harmony must
bo perfect, and scrl'sct fesritmy is
tfMhsalble iifll.v wiua happiness is con
tinuous. 0
When the liuni.n system ft thor
oughly hnrinoiiims, every par! trio of
food taken Into the hotly will con
tribute Its lull mimltklnp. puffer.0
and 1o properly mnirlsl tie system
Is one of he chief Harrcta of health.
In the nveriuoi system. tanf.ver,
great deal ol tb lsb it lot
b(vtcd, (Acre belim tiei lno;b (lis
rool turning tile digtive foriv.. and.
therefore. :ielul starvSI lin nlttnio.
in tile midst or plenty. There are
millions of cells In the majority of
tho human bodies that arc ilslly star
ved to death, regardlessi of" I ho tact
that three square nieuls are ealen
every ekny. These slarved cells wit Iter
Tin humor you kerp shrrp the
tmnro line, while clover you will have
in your pasting.
Tffcj h'Ht of I he Hpi-ion crop ofhe
lainbn :0ould bo Hi tTi'ted t.'flir hreVd
fh; Infer lor ewes, wet horsV luuibs.
.U, disponed of. Kweti thai have not
iM t'ii prulltublc tffiould also be turned
U ilnen" t inn Ue much difference
wlu tber ynu cook pumpkins for hops
or not. fornmeul and brau are both
pood to feed with them.
Tho fall pit;. should be kept prow
fiiK but not loo fat. They will pay
to winter for feeding nevt spring.
The early one will go to market in
January or l-Vhrunry, If well fed.
Jt is not possible by any known
Vm-thed to make dlrly milk Into clean
Jt "will cost no more per pound to
grow a colt than calf.
Put a blanket uu the di'Mug
Irwinm now to keep his coat hort
anil glossy.
T all thfnu:s, a horse hates to He
lown In a tilt li v bed. Ity nature he
lis a cleanly animal. He Is worthy of
a iioud, clean bed day that he
Prompt attention given to all orders
Some Interesting masculine views
as to what constitutes an ideal help
mate were stated last evening by Rev.'
Dr. Forrest E. Dager of St. Paul's
Hefornied Episcopal church, Broad
and Venango streets, who preached
on "A Model Wife." At his request
various male members of the congre
gation sent him letters expressing
their opinions on this Interesting
subject, and these he read, to the
great wonder and edification of the
large number of women present.
Some of the views evpreaaed follow:
"An Ideal wife would not spend
S25 a week on a 120 salary.'
"One that does not spend three
parts of her time gadding with the
no ghhors.
"One that has the brer fast dlahea
waahed wnen her huaband cornea
homo ror suuner."
"One who keeps her home neat and
I I v."
"One that does not harrass the life
and soul out of a man.
"One who enjoys hla prosperity
and Is ready to sympathize with him
in adversity and helps to make the
nonie hannv.
"One who thinks more of her child
ren than a bull put).
"A woman with more gray matter
In her upper story than red paint on
her busybody face."
"A womna who dresses well la re
membered more for heraelf than for
her clothes.'1
A woman who carea more for her
home and children than for after
noon bridges and parties."
"A woman who realizes the value
of peroxides as a disinfectant, not aa
a hair dye."
"A woman who does not consider
her home complete when it consists
of herself, her husband and a dog."
"A woman who reada, undoratands
and oheya her HI bio. "
Dr. Dager In lila sermon advocated
Oi combination of tho Ideas presented.
Especially should a woman lie neat
and tidy, keep heraelf nicely dresaed,
alwaya huvo the meala ready when
the huabiftid arrives home, love her
children and home, read tho Bible
faithfully and go to church regularly.
Philadelphia Itecord.
Mntl s Part III Child's Education.
Ills mother, who from tho first co
operated loyally with her husband in
tills unique educational experiment,
sought successfully to cultlvnto the
boy's Imaginative side. While his
father was . infusing Into him the
aclentlllc spirit, she was making him
acquainted with the dellgbta of
"Alice In Wonderland," "Mother
Goose" and other tales and rhymes
of childhood. Ho listened to them
and ho read them with all the in
tenso eagerness of a child, and he
remembered and Intepreted them
with rare facility and with a wealth
of original detail. Before bo was
three he had memorized ninny of the
simpler verses, and na he grew older
he developed a pronounced talent for
Thus, by the time hij, had renched
tho age of six, when It was decided R
ynd liliu to school, William James
Sldls was mentally far In advance of
fit her child Bl-ii of his :Mus. Nor did
his healtl appear to have been Im
paired In the slightest by the pro
cess of Intellectual discipline to
whIPh bo had been subjected. Phys
ically he was as ho la today a ro
bust. stury lad, abounding In ener
gy, fond ol games, ever react' tor
nlay. There was absolutely nothing
, n ... ,, , .7
n,l,',n11"" ,uf,""7'H ,1C
tillered in any way from the avcrnRo
buy of Hlx. Appreciating this, Mrs.
Slrtifl, when' she entered him at the
nearest Biifliunar school, thought she
woulfl say nothing about the prelim
inary home education tho boy had
received. She merely answered the
usuul questions about his age, place
of residence, etc., and then leffc him
t I he (iinponal of tho school aythor-
I Vald bo l(e(l lu the first Knule.
Kroi access. O
We. the undersigned taxpayers
Btl rtltlents of roatl district No. 13,
':.' (ie iioiUm that a Qiulillc
meeting aill bo held at Ten Mile
si'luail house. In BAld roatl district
No. l.'l, of Douglas County. Oregon,
on Saturday. Hcon)l$r 11. 1!M9, be
ginning at 2 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of voting an itltlltiona! tax
noon all personal autl real property
situated lu cnltl roatl district, for the
iiumnso of Ininroving the nubile
fcoud In said roatl district.0
(SD;ncd I
w. 11. co vrs.
W. 'it. CtMTS.
.1. W. Nl;'l,AND,
f? W. MOWt.AM). 0
n A. S. IH'SfrN'KI.I,.
I. U.lOWAUg.
thnt you hnvo bought at a bargnln.
Hargain glasses aro about the dear-lfc-ljivestnient
you can mako. We
cuargo a right price because our
glassi are right. Wo fit thorn to
your sight as otQ skilled opticians
can do. They will aid you when bar
gain glasses are Just as apt to In
jure. I-I TJ E IT
Jeweler and Optician.
jB- J7
up and become waste matter, clog
ging the system, thus giving extra
work to the forces of elimination
and reconstruction. And the more
energy you use In getting rid of use
less matter, the less energy you will
hav for your work, your life and your
A fit of anger, or a prolonged ex
citement is usually followed by a
cold; and the reason In that agitation
tends to prevent proper digestion and
assimilation. Most of the food that
is taken at the time, or that has been
taken within the last forty eight
hours, will simply become waste mat
ter; and all the starved cells will,
in like manner, become waBte mat
ter; the system is thus clogged from
two sources, and what we call a cold
must naturally follow.
There would be hut few caseB of
Indigestion if liappinesa and harmony
were continuous in every mind; and
when you prevent all the ills that
come directly or indirectly from Im
proper digestion, you will prevent
fully three fourths of all the Ills
known to human life. But the pow
ers of happiness and harmony do not
end with the digeative functions;
their effect upo1 the nervous system
Is Just as far reaching and beneficial.
Make continuous happiness a part of
your life, and your nerves will be as
good as new as long as you live. The
same is true concerning the mind.
FOR SALE. Seven room house, lot
fifty by three hundred, plenty of
fruit and berries In a very desir
able location, $2,500. Six room
house, large wood shed, one acre
finest river bottom land all act In
BtrawberrlB, city and well water,
$2,500. Drug store in thriving
town, stock all new, no competi
tion, $1,500. Seven room houae
and two lota In. desirable location
The Second Annual
National Apple Show
Will be held at
Spokane, Washington,'
This Apple show is a world wide
event of the greatet importance to
tho Pacific Northwest and in order to
encourage everyone to attend the
S0UTI1E R PACIFIC CO. will make a
special round trip rate of
One and one third fare
From all Points on
Its lines in Oregon.
Ticket will be on rale at all
stations, main lines and branches,
November 14 and 15th. Final re
turn limit November 22. '
I prizes will htb
given0 atta?
I4tpactive Lectures, Ia
tnrstiBj program aV&r?
W daring' thacbev.
For further information call on any
Southern Pacfilc agent or on
Wbi Mcft&rr&
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
The Next Thing
Whefe are You
For yourroceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings
and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS
' for the LEAST MONEY.
Try Them In Your Order For
Groceries is their Specialty, Qnd they will
please you.
Try Them For Dry Goods
The People's Cooperative Store
Our stock of Carpets and Rugs
Is complete up to date. - Ingrain
carpets at 30c, 45c, 60c. 65c, 60c,
76c and 85c per yard. Rug. lu room
size from fG.33, In all wool, to $35.
Complete line ot all classes of
furniture. ; tf
11. AV. STllOXG,
Have you seen those elegant Steins
and Tankards, at Roseburg Book;
prices 25c to J5.00 each.
WHEAT- $1.00
OATS 50c bushel.
HAY Vetch, $12 to $14 ton;
grain, $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17.
KOLLED BAR1,KY $30.00 ton.
STEKItft Alive, 3c lb.
COWS Alive 2c.
VKAL Pressed, 6c. lb.
HOfiS Pressed, 8c; Alive 6c.
POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive,
10c to lie; dressed, 12c; ducks,
alive, 9 Gil 10c; dressed, 14 loo.
I HITTER Creamery, 42 Vic,' lb.
country, 37 c lb.
KOGS 4 0c doz.
POTATO-US New, lc lb.
WOOL Spring, 24c; fall, 20c;
year clip, 24c.
IION'KY 12V4c.
CABBAGE 1 !ic. lb.
U. of 0.
0. A. C.
University Caropas, Eag'ene
Friday, Nov. 19, '09
Tafl Southern Pacific
. Will make ft roiid trip fare to
Eugene and from all stations from
Portland to'Roseburg inclusive of
One and ORe third fare
Sale dates November 16 and 19th
Final return limit November 20th
1909. Children under 12 half fare,
See th great annua
between the two leading colleges of
the state.
For rates, schedules, etc., call on
any Southern Pacific agent or on
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
on the Bill of Fare
Going tb Trade?
for R. R. man. $1,600. Six room
house and cne acre of ground, In
Edenbower, $350.00. Some very
desirable two-acre tracts for sale,
close in, at $400 per tract. Inquire
at room 6 and 7, Marsters Bldg.
ROOMS TO RENTi By the day or
week. Apply to 110 North Main
street. d-n-6
TO RENT. A vary desirable seven
room house. Inquire at No. 345
Pine street.
BE IT KNOWN; to all people, especially the ladies, that -Thanksgiving
Day will soon be here, and that it behooves you ,
to have on hand the proper equipment. Thorefore; you are
hereby commanded to appear at The Ironmonger and buy;
first a good enameled roaster, it is necessary. DON'T use that
old iron one longer. . By so doing yo'i can getone of the best
Keed pattern, a woman'finvention, for $1.75 to $2.75 and
with each a 6" butcher knife will be given up to Thanksgiving
Furthermore; It is incumbent upon you to provide the
proper tools for the carver. The butcher knife given with
roaster is good but will not fill the place of a carving set.
Good work is done best with good tools.
Also do not forget that a good moat chopper is necessary
in preparing that delicious stuffing, mince meat and other
Be thankful that the Ironmonger has these articles in stock..
Witness my hand and seal. J
The Ironmonger Rosebarg, Oregon XX
Ouy liot drinks will warm you up, and none better
o can be made for the palate.
Next to Postollice.
Flcrar h&s nearly doubled ia price.
We sell
at tile same prices and it is the
best CooKies, buns, cinnamon
rolls and doughnuts 10c Per
dozen. Pies 10c each. Our
caKes are the best.
Sure we have ladles shirt waists, t
kimonos, long and short ones; bath X
robes, aprons, long ones with and
without sleeves: tea aprons, black j
and white collars, and all kinds erf Z
neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear
coats, and hoods for the babies. Also
a urst-cla&s line of millinery. Our X
ic, 10c, 15c and 25c counters are
loaded with good things. J
How do we sell them? Why
choaper tllsn anybody else. Why? T
Because our expenses are less. Be a 1
Missouriaus; come in and let us show
you. $
leaders In Popular Priced Goods.
Home of the lc Post Card. X
Sheet Metal WorK D?ier
SKy Lights. Cornice.
PHONE 1284
WANTED. Sewing at 816 Winches
ter street. d-8
TO RENT. Two unfurnished front
rooms. Inquire at this office (or
particulars. tf.
FOR RENT House on Cass street,
3 blocks from postoffice. Inquire
at Judge Hamlton's residence, d-tt
WOOD FOR SALE. Dry oak, deliv
ered. Inquire of A. D. Jones, 405
Washington street.
FOR SALE. A good work horse.
If taken soon, can be had cheap.
Weight about 1200. John Bates,
Happy Valley Ferry. n-15
jt PR6HR 357
Pipe An thing" Yoo Want
J eavylron TanKj