The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 10, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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74 ( i:
-M if
r-I "
The straightest and sur
est road to g'ood Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequent any of the "by
paths" you'll he apt to lose your
self in the tangle of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
whatever we Imy is well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
fiml that the best is always here.
These cluthes are made for us
by the Stoin Mock Co. David
Aillitf, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the wo-ld. Every
.Suit we sell itosold with an ab
96)uto. guarantee of Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
ruit in return.
Hea nilluKton. the noted Sunday
school man at the Christian church.
Peter Ulan and wife, of Dlllaid,
are in tne city thlB afternoon attend'
i K. M. Spencer, of Gardiner, Is ln''"B business matters.
me city attending to business mat- Win. Langcor, of Iowa, Is visiting
ai me nome of Kov. Dollarulde, In
Mrs. Rush has accepted a position West Hoaeuurg.
at inompsons confectionery stum Mm Mnnrf Pofiamnn hnu iu,Dn
on Sheridan street. I 111 at her home in this cltv fur Hip
i Mrs. A. N. Orcutt and children l'aBt month with a severe attack of
nnvo returned from a brief visit at the paralysis is somewhat Improved at
1 none or her rather at Oakland. '"is writing.
I A rnarrlaKO license huH been issued JuBllce of the Peace.Oalther, ao-
to Jalmnn Salo and Saplla Josephson, companled by Constable Bayless,
jboth residents of Douglas county. came up from Myrtle Creek this af
Mrs. Phipps returned to her home 1 tornoon to look after business mat
at Lllllard this morning after spend-Iters.
Ins a fow days vIsitliiK at the home of ! The members of the Guild of St.
hi daughter, Mrs. Joseph Sherldau George's church held a very Interest-
Remember quality is. the true
test of cheapness. JSy our good
Clothes you shall know us,
In this oily.
A special meeting of the Ladles'
Auxiliary of the Koseburg Commer
cial Club will be held Friday evening.
A liberal attendance is desired.
Hank Smith, at one time a bar
tender In this city, returned here this
morning, f or some time past Mr.
Smith hns resided In the northern
part of the state.
Airs. Minnie Amsbary and son.
Howard, accompanied by Mr. Jon
Lanning, her brother, who have re
sided In KoHchurg for several months
left for Independence, Iowa, on this
morning's train. The very many
friends of Mrs. Amsbary, who have
become iieiimlnted with her here
deeply regret her departure.
James Ininan, at one time an aspir
ant for President of the United .States
ing meeting at the home of Mrs. M
f. Klce this afternoon. At the con
clusion of the business session a so
cial hour was spent.
A number of modern desks were
received by County School Superin
tendent Chaney this afternoon, the
same to be used during the teachers
institute which convenes In this city
next week.
I' M. Cook, an extensive rancher
of Deer Creek, was in the city tills
afternoon. Among the production
of his ranch this year were potatoes
wnicn averaged 7a bushels to the
S. C. Hartrum, connected with the
local forestry office, returned from
Cottage Grove last evening where
ne spent several days attending bus
iness matters.
George Short, of Wilbur, Is a bus-'
Iness visitor In the city today.
A. Tompkins, of Kiddle, Is' in the
city attending to business matters, i
F. C. Frear, a sea of Manager ,
Frear, of the local light and water
company, is sulTering from a broken
wrist which he sustained at the Sykes
skating rink a couple of days ago.
itev. w. H. Eaton and wire enter
tained the teachers and officers of
the Baptist Sunday school Tuesday
evening. All present report a most
enjoyabln time.
Kdward A. Beats, weather fore
caster at Portland, spent last evening
in tne city. He is enroute to Marsh
held where he goes to attend busi
ness matters connected with his ot-
At your Service
Roseburg, Oregon Phone. 193
flcial duties. ThlB morning Mr. BealB
was entertained by W. A. Bell, the lo
cal weather observer.
Lincoln Thrush and wife, of Camas
Valley, are in the city today. Mr.
Thrush reports the roads in a hor
rible condition at the present) time,
presumably due to the heavy traffic.
and at preMent the plaintiff in a sen- p Dr. K. V. Hoover and O. C. Baker
sailolliil divorce suit, is a visitor in have placed their order for a Stndc
ino cny louay. Air. ininan says that baker Flanders lam niii(inw,hiii.
bo believes Douglas county will soon the same to be delivered ill the early
'lecoine one oi tne greaiest coal pro- tpriiis. Th machines were ordred
I City News Briefly Recorded
I. Drake, of Oakland, Is a visitor
0 In the city today.
V. Maxwell, of Dillurd, was a vls-
ltor In the city yesterduy.
W. A. tytrr, the music mini, ttas a
passenger on this mot-nine's south
bound train.
Attorney Dexter Hlco ent to
Portland this morning where Oe will
uttend legal mutters.
(1. 1 1 a in III on . of Myrtle Crucfc, ve
il turned homo this morning alier
brief b.v In the city.
The inerchnnts report conlHeriilile
activity dining the past ten clays,
presumably due lo Hie weather.
Mrs. F. 11. MrCnid and child left
this morning ror I'lii'tlmid, e here I bey
will join I heir IlllHbiind mid fat her.
MIhh lint no Koiila returned to her
homo at Winchester this morning
after n brief vlHlt wild I'rlcoiLi la ttt
0. W. Gnge nnd 8- C. Miller rl ura
cil to their bnaie at I HI laid ibis ohm
Ing after nuclei lot; kimlneiai nmtioit
A In the city.
Holiday gondii tu ui'livlosi lo the
city dully and 'ere lone I he Severnl
nierrh.iiitK will adorn thlr Wlodnn-a
In linllihiy nttire.
The new tile doiu- la tne IKiusHs
Naliomil Bunk wu precilrolly cooi
liliil ycKieidiiy, To e.v IHe least
H is a great improve oieiit over the
old wooden one. Iinib io regard to
aft ineiivelieHH n.d conveolelu-e.
9 The l.iidH'H' Aid Soclely or tbe
Presb.viei'liiu chsn-o will lne iai sale
honii'-iiiiicle chliki'O tn ma It m Mll
ledgo nnd I''ns Brow. Br.iiery
0 stifle. . l-'rliliry. November 12, HUB.
Jlim't-tnll luig't some. li-l'l
Charles Itli.liey mill wire, ot Poll
.'lty, who spent ycstcrda.v In the city
Vlsllllli; friends relumed Homo this
- moinlng. .Mr. mid Mm Uhhev are
fnriuer ii'sliieiits or Myrtle I'nitB
KJiero tiey i-esl.tid ror s- Vi inl jmis
w . U. U(e, (it tile W Ai l-en Coli
rttrOelliOi Coliipunv. returned to Port
blPa Ibis imiiiiliia sl'lcr i-liislue up the
lOOiirs of the company In this city.
Mr. Hons so a ho leels confident Mint
, bawebuiB will ciiiitiniio lis paving
woiOi in the spiinc.
8. P. Mower has llled a pi-tltlou In
ORi cliTiilt coui-t ni-klog that tlu-lr
net ton noaiOst II. tV. kllliiius & -e,,
01sftiHiO. They allege dial Hie
ri)inria-sy hn lllell settled At
Wrai'V (leoiBo Xelllier npiioaicd oil
Retold tor mi- pl iuti(t.
0 'foo hoiei reg'jtturs show a
re:o fntling ml in leuisuatlous dur
n! fb- ua-l I.-W Java, iiresiunalily
00' to I be filet thai many of the
1 ravelins' mfii have I'.l'undolil-d their
liUrsuli llin II sin-It tllhe as the I rain;
Mil-vice lieeoilles nWmal. It is ill-
11X01 l-mssllilii lor the Iravelels i
1o inalio Iheir leri-liory nt prisent.
whigg not oiujrj proves, at liarilslilp to i
thcpi but in ihe iiieniinntii as wWl. A
allnj)l men nppear linalile to
give nn iiil'orinalloii as to when '
thn wrecked tunnel near the (Clill-(
fornln Hue Hill he repaired. Aft of
inn iioriiihi mid trains are jiinnini;
from four tirj)'ll hours lute aH'i'eseut
with liille iiope or an Improvement
liillll r.iHii lime as the weather clears
sulllclently to allinv the laborers en
gaged In repaTnng tin- damage nn 1
MP"rtllllll to work. It Is said
the present rnve-ln Is the wuralVv-i
porieneeil by the Southern l'aiitlc
Conipnny ror veins.
S. t'. Miller and 0. W. Gage, of !
lillllird. li'i'i In Ihe city yeslerdav
confeiiiig with the county otlleers.
relallvii to the format inn or n new
road (list rlet In the vicinity or Millard.
The rhler object 111 tiiiiniiig (he n,.
riillil distrlit. so It Is said. Is tor Hie
reason or opening a new county road,
the same tji traverse the lountry
north oi Dillurd as far as the moun
tain house, thus gMng the residents
fiivori'd by the eoutcuiplatcd road
nil nutlet which herelor.ire they have
nut cnijped. Those luleiesled In the
new road district will probably llle a
petition with (ho county jjniirt sel
ling forth their request In detail nt
the next regular session of the coun
ty court.
Mr. Itoland Schwart:! received a
line fox terrier pup from Aberdeen,
Washington this morning. The ca
nine was purchased by Mr. Schwartz
for his little son.
The work ij building the south
approach to the Deer Creek bridge
was commenced this morning. The
city expects to havo the Hiuue eoni-
ploti'4 the latter pdvt of t ho week.
Mrs. Annie Wallace, wire or Con
trnetii'i Wallace, or this city, was ad
mitted to tile stale insane asylum
at ttalem by County Judge Wonacott
slid County Physician lloiick last
Mrs. Amsbary, who hits conducted
a hoarding mid lodging house on
Bane street, tor the past tew mouths
lelt this morning tor Independence,
iotta. Where she will remain Indef
initely. She was accompanied by
her brolher.
U. Stofces and wire who were called
to Ibis city from their home at St.
Johns, Oregon, about four weeks ago
In response to n lelegraiu aniloiinc
Itl tbe serious illness of their daugh
ter, Bessie Oliver, returned home
Ihla morning. The patient is said to
no roeoveiing.
Couniy Judge Wonacott has receiv
ed a loiter from Mr. H. M. Chauiicey,
(' Kalamazoo, Mrehlgan, In which
the miler say Hint he l.em-outo to
Oregon to look alter the affairs of
his mother, whom ho alleges to be
an heir of the late Aaron Hose. Ap
pearances tend to show that Charles
and George tiiauucey, at present In
the rlly, are not the only heirs to
the Hose estate. With tbe above ill
I'oi'iiialion al hand, (iroperty owners
luleresleil In the outcome of the Cjtse
anticipate it' general mix-up. b
When lulervled by a News reiire-
Mulullve this morning Attorney
laiksoil slated that he believed the
allcaed heirs id the Aaron Hose, now
enroute to tills cit..' rroin Kalaiiia
'on, Michigan, in Hie widows or tile
dating sections In the west, indlca
Hons pointing to such nn end. He
declares that experiments In Looking
Glass valley assure an abiinilance
or fuel, and that all that is needed
to make it a paying proposition is
railroad racilltles.
A. H. Howard, of Myrtle Creek,
has brough a suit for damages in the
circuit court against Mry B. Cook,
a neighbor. He asks that he be
through the C. B. Cannon agency of
tins city.
John Mnloney, a local Inebriate,
was arrested Into last evening for the
rourlh time within thirty days. As
usual he was booked at the police
station on a etiarge or drunkenness,
lie will probably be arraigned be
rore City Itecorder Orcutt at a late
hour this nfternoon
Won. Blnger Hermann received
awarded a Judgment in the sum of word today to the effect that a num, alleged to be due for trespass ber of residents in the city of Myr-
aiiu uie uaiiiiige uoue in cerium uuiia- tie l'oint are earning on a search
lugs erected upon his properly, for Ihe remains of Binger Hermann,
Huong me uiiegaiious in iiie com- Tne tweiry-tour year old son of Mr
plnlnt the plaintiff nllegim that the T. M. Hermann, who was drowned
iieieniiani went upon nis land, broke
Sarah liose brothel
arc the
open bis cabin and committed other
unlawful acts which warrant him
damages in the amount asked.
An effort Is being made to Induce
Governor Frnnk. Benson to come to
(his rlty on Tuesday evening ot next
week ror the purpose or intending in
a special meeting ot the Rosehurg
Commercial Club. Should he concedo
lo the Pcuuest Congressman Hawley
will remain over until Wednesday
inurnlng. It is the purpose of the
club members to Invoke the aid of
these distinguished men In securing
the desired federal building.
We have In prospect an engage
ment or the celebrated Schubert Sym
phony Club and Lady Quartette Com
pany or Chicago, and It is expected
that they will be secured to give one
if their dflightful entertainments!
iinoui iieceniner i;i. i ins company
gives a program of Ihe greatest var
iety consisting of Lady Quartettes,
Mandolin nnd Guitar Club, String,
Violin and Vocal Solos, Amusing
Headings. In the Schburts we will
get a musical entertainment that Is
enjoyable from tbe'lirst to the lust
not a long diilb-classlcal affair, but
a bright, interesting program ot mus
ic's choicest gems.
A very quiet wedding was solcmn
!ed nt the home or Mrs. ) I. A. Cham
pagne, nt 5ril Fowler street, shortly
after eight o'clock Ibis morning, when
her daughter. Miss Bessie, was milted
In marriage to Mr. Jasper McMillan,
a Southern Pacific fireman. itev.
las. K. Hawkins, pastor or the local
Methodist church, performed the cer
emony in the presence of a few Im
mediate relatives of the contracting
parties.- The happy couple left, on the
northbound local tor Portland where
they will spend their honeymoon.
They will be 6l home to their mum
friends and acquaintances at IM I linn
stntei after December 1. The bride
iu Ibis morning's event is one of
Itoseliurg's most popular young lad
ies. She lias n sided here the greater
part of her life and Is well and rav
orably known, or late she has been
mployed at the Bellows' store. Th
Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small
monthly payments and low rate of interest?
Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time,
easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in?
Do you want ti buy a home in Rost-lurg, a nice acre tract
near town or a good ranch near a good markti and iu good lo
cality? Do you want to sell your property?
Do you want to insure your building in one of the best
and cheapest companies in the U, S. ?
If So See WALKER PERRINE, Roseburg' Ore.
Rocm 1, Hell Sisters Building. -:- -:- E. H. PERRINE, Notary Public.
Office: Warehouse No.
Near the Depot. Telephone
Main 3431 or 311.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement
Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia
Give us a call. We will save you money.
is a thing of groat Interest to the
bride-elect, and we are artists Id
this line. Wedding cakes are made
ill tho most beautiful designs and
of rich and exquisite flavor. .Our
breads, rolls, pies, fancy and orna
mental cakes, etc., are tho perfection
of the baker's art when made at
Umpqua Bakery
In the Coqiillle river Sunday.
C. W. Lnwson, tho Broskway black
smith, who had several ribs fractured
a short time ago. is not getting well
as fast as he ought and came in to
this city last night for further medi
cal assistance. Mr. Lnwson dropped
into this office on his way to the ho
tel and ordered The Evening News
lor a year.
Mrs. A. P. iTarker, a returned
Missionary from China, will deliver
a lecture on China at the South Meth
odist church on Thiirsdnv evening,
November 11th nt 7:30. The luibllcl
Is cordially invited to hear this gifted
Missionary. There will be neither
admission fee nor collection.
The local oflicers are searching for
a trio of undesirable characters who
recently drifted Into the city under
suspicious circumstances. These par
asites who exist orr the earnings or
rallen women are not wanted in this
locality, and the sooner they leave
town Hie better for all concerned.
Marshal Huffman says they must go
and so says all decent people.
Hear Dillngton. the noted Sunday
school worker, wiio will be at the
Christian church tonight, November
lO.attul each evening this week. If
you are Interested In S. S. come and
hear him. He will teach you how to
do belter work. Ills lectures areoin
tortalning, Instructive nur prolltaffle.
A freewill offering will be taken each
evening. I. X. McConnoll. 1
V. S. Hamilton and Thomas Cobb
have ftls,-ineil f lliul, in nnu i,.,ni 1
of fruit land, situated in the vicinity -'"
or the Oaks, to .Mr. Reyroad. The ! ' . . . ....
The Roseburg Pharmacy
rE take a delight in serving our patrons with
the best there is in the line of drugs.. Purity
is our motto. PrSmotness both day and
nigh is wnat counts at our pharmacy.
' - A '' '' ' 1 "
Full line of Sundries always on band
L. E. KROHN, Manager
only heirs to Hie estate who 11111111
to sign deeds convejing Hie prnpiMtv
Interests to their husband. I'iirther
I ban tills fart Attorney Jackson has
nothing to say regarding the sllua-
1 which at pre
hat perplexing.
groom is eiujiioyrd by the Soiilhern
Pacitic t'oQ)iany with headiiuarters
In Ibis city. He is respected by all
who know him. possessli(y a disposi
tion which has won lor hlgi nianv
flienil. The Kvenlng News joins
0 I iiirn- nianv menus m wislilng them a
I iijlig and happy future.
consideration Is said to have beeiDin
the neighborhood of $2,600. The
purchaser will Irrigate Ihe tract and
engage In tho cultivation of com
mercial fruit. He also cpects to
raise vegetables and other garden
produce for home consumption
A very peculiar circumstance in
connection with the construction ot
tho Alexander bridge 'ccrcss the
l'($iinua rlvei. fame lo light this
morning, when It became known that
both Chillies Welds nnd Kendall
Urol hers hold a deed to the land In
the immediate vicinity of (he east
end approm h. The light and water
company, however, have agreed to
give Mr. Alexander a right-of-wav.
Just what Mr. Fields will do In regard
to the matt'M- nppears uncertain at
I his time. It Is said that Kendall
Brothers hold the prior deed.
t .'mi1 e
I Plumbing, Sheet Metal Worh, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
. Worhs. Telephone 2511.
I WorK Done on Short Notice
e a
and 15c
Values to 35c in Women's' Fancy nntl Plain Hose,
every pair a great value, for one day only
We Are Exclusiverjg'ents for
Women's Monarch Cloves.
$2.00 Per Pair
Also the Derby Gloves in all (fk I CH
shades vbl.DU
The fainotft Medes Glove sold
world oven at $1.35 10 J I ffl
$1.50. We make this at I .UU
5ooo yards calico iu blues, blacks, greys, shirtings, reds,
the biggest Calico assortment in the ity. For
tomorrow only - - -
Children's Coats
REGULAR $5.50 VALUES $3.00
15 Children's Coats, no two alike, in ages
from 3 to ( years. They are broadcloth
flannels, bearskins, crushed velvets; a
beautiful linepspecialrsajle price -