The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 09, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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City News Briefly Recorded
Ilobert Perdue, of Days Creek, I Constable Wright is busy today
transacted business matterii In the serving a number of legal papers,
city yesterday. C. W. He, the barber ha reslgn-
John Chaney and vllo, of Days ed his position at the Alarstcrs
rik, are In the city visiting with on Sheridan street,
friends. John Hanks, lid. Coekelreas and
Bwaiitle Peterson, of the Bun ! Sam Kclley have none to the Kclley
Music Houbo, was a passenger north & Hanks' ranch where they will build
this morning. 1 a ferry boat.
O. W. Uage, of Dillard, Is In the: .1. M. Lnwrnce. receiver of the lo
cily attending to business matters, eal United Slates land office. Is at
Ho Is accompanied by 8. C. Miller. Portland to remain for a few dajb
Harry Wilson, of Days creek, is
In tho city attending to matters be
fore the United Btata Land umce.
Mrs. LaKuut, mother of Mrs. L,
A. MarBiem, went to Enone this
morning where she will enjoy a vhh.
Mir. and Mrs. O. Martin, of Uays
Creek, are vIhUIiik at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Neuner in the
Gweiin Maddix haa accented a no -
ultlon In his father's barber shop on
Caas street. Mr. Maddix Intends to
oiwraie three chairs hereafter.
I'ostofHce Inspieetor 8. H. Morse
loft Moudav even In ic for Bnokniie.
Wash.. wherehe will attend to var-
Ions nmtitra connected with his olll
cial duties.
County .Indue Wonacott has re
reived a letter from Grant Royer, of
Iho firm of Beale & Co., Portland,
to the effect that tho order for the
Tock crusher bad been received and
tho shipment will be made In a few
The regular nenil-nionthly meet
ing of tho local order of Kagles was
held last evening. Two candidates
wore Initiated Into tho mysteries of
the order, after which a bounteous
banquet was served. All present en
joyed themselves Immensely.
Ono duy last week the 8. P. pass
enger trains blocked the crossing at
"W. Lane street for more than H5 min
utes. Since Lane is the main thor
oughfare to- West Hoseburg and coun
try points beyond, all trafllc was at
s standstill awaiting the pleasure of
tho railway cnmiQiiy. While it may
be a great Inconvenience to cut
huavy train Into, yet the public Is
Imposed upon by too long delays or
this sort, nor should tho authorities
permit them.
Ah m-edlrtcd In last even inn's Is
sue of The News Attorneys ('Obi'lff 0
Ilice, representing KeiKWll Bros.,
have filed a petition with the county
clerk requesting that tho ens of firs.
Henry KaBtoii vs. J, L. & 8. A. Iron
dull lie transferred from the clmiitlna).th A,r Hawley Intimates in his
court or DoughiK county to linl
ted Slates court for tOe Stai of Ore
Ogon. Tho petitioners oUego Unit the
plaintiff and defendants are residents
of different states, and are thenOoio
entitled to tho desired change.
10t feel, tho female ludivlduol
who causre; con.Qdernhln excit(0t'OL
at the McClallen hotel shortly after
7 o'clock yesterday morning, result
ing In her detention ot. the city jull
durlngotho day, was anolfned IxOore
City Recorder Orcutt ltt OOrniOfc
Ylftftm a:d'0 the nsuOl que'rilnno com
mon to court oOOrQrs she ehnply 8oiil
ed iflid said: "I Q gollty peQr
0 Hmor." AccorAiuQIy fco ooa given
a bft ctf ii(lvl 9w to bor futuio con
duet aGtf ffias (J tta fikflia of cplfl.
Friends biiid I bo flfcs G0d hDo fl)(stOi-
' ed iflilaying e Olr ol hotre.
9 A aeuiBer 9 beat ottorao0 Rooo
been sollclA to cu(pOuioo OtO 6ith(
'overuoD Krag neiiHon in an eOort
O to personOe hiD to (MiQQutfe ttMJ
o ninmo-e rceoidy lirOi.ocO 9CMi Jo.
AoKlot'0 t hu Diunlerer of Ifcolph l-'ioh-ir,
to life looprhoiooicut. ?.OiOI
letters were iioQ'oeQ' tiorO Phto coo' n
Ing fr0 AtbfirncyH .IcOery Lemon,
reareo-nlloo o'IikiP. ell of &ftlch are
of the same ttOiuro, sloiply oppiOl'Oft
Otfor lenieitt-y. I! ft Qp (hut the
miO&OtM-s of oOi bool li'P ''m
have labo up tho mentor and ,fill
proo'ed to feih-o) Oithln a .iy or'lQo
to cooler OlO tho etvi-nor per
flniOillv nu hohiilf of KIimH. Bcinld
oliD (Kovvnor IOJI to grunt 10 re
0 q n'0lf6 of t ho io. tinners for a i1
prleOu Olnch Will be bulged cy the
ptitfe peuiten(iaf- on I'riday ol this
Q wwk.
- V- --- -- "J.,
I f0 HERE. '
: fi ll""
attenciuK to ousinei-s matieia.
Herbert II. Brown, a nephew of
Mm. S. M. Kelley, arrived from Cali
fornia Monday and will remain In
KoseDurK tor tne next two weeks tne
gLim or in auni.
The trains from the south still
continue to arrive here several hours
late, presumably de to the cave in
ja tunnel near DuiiHiuuir which occur-
'red several days ago.
I W. II. Klsher has tiled a suit In
the justice court against Dennis Mat-
jlhews. alleging that the latter is ln-
delited to him In the sum of $20.33
duo for wares and merchandise fur-
nished the defendant In the year
1!H)5. Attorney Geo. Neuner appears
for the plaintiff.
It was a great relief to North
Hoseburg people to see carpenters
at work this morning building a
walk to tho new bridge approach.
Ruins of the last few days have made
the roads at each end of the struc
ture very sloppy, and In order to get
across pedestrians must wade. There
fore, Duds, fix 'em up quick.
City Treasurer Hermann reports
the city license money coming in
readily, nevernl hundred dollors hav
ing been collected during the past
ten dnyd. Marshal Huffman, who
has charge of the collections says
that the merchants and others affect
ed by the ordinance are responding
promptly, few complaints having
been reglstere.
A larirn crowd assembled at tho
Star theatre luilt evening to witness
the presentation of "Charley's Aunt"
by the McKenzle's Merry Makers.
Th play is one of tho best Been In
this city for a long time, the several
parts harmonizing to perfection. Up
on request of thoso unable to gain
admittance last evening the pl'iv
I,ttOM Iwivo been roreivod'ln this
city from Congressman W. C. Haw
lpy 8' n effect that he will spend
next Mynriny In this locality, leav
ing Thurmluy morning for points
letter thQl he is anxious to meet the
HtlZ'O1 in this section that he may
become conversant with their needs.
It may he possible that a special
mcetlni; of tho Commercial Club vU
1)0 railed for Monday evening, thus
nllcOlug tho d&tinguished guest an
opportunity to confer with the citi
zens eiimaO".
will be rep-'ut(d this evening.
i uiiHiuuniniti it miiiK hhiu regaro-
loft too OPPoiOtmont of register and,.
eiOtr at the local land olllce, and
as yet iO me Bogms to know ns to
ltf the Iin6' persons will be. We
Ore Informed, hoOev-, from what Is
supposed to bo reliable Information,
tOOl Attorney Albert Abraham, of
tills c ity, and Ceo. V. Kiddle, of Kid
dle, '111 succeed the present incum-
'O'li'O At V-ast they me pictured as
the so-called original Uourue men,
Ohlch means I hey will no doubt he
onsfdered by the Senator In mak
ing It (h recommendation.
t In an Interview with n Xews re
preseutatlvo this morning Mayor
l-'red Haynes said that ho would not
Q'l a special meeting of the council
for .he punttse of accepting the Deer
Creuft briO-'e ii til ss the same Is re
quested liO the niemhrs of th street ;
committee, under whose supervision!
tho Inspection work is being carried,
out. Mr. Haynes does not believe1
in rushing matters, seemingly or the
opinion that best results are oh-1
u.u., , eoismenng u -matiersj,,
i i i iifl in leiore it is not pro-j
lOWle lOtt tl bridge will he accept-1
e. belore nojt Mommy evening, at
ye t time tho council convenes in i
remilnr session. i
Tfci) OigKeostand sur
est POfltfPtf good Clothes
tfto bO$t Qlotfeo-brings
you bocu
If you frequent any of tbo "lv
jaths" you'll ev apt to losoyour
self in tho tangle of uiislonilin
Whatever wo do ia well done,
whatever we buy ia well chosen
quality in tho object ami perfect
A he
'f aatisfaoton and e!-ct.
uro iiKiiiv'tSi'r Dlncos to
1'iiy I'lothos, to bo sure but you'll
liiul that tJie best ia always "hero.
Thiwi clutlie.s are maiio for us
by tho Stein lilock Co. ami I'aviJ
orgamzaiions m tnowo'lil. hvory
Suit we sell is sold with an ab
solute puarantoe of Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
ruit in return.
Remember quality is0tho true
test of cheapness. By our (food
Clothes you shall know us.
?CNERAL building contractor
At Your Service
Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193
H. C. Tlson, of Drew, Is a visitor
In the city.
William Fisher, of Olalia, was a
visitor In the city yesterday.
Walter Patterson will return from
the surliigs the lutter part of a the
C O. White, the Myrtle Creek auto
mobile man, is a business visitor In
the citv today.
Bert Brown, of Oakland, Is In the
city today. He reports the recent
rains damaging to the farmer.
H. H. Olcott and wife, of Canyon
ville, are In the city today, the for
mer attending to business matters
and the latter visiting friends.
J. H. Booth and wire returned
from Grants Pass this noon after at
tending the funeral of Mrs. Booth's
brother who passed away at that place
Friday evening.
Lulu Willis, who has been employ
ed at the Douglas National Bunk dur
ing the past few years, has resigned ;
her position. She is to he succeeded
by Harry T. Slocuni, formerly deputy
J. M. Hartog will not boost for
Eugene next year excepting Incidently
with a stereoptlc showing or Oregon
In the East, where photographs and
good talking will be the features of
the spell.
(J. J. RIchey and wife, of Falls
City, Oregon, are In the city. They
are registered at the McClallen hotel,
The couple are well known In this
city where they nave visited upon
frequent occasions.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
Presbyterian church will have on sale
home-made chicken tu males at Mil
ledge and Pickens Bros, grocery
store, Friday J November 12, 1909
Uon't fall to get some. n-12
The remains of Mrs. Jennie Whlt
taker, tho woman who recently died
on Southern Pacific train while en-
route from Seattle to Oakland, Call
fornia, were shipped to the latter
city on this morning s eouthuound
train. She will be burled at Oak-
laud, the homo of the family
The sheriff's annual report will be
ln roa.lll.eH8 to a.ll.nill to the comild
ertitlon of the county court at their
mljotirned Beslon Friday morning.
Tho report will show the taxes col
lected since January 1 as well as the
delinquent property. As Is customary
the county court will In all nrouaoU
ty issue an order Instructing the
sheriff to sell the delinquent proper
ty at special sale to satisfy the taxes,
Sheriff Kenton received word from
James Inman. who resides near
Looking Glass, lato last evening to
the effect that one of his employees
had gone crazy and was causing eon
sldernble anxiety in the neighbor
Iwuul Tim otw.rifT li!iutinnl til ttin
,i ,.,. nf Mia rltflicnltv hnt
....... nrrivinK waH Ulmbie to 'locate
tho desired individual. Shortly at
ter noon today the sheriff again left
for Looking Glass, determined to
capture the fellow at all hazards.
Letters recetvad from Robert La
Kollette, who recently delivered a
lecture at to Armory In this city,
convey tho information that he con
templates returning here In Decem
ber. Before leaving on the morning
following his lecture, he made a sim
ilar statement to friends, Informing
them tlMt he never knew that Hose
burg was the hotbed for Oregon pol
itics. He also appeared somewhat
disappointed at the time, the crowd
being fur smaller than anticipated.
Should Mr. LaKollette return as ex
pected he will no doubt be greeted
by a largo an enthusiastic audience.
Awakened from his slumbers short
ly after 4 o'clock this morning J. V.
Marker, who resides at the-corner of
Lane and Kane streets, detent d a
suspicious eppearlng character lolter-
tmt h,B Wnoilehefl.
Of course
j ua,.u, yelled, and the fell nv
disappeared in the darkness. While
llu. nian KWimHi nothing of value,
Mr. niirk(ir b.-lleves that he visited
.,, .1,fiu..a win, ih,. it, ne
coininii; lug robtery, all' Indications
' point ing lo such an end. Marstial
. Huffman w as no titled of the occur
rence late this morning, hut having
no description of tho fellow he was
: utterly unable to effect a capture.
0 TbeVytit rac0for the0const ruction
of Alexander's 9ridge was awarded
t') K. 0. I'erham the contractor who
recently completed the Deer Creek
bridge, shortly alter noon today. The
bridge will be of the Howe trims var
iety, and will span the IJi'upqun. con
necting the owners holdings in West
Wiseburg with the main land on
(Tie east. The east' slIe approach
will be stationed at a point about
111) feet north ol Kendall Brothers'
power plant. The bridge will be
constructed of wood and Iron, and
when completed will he one of the
finest structures of Its kind in South
ern Oregon. Mr. I'erham slates that
he will commence work on the same
within a few days, the contract call
ing for Its completion by May 1.
With the iitw bridge open for traffic
It appears evident that Aleauder's(
holdings will docile in value inas
much an his site offers excellent op
portunities for resident purposes.
A very pretty wedding will occur
at the home of Mrs. M. lUiwen, on
Cass st re i, thb- e veil ing, when her
daughter. Mis Jessie, will be united
in marriage lo Mr. Louis I'atnoe. a
local Southern Pacific switchman.
Justice of (he Peace John T. Long
he witnessed tri tv-lrrtfmfl?
friends of the contracting parties.
The happy couple wilt commence
housekeeping in the Lewis cottage
near the river at once. They expect
to defer tte-ir wedding tour until
Christmas when they will spud some
time at Seattle visiting at tap home
of the groom's parents. The bride
to be has been etnpled at Thomp
son's ronfeellonerv story for some
time and is well and favorably
known. The groom Is likewise iv
epectcd by all who know him.
' UelnO "one of the boys' Is one
way of getting old. o
Attorney-At-Law. 4
ft . .
if Will practice In all State and
Federal Courts. Office In Marks
$ Building. Roseburg, Oregon. 4
u coshow a RICE
?; Attorneys-At-Law.
ft ft
ft Taylor & Wilson Building. ft
ft Hoseburg, Oregon, ft
ft '
ft y
ft A. B. HCEV, Op. D. ft
ft Cass St., First Door East of ft
ft Telephone Office. ft
ft Hoseburg, Oregon. ft
ft '
a Dentist
ir Roseburg National Bank Bldg.
Hours 10 to 12, 2 to t.
(,i Phone 1383.-
Roseburg t Oregon.
J. 11. CHAPMAN, 1). D. S.
if Hours 9 a. m. to b p. m. Tel-
if eptaone 1141. Abraham Bldg.
Residence Phone 1406.
Roseburg, Oregon.
S Oakland - Oregon.
.Dll. C. L, PEARSON,
Dentist ' '
Review Bldg. Phone 753. a
Roseburg, Oregon.
if G. J. BACHKR, D. M. I).,
Abraham Roseburg,
Building. Oregon.
& Physicians and Surgeons 4
Office hower lloor Douglas Co.
Bank bldg., corner Main and ii
Oak streetB. Phone 771.
$ Roseburg, Oregon. $
if Pliysiciun ami Surgeon $
Office, Main St., One Door South
of City Hall. Phone 341.
Roseburg, Oregon.
UK. l.KU. K. HUUIK, if
Pliysiciuu Ulid Surircon.
Office, Review Bldg., Phone 31.
Hoseburg, Oregon.
Women's and Children's $
Hours, It to II a. in., 2 to 4 p. 4
m. Phones Office, 1711, Res.
1721. Wa raters Block, next to 8
Doualas County Bank Bldg.
R "fleburg, Oregon. ii
it A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson
9 ...
i Rooms 1 aud 2, Douglas Co.
C Bank Bldg.
Roseburg, Oregon.
if Notary Public. Rooms
7, Marsters Building.
Roseburg, Oregon.
6 and
Mack Bldg. Drain, Oregon.
" ca
$ Attorney-At-taw.
if Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas Co.
? Bank Building.
O Roseburg, Oregon.
i Notary Public.
a Wilbur - - Oregon
tt t Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small tt
monthly payments and low rate of interest? ii
Do yon want to pay off yonr mortgage and have long time,
easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in?
HDo you want to buy a home in Hoseburg, a nice acre tract
tear town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo
tj cality? Do yon want to sell your property?
' Do you want to insure your building in one of the best
and cheapest companies in the
Room 1, Bell Sisters Building. -:-
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in .
Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement
Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia
Give us a call. We'wlll save you money. -
The Roseburg Pharmacy 1
E take a delight in
the best there is
is our motto.
nigh is wnat counts at our
Full line of Sundries always on hand
L. E. KROHN, Manager
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North Jacbson 'Street, 'adjoining Peoples Marble ;
WorKs. Telephone 2511.
WorK Done on Short Notice
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lunir er
x Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
XX Vards on Lower Oak Street.
t 'Phone Hll
' V w
sir lfs?
U. S.?
PERRINE, Roseburg Ore.
-!- E. B. FERRINE, Notary Public.
Is a thing of groat Interest to the
bride-elect, and we are artists In
this lino. Wedding ckes are made
In tho most beautiful designs and
of rich and exquisite flavor. Our
breads, rolls, pies, fancy and orna
mental cakes, etc., are tho perfection
of the baker's art when made at
Umpqua Bakery
serving our patrons with-
in the line of drugs". Purity
Promptness both day and
We're in a Position
to offer you the best the market af
fords In the way of Meats; and our
prices you know are always lowest.
We handle only prime stock. Qual
ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine
roasting pieces of beef from 8c to
12Hc pound. First class mutton,
veal, pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. Phone na
your order. We deliver to any part
of the city.
Cass Street MarRet
107 West Cass St. Phone 1)1.
' Free Delivery.
Electricity furnishes comforts
heretofore unthought of.
The luxuries of yesterday are
the necessities of today. The best
way to make jour home attrac
tive and a palace In Its Interior
conditions of living is by the use
of electric light.
315 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or
xx y,