-31 -a n ! bi vl 81 fi fi ft ceo o ocaec: THE EVKXI.VO NEWS TUESDAY, XOVEMHER B. 1000 THE EVENING NEWS IIY B. W. BATES tssLiii) iiailv KXCKirr ku.sdav Hulwrlition llnti' Dully ! year, by mail $3.00 Per month, delivered .50 Bniil-Wiikly Per year $2.00 Six months 1.00 TL'KSDA V, NOVKMIIKIt 0, 1000 Politics Ih a dlseuHo, says ft learn ed doctor. The only cure It to muke ho patient a vermiform appendix, to some Job. farmers of Whitman county, VahliiKion, have titkcn up tho "'dry" fight and will vote only fur men who nro "dry." ThlngB begin to look "dry" In that section. THI.VGH WE TIII.NK Th TurklHh Kovenininiit la expect ing to Hpend $100,000,000 on her now navy within the next seven yearn. It Ih easy for the Turk to upend money, provided he con borrow There can ho no homo where each member has a sulto of rooms arm a servant lo attend to every want. It is tho rubbing together and performing thoughtful things one lor aiiotner mat makes a homo. There has been nothing to rilscoiir auo In life slneo It began with the management Tho Kvenlng News, and It commenced with the publica tion of a dally newspaper. Some body must have been treating tho lieoplo very meanly during past pears, or Tho Evening Nows la tho best seller for an evening newspaper ciQr Issued In a city of this size for 'eomu time. Perhaps there la a good of both. Between book learning and com mon sense, the latter gets the most Jobs. With becoming and characteristic modesty Wellman aayB be will give up his outing to the pole. Nine thousand fathoms of water at the north pole. It's a wonder the old stick didn't get water logged. There still some foks who haven't enough sense to last over night If they go to bed early. The board of education of Omaha says pie is a brain food. Well, then, keep It out of the stomach. There Is certainly activity dis played In the Annanias club desptto jtoosevelt's protracted absence. When they get to making whiskey out of wood, as seems Imminent, a blockhead can get a Jag on from drinking his own brains. Human beings are said to emit a certain amount of light. In the olden days of wltchcruft thoy used to make torches out of the humun body. WILD STREET CAR KILLS TEAMSTER (Special to The Evening News) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9. Harry Spellman was killed and nine Injured when the inbound Kills street car skidded on slippery rails and crashed Into a wagon driven by Spellman. The collision caused a panic among a hundered passengers. Most of thOBe Injured were "struck bv flvlna glass, but none seriously.' Spellman'B body was fearfully cut and mangled and 'death must have come to him instantaneously. CARPKTS and HUGS. Our stock of Carpets and Ruga is complete up to date. Ingrain carpets at 30c, 45c, 50c, 55c, 60c, 75c, and 86c per yard. Rugs In room site from $j.S5, In all wool, to $35. Complete line of all classes of furniture. tf II. IV. STRONG, The Furniture Man. Too many pole. That tho Republican party of Ore gon was tricked at tho last primary olor.tlon out of the olllco of a United States somtPor nniBt li mowledged, for It is nothing else iiuin the truth. That the samo sys tem will bo adoptod to work tho tiirk again in 1010 no one or Intelligence OouhlH. There should bo as wise men in the Republican organization an Ihero la In tho Democratic party, but while this may probably bo truo are not some of them to anxious to feather their own nosls and so busy n furthering their own selllsh ends to think of tho party? If the party wins next year thoro will have to be Borne patriot lam delayed and lose self. As the lit'iingera liavo It. wo will have to try a "little milt mil -cooperation." O w- i i , , ,r Dairymen and farmers will bo In terested In the fact that the local creamery la puylng two und one-half eiwia moro for butter fat than Port land quotations. At first rending this does not seem to be of much miKuiaiK'e, but when we lnko lulo ronsldcrnllou tho fact that tho ainounla of all checks paid hero are pgA lulo circulation In Itimeburg, the manor begins to look IniQer. Further than this, If tho faiOier gets better prices hero than elsew'here, the bus iness will unliirally grow, and In j alead or ilalrymtO from triliOtury points sending cream to Portland linuDlhen buying or mull order housm thorn, they will nnturutbv run Into Kosohurg once a month, gel their "rnnm checks nnd while In town spend their money for needed sup plies, j ho establishing and building up of a home industry of any sort meuis an endless chain of liiislnesa, .anirdurllig the course or a year the aggregate or money transactions is ery large. Tho producer gets first and best prices, the local merchant who alien handles tho product and retails It, while ho may not buy It quite as cheap us ho possibly can get the foreign aitlile fur, yet he even tually gets more money out of It bwailKo of the Increased business It firings to hlin. ami the mole home Glut! that Is cuiiHumetl Qie more de mand Is crealed, money Is put In circulation at home and kept there. T. Aster divorce required but c nilnute.the dispatches told us yesterday, Mp settlement, nnd the innlter ns uri'iingod sntlslaclorily behind the B.'.iloOf doors of a closed court, tho rnlhlrcu were divided be tween tier I'aQier and Hie mother as they selected, O il em h went their way. It wits a divorce ense of con venience. 4lltCO eili-h lllld liiw.nnw. lireil I nl tho otlurPuutl ,-a?t-'fatf-nficr,.- prcMtirunhly ruvorite fljlld. Ty court must have been onoor New ork's "4011." tor the Judge ruled as the Mgh contracting parlies wished nnd undoubtedly received their gracious thanks for keeping the cause of their Ktrungeuient and Dual separation trum the eats of the common public. And when tho matter Is regarded In view of the past and the light affoul- 'd in tho teachings of the Hook III-1 vine, how derailed has become niiir rlsso? It Is no longer reiiaideil ip n Holy covenant, but as simply a civil contract to be dissolved when onPl party liecouiis tiled of tho other or somebody he or she prefers to 4hr one with whom they are Joined. There Is nothing good In it; it Is vir tually abhorrent to the good and the pure; and It cannot have n thing hut a vicious !iud deinui nllzlng efTect sipon the children or the family as wll as the community at large. The first divorce shook the world where vor there was a semblance of en llghtmcnt. When Henry VIII. ol Kiisilnnd. dlvorcid Catherine of Ar Togon ho not only went In contlict with the scrlptuiil roiuninnils of "What lied bus Joined together let no nutn put nsiTiuler." but he plung- .1 two union Intji awnr that The Minneapolis husband who, after knocking his wife down with a hoard, still claims that he dearly loves her, certainly succeeded fn successrully disentitling the fact. Dr. Cook, of north polo fame, la said to he a democrat. No wonder republican papers are tardy In glv log him credit for having attained the highest position in the world. A lnrge comet 'that has not made Its appearance since the days of the Christ will be visible in the heavens this winter. Those who saw it be fore say It Is well worth watching ror. First to thine own wife be true. Heal Kslntu Transfers. Alvln F. Bother and wife to John II., T. W., and S. J. Williams and A. W. Moon, the B'& of the S'A or sec. n, in twp. 33, b. It. 7, W; and tno bvt or the HW14 or sec. 2, Tp. 33, S. R. 7, W. containing 240 acres. Consideration $2,001.00. Franklyn T. Lord to Geo. V. Car llle, eighty acres of land, all situated In Douglas county, Oregon. Consid eration $100. I.N MI.MOItlA.M. cooks spoil the north Tho poor are nlways with ua nnd your rich relatlvca seem to hang on a long time. After all the free advertlselng that petroleum butter got, along comes Leslie's Weekly and says It la all a fake. Mars Is another large body that Is swinging around the circle. It will tunke no stops In this state, how ever, probably due to neglect on the part of the congressmen. At a Chicago dressmakers' con vention they are going to show all the different styles of feminine wear ing apparel since the days of ovo. Peek-a-boo. Tho credulity of woman Is some thing wonderful to . behold. Both .Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Peary believe implicitly the stories told by their husbands to explain their recent ab sence from tho family llresltle. :9 o Often n man who Is gentlemanly enough to laugh heartily at a story he has heard a dozen times, will go home and get grouchy when his wife reminds him of some chore she hus asked h I in to do. After a long, lingering Illness at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Arnsplgev. la Harrlsburg, Sunday, October 31. 19011, Ray Ar nspiger passed uway, aged 16 years, 8 mouths and 10 days. Ilrlcf fitting funeral services were held at (he Christian church in the city Tuesday miv. 2, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., con ducted by Rev. Whlilden, of Kiigeno. 1 he casket waa entirely hidden In bouquets and wreaths of flowers, showing the high esteem In which he was held by his friends. The re mains wore laid to rest in the A. O. U. w. cemetery to wait the resurrec tion morn. The grief stricken pir- ants and relatives have the heartfelt sympathy or a largo circle of friends. Itay waa a grandson of Mrs. C. M McNutt, of Edenoower, who attend ed the funeral. X. LOCAL MARKET Cereals. WHET $1.00 OATS 60o bushel. HAY Vetch. $12 to $14 ton; grain. $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17. ROLLED BARLEY $30.00 ton. LlvcsU'Ok. STEER -Alive, 3c lb. COWS Alive 2c. VF.AL Dressed, 5c. Ih. HOGS Pressed, 8c; Alive 6c. SHrJEP 3 He. POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive, 10c to 12c; dressed, 12c; ducks. alive, 9 0 10c; dressed, 14 (fi) 15c. MUTTER Creamery, 4214c lb. country, 3714c lb. EGGS 40c doz. POTATOES New, lc lh. WOOL Spring, 24c; fall, 20c; year clip, 24c. HONEY12M.C CABBAGE Hie. lb. ONIONS 2c lb. KING EDWARD CELEBRATES SOME (Special to The Evening News) LONDON, Nov. 9. King Edward is today celebrating his sixty-eighth birthday at his residence at Sand rlngham privately. The King's birth day is not ofilcially celebrated with glitter and pomp until the anniver sary of Ills coronation which conies about In June. GENERAL GRAYING Goods of every description m6yed to any part of the city. Prices leasorable. H. S. FRENCH imxmmtttmmntmtmnmm$m ROCLAMATION NO. 2 1 CLASSIFIED AOVERTIiHfivrs The Ideal h unhand and wife have not been born yet. DON'T CIIOW OVER CLASSES FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! U. of 0. vs. o. a. c: Ufjiersity Campus, Eugene Friday, Nov. 19, ;09 The Southern Pacific Company o o Will make a round trip fare to Eugene and from all stations from Portland to Rosebuft inclusive of One anyone third fare Sale dates November 16 and 19th Final return limit November 20th 1000. Children under 12 half fare, See the great annual game TiiiflnuimTT'or TTvva-'Mia nirritnnit''-vTCM"w"iw-t"a8s8aaao tmusure, and the0vorld adopted the rbetwetn the two leading colleges of tilea tint! in marrvlni; pick auoue that r pleasing, ho can he changed tomorrow. The fxainpto has been so inlveriwilly adopted Hint the number of divorces are beginning to creep UMn the marriages, and to another ilreudo will probably be abolished al together. It Is beginning to look this vWy to those who have wedded for love nnd bellevo In a truo married IIc. that you have bought at a bargain. Bargain glasses are about the dear est Investment you can make. We charge a right price because our glasses are right. We fit them lo your sight as only skilled opticians can do. Thoy will aid you when bar gain glasses are just as apt to In jure H UE Y Jeweler and Optician, 1 Will soon be here. Can you afford to let It pass without getting that orchard started? A. L. Kitchln will glvo you the best value Cor your money In all kinds of Nursery Stock. Phono 20'JO. MISCELI,AM-.OLS. WANTED. Sewing at 81 Winches ter street. d-8 UOOM3 TO KENT. By the day or week. Apply to 119 Njirtn Main street. d-n-6 TO RENT. A room house. Pine street. very desirnble seven Inquire at No. 345 TO XtENT. Two uiiturnished front rooms. Inquire at this office for rmrtlcdlurs. , tf. 'OR RENT House on Cass street, 3 blocks from postolflce. Inquire at Judge Hamitou'B residence, d-tf WOOD FOR SALE. Pry oak. deliv ered. Inquire of A. D. Jones, 405 Washington street. 'OH SALE. A good work hOrse. If taken soon, can be had cheap. Weight about 1200. John Bates, Happy Valley Ferry. n-15 FOR SALE 8 acres, all plowed and In grain; 1 mile from town. Will sub-divide into two-acre tracts, at $200 per acre, or 11600.00 for entire place. Call room 6 and 7 Mnrsterc !!!dg. d-tf. BE IT KNOWN; to all people, especially the ladies, that Thanksgiving Day will aoon be here, and that it behooves you to have on hand the proper equipment. Therefore; you are hereby commanded to appear at The Ironmonger and' buy; ffrst a good enameled roaster, it is necessary. DON'T use that old iron one longer. By so doing you can get one of the best Keed pattern, a woman'j invention, for $1.75 to $2.75 and with each a 6" butcher knife will be given up to Thanksgiving Day. Furthermore; It is incumbent upon you to provide the proper tools for the carver. The butcher knife given with roaster is good but will not fill the place of a carving set. Good work is done best with good tools. Also do not forget that a good meat chopper is necessary in preparing that delicious stuffing, mince meat and other delicacies. Be thankful that the Ironmonger has these articles in stock. Witness my hand and seal. tt tt tt xt H F. li. CHURCHILL The Ironmonger Roseburg, Oregon SWELL SAMPLES FOR SPRING BODGE The Reliable Tailor WHEN YOU'RE CHILLED Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none better can be made for the palate. THE ROSE Next to Postoltice. 1 The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare Where are You Going to Trade? AT THE ROSEBURG ROCHDALE For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings and Shoes. Whg they sell the BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONEY. A 1 ALNTION Flour has nearly doubled in price. We sell BREAD at the same prices and it is the best. CooKies, buns, cinnamon rolls and doughnuts 10c Per dozen. Pies 10c each. Our cakes are the best. CHURCH BROTHERS CASS STREET PHONE 357 The Try ,Them In Your Order For GENTSIFURNISHINGS AND SHOES Groceries is their Specialty, and they will please youo the state For gitis, schedules, ctc. call on any Southern Pacific agent or oa Win. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. ceo oa:cacE-o a . I Mr l ry 1 hem or Dry Goods Sure we have ladles' shirt waists, kimonos, long and short ones; bath robes, aprons, long ones with and without sleeves: tea aprons, black and white collars, and all kinds of neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear coats, and hoods for the babies. Also a UrRt-cJass line of millinery. Our c, 10c, loo and 25c counters are loaded with good things. How do we sell them? Why cheaper than anybody else. Why? Because our expenses are less. Be a Mlssourlans; come In and let us show you. t Leaders In Popular Priced Goods. 1 1 ..... n t , I, Tl jr a """"""ttHIHItl , Fair The People's Cooperative Store ROSEBURG ROCHDALE CO. SEE ss, (WINNIE GADDIS JME0. PLyjvy-R o Sheet Metal WorK Drier Pipe Anything Y&u Want I SKy Lights, Cornice 1 PHONE 1284 I'eavy Iron TanKs LINE a PINE STS; IMHMrHIHIU IIMIM