r i h THE FVRKINO NEWS MOXIIAY, VOV EMI1KR ft, 1 000.' 3 3 loo CO P o City News Briefly Recorded H. O. Lewi hiu returnecUfe-ojn a Ijunlneim trip 10 i-ortmnu. O. C. Betlier, or uienuaie, was a viauor in inu cuy yunmiiiuj. Fred Agee, or Hror.Kway, spent Miinoay in mu cujr me si friends. Ur. Bctner and wne nave reiurneu irom ruruauii un inv ipii o fw days visiting frinds. The county court a'ljournea ai-: went orr the track near tno crossing urday evening until Friday morning in North Host burg Saturday morn when they will again assemble and lug. 1 If pose of certain matters needing; their attention. Mrn. Henry Easton, accompanbxl by her Bon, Albert, went to Portland elnlty. yenlcrdny nionilng where she will Alrtj. Fitzgerald and children went upend about three weeks visiting at to Oranlt I'iu-s this morning to rc tiio home of her daughter, Mrs. Cleo, j side after upending the summer in McGreevoy ! this city. James il. Flanagan and son, of i C. M. Mullen, of linker City, spent JMai'tfhlield, Htopped over here Sat- Sunday in the city vlsiOng his broth urduy enroute home from a trip to er. John Mulk-ii. who he had not Han Fianclwo. They were the seen for 3ti years. 0 0 0 Kuests of Hanker T. it. Hnerman while here. Miss Helen Itiddlo. daughter of C. ,j,KR Grove this morning to look af O. Riddle, of Kiddle, underwent an ,,;r ,U(iirPKB interests. operation in flK'M-y i..uu. dav morning. Dr. Set her wus thu surgeon and the patient Is getting along nicely. County Commissioners Ryan and Nichols returned to their respective homes Saturday evening after spend ing ueveral days in the city In at tendance at the regular Novembor term of the county court. The Deer Creek bridgo was practi cally completed last evening. Con tractor Perhain will leave for his homo ut Murshlleld tomorrow, hav ing secured several minor contracts in the vicinity of Couullle City. Contractor Grafton Worthlngton has been awarded the contract for concluding the cement sldewall0 on both sides of Jackson street be tween Washington and Oak. He will (yoinnieiiee the work Just as soon as lie flnlhtles the walk abutting the Abraham property. W. It. Orcun, at one time a res ident of this Pity, hut for the past few years employed at points in Cal ifornia, Is visiting friends In the city. During the early day In this Bection hltOfnther, Aekerman Orcun conduct ed what wuh then known as the "faiO freight," operating between hero and Portland. Uoonter Colt. Ihih received a let ter from the Oregon Slate Horticul tural Soeloty, at Portland, urging that the citizens in this section of the state furnish certain products for exhibition purposes. Suh.Oantlnl premiums are offered and it is ex pected that the results will prove satisfactory. The list of premtimis tiffeuther with tho vnrlely of articles solicited,' can bo obtained by calling at The Evening NewH olhce. Transfer of the Fourth Oregon In fantry Into the const artillery ser vice of the stuO Is the radical fhiifge iu tli Oregon NuiGmnl liunrd that L"1 tn 'm.uIo necessary In the next sixty days. The regimental Identity of the command will lvc to or aesi roveo auu me cigui Koiiyiern Oregon Infantry companies will each receive a separate deHlguntlon in t e Kount artillery. Mm memberfl of Co. 1)., O. N. (., stationed at this place, nro highly elated over the contem plated change, being considered a ort tit promolion. Frank K. All0 returned from PoiIIqkI Saturday morning where he upent sevenrj) days. He says that the Coos May and Inland Electric Itall wiQ Is sure to go, not wit hstarnltug reports to the ?oiitrar.f? VhlPro" PortluQI Mr. Alley hud the pleasure to meet a numher of capitalists In tereHted f(T the 0-oJcct, all of whom declared that. Hie road would be iQillt na per iiKroeinciit. Tile delay in iuiui.siiiitg; uie iiiinu is aiminilcii to various reasons, the ninst import-1 aid. of which is riic fact thai mu' of llin chief promoters has been III and iinablu to evaiiilne the papers which will necessarily have to be duly ex- cut(fc before acliial survey operations ei& (sOiiimcnco. O 011 i K-m sir u'.S:i?6( S S, Ora Murphy returned to Portland! una moruii'H am r a urier visn wuu menus, in 1111:1 city. 1 j niiuniui uoit. wuu rcmura tno vicinity 01 uoies valley, was a ',"" v n.iiuiu.i). ! Ir. Faulkner returned to Drain tins morning aner spending aunuay ,iu ij vi.ih um j The Southern Pacific Hwftch engine Mrs. E. 11. KuhhHI and children re turned to Wilbur this morning nfter a brief viblt with friends in this vl , a rj Ijartruni, superintendent of the local forentry ol!ice ?nt to Cot hrl-lim nvnr I U r fWl, will be completed by Tuesday even ing, ut which tlmo Contractor Per nam will return to his home tfl' Marshlleld. The Southern Oregon Orchard Co. has mortgaged their holdings in this county in the sum of $S,uOO. The mortgage Is In favor of Caroline M. J. Kiirtsel and Samuel H. Kussel. Edvard Singleton Is suendlng the day at Wilbur, Ho reports the loss of his faithful dog. Tom, last even ing. The unlmal died of pneumonia. The Btreets were partially cleaned Friday evening, much to the grati fication of the citizens. Hereafter they will be swept at frequent Inter vals. While playing about the family homo late Friday afternoon the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hugh lett, well known residents of this city, fell from the porch and broke her arm. Tho injury was dressed by Dr. Houck. A speedy recovery up pears probable. Mrs. George Kohihagen entertain ed about fifteen of her lady friends at a one o'clock luncheon ut her beau tiful home on South JafSson street Friday afternoon. The dining apart ment wus tastefully decorated for the occapion, cluysant heniums and ferns being useff In profusion. Misses Stella SmltlOand Lulu Willis assisted. Tho Norvel-Shaplelgh Hardware Company, of Portland, has filed a suit In the circuit court against All iums & Sons. They request a judg ment In the sum ot $ 1 7f topether with Interest at the rate of G per cent from last January, the date upon which they allege the goods we're nun based by the defendants. At tornv Jackson appears n behalf of the plaiutirr. Const doi'iV hie excitement, occurred at the AlcClallon hotel shortly after 7 o'clock this morning, when a local female character of questionable re pute, rushed Into Hie lobby, and wit (tout exolnulloii, said she was about to retire to room No. IS. Ap pearances r.'iwlcd to show t hat she wits intoxicated, and therefore Land lord McClaMen objected strenuoiiMly, inlerlng lur from the hostlery. The "lady" refused to obey the commands of. t ho landlor d, however, and sud denly mounted the s'aiis with the Intention of reaching what she sup posed her abode. Kealislng that tin w.unnn wus either demented or In -?;WWp;riftW,' len sf lupled nppe IKal.d to the police. Marshal lluiTin0n responding prompt ly. Alter a infel search the woman wus apprehended on the third Moot of ih, Imtel, apparently In search of her desired 1111111 lers. She was taken in custody liv the olllcer and now j "l!iiM - iii.:lii. in it,,, ,,itv i.,u ,.-..iti., : i he convenience of the cilv rirnuloi- I ilefTman brands the Individual as ai bad i'i:i" alb cine that alio caused t him ronsld' r.ilile ininovnucc enroute to the hast lie. HERE. The straightest and sur est road to good Clothes the best Clothes brings you K?re. If you freiuent any of the "by paths" you'll lie apt to lose your- seii m iik tangle or intsleadinj; "liar'ains." Whatever we do is well done whatever" we buy is well chosen quality is the uliject - and perfect Clothes satisfaction and elfect. There arc many other places to buy Clothes, to lie sure - but you'll find that tho best is always here. These clothes are made for us by the Stein Block Co. and I 'avid Adlcr, two of the greatest Tailor organizations in, the wo-ld. Kvery ..Suit we sell is sold with tin ,a,!i "s'ornto"" jffifffiftiiee ot ati.-Taoliuti" or your Money wfunded or a now ftiit in return. I. ABRAHAM Uomoniboi quality ia the true tost ofhwipne!ei,eJiy,pur ftood, Clothes you shall know us. LOCAI, NKHS. H. D. May, of Oakland, spent yes terday In the city. John Momtt went to Portland Sun day to spend tho winter. Ghurles McGee spent yesterday at Sutlierlin vIhIUiik friends. William Buxton wag In from his fiirni ,n hnalnouti n n vAn v yiIkb Hattle Smith, of Winchester, wa8 a visitor In the city yesterday, ltke jones wn8 )n the c(ty Satlll. 1 day looking after liiminiss matters. Architect Straw is Buttering; from j a sprained shoulder, the result of ; ran. 1 Sheriff Fenton Is spending the day , t y ournoy Vailey surv lie eeal 11a pers. Mrs. John Hunter returned from Portland last evening after Visiting friends at that place. Mrs. A. N, Orcutt and children spent Sunday at the home of the for mer's father at Oakland, Tho work of laying a new cemeni sidewalk In front of the Joseplison store was commenced this morning, Delos Mathews has retuaied from San Francisco where he spent several weeks visiting friends and acquaint ances. E. L. Wlckum, connected with the Alameda mines, in Josephine county j stopped over here yesterday enroute to Portland. "Charlies Aunt," Is the title of the play which will be presented by the McKenzie Merry Makers at the Star Theatre this evening. Mrs. I. P. Gardner, of Myrtle Creek, arrived on this morning's train for a few days visit with her sister. Mrs. L. E. Yockey Mrs. O. A. Buelt, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Curry, left last evening for points in .Minnesota where they will spend the winter, John R. Lee, of the Kendall Brothers Water and Light Company Is authority for the statement that power will hereafter be furnished on Sunday, James Inman, at one time the prospective Socialist candidate for President of the United States, was in from his ranch at Flournoy Valley this morning. The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will have on sale home-made chicken tamalea at Mil- ledge and Pickens Bros, grocery store, Friday, November, 12, 1909. Don't fall to get some. n-12 Mrb. Yockey returned to her home it Medford last evening after spend ing a few days visiting at the home of her son, L. 15. Yockey in this city H. J. Roblnette, superintendent of the Yoncalla public schools, return ed to that place last, evening after spending Sunday with his family in this city. I. L. Lewis has filed a suit In the Justice court against Micheal PVan ey. and his wife, Nellie. Jle sues to reiViver the sum of $:!2.S0 which he alleges he (loaned the defendants several months ago. T(io regular meeting of the Ilose- nurg commercial iuo ne neio this evening. It is urged that all members attend Inasmuch as there are numerous matters needing the Immediate attention of the body. James P. Cox wus a business vlsl tor in the city Saturday. While here he called at the News olhce, subscrib ing for Douglas county's leading daily. t ncle Jimmy Is noted for knowing a good thing when he sees it. City Marshal Huffman, who has been collecting city licenses dicing (he past few days reports excellent results. lie says that he has met with complete success wherever he lias cilled, evervoue paying up prom it ly. The circuit court of Lane copnty with Judge Coke presiding In place of Judge Harris, has handed down , " " 'LI J K -i " lnnl lie dismissed 10. Itody, who was arrested for selling the "near" article. Misses I'hoebe and Olara Parks iiiid Mrs. A. I). Clink are vlsiiliiK ai 'he home their ulster, Mrs. Thomas Cohh. Mr. Clink and Miss Clara '" ks are on their way to points in iltfornia where they will spend tlnn winl (-r. -Mi:h i'heotie will remain here for. about a month btfor' re turning lo tier home at Spokaite, Wiihtimion. Thnumh his attmney .1. A. nu cha nan, .hum's I n ma n. t he pioneer resident of l-lourno Valley, has (li ed suit for divorce in the circuit conn aiiaiust his wile. Pearl Inman. '' aIW' t bat he uud his wife mitrricd in t ton h I as county hi July. 1 ini I uud have resided hen1 cent in unusly since. Amotm tlto allegations P !iP;iccuses his wile of cnt ;iud In human treatment coupled with lulul tery. He allege:! (hat in July, this year, he u as compelled to face the latter humiliation. Aside from an a bst i rule decree he asks for a one half interest in the pmperty owned Jointly bv him atut the defeiulant. Mrs. M ron hiiiaker. an aj;ed lat'y who was eiinmte from Seattle to her home at Oakland. California, expired on Southern Pacific south bound train No. l.'i, shortly before reaehiim lilt-ndiile Sadirdav morniim. Her lifeless body was discovered bv ; lady companion ovho a com pan led her on the trip. A peculiar Instance connected with the unfortunate af fair ji the fact Ihat the deceased oc cupb d berth n. 1 The remains were taken from the train at Uleii dale and Coroner .lewet t not i tied. He left for the scene on the 9 o'rlock train, but upon arrivitm decided that an Inu'iest was unnecessary. I le brought the remains here esterday morning, and upon t he venues t nf the deceased woman's duut;hter. Mrs. .1. I'. Hammond, of Oakland, they will be shipped to the southern city this evontnu. From appearances the lady well dressed and upparently enjoed plenty of money, it is said that she was 111 ii pun itrrivhm at Portland from Sea l tit, but refused to delay at Hue? city. It Is presumed that death was the result of a chronic ailment from which (he deceased had suf fered for years HOItV. ME AKS To Mr. and Mrs. KM Mean. In Koseburg. onaturij; , Xovim'ber ti, n plrl. Mr. Mt'Hva Is the present pastor of tho Methodist church, south. BUILDER O. D. M AYJSTiVRD GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR RD ACTOR e 193 At Vour Hervlce RoBeburg, Oregon Phone ItKOIATlOXS. Resolutions adopted by Rosebuig Hive, No. 11, Ladies of the Macca bees of the World. No one hears the door that opens When they pass beyond our call Soft as loosened leaves of roses One by one our loved ones fall. The white w i n god m essenger h as entered our Hive and taken our sis ter Mary Richardson, a charter mem ber and left us to mourn our loss. Resolved, that we as a Hive ex tend to her bereaved family our sin cere sympathy in their sorrow, and commend them to Him "who doeth all things well." Today the presence of our loved one lills our cup with joy; Tomorrow sore, bereavement casts us Into the valley of sorrow. May we all have the trust foil faith which can lighten these burdens. Resolved, That these Resolutions be entered on the rcords of our Hive, a copy be sent to the bereaved family and to the city papers. BEATRICE) MILES. GENERAL DRAYING Goods of every description moved to any part of the city. Prices reasonable. H. S. FRENCH XKW TOIUY. WANTED. Sewing at 816 Winches ter street. tl-8 TO RKNT, A very dtsirable seven room house. Inquire at No. 345 Pine street. WOOD FOR SALE. Dry oak, deliv ered. Inquire of A. D. Jones, 405 Washington street. KOR SALE. A good work horse. If taken soon, can be had cheap. Weight about 1200. John Bates, Happy Valley Ferry,' ns.1 5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS UOOMS TO RENT. By the day or week. Apply to 119 North .Mam street, d-n-6 'OK RENT House on Cass street, ;i blocks from postofflre. Inquire at Judge Hainlton's residence, d-tf FOR SALE House and four lota In city, well located; Furniture and lot of fine wood; $l,li(0. Inquire at rooms G and 7, Marsters Bldg. WANTED Three canvassing agents; big snap; good for $150 per mouth clear money. Address P. O. Box 6;iit. Cottage Grove, Oregon, dn-6 KOIl SAL.M. Mnninioth Ulackherry, jewherry and Kxcelsior Straw berry nlauls of the K. AI. Kellogg atralu of thoroiiKl'breds. L. S. Coon, Dlllard, Oregon. tf. FOIt SALK. Plinve for snle 101, goals or nannies. Weathers $2 Oregon, or ut this olllce. n-30 KOU SALK S acres, all plowed and in grain; 1 mile from town. Will milwllvidc into two-acre tracts, at $00 per acre, or $u;0.00 for entire place. Call room G and 7 Alarsters Hldg. d-tf. FOIt SALR KOK SaI.K Show cases and count ers for sale. T111411I10 at -Marsters Drug Company. tf VOll SALK. Ten acre tract, 5- room house, two miles from city. Price, $1.00. Well improved. Ad dress "Z" c.ire of News olllce. nli3 KOIt SAU-J. Saw mill and machln- fery. Inquire ofoj. F. 5laier, Itoso- burg, Oregon, 'OU SALK. 250 tier of hardwood tor the stove at $1 per tier; 8 miles from Itosolmrg. on Looking Glass road. Wm. Kaisor. tf 'Oil SALK. One hundred cord ol dry oak wood. For particulars call on or writo to r. E. Weaver, Kiddle, Oregon. tf. "Oil SALK. My flno f0-acre pear and apple orchard. Will sell the whole or part. Can be divided Into threo very desirable orchard tracts. H. H. OIcoU, Canyonvllle, Oregon. f-2S-p TIMIJER LANDS FOR SALE. A few claims of choice timber lands in Douglas county for sale. Will sell all or a part as desired. For particulars call on or write to Alex 13. Mott, Oakland, Or. tf. "OH SALE One Cues self-feeding and self-settlnix shingle machinery; capacity L'S.O-O shingles per day; as good as new. Also one steam pump; 2 Inch suction, one and ono half discharge. Write for price and description. Geo. V. Riddle. Riddle. Orecnn if J! t :pj$-1Z Cft, amcjn,fr f.--ir- W AXTKD. WANTED. -Fresh milch cow. Ad dress J. L Sprlngstead. Rosoburg. or phone 157 4. tf WANTED. Salesmen. Many makf $100 to $150 per month; some even more. Stuck clean, grown on reservation, far from old and pest ridden orchards. Cash advunved weekly. Choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Washington. LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low rate of interest? Do you want to pay off your mortgage and hare long time, easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Koseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo cality? Do you want to sell your property? Do you want to insure your building in one of the best and cheapest companies in the U. S.? If So See WALKER Rocm 1, Bell Sisters Building. GROUCH & ALDRIGH Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia Give usa call. We will save you money. I The Koseburg Pharmacy W rE take a delight in the best there is is our motto. nigh is wuat counts at our pharmacy. Full line of Sundries always on hand ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. o L. E. KROHN. Manap'pp D. H MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Tinning and Heating I North JacKson Street, worns. iPiepnone zsn. WorK Done on Short Notice "UJ UUUU VJ - v - - mffffftft?ttf?ftftt?tftfttttt?t?tttttt LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY j Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumt cr Doors and Windows of all Kinds, Yards od Lower Oak Street. o'HionjiWll 0 , ;Y Hi-' I 5 iN ?wi)()tiwrmfrMii88aw! a PERRINE, RoseburgOre. -:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public Office: Warohouse No. Hear the Depot. Telephone Main 24 3 1 or 311. HER WEDDING CAKE Is, a thing of groat Interest to the bride-elect, and we are artists In this line. Wedding cakes are made ia tho most beautiful designs and of rich and exquisite flavor. Our breads, rolls, pies, fancy and orua montal cakes, etc., are tho perfection of the baker's art when made at Umpqua Bakery serving our patrons with in the line of drugs, runty Promptness both day and adjoining . Peoples Marble ROSEBURG, ORE. $ ROSEBURG,. OREGON g We're in a Position to offer you the best the market af fords la the vay of Meats; and our prices you know are always lowest We handle only prime stock. . Qual ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine roasting pieces of beef from 8c to 12 He pound. First class mutton, veal, pork and poultry equRlly low. Can't do better anywhere. Phone us your order. We deliver to any part of the city. Cass Street MarKet LOUTS KOHLUAGKN, Prop. 107 Went Casa St, Phone 191. Free DellTery. ELECTRICITY rr IN 1 His HOME Electricity furnishes comforts heretofore unthought of. The liiTiirteo nf vnalanl.n MM the necessities of todnv. Thn haat way to make jour home attrac tive ana a palace in Its Interior conditions of living is by the use of electric light G. L. PRIOR 315 N. Jackson St. Rceeburg, Or iroBBHBBBwnnrnnnriniiiiiiuijH 8- 8 j: A