The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 08, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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AVI II find The Kvenhiff Nkwi
tlilHt intHjluin to rtmch the
ppotilnuf Itoauljurir. A wlilo--wak
imhl lent Ion prliitlnir
I all tho iww that fit ui print
To Pay For Counsel to Convict
Girl Who Shot Lover
Lover W us Sim of Wealthy Itunchi-r
uml Persecution of ir1 Not Kn
dorsed liy the Community,
Opinions Fixed.
(Special to The Evening News)
AUBURN, CM., Nov. 8. It Is as
serted that the Ave thousand dollars
life Insurnnce paid on the death of
Joseph Amies Is being used to era
ploy counsel to prosecute Alsa Ball,
a twenty-year old girl, charged with
having murdered him.
The task of getting lurors all of
the parties being well known, Is prog
estins vurv slowlv.
The fact that she was four years Muence or a lew people wnuse pm-
a sweetheart of Amies, a son of a sonal or political ambition or per-
wealthy rancher, and also the fact sonal spite" led them Into a position
that after she killed him, a lifeless antagonistic to the best Interests of
child wns born to her, Is known to the community.
everv talesman on the venire gather-1 The Coast Mall was established he
ed, and all of them admits a fixed cause there was a public demand for
(Special to The Evening News)
PARIS, Xov. 8. The States case
against Madame Stelnheil appears to
he crumbling. Today's testimony is
very favorable and the widow 1s ap
parently confident of acquittal.
Broderel testified that neither he or
Madame Steinheil dramed her marr
iage would result in their relation.
Dr. Asherery, the family physician
said ihe cared tenderly for her hus
band. Her mother testified in Mad
ame Stelnheil's favor when prosecu
tion attempted to proved during two
months of his illness she neglected
her husband.
Will the
Latter lnt!y
Swallow the
(Marshfield Coast Mall.)
The Koseburg Relev breaks out
this way:
"Formal announcement has been
received of the consolidation of the
Daily Medford Mail and the Daily
Tribune. After a year and a half of
effort and heavy expense this Is the
outcome of trying to maintain two
modern daily papers in a town of
mat size. i ne uanetonau a hiihihu
"m, ,r im--ic. '7 Yi f v, Astoria Is told in Washington Irv
is being tried at Mnrshllel.l b t he , b k rf h fc
final result is eneviiable. While the "
r, " "
ueeil (lllltflUUL. iin;iw in mni.i iwi.
i nf I,,,,, ui.... in!
Inn t',i.i,n,ltc otiH .'hnro i ui.rniifl
one is started it Is usuallv an at- Knston against the Kendall Brothers ,ot llIs stricken Illness.
tempt to gratify some personal or Water & Light Company, b trans-
political ambition (or personal spite) . ferred tu the United States Circuit The use or a separator on the '
and not because there is anv public Court for the State of Oregon. I farm, if a good machine, benefits 1
mllmmimmmmmmmm i
- - I
i '
e f
Greatly Reduced in Price.
All $2.00 Values - $60 All $1.00 Values - 80c
All $1.50 Values,
demand for It. Representing no pub
lic interest, the more or less brief
career of such organs are limited
to the time when the special Inter
est backing them gets tired of paying
the bills."
The thing that Is eating the Re -
view is that another dally has start-
eu in its own neiu ana it is making
the same sort of a holler that the
Coos Bay Times did, a month or so
before the Mull started. It would
be Interesting to know if the result
which the Review says is Inevitable
In llarshfield is to be the same as In
Medford that the latter arrival will
swallow the earlier, for that's what
nappenea in aieaioru. i ne .ucuioru
Mali Is the old paper, which had con
trived to place Itself in bad odor with
Its community, as was the case in
Marshfleld, and the Tribune came In
and took the field. If the career of
the Coast Mall "are" limited to the
time wnen the special Interests back
ing It get tired of paying the bills,
then It certainly "are" doomed to an
prreedlngly briefness, for no special
Interest has a dollar In this pnper.
Neither was it established to gratify
, ii,ii ,i,i,i
of the editor to publish the sort of
paper that Coos Bay needs and his
spite against a condition Q that left
r.; , n?o mrA ntcfi.r.,ro.
0,,iH,,n And vilification at the hands
I'of Its only dally paper, under the In-
it. It is not yet much like the sort
of paper that Coos Bay needs, but it
will be. And it naa aireauy accom
plished more good than the most of
tho people here realize.
The attitude of the then existing
daily commenced to undergo the
smothering process as soon as It be
came evident that there wus a real
movement to establish another paper.
The process has continued until now
the former bull in the china shop
lna become the mlld-eyod, good old
domestic cow, that wouldn't kick or
hook anybody under any circumstan
ces. This is a great change for the
better, and the Mall wants full credit
ror It.
But the point is that the Review
would better look out after its own
fences before it tries to talk too wise
ly nf cases that it knows nothing
(Special to Th Evening News)
ASTORIA, Xov. S. The centenary
of the first American settlement on
the Pacific Coast will bo celebrated
by Astoria in 1911 and plans for the
affair arc alrendy being discussed.
Descendants of John .Jacob Astor
will be asked to join in the commem
oration of Ihe planting of the nrst
American city on the Pacific Coast
,V tJ f(ninjic- pf,Lhot Janmuj Juuir
a ,a rA.. a n v.w. t
i , ...... v. '"i,
niiw thiH nffPi-nnmi nr tnmnrmw
ntlnc that the vnR(t of Mrs. Henry
on r
(This W&k Only)
All $6?00 Tit
All $5.00 Hats
C3 0 6:3
$1.20 All 75c Values - -
To Build From Medford to
Crater Lake at Once
I "
It Will Connect With Oregon Trunk
IJuc or lli'schutes llulhvay J.
Allen In Portland to Arange
(Special to The Evening News)
PORTLAND, Nov. 8. The Pacific
and Eastern railroad line building
eastward from Medford to Crater
Lake, will be extenoed as rapidly as
possible to make connection with the
Oregon Trunk Llue or the Deschutes
railway. It Is claimed that there
Is lift preference between the two
roWs, but connection will be made
"' the line that reaches Southern
John Allen, President of the Pa
cific and Eastern railroad with head
quarters at Medford, Is In Portland
today making arrangements for the
detuils of the work.
(Special to The Evening News)
CHICAGO, Nov. 8. The bodies of
the Autoista drowned last night when
their machine ran through the open
draw on the Jackson street bridge,
have not been recovered. It is not
known whether four or six met with
death, and it Is believed there was
a woman In the party.
(Special to The Evening News)
CHICAGO, Nov. 8. The ballot
between the Insurgents nnd stand
naUers will be resumed the Insiunt
that Congress assembles and continue
throughout the session. Was the state
ment made today by Cummins. Cnni
ininsgoes to Washington tonight to
confer with President Taft regarding
the sentiment West.
(Special to Tho Evening Jewsb
UOMU, Nov. 8. Mrs. lioosevelt
today received a cable from her bus-
. . v , , , u, h D(nln,i il,t ln
' perfect health, and that there
!w absolutely no truth in the ruinqrjtcr.
GS) $:SSSsi?l!PirilWi'
he owner by close skimming, makeR 1
few utensllb to wash, permits thoj
use 01 me sKim-miiK, new nnu
sweet, and saves hauling, a heavy
load to tho creamery every day. If
a mail has but one or two cows and
does not natroniza a prpHmprv It will
not pay to buy a separator. With!
mny ne skimmed closely, and Just
&3. good butter made as with u sep
(Special to The Evening NewB)
SPOKANE, Xov. 8. Twenty of
the Industrialists were arrested this
morning. There is no sign of abate
ment of the fight. The workers al
lege that three telegrams from Port
land have been confiscated and bus
pect the police of the crime.
(Special to Tho Evening News)
AUGUSTA, Ga., Nov. 8. President
Taft spent the morning golfing,
which he enjoyed very much. Later
he was tendered a reception by Cham
ber of Commerce, where ho made
his usual happy speech. I jailer In
the day he started for Wilmington,
N. C.
Edwnrd Cockelrease was In from
his farm on Deer Creek this after
noon. Samuel Stoy, of Portland, Is in the
city today tuoklng after business in
terest.!. Henry Conn has returned from a
trip to Klamath county where he
spent several weeks.
Miss Mary F. Sykes' and F. L.
Clawson were married at tho home
of W. H. Sykes on October 25.
A. M. McGlll and Kfeuo7Fnrsey
were married at the homo of Eva
Tendall on October 2G.
H. R. Purk hurst, representing four
innurauce companies. Is In the city
today attending business matters.
Attorney A. N. Oreutt, W L. Dv
singer and Glen Wlmberly were
among thor.e who visited Drln yes
terday. The annual teacher's Institute will
he held nt the Lane schofcl house P
stend of at the court hoiree as prev
iously stated.
At). McCulloch Is suffering from
a broken rib, the result of being
kicked by a fractious horse. He Is
being attended by Dr. E. V. Hoover.
Mrs. J. 'C. Dine, who resides a
short distance east, of the city on
Deer Creek, Ik confined to her home
witli a slight attack of pneumonia.
.1. 11. Booth and wife are at Grunts
ned away at that place Krlduy even
ing. . 0
Mrfc. Curry did not accompany her
mother, Mrs. O. A. Buell to Minne
sota, as anticipated, prefering to re
main in Koseburg during the wln-
The Ladles Aid Society of Ihe
Baptist church will meet Thursday
afternoon nt the residence, of Mrs.
James McKay. All art! Invited to
Mrs. S. A. Weeks Is confined at her
home with a severe attack of appen
dicitis. The patient Is the wife of
S. A. Weeks, who Is employed In the
construction of the new .MuhouU-
Cotifei.ft 'o&b
Chauey has re
boxes of books.
ived st'vnral
f:js:eseiinng an ap-
proximate cosi
fshd. These hooks
will he iliHtrllHiUMLauuuu' tlu' setuwil
school districts in the coiinty within
the next, week or t.-n days.
l)v. K. V. Hoover received a letter
from Frank (J. Mieclli this mornlne
the substance of which Is to the effect
that the writer Is enjoying his visit
at the old homo at I Inlley, Idnlio,
immensely. Mr; says he is having a
fine time, and givcH no In tl mat ion
of when he win return home.
Booster Colt severed his connec
tion with the Kosolmrg Commercial
jOhtb Satiirdiiy evening. An item ap
pearing In Sunday morning's ts.mie of
the Portland Oregotiian nmbr a
Koseburg headline, says that the trus
tees of the club are considering the
appointment of a surrender. This Is
an error, however, ft being the In
tention of tli executive body to con
duet the club durlrm tho coming year
with the aid of a stenographer. The
publicity manager will be eliminated
until such time as ample funds are
assured to pny such an ofllrlnl.
Quite a humorous sh uat Ion pre
sented Itself at the law ofllees of Co
show ft It ice late Saturday after
noon, when a sign Indicating "A Man
of Many Tit les," was found adorn
ing the door of Attorney Neuti'-r. as-sor-lnted
with the above named law
yers. The slg: was prepared by the
oflico nteiioi;! --(phers, Misses Bell and
Blaek, and It is needless to Asset t
that It filled the hill. It read as fol
lows: fieorgn N'eUtKT, Jr., 1. L. I.
Attorney-at-Law; City Attorney, Sec
retary of the Kfisehurg Commercial
Club. Cork School District No. 4,
Assistant Chief Clrk, House of Rep
resentatives and Notary public. This
morning the unique Hfgn was mlRsltig
and those Interested In the Joke be
lieve that Mr. Neuner caused It to be
IIIIILLUUI llliilll LillJj
In a Cellulnd Fnrtnrv Fire in
On the Third lToon mid the rank
Stricken Workmen in Their
Terror, Hurl Themselves
Through Window.
(Special to The Evening Nows)
NEW YORK. Nov. 8. Nine per
sons, eight of whom were workmen
and one boy, perished In a fire which
destroyed a celluloid factory In
Brooklyn today, and that caused a
pnnlc amonK tho employees. It re
sulted In ten workman being serious
ly Injured and scores sustaining pain
ful cuts and bruises In Jumping
from the third Btory of tho building.
The orgln of the lire Is unknown.
Seven bodies have already been re
covered. The factory Is owned by
William Morris & Son.
The fire started on the second floor
and before the nlarni could be sound
ed the flames hud spread to the stair
ways leading to the third and block
ing nil means of esenne except that
of jumping from the building.
Ihe employees on this floor be
came :z onco panic stricken, and
fought frantically to reach the win
dows. Some were so wild and torror
Btiicken, that they hurled themselves
through the glass In the windows
without stopping to open them, nnd
were bndly cut with Its sharp edges.
i en were injured seriously in
jumping, suffering extremely by the
inirty loot i tin.
Six of tho nine victims wore burned
to death, trapped behind Irou-lmrred
windows on the lower floor. Six of
l:r- men being shut In by the tlnmes
nnu Biruggicu insanely at llie oars.
(Special to Tho Evening News)
HIOATTU-;, Wash., Nov. 8. Uo-
momlft'ring that the women of Wash
ington were at one time endowed
with suffrage, and lost It by their
own apathy, politicians are begin
ning to lake an interest in the poll
nf voters that Washington suffrag
ists are taking. The work Is going
forward fyi all counties. Thurston,
the home of the statu capital, is in
the lead and before long the women
In charirn of cainnaimi hone to hnvn
soufe tangible Idea as to where they
I 1 1, ,1...... ii.-i.i r i.. .H..1
candidates In several p!
have to see the result of the poll,
when completed, with a view to mak
ing up their mind how they shunt on
the h:sue. All of this activity Is
preliminary to tho vote that will be
taken on the amendment to the con
stitution next fall, which will grunt
the right of suffrage to women.
(Special fo The Evening News)
tarienlc:wd(xi''3rtrf':, Kov. 8.-W. W. Ale-
'redfe is the first liselmll magnate
elected to CongronH, and as President
Talt Is iilto a baseball fan, people
of Ihe second Washington District
have Sit rong hopes I hat t heir rep
reseutatlve wlil be able to get un
usually close to Ihe executive. Oili
er baseball playorH have gone to Con
gress, Ini t MeCredle will have the
honor nt being the (list club ownet
to essuy the role of, a lawnuiker.
Having served some time as inteP
preter of Ihe law. Congressman Mc
Credle Is as famlla "h legal va
gfirb'H and phraseology as be Is with
ball, strikes, drops and whatnots.
When lf reaches tho national cap
ital, it Is expected that he will In
troduce Rome new curves Into the po
litical game.
(Spnclnl to Tho Kvonlng Nown)
NKW YOUK, N'ov. S. ,lr. John
Jucoh A Hi or WiiH today illvorcfd from
hi'r hiiKliiuicl, u Now York million
aire. Mih. AHtor wa for ynar'H !lr
afknowlcrU'i'd leader of New Yurk'Hjj;
four hiindrerl, nnd when nnwH wuh
annonnri'd that nlie had mieil for n jf
dlvoreif from hiT liushiind. It. nrtiicil
a ureat. KeiiKallon in loral B-iciety. U
The Iir.'ir-ltiK of thn mill, woh held with
i luted doors, 'and for thlH reason tlm I jjc
lartl mar,' of the milt with never
Hi veil In the inilille. It traniilre, ' S
however, that, she nwelved $10,000,-IS
100 from her husband, nmtrdia not v
sun for alimony for that reason. ! '
Ihe pioceedliiRM in the Astor dl
vorro ronsiinieil less than onn
niliiutes' time. It. Is reported Mm.
Astor Is to have tho cuntmly of her
duuKhtor, while the bou reniulns with
tho Colonel.
l-'or The KvciiIuk Xcivs
Duly Dully.
Gold Illll News: The Umpqua Val
ley News has coma to hand this week
In the form of "The livening Nows,"
a bright, 6-rolunin folio, neatly
printed and full of Koseburg nnd vi
cinity, besides the usual gist nf tel
egrnphls news. Wo wish thorn suc
cess in their advancement.
Myrtle I'olnt Knterprlse: The first
number of tho Koseburg Evening
News wns received this week. Tho
linseburg dully shows up aa well as
wns to be anticipated from tho mer
itorious twice a week servlco that the
News has been giving in the past.
It gives a Tllce little wire service and
a vory complete resume of local
Tlandon Record: Koseburg has a
daily paper, the News which has for
merly been Issued twice a week
launched forth Monday as an even
ing dally and will be published six
days In the -week. There will bo no
Sunday paper.
Coqullle Herald: Tho tlmpriua
News which has heretofore been pub
lished as a sumt-weokty, comes out
this week as a dally nnd is certainly,
to the credit of tho publisher, B. W.
Bates. The News Is and has always
been a live, progressive paper which
has ever been ready to support any
movement for tho good of Koseburg
and The Evening News should re
ceive the support of tho llvo business
men of that city, Di his Tuesday
'bhuo Brother Bates states that tho
man who could run a newspaper to
suit everybody went to heaven long
ago, but the next best thing will no
doubt he done In tho case of The
Nows nnd that paper will no doubt
bo run to suit ns many as can he
suited In any way. It Is a bright,
newsy paper and Is well gotten up
from a typhogiaphlcal standpoint.
We wish Brother BatcB every success
in hla new ventures.
(Special to Tho Evening News)
PJXU3XAND, Nov. 8.-Thonrands
of now settlers httvo come to Oregon
and Washington during the period
that tho low one-way colonists rates
wero In effect and are now building
permanent homes here. On tho lo.
It. & N. Lins alone, 71(14 homo
seekers came to the northwest ho
twoen September 15 und October t&.
This fs a very satisfactory fuereaso
over tho travel of this kind during
n similar period last fall, and shows
that the tide of Immigration is very
steadily growing stronger to thlB
favored section of Ihe country.
o Court Orders, !
In tho mailer of the deed of lCd
ward Snell and wife ami Horace Put
nam and wife to Douglns county of
a strip of land for road purposes In
Itoad District No. 20, the same ap
pearing regular; Ordered that Iho
samo be accepted and placed on rec
ord i-i tiio road records of DouglaH
In Ihe matter or Plat R and Plat
1 of Hie Koseburg Home Orchard
tract, Hied by W. C. Harding Laud
Company, same found regular and
plat ordered placed on Hie.
Cora A. llenkle to Ceo, il. Kon
terson, an equal, undivided lfa In
terest In and to all of the following;
All the timber standing or down, up
on Hie following described lands:
Tho K, the N I of the HK and
the NW'4 f the SW 4 . or See. ;it(,
Twp. 112, S. It. 7, W. Consideration
Ceo II. Keslersen to Chas. A,
B'ehcr, the N, Hie NKVi f the
HK'A. mid tho NW'-i of the KV '4 of
Heo. .'It;, Twp. :t, Twp. :i2, H, It. 7,
W. Consideration $ i :i,npn,nn,
JamoH K. Man'uing and wife to
Warren Mabre, tho SKV of Sec. I
Twp. 25. S. It. n, W.. containing Hit)
aeren. Consideration $10.
MJhs .IchhIi Itnwen, f()r ihr pnst
f'W iminthH tiio iiiimlar rli-rk nt
'I'hfilltpKiiu'rf f'fiiircrtfiiiii.i-y Htoro. will
In? ni.irrj(l tomorrow nrtornnnu tit
I.. !: I'm rue. ll Hoiithi'l ll I'arlfli:
RwllchiniiM. Tin- rfjiipli- will mnkn
Ihclr future- htiini! In ihla rlly whuri!
tlm rooin Ih MIItloy(Ml
Krogram at the Star
1lior0n 7::lll
I irr.
f iirlnln nl N:
Ad.lltn Ur,r.
Program at the Novelty
movi.nh iM(Tt ni:i '- i.ut. xr
-KfHil. lleiwl Wn.lllns: TlieOfll.
cer, I.wlirmeht. W
HONH-lllrli.f My Ilrrnnn. 5
Mr M U. I'mtrraon, 4